From Souvenirs To Souvenirs


Lyrics Translation

A lonely room and empty chair
Another day so hard to bear
The things around me that I see remind me of
The past and how it all used to be

From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
With days gone by when our hearts had all to give
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
With dreams you left behind
I'll keep on turning in my mind

There'll never be another you
No one will share the worlds we knew
And now that loneliness has come to take your place
I close my eyes and see your face

From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
With days gone by when our hearts had all to give
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
With dreams you left behind
I'll keep on turning in my mind

From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
With days gone by when our hearts had all to give
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
With dreams you left behind
I'll keep on turning in my mind

A lonely room and empty chair
Um quarto solitário e uma cadeira vazia
Another day so hard to bear
Outro dia tão difícil de suportar
The things around me that I see remind me of
As coisas ao meu redor que eu vejo me lembram
The past and how it all used to be
Do passado e como tudo costumava ser
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
De lembranças a mais lembranças eu vivo
With days gone by when our hearts had all to give
Com dias passados quando nossos corações tinham tudo para dar
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
De lembranças a mais lembranças eu vivo
With dreams you left behind
Com sonhos que você deixou para trás
I'll keep on turning in my mind
Eu continuarei revirando em minha mente
There'll never be another you
Nunca haverá outro você
No one will share the worlds we knew
Ninguém compartilhará os mundos que conhecemos
And now that loneliness has come to take your place
E agora que a solidão veio para tomar o seu lugar
I close my eyes and see your face
Eu fecho meus olhos e vejo o seu rosto
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
De lembranças a mais lembranças eu vivo
With days gone by when our hearts had all to give
Com dias passados quando nossos corações tinham tudo para dar
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
De lembranças a mais lembranças eu vivo
With dreams you left behind
Com sonhos que você deixou para trás
I'll keep on turning in my mind
Eu continuarei revirando em minha mente
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
De lembranças a mais lembranças eu vivo
With days gone by when our hearts had all to give
Com dias passados quando nossos corações tinham tudo para dar
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
De lembranças a mais lembranças eu vivo
With dreams you left behind
Com sonhos que você deixou para trás
I'll keep on turning in my mind
Eu continuarei revirando em minha mente
A lonely room and empty chair
Una habitación solitaria y una silla vacía
Another day so hard to bear
Otro día tan difícil de soportar
The things around me that I see remind me of
Las cosas que me rodean que veo me recuerdan
The past and how it all used to be
El pasado y cómo solía ser todo
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
De recuerdos a más recuerdos vivo
With days gone by when our hearts had all to give
Con días pasados cuando nuestros corazones tenían todo para dar
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
De recuerdos a más recuerdos vivo
With dreams you left behind
Con los sueños que dejaste atrás
I'll keep on turning in my mind
Seguiré revolviéndolos en mi mente
There'll never be another you
Nunca habrá otro tú
No one will share the worlds we knew
Nadie compartirá los mundos que conocimos
And now that loneliness has come to take your place
Y ahora que la soledad ha venido a tomar tu lugar
I close my eyes and see your face
Cierro mis ojos y veo tu rostro
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
De recuerdos a más recuerdos vivo
With days gone by when our hearts had all to give
Con días pasados cuando nuestros corazones tenían todo para dar
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
De recuerdos a más recuerdos vivo
With dreams you left behind
Con los sueños que dejaste atrás
I'll keep on turning in my mind
Seguiré revolviéndolos en mi mente
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
De recuerdos a más recuerdos vivo
With days gone by when our hearts had all to give
Con días pasados cuando nuestros corazones tenían todo para dar
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
De recuerdos a más recuerdos vivo
With dreams you left behind
Con los sueños que dejaste atrás
I'll keep on turning in my mind
Seguiré revolviéndolos en mi mente
A lonely room and empty chair
Une chambre solitaire et une chaise vide
Another day so hard to bear
Un autre jour si difficile à supporter
The things around me that I see remind me of
Les choses autour de moi que je vois me rappellent
The past and how it all used to be
Le passé et comment tout était avant
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
De souvenirs en souvenirs je vis
With days gone by when our hearts had all to give
Avec les jours passés où nos cœurs avaient tout à donner
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
De souvenirs en souvenirs je vis
With dreams you left behind
Avec les rêves que tu as laissés derrière
I'll keep on turning in my mind
Je continuerai à les tourner dans mon esprit
There'll never be another you
Il n'y aura jamais une autre toi
No one will share the worlds we knew
Personne ne partagera les mondes que nous connaissions
And now that loneliness has come to take your place
Et maintenant que la solitude est venue prendre ta place
I close my eyes and see your face
Je ferme les yeux et je vois ton visage
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
De souvenirs en souvenirs je vis
With days gone by when our hearts had all to give
Avec les jours passés où nos cœurs avaient tout à donner
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
De souvenirs en souvenirs je vis
With dreams you left behind
Avec les rêves que tu as laissés derrière
I'll keep on turning in my mind
Je continuerai à les tourner dans mon esprit
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
De souvenirs en souvenirs je vis
With days gone by when our hearts had all to give
Avec les jours passés où nos cœurs avaient tout à donner
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
De souvenirs en souvenirs je vis
With dreams you left behind
Avec les rêves que tu as laissés derrière
I'll keep on turning in my mind
Je continuerai à les tourner dans mon esprit
A lonely room and empty chair
Ein einsames Zimmer und ein leerer Stuhl
Another day so hard to bear
Ein weiterer Tag, so schwer zu ertragen
The things around me that I see remind me of
Die Dinge um mich herum, die ich sehe, erinnern mich an
The past and how it all used to be
Die Vergangenheit und wie es einmal war
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
Von Souvenirs zu mehr Souvenirs lebe ich
With days gone by when our hearts had all to give
Mit vergangenen Tagen, als unsere Herzen alles zu geben hatten
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
Von Souvenirs zu mehr Souvenirs lebe ich
With dreams you left behind
Mit den Träumen, die du hinterlassen hast
I'll keep on turning in my mind
Ich werde sie immer wieder in meinem Kopf durchgehen
There'll never be another you
Es wird nie wieder jemanden wie dich geben
No one will share the worlds we knew
Niemand wird die Welten teilen, die wir kannten
And now that loneliness has come to take your place
Und jetzt, da die Einsamkeit gekommen ist, um deinen Platz einzunehmen
I close my eyes and see your face
Schließe ich meine Augen und sehe dein Gesicht
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
Von Souvenirs zu mehr Souvenirs lebe ich
With days gone by when our hearts had all to give
Mit vergangenen Tagen, als unsere Herzen alles zu geben hatten
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
Von Souvenirs zu mehr Souvenirs lebe ich
With dreams you left behind
Mit den Träumen, die du hinterlassen hast
I'll keep on turning in my mind
Ich werde sie immer wieder in meinem Kopf durchgehen
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
Von Souvenirs zu mehr Souvenirs lebe ich
With days gone by when our hearts had all to give
Mit vergangenen Tagen, als unsere Herzen alles zu geben hatten
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
Von Souvenirs zu mehr Souvenirs lebe ich
With dreams you left behind
Mit den Träumen, die du hinterlassen hast
I'll keep on turning in my mind
Ich werde sie immer wieder in meinem Kopf durchgehen
A lonely room and empty chair
Una stanza solitaria e una sedia vuota
Another day so hard to bear
Un altro giorno così difficile da sopportare
The things around me that I see remind me of
Le cose intorno a me che vedo mi ricordano
The past and how it all used to be
Del passato e di come tutto era solito essere
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
Da souvenir a più souvenir vivo
With days gone by when our hearts had all to give
Con i giorni passati quando i nostri cuori avevano tutto da dare
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
Da souvenir a più souvenir vivo
With dreams you left behind
Con i sogni che hai lasciato indietro
I'll keep on turning in my mind
Continuerò a girarli nella mia mente
There'll never be another you
Non ci sarà mai un altro te
No one will share the worlds we knew
Nessuno condividerà i mondi che abbiamo conosciuto
And now that loneliness has come to take your place
E ora che la solitudine è venuta a prendere il tuo posto
I close my eyes and see your face
Chiudo gli occhi e vedo il tuo viso
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
Da souvenir a più souvenir vivo
With days gone by when our hearts had all to give
Con i giorni passati quando i nostri cuori avevano tutto da dare
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
Da souvenir a più souvenir vivo
With dreams you left behind
Con i sogni che hai lasciato indietro
I'll keep on turning in my mind
Continuerò a girarli nella mia mente
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
Da souvenir a più souvenir vivo
With days gone by when our hearts had all to give
Con i giorni passati quando i nostri cuori avevano tutto da dare
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
Da souvenir a più souvenir vivo
With dreams you left behind
Con i sogni che hai lasciato indietro
I'll keep on turning in my mind
Continuerò a girarli nella mia mente
A lonely room and empty chair
Sebuah ruangan sepi dan kursi kosong
Another day so hard to bear
Hari lain yang begitu sulit untuk dihadapi
The things around me that I see remind me of
Hal-hal di sekitarku yang aku lihat mengingatkanku pada
The past and how it all used to be
Masa lalu dan bagaimana semuanya dulu
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
Dari kenang-kenangan hingga lebih banyak kenang-kenangan aku hidup
With days gone by when our hearts had all to give
Dengan hari-hari yang telah berlalu ketika hati kita memberikan segalanya
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
Dari kenang-kenangan hingga lebih banyak kenang-kenangan aku hidup
With dreams you left behind
Dengan mimpi-mimpi yang kau tinggalkan
I'll keep on turning in my mind
Aku akan terus memutar dalam pikiranku
There'll never be another you
Tidak akan pernah ada orang lain sepertimu
No one will share the worlds we knew
Tidak ada yang akan membagi dunia yang kita kenal
And now that loneliness has come to take your place
Dan sekarang kesepian telah datang untuk mengambil tempatmu
I close my eyes and see your face
Aku menutup mata dan melihat wajahmu
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
Dari kenang-kenangan hingga lebih banyak kenang-kenangan aku hidup
With days gone by when our hearts had all to give
Dengan hari-hari yang telah berlalu ketika hati kita memberikan segalanya
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
Dari kenang-kenangan hingga lebih banyak kenang-kenangan aku hidup
With dreams you left behind
Dengan mimpi-mimpi yang kau tinggalkan
I'll keep on turning in my mind
Aku akan terus memutar dalam pikiranku
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
Dari kenang-kenangan hingga lebih banyak kenang-kenangan aku hidup
With days gone by when our hearts had all to give
Dengan hari-hari yang telah berlalu ketika hati kita memberikan segalanya
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
Dari kenang-kenangan hingga lebih banyak kenang-kenangan aku hidup
With dreams you left behind
Dengan mimpi-mimpi yang kau tinggalkan
I'll keep on turning in my mind
Aku akan terus memutar dalam pikiranku
A lonely room and empty chair
Another day so hard to bear
The things around me that I see remind me of
สิ่งต่างๆ รอบตัวฉันที่ฉันเห็น ทำให้ฉันนึกถึง
The past and how it all used to be
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
จากของที่ระลึกไปยังของที่ระลึกเพิ่มเติม ฉันใช้ชีวิต
With days gone by when our hearts had all to give
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
จากของที่ระลึกไปยังของที่ระลึกเพิ่มเติม ฉันใช้ชีวิต
With dreams you left behind
I'll keep on turning in my mind
There'll never be another you
No one will share the worlds we knew
And now that loneliness has come to take your place
I close my eyes and see your face
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
จากของที่ระลึกไปยังของที่ระลึกเพิ่มเติม ฉันใช้ชีวิต
With days gone by when our hearts had all to give
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
จากของที่ระลึกไปยังของที่ระลึกเพิ่มเติม ฉันใช้ชีวิต
With dreams you left behind
I'll keep on turning in my mind
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
จากของที่ระลึกไปยังของที่ระลึกเพิ่มเติม ฉันใช้ชีวิต
With days gone by when our hearts had all to give
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
จากของที่ระลึกไปยังของที่ระลึกเพิ่มเติม ฉันใช้ชีวิต
With dreams you left behind
I'll keep on turning in my mind
A lonely room and empty chair
Another day so hard to bear
The things around me that I see remind me of
The past and how it all used to be
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
With days gone by when our hearts had all to give
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
With dreams you left behind
I'll keep on turning in my mind
There'll never be another you
No one will share the worlds we knew
And now that loneliness has come to take your place
I close my eyes and see your face
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
With days gone by when our hearts had all to give
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
With dreams you left behind
I'll keep on turning in my mind
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
With days gone by when our hearts had all to give
From souvenirs to more souvenirs I live
With dreams you left behind
I'll keep on turning in my mind

Trivia about the song From Souvenirs To Souvenirs by Demis Roussos

On which albums was the song “From Souvenirs To Souvenirs” released by Demis Roussos?
Demis Roussos released the song on the albums “Souvenirs” in 1975, “The Art of Demis Roussos and Aphrodite’s Child” in 1993, “Demis Roussos” in 1994, “The Phenomenon : 1968 - 1998” in 1998, “My Reasons” in 1998, “Forever and Ever - 40 Greatest Hits” in 1998, “Universal Master, Vol.2” in 2006, “Gold” in 2009, “Schönes Mädchen aus Arcadia” in 2010, and “Collected” in 2015.
Who composed the song “From Souvenirs To Souvenirs” by Demis Roussos?
The song “From Souvenirs To Souvenirs” by Demis Roussos was composed by ROBERT COSTANDINOS, STYLIANOS VLAVIANOS.

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