
Lin-Manuel Miranda

Lyrics Translation


You have invented a new kind of stupid
A 'damage you can never undo' kind of stupid
An 'open all the cages in the zoo' kind of stupid
'Truly, you didn't think this through?' kind of stupid

Let's review
You took a rumor a few maybe two people knew and refuted it
By sharing an affair of which no one has accused you
I begged you to take a break, you refused to
So scared of what your enemies might do to you
You're the only enemy you ever seem to lose to
You know why Jefferson can do what he wants?
He doesn't dignify schoolyard taunts with a response!

So yeah, congratulations!
You've redefined your legacy

I languished in a loveless marriage in London
I lived only to read your letters
I look at you and think 'God, what have we done with our lives and what did it get us?'
That doesn't wipe the tears or the years away
But I'm back in the city and I'm here to stay
And you know what I'm here to do?
I'm not here for you

I know my sister like I know my own mind
You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind
And a million years ago, she said to me 'this one's mine'
So I stood by
Do you know why?

I love my sister more than anything in this life
I will choose her happiness over mine every time
Is the best thing in our life
So never lose sight of the fact that you have been blessed with the best wife

For the rest of your life
Every sacrifice you make is for my sister
Give her the best life


You have invented a new kind of stupid
Você inventou um novo tipo de estupidez
A 'damage you can never undo' kind of stupid
Um tipo de estupidez que 'você nunca pode desfazer'
An 'open all the cages in the zoo' kind of stupid
Um tipo de estupidez 'abrir todas as jaulas do zoológico'
'Truly, you didn't think this through?' kind of stupid
'Tipo, você realmente não pensou nisso?' tipo de estupidez
Let's review
Vamos revisar
You took a rumor a few maybe two people knew and refuted it
Você pegou um boato que talvez duas pessoas soubessem e o refutou
By sharing an affair of which no one has accused you
Compartilhando um caso do qual ninguém te acusou
I begged you to take a break, you refused to
Eu implorei para você fazer uma pausa, você se recusou
So scared of what your enemies might do to you
Tão assustado com o que seus inimigos poderiam fazer com você
You're the only enemy you ever seem to lose to
Você é o único inimigo que você sempre parece perder
You know why Jefferson can do what he wants?
Sabe por que Jefferson pode fazer o que quiser?
He doesn't dignify schoolyard taunts with a response!
Ele não dignifica provocações infantis com uma resposta!
So yeah, congratulations!
Então sim, parabéns!
You've redefined your legacy
Você redefiniu seu legado
I languished in a loveless marriage in London
Eu me consumi em um casamento sem amor em Londres
I lived only to read your letters
Eu vivia apenas para ler suas cartas
I look at you and think 'God, what have we done with our lives and what did it get us?'
Eu olho para você e penso 'Meu Deus, o que fizemos com nossas vidas e o que isso nos trouxe?'
That doesn't wipe the tears or the years away
Isso não apaga as lágrimas ou os anos
But I'm back in the city and I'm here to stay
Mas estou de volta à cidade e estou aqui para ficar
And you know what I'm here to do?
E sabe o que estou aqui para fazer?
I'm not here for you
Eu não estou aqui por você
I know my sister like I know my own mind
Eu conheço minha irmã como conheço minha própria mente
You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind
Você nunca encontrará ninguém tão confiante ou gentil
And a million years ago, she said to me 'this one's mine'
E um milhão de anos atrás, ela me disse 'este é meu'
So I stood by
Então eu fiquei ao lado
Do you know why?
Sabe por quê?
I love my sister more than anything in this life
Eu amo minha irmã mais do que qualquer coisa nesta vida
I will choose her happiness over mine every time
Eu escolherei a felicidade dela em vez da minha todas as vezes
Is the best thing in our life
É a melhor coisa em nossa vida
So never lose sight of the fact that you have been blessed with the best wife
Então nunca perca de vista o fato de que você foi abençoado com a melhor esposa
For the rest of your life
Pelo resto da sua vida
Every sacrifice you make is for my sister
Cada sacrifício que você faz é pela minha irmã
Give her the best life
Dê a ela a melhor vida
You have invented a new kind of stupid
Has inventado un nuevo tipo de estupidez
A 'damage you can never undo' kind of stupid
Una estupidez del tipo 'daño que nunca puedes deshacer'
An 'open all the cages in the zoo' kind of stupid
Una estupidez del tipo 'abrir todas las jaulas del zoológico'
'Truly, you didn't think this through?' kind of stupid
¿De verdad, no pensaste esto bien?' tipo de estupidez
Let's review
You took a rumor a few maybe two people knew and refuted it
Tomaste un rumor que quizás dos personas conocían y lo refutaste
By sharing an affair of which no one has accused you
Compartiendo un asunto del que nadie te ha acusado
I begged you to take a break, you refused to
Te rogué que te tomaras un descanso, te negaste
So scared of what your enemies might do to you
Tan asustado de lo que tus enemigos podrían hacerte
You're the only enemy you ever seem to lose to
Eres el único enemigo al que pareces perder
You know why Jefferson can do what he wants?
¿Sabes por qué Jefferson puede hacer lo que quiere?
He doesn't dignify schoolyard taunts with a response!
¡No dignifica las burlas del patio de la escuela con una respuesta!
So yeah, congratulations!
Así que sí, ¡felicidades!
You've redefined your legacy
Has redefinido tu legado
I languished in a loveless marriage in London
Languidecí en un matrimonio sin amor en Londres
I lived only to read your letters
Vivía solo para leer tus cartas
I look at you and think 'God, what have we done with our lives and what did it get us?'
Te miro y pienso 'Dios, ¿qué hemos hecho con nuestras vidas y qué nos ha dado?'
That doesn't wipe the tears or the years away
Eso no borra las lágrimas ni los años
But I'm back in the city and I'm here to stay
Pero estoy de vuelta en la ciudad y aquí me quedo
And you know what I'm here to do?
¿Y sabes para qué estoy aquí?
I'm not here for you
No estoy aquí por ti
I know my sister like I know my own mind
Conozco a mi hermana como conozco mi propia mente
You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind
Nunca encontrarás a nadie tan confiado o amable
And a million years ago, she said to me 'this one's mine'
Y hace un millón de años, ella me dijo 'este es mío'
So I stood by
Así que me quedé a un lado
Do you know why?
¿Sabes por qué?
I love my sister more than anything in this life
Amo a mi hermana más que a nada en esta vida
I will choose her happiness over mine every time
Elegiré su felicidad sobre la mía cada vez
Is the best thing in our life
Es lo mejor de nuestra vida
So never lose sight of the fact that you have been blessed with the best wife
Así que nunca pierdas de vista el hecho de que has sido bendecido con la mejor esposa
For the rest of your life
Por el resto de tu vida
Every sacrifice you make is for my sister
Cada sacrificio que hagas es por mi hermana
Give her the best life
Dale la mejor vida
You have invented a new kind of stupid
Tu as inventé un nouveau genre de stupidité
A 'damage you can never undo' kind of stupid
Une stupidité du genre "tu ne pourras jamais réparer les dégâts"
An 'open all the cages in the zoo' kind of stupid
Une stupidité du genre "ouvrir toutes les cages du zoo"
'Truly, you didn't think this through?' kind of stupid
Une stupidité du genre "Vraiment, tu n'as pas réfléchi à ça ?"
Let's review
Faisons le point
You took a rumor a few maybe two people knew and refuted it
Tu as pris une rumeur que peut-être deux personnes connaissaient et tu l'as réfutée
By sharing an affair of which no one has accused you
En partageant une affaire dont personne ne t'accuse
I begged you to take a break, you refused to
Je t'ai supplié de faire une pause, tu as refusé
So scared of what your enemies might do to you
Si effrayé de ce que tes ennemis pourraient te faire
You're the only enemy you ever seem to lose to
Tu es le seul ennemi que tu sembles toujours perdre
You know why Jefferson can do what he wants?
Tu sais pourquoi Jefferson peut faire ce qu'il veut ?
He doesn't dignify schoolyard taunts with a response!
Il ne répond pas aux insultes de la cour de récréation !
So yeah, congratulations!
Alors oui, félicitations !
You've redefined your legacy
Tu as redéfini ton héritage
I languished in a loveless marriage in London
J'ai vécu dans un mariage sans amour à Londres
I lived only to read your letters
Je vivais seulement pour lire tes lettres
I look at you and think 'God, what have we done with our lives and what did it get us?'
Je te regarde et je pense 'Mon Dieu, qu'avons-nous fait de nos vies et qu'est-ce que ça nous a apporté ?'
That doesn't wipe the tears or the years away
Cela n'efface pas les larmes ou les années
But I'm back in the city and I'm here to stay
Mais je suis de retour en ville et je suis là pour rester
And you know what I'm here to do?
Et tu sais ce que je suis venu faire ?
I'm not here for you
Je ne suis pas là pour toi
I know my sister like I know my own mind
Je connais ma sœur comme je connais mon propre esprit
You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind
Tu ne trouveras jamais personne d'aussi confiant ou gentil
And a million years ago, she said to me 'this one's mine'
Et il y a un million d'années, elle m'a dit 'celui-ci est à moi'
So I stood by
Alors je suis resté à l'écart
Do you know why?
Tu sais pourquoi ?
I love my sister more than anything in this life
J'aime ma sœur plus que tout dans cette vie
I will choose her happiness over mine every time
Je choisirai son bonheur plutôt que le mien à chaque fois
Is the best thing in our life
Est la meilleure chose dans notre vie
So never lose sight of the fact that you have been blessed with the best wife
Alors ne perds jamais de vue le fait que tu as été béni avec la meilleure épouse
For the rest of your life
Pour le reste de ta vie
Every sacrifice you make is for my sister
Chaque sacrifice que tu fais est pour ma sœur
Give her the best life
Donne-lui la meilleure vie
Herzlichen Glückwunsch
You have invented a new kind of stupid
Du hast eine neue Art von Dummheit erfunden
A 'damage you can never undo' kind of stupid
Eine 'Schaden, den du nie rückgängig machen kannst' Art von Dummheit
An 'open all the cages in the zoo' kind of stupid
Eine 'Öffne alle Käfige im Zoo' Art von Dummheit
'Truly, you didn't think this through?' kind of stupid
'Wirklich, du hast das nicht durchdacht?' Art von Dummheit
Let's review
Lass uns das überprüfen
You took a rumor a few maybe two people knew and refuted it
Du hast ein Gerücht, das vielleicht zwei Leute kannten, widerlegt
By sharing an affair of which no one has accused you
Indem du eine Affäre geteilt hast, der dich niemand beschuldigt hat
I begged you to take a break, you refused to
Ich bat dich, eine Pause zu machen, du hast dich geweigert
So scared of what your enemies might do to you
So sehr hast du Angst vor dem, was deine Feinde dir antun könnten
You're the only enemy you ever seem to lose to
Du bist der einzige Feind, den du jemals zu verlieren scheinst
You know why Jefferson can do what he wants?
Weißt du, warum Jefferson tun kann, was er will?
He doesn't dignify schoolyard taunts with a response!
Er würdigt Schulhofhänseleien nicht mit einer Antwort!
So yeah, congratulations!
Also ja, herzlichen Glückwunsch!
You've redefined your legacy
Du hast dein Vermächtnis neu definiert
Herzlichen Glückwunsch
I languished in a loveless marriage in London
Ich vegetierte in einer lieblosen Ehe in London
I lived only to read your letters
Ich lebte nur, um deine Briefe zu lesen
I look at you and think 'God, what have we done with our lives and what did it get us?'
Ich schaue dich an und denke 'Gott, was haben wir mit unserem Leben gemacht und was hat es uns gebracht?'
That doesn't wipe the tears or the years away
Das wischt die Tränen oder die Jahre nicht weg
But I'm back in the city and I'm here to stay
Aber ich bin zurück in der Stadt und ich bin hier, um zu bleiben
And you know what I'm here to do?
Und weißt du, was ich hier zu tun habe?
I'm not here for you
Ich bin nicht hier für dich
I know my sister like I know my own mind
Ich kenne meine Schwester wie meinen eigenen Verstand
You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind
Du wirst niemanden finden, der so vertrauensvoll oder so nett ist
And a million years ago, she said to me 'this one's mine'
Und vor einer Million Jahren sagte sie zu mir 'dieser gehört mir'
So I stood by
Also stand ich beiseite
Do you know why?
Weißt du warum?
I love my sister more than anything in this life
Ich liebe meine Schwester mehr als alles andere in diesem Leben
I will choose her happiness over mine every time
Ich werde jedes Mal ihr Glück über meines stellen
Is the best thing in our life
Ist das Beste in unserem Leben
So never lose sight of the fact that you have been blessed with the best wife
Verliere also nie aus den Augen, dass du mit der besten Frau gesegnet wurdest
Herzlichen Glückwunsch
For the rest of your life
Für den Rest deines Lebens
Every sacrifice you make is for my sister
Jedes Opfer, das du bringst, ist für meine Schwester
Give her the best life
Gib ihr das beste Leben
Herzlichen Glückwunsch
You have invented a new kind of stupid
Hai inventato un nuovo tipo di stupidità
A 'damage you can never undo' kind of stupid
Una stupidità del tipo 'danno che non potrai mai annullare'
An 'open all the cages in the zoo' kind of stupid
Una stupidità del tipo 'apri tutte le gabbie dello zoo'
'Truly, you didn't think this through?' kind of stupid
Una stupidità del tipo 'Davvero, non ci hai pensato bene?'
Let's review
You took a rumor a few maybe two people knew and refuted it
Hai preso una voce che forse due persone conoscevano e l'hai smentita
By sharing an affair of which no one has accused you
Rivelando un affare di cui nessuno ti ha accusato
I begged you to take a break, you refused to
Ti ho pregato di fare una pausa, hai rifiutato
So scared of what your enemies might do to you
Così spaventato da quello che i tuoi nemici potrebbero farti
You're the only enemy you ever seem to lose to
Sei l'unico nemico a cui sembri perdere sempre
You know why Jefferson can do what he wants?
Sai perché Jefferson può fare quello che vuole?
He doesn't dignify schoolyard taunts with a response!
Non dignifica le provocazioni da cortile con una risposta!
So yeah, congratulations!
Quindi sì, congratulazioni!
You've redefined your legacy
Hai ridefinito il tuo retaggio
I languished in a loveless marriage in London
Ho sofferto in un matrimonio senza amore a Londra
I lived only to read your letters
Vivevo solo per leggere le tue lettere
I look at you and think 'God, what have we done with our lives and what did it get us?'
Ti guardo e penso 'Dio, cosa abbiamo fatto delle nostre vite e cosa ci ha portato?'
That doesn't wipe the tears or the years away
Questo non cancella le lacrime o gli anni passati
But I'm back in the city and I'm here to stay
Ma sono tornato in città e sono qui per restare
And you know what I'm here to do?
E sai cosa sono qui a fare?
I'm not here for you
Non sono qui per te
I know my sister like I know my own mind
Conosco mia sorella come conosco la mia mente
You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind
Non troverai mai nessuno così fiducioso o gentile
And a million years ago, she said to me 'this one's mine'
E un milione di anni fa, mi ha detto 'questo è mio'
So I stood by
Quindi sono rimasto a guardare
Do you know why?
Sai perché?
I love my sister more than anything in this life
Amo mia sorella più di qualsiasi altra cosa in questa vita
I will choose her happiness over mine every time
Sceglierò la sua felicità sulla mia ogni volta
Is the best thing in our life
È la cosa migliore della nostra vita
So never lose sight of the fact that you have been blessed with the best wife
Quindi non perdere mai di vista il fatto che sei stato benedetto con la migliore moglie
For the rest of your life
Per il resto della tua vita
Every sacrifice you make is for my sister
Ogni sacrificio che fai è per mia sorella
Give her the best life
Dalle la migliore vita

Trivia about the song Congratulations by Dessa

Who composed the song “Congratulations” by Dessa?
The song “Congratulations” by Dessa was composed by Lin-Manuel Miranda.

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