I'm the ocean
I am the wind
I am fire
I am flower-bearing spring
Who's the beginning and the middle
And who's the end of all beings
I'm the super soul, so watch me seated
In the hearts of all living entities
I am OM
I'm the ocean
I am your victory
I am fortune
Your fame and memory
Who's the generating seed of all existences
Who's the splendor, tell me please, of all the splendid things
I am OM
arjuna uvaca
mad-anugrahaya paramam
guhyam adhyatma-samjnitam
yat tvayoktam vacas tena
moho 'yam vigato mama
bhavapyayau hi bhutanam
srutau vistaraso maya
tvattah kamala-patraksa
mahatmyam api cavyayam
evam etad yathattha tvam
atmanam paramesvara
drastum icchami te rupam
aisvaram purusottama
manyase yadi tac chakyam
maya drastum iti prabho
yogesvara tato me tvam
darsayatmanam avyayam
I am OM