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4 Litres
5000 cigarettes
60, Beautiful & Mine
Albino Holiday
All Hail The Weekend
All The Kids Are Having Kids
All Your Friends
Back To The Suburbs
Bag Of Bucks
Be Still My Beating Off
Beer and a Shot
Ben Is A Cunt
Big Brother
Big Paranoia
Bird Attack
Brian's Problems
Bronze For Strayia
Bucket Bong
Can’t Trust a Redneck
Caps Lock
Cheer Up
Classic Pervert
Cockroach Light Switch
Cockroach Lightswitch
Coming Home
Constable Care
Cruelty To Animals
Cunt Act
Dead Celebrity
Dead Man’s Underpants
Deathbed Darren
Digging a Hole for Myself
Do You Wanna Fight Me?
Dog Tranquiliser
Don't Let The Bastards Keep You Down
Don't Shoot The Guests
Don't Speak
Don't Talk To Me
Don't Touch The Rabbit
Don’t Cast Aspergers on Me
Dr. Lindeman's Adventure Family Theme Park World
Drugged By The Cops
Edward Sausage Fangs
Everyone I Know Has Mental Problems
Everything You Do Is Shit
Everything's Fucked
Ex Pat
Finally I Can Get Arrested in This Town
Find Your Own Way Home
Food Court
Forever Malcolm Young
Fuck the System
Fuck You And Your Stupid Band
Genitals Are Funny
Get In The Van
Get Off
Go Frenzal Go
Gone to the Dogs
Goon Wolf
Graham 'abo' Henry
Guns Don't Kill Ducklings (Ducklings Kill Ducklings)
Had Enough
Hate Is Not A Family Value
Here Today Gone Late Today
Hippy Song
Holiday Not Vacation
Home And Away
Home Made Video
Horse Meat
Hospitality and Violence
How to Make Gravox
Human Excreta
Hungry Jacks Carpark
Hungry Jacks Carparks
I Don't Need Your Loving
I Hate My Brain
I Know Everything About Everything
I Know Why Dinosaurs Became Extinct
I Love Fucking Up
I Miss My Lung
I Think My Neighbour Is Planning to Kill Me
I Went Out With A Hippy And Know I Love Everyone
I Went Out With a Hippy and Now I Love Everyone Except For Her
I'm A Backwards Fucken Useless Piece Of Dogshit... And I Vote
I'm The Problem With Society
I’m Shelving Stacks (As I’m Stacking Shelves)
Instant Coffee
It's Up To You
Johnny Ramone Was In A Fucken Good Band, But He Was A Cunt (gabba Gabba You Suck)
Just Because It’s Soap Doesn’t Mean It’s Clean
Kaan Kaant
Laneway Dave
Lead Poisoned Jean
Let's Drink A Beer
Lil Dead$hit
Local Resident Failure
Looking Good
Medicine Balls
Messed Up
Million 2
Mr Charisma
Mum Changed The Locks
Mummy Doesn't Know You're a Nazi
My Dearest Friend
My Girlfriend's A Man
My Pants Keep Falling Down
Never Had So Much Fun
No Thought
Not So Tough Now
Not Your Thyme
Nothing's Wrong
Old Mate Neck Tattoo
Organ Donor
Please Go Over There
Predickle Me This
Punch In The Face
Put It Down
Rats In The Walls
Ray Ahn Is My Spirit Animal
Red Wine And Altar Boys
Richer Than You
Run Away
Russell Crowe's Band
School Reunion
Self Destructor
She's Not Happy
Ship Of Beers
Sick And Tired
Sneeze Guard
Snouts In The Trough
Sodom The Clown
Something Really Quiet
Stand Up
Stand Up & Be Cunted
Stand Up And Be Cunted
Storage Unit Pill Press
Suburban Male
Summer's Here
Thanks For Nothing
Thats Just Not Legal
The Ballad Of Tim Webster
The Best Guy
The Black Prince
The Criminals’ Airline
The People At No. 60...
The Rude Tourist
The Wreckage
The Writing's On The Wall
There's Your Dad
Those People
Thought It Was Yoga But It Was Ketamine
Uncle Ken
Urban Myth
Waiting for the Postman
We're Going Out Tonight
Wha' Happened?
When My Baby Smiles At Me I Go To Rehab
When Will I See You At The Icu?
Where Drug Dealers Take Their Kids
White World
Who Can You Trust?
Who'd Be A Cop?
Why Aren't You Dead?
Wish You Were There
World's Fuckedest Cunt
Wrong Is Right
You Are A Knob
You Are Not My Friend
You Can't Move Into My House
You Need A Friend
You'll Go To Jail
You're O.k

Trivia about Frenzal Rhomb

What is the latest album by Frenzal Rhomb?
The latest album by Frenzal Rhomb is “The Cup of Pestilence”, released in 2023 with 19 tracks.
What is the oldest album by Frenzal Rhomb?
The oldest album by Frenzal Rhomb is “Sorry About the Ruse”, released in 1994 with 3 tracks.
What is the most successful song by Frenzal Rhomb?
The most popular song by Frenzal Rhomb is “Thought It Was Yoga But It Was Ketamine”, from the album “The Cup of Pestilence”, released in 2023.
How many albums has Frenzal Rhomb released?
Between 1994 and 2023 Frenzal Rhomb released 12 Albums

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