Weight In Gold


Lyrics Translation

Black dust in orbit
Cascades down like a parachute
Bricks on my shoulders
This gravity hurts when you know the truth

I'm pulling my weight in gold
Call me anxious, call me broke
But I can't lift this on my own
Pulling my weight in gold
Call me anxious, call me broke
But I can't lift this on my own

We dreamt like martyrs
I never thought I was bold enough
You pushed me further
And I take the blame for the both of us

I'm pulling my weight in gold
Call me anxious, call me broke
But I can't lift this on my own
Pulling my weight in gold
Call me anxious, call me broke
But I can't lift this on my own

Oh, Universe, hold me up
Tried your best, is it ever enough
When it's already dragging me down?

I'm pulling my weight in gold
Call me anxious, call me broke
But I can't lift this on my own
Pulling my weight in gold
Call me anxious, call me broke
But I can't lift this on my own

Black dust in orbit
Poeira negra em órbita
Cascades down like a parachute
Cai como um paraquedas
Bricks on my shoulders
Tijolos nos meus ombros
This gravity hurts when you know the truth
Esta gravidade dói quando você sabe a verdade
I'm pulling my weight in gold
Estou puxando meu peso em ouro
Call me anxious, call me broke
Me chame de ansioso, me chame de quebrado
But I can't lift this on my own
Mas eu não posso levantar isso sozinho
Pulling my weight in gold
Puxando meu peso em ouro
Call me anxious, call me broke
Me chame de ansioso, me chame de quebrado
But I can't lift this on my own
Mas eu não posso levantar isso sozinho
We dreamt like martyrs
Nós sonhamos como mártires
I never thought I was bold enough
Eu nunca pensei que era corajoso o suficiente
You pushed me further
Você me empurrou mais longe
And I take the blame for the both of us
E eu assumo a culpa por nós dois
I'm pulling my weight in gold
Estou puxando meu peso em ouro
Call me anxious, call me broke
Me chame de ansioso, me chame de quebrado
But I can't lift this on my own
Mas eu não posso levantar isso sozinho
Pulling my weight in gold
Puxando meu peso em ouro
Call me anxious, call me broke
Me chame de ansioso, me chame de quebrado
But I can't lift this on my own
Mas eu não posso levantar isso sozinho
Oh, Universe, hold me up
Oh, Universo, me segure
Tried your best, is it ever enough
Tentou o seu melhor, será que é suficiente
When it's already dragging me down?
Quando já está me arrastando para baixo?
I'm pulling my weight in gold
Estou puxando meu peso em ouro
Call me anxious, call me broke
Me chame de ansioso, me chame de quebrado
But I can't lift this on my own
Mas eu não posso levantar isso sozinho
Pulling my weight in gold
Puxando meu peso em ouro
Call me anxious, call me broke
Me chame de ansioso, me chame de quebrado
But I can't lift this on my own
Mas eu não posso levantar isso sozinho
Black dust in orbit
Polvo negro en órbita
Cascades down like a parachute
Cae como un paracaídas
Bricks on my shoulders
Ladrillos en mis hombros
This gravity hurts when you know the truth
Esta gravedad duele cuando conoces la verdad
I'm pulling my weight in gold
Estoy cargando mi peso en oro
Call me anxious, call me broke
Llámame ansioso, llámame arruinado
But I can't lift this on my own
Pero no puedo levantar esto por mi cuenta
Pulling my weight in gold
Cargando mi peso en oro
Call me anxious, call me broke
Llámame ansioso, llámame arruinado
But I can't lift this on my own
Pero no puedo levantar esto por mi cuenta
We dreamt like martyrs
Soñamos como mártires
I never thought I was bold enough
Nunca pensé que era lo suficientemente valiente
You pushed me further
Me empujaste más allá
And I take the blame for the both of us
Y asumo la culpa por ambos
I'm pulling my weight in gold
Estoy cargando mi peso en oro
Call me anxious, call me broke
Llámame ansioso, llámame arruinado
But I can't lift this on my own
Pero no puedo levantar esto por mi cuenta
Pulling my weight in gold
Cargando mi peso en oro
Call me anxious, call me broke
Llámame ansioso, llámame arruinado
But I can't lift this on my own
Pero no puedo levantar esto por mi cuenta
Oh, Universe, hold me up
Oh, Universo, sostenme
Tried your best, is it ever enough
Lo intentaste lo mejor que pudiste, ¿es eso suficiente?
When it's already dragging me down?
¿Cuando ya me está arrastrando hacia abajo?
I'm pulling my weight in gold
Estoy cargando mi peso en oro
Call me anxious, call me broke
Llámame ansioso, llámame arruinado
But I can't lift this on my own
Pero no puedo levantar esto por mi cuenta
Pulling my weight in gold
Cargando mi peso en oro
Call me anxious, call me broke
Llámame ansioso, llámame arruinado
But I can't lift this on my own
Pero no puedo levantar esto por mi cuenta
Black dust in orbit
Poussière noire en orbite
Cascades down like a parachute
Descend comme un parachute
Bricks on my shoulders
Des briques sur mes épaules
This gravity hurts when you know the truth
Cette gravité fait mal quand tu connais la vérité
I'm pulling my weight in gold
Je porte mon poids en or
Call me anxious, call me broke
Appelez-moi anxieux, appelez-moi fauché
But I can't lift this on my own
Mais je ne peux pas porter ça tout seul
Pulling my weight in gold
Portant mon poids en or
Call me anxious, call me broke
Appelez-moi anxieux, appelez-moi fauché
But I can't lift this on my own
Mais je ne peux pas porter ça tout seul
We dreamt like martyrs
Nous avons rêvé comme des martyrs
I never thought I was bold enough
Je n'ai jamais pensé que j'étais assez audacieux
You pushed me further
Tu m'as poussé plus loin
And I take the blame for the both of us
Et je prends le blâme pour nous deux
I'm pulling my weight in gold
Je porte mon poids en or
Call me anxious, call me broke
Appelez-moi anxieux, appelez-moi fauché
But I can't lift this on my own
Mais je ne peux pas porter ça tout seul
Pulling my weight in gold
Portant mon poids en or
Call me anxious, call me broke
Appelez-moi anxieux, appelez-moi fauché
But I can't lift this on my own
Mais je ne peux pas porter ça tout seul
Oh, Universe, hold me up
Oh, Univers, soutiens-moi
Tried your best, is it ever enough
Tu as fait de ton mieux, est-ce jamais suffisant
When it's already dragging me down?
Quand ça me tire déjà vers le bas?
I'm pulling my weight in gold
Je porte mon poids en or
Call me anxious, call me broke
Appelez-moi anxieux, appelez-moi fauché
But I can't lift this on my own
Mais je ne peux pas porter ça tout seul
Pulling my weight in gold
Portant mon poids en or
Call me anxious, call me broke
Appelez-moi anxieux, appelez-moi fauché
But I can't lift this on my own
Mais je ne peux pas porter ça tout seul
Black dust in orbit
Schwarzer Staub in der Umlaufbahn
Cascades down like a parachute
Fällt herab wie ein Fallschirm
Bricks on my shoulders
Ziegel auf meinen Schultern
This gravity hurts when you know the truth
Diese Schwerkraft tut weh, wenn du die Wahrheit kennst
I'm pulling my weight in gold
Ich ziehe mein Gewicht in Gold
Call me anxious, call me broke
Nenn mich ängstlich, nenn mich pleite
But I can't lift this on my own
Aber ich kann das nicht alleine stemmen
Pulling my weight in gold
Ziehe mein Gewicht in Gold
Call me anxious, call me broke
Nenn mich ängstlich, nenn mich pleite
But I can't lift this on my own
Aber ich kann das nicht alleine stemmen
We dreamt like martyrs
Wir träumten wie Märtyrer
I never thought I was bold enough
Ich dachte nie, dass ich mutig genug war
You pushed me further
Du hast mich weiter gedrängt
And I take the blame for the both of us
Und ich übernehme die Schuld für uns beide
I'm pulling my weight in gold
Ich ziehe mein Gewicht in Gold
Call me anxious, call me broke
Nenn mich ängstlich, nenn mich pleite
But I can't lift this on my own
Aber ich kann das nicht alleine stemmen
Pulling my weight in gold
Ziehe mein Gewicht in Gold
Call me anxious, call me broke
Nenn mich ängstlich, nenn mich pleite
But I can't lift this on my own
Aber ich kann das nicht alleine stemmen
Oh, Universe, hold me up
Oh, Universum, halt mich hoch
Tried your best, is it ever enough
Hast dein Bestes versucht, ist es jemals genug
When it's already dragging me down?
Wenn es mich schon runterzieht?
I'm pulling my weight in gold
Ich ziehe mein Gewicht in Gold
Call me anxious, call me broke
Nenn mich ängstlich, nenn mich pleite
But I can't lift this on my own
Aber ich kann das nicht alleine stemmen
Pulling my weight in gold
Ziehe mein Gewicht in Gold
Call me anxious, call me broke
Nenn mich ängstlich, nenn mich pleite
But I can't lift this on my own
Aber ich kann das nicht alleine stemmen
Black dust in orbit
Polvere nera in orbita
Cascades down like a parachute
Scende come un paracadute
Bricks on my shoulders
Mattoni sulle mie spalle
This gravity hurts when you know the truth
Questa gravità fa male quando conosci la verità
I'm pulling my weight in gold
Sto tirando il mio peso in oro
Call me anxious, call me broke
Chiamami ansioso, chiamami povero
But I can't lift this on my own
Ma non posso sollevare questo da solo
Pulling my weight in gold
Tirando il mio peso in oro
Call me anxious, call me broke
Chiamami ansioso, chiamami povero
But I can't lift this on my own
Ma non posso sollevare questo da solo
We dreamt like martyrs
Abbiamo sognato come martiri
I never thought I was bold enough
Non ho mai pensato di essere abbastanza audace
You pushed me further
Mi hai spinto più in là
And I take the blame for the both of us
E prendo la colpa per entrambi
I'm pulling my weight in gold
Sto tirando il mio peso in oro
Call me anxious, call me broke
Chiamami ansioso, chiamami povero
But I can't lift this on my own
Ma non posso sollevare questo da solo
Pulling my weight in gold
Tirando il mio peso in oro
Call me anxious, call me broke
Chiamami ansioso, chiamami povero
But I can't lift this on my own
Ma non posso sollevare questo da solo
Oh, Universe, hold me up
Oh, Universo, sostienimi
Tried your best, is it ever enough
Hai fatto del tuo meglio, è mai abbastanza
When it's already dragging me down?
Quando mi sta già trascinando giù?
I'm pulling my weight in gold
Sto tirando il mio peso in oro
Call me anxious, call me broke
Chiamami ansioso, chiamami povero
But I can't lift this on my own
Ma non posso sollevare questo da solo
Pulling my weight in gold
Tirando il mio peso in oro
Call me anxious, call me broke
Chiamami ansioso, chiamami povero
But I can't lift this on my own
Ma non posso sollevare questo da solo
Black dust in orbit
Debu hitam di orbit
Cascades down like a parachute
Mengalir turun seperti parasut
Bricks on my shoulders
Bata di pundakku
This gravity hurts when you know the truth
Gravitasi ini menyakitkan saat kamu tahu kebenarannya
I'm pulling my weight in gold
Aku menarik bebanku seberat emas
Call me anxious, call me broke
Panggil aku cemas, panggil aku bangkrut
But I can't lift this on my own
Tapi aku tidak bisa mengangkat ini sendiri
Pulling my weight in gold
Menarik bebanku seberat emas
Call me anxious, call me broke
Panggil aku cemas, panggil aku bangkrut
But I can't lift this on my own
Tapi aku tidak bisa mengangkat ini sendiri
We dreamt like martyrs
Kami bermimpi seperti martir
I never thought I was bold enough
Aku tidak pernah berpikir aku cukup berani
You pushed me further
Kamu mendorongku lebih jauh
And I take the blame for the both of us
Dan aku menanggung beban untuk kita berdua
I'm pulling my weight in gold
Aku menarik bebanku seberat emas
Call me anxious, call me broke
Panggil aku cemas, panggil aku bangkrut
But I can't lift this on my own
Tapi aku tidak bisa mengangkat ini sendiri
Pulling my weight in gold
Menarik bebanku seberat emas
Call me anxious, call me broke
Panggil aku cemas, panggil aku bangkrut
But I can't lift this on my own
Tapi aku tidak bisa mengangkat ini sendiri
Oh, Universe, hold me up
Oh, Alam Semesta, dukung aku
Tried your best, is it ever enough
Berusaha yang terbaik, apakah itu pernah cukup
When it's already dragging me down?
Ketika itu sudah menyeretku ke bawah?
I'm pulling my weight in gold
Aku menarik bebanku seberat emas
Call me anxious, call me broke
Panggil aku cemas, panggil aku bangkrut
But I can't lift this on my own
Tapi aku tidak bisa mengangkat ini sendiri
Pulling my weight in gold
Menarik bebanku seberat emas
Call me anxious, call me broke
Panggil aku cemas, panggil aku bangkrut
But I can't lift this on my own
Tapi aku tidak bisa mengangkat ini sendiri
Black dust in orbit
Cascades down like a parachute
Bricks on my shoulders
This gravity hurts when you know the truth
I'm pulling my weight in gold
Call me anxious, call me broke
เรียกฉันว่าวิตกกังวล, เรียกฉันว่ายากจน
But I can't lift this on my own
Pulling my weight in gold
Call me anxious, call me broke
เรียกฉันว่าวิตกกังวล, เรียกฉันว่ายากจน
But I can't lift this on my own
We dreamt like martyrs
I never thought I was bold enough
You pushed me further
And I take the blame for the both of us
I'm pulling my weight in gold
Call me anxious, call me broke
เรียกฉันว่าวิตกกังวล, เรียกฉันว่ายากจน
But I can't lift this on my own
Pulling my weight in gold
Call me anxious, call me broke
เรียกฉันว่าวิตกกังวล, เรียกฉันว่ายากจน
But I can't lift this on my own
Oh, Universe, hold me up
โอ้, จักรวาล, ช่วยฉันยืนได้
Tried your best, is it ever enough
ทำที่สุดแล้ว, มันเพียงพอหรือไม่
When it's already dragging me down?
I'm pulling my weight in gold
Call me anxious, call me broke
เรียกฉันว่าวิตกกังวล, เรียกฉันว่ายากจน
But I can't lift this on my own
Pulling my weight in gold
Call me anxious, call me broke
เรียกฉันว่าวิตกกังวล, เรียกฉันว่ายากจน
But I can't lift this on my own
Black dust in orbit
Cascades down like a parachute
Bricks on my shoulders
This gravity hurts when you know the truth
I'm pulling my weight in gold
Call me anxious, call me broke
But I can't lift this on my own
Pulling my weight in gold
Call me anxious, call me broke
But I can't lift this on my own
We dreamt like martyrs
I never thought I was bold enough
You pushed me further
And I take the blame for the both of us
I'm pulling my weight in gold
Call me anxious, call me broke
But I can't lift this on my own
Pulling my weight in gold
Call me anxious, call me broke
But I can't lift this on my own
Oh, Universe, hold me up
Tried your best, is it ever enough
When it's already dragging me down?
I'm pulling my weight in gold
Call me anxious, call me broke
But I can't lift this on my own
Pulling my weight in gold
Call me anxious, call me broke
But I can't lift this on my own

Trivia about the song Weight In Gold by Gallant

When was the song “Weight In Gold” released by Gallant?
The song Weight In Gold was released in 2016, on the album “Ology”.
Who composed the song “Weight In Gold” by Gallant?
The song “Weight In Gold” by Gallant was composed by AJAY BHATTACHARYYA, CHRISTOPHER JOSEPH GALLANT.

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