Tra la la la la la la tra la la la la
One's company, two's a crowd, get it?
La la la la la la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la
This time it's really love tra la la la la
I'm in that blue above tra la la la la
She fills me full of joy tell me, papa
Am I not a lucky boy? Tra la la la la la
Just listen to my heart go pitter pat
It started from the start i fell like that
Hum it, strum it, sing it, drum it
What a thrill I'm getting from it
Tra la la la la la la
This time it's really love tra la la la la
To me your full of blah blah blah
I've got la grande amour dite-moi, papa
Cherchez la femme toujours
Ooh, la la la la la oui!
She's got that everything
Is there a dowry?
She's like a breath of spring
Oh wow, you'll be sour-y
Hum it, strum it, sing it, drum it
Nothing good can happen from it
Tra la la la la la la la la la (dance break)
Rah rah, sis boom bah
Swing your partner with a tra la la
(dance break)
Hum it!
Hum it!
Strum it!
Strum it!
Sing it!
Sing it!
Drum it!
Drum it!
What a thrill I'm getting from it
Tra la la la la la la la!