There's a hollow where it's peaceful still, at the top of the hill
I hold my hand up high
Till some old satellite swings by and sends me bars, I'm old Reynard
Back in town, the news is hard
The Wolf is still going by a different name, same part
Still run(in) us up the ladder, then ship off what we get
Like the ones who came before him, like the ones we haven't met yet, oubliette
And that walk is getting hеavy now
The stiffer that my legs gеt, the tiered my pace gets
The lonelier this face gets, pressing buttons like the punch back of Notre Dame
I feel alive again, But alive is all we are
Every day is heavy now: A stick in the tension, a hopeless redemption
A face cuts through the tension
My non binary north star coming from far
And if love is all we are
We’ve come so far, my love
If our love is all we are
We’ve come so far, my love
We’ve come so far
Still afraid of the haunted air
Still hear the settling of a hundred years and scare
Alarmist and alarming, point at sounds from up the stairs
If I'm still afraid of ghost notes, I could never stand up to what's actually there
There, what’s there? I could never stand up to what’s actually there
I feel alive again. Alive, is all we are
Knowing life
Knowing the dying, knowing
Hope, and hype, lone in the tide
And now it's time