Lead the Way

Jamie Rowe / Steve Taylor

I got a dash-mount compass that won't direct
I got a "get rich" guru that calls collect
I got a psychic adviser saying get a lifeguard
I'm gettin' bad vibes off of your deal-a-meal card
Tell me why their words ring hollow
Lead the way and I will follow
If you can lead me out of this maze

I got shrinks that send me to victim class
I got talk show show-offs giving me gas
I got assertiveness trainers yelling shove, shove, shove
I got no one teaching me how to love love
The more I chew the less I swallow
Lead the way and I will follow
Follow your footsteps through this maze

Up we struggle, down we slide
Scared to call on a bigger guide
I'm tired of getting snowed, speed the plow
Lead the way, lord Jesus, I'm ready now

Trivia about the song Lead the Way by Guardian

On which albums was the song “Lead the Way” released by Guardian?
Guardian released the song on the albums “Buzz” in 1995, “Smashes I - The Best Of Guardian” in 1999, “Guardian Live” in 2000, and “The Definitive Collection” in 2007.
Who composed the song “Lead the Way” by Guardian?
The song “Lead the Way” by Guardian was composed by Jamie Rowe and Steve Taylor.

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