
Jack Johnson, Daniel M. Nakamura, Paul E. Huston

Lyrics Translation

I hope this old train breaks down
Then I could take a walk around
See what there is to see
Time is just a melody

With all the people in the street
Walking as fast as their feet can take 'em
I just roll through town
And though my window's got a view
Well, the frame I'm looking through
Seems to have no concern for me now
So for now I

I need this old train to break down
Oh, please just let me please breakdown

Well, this engine screams out loud
Centipede gonna crawl westbound
So I don't even make a sound
'Cause it's gonna sting me when I leave this town

And all the people in the street
That I'll never get to meet
These tracks don't bend somehow
And I got no time that I got to get to
Where I don't need to be, so I

I need this old train to break down
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
I need this old train to break down
Oh, please just let me please breakdown

I wanna break on down
But I can't stop now
Let me break on down

But you can't stop nothing if you got no control
Of the thoughts in your mind that you kept and you know
You don't know nothing, but you don't need to know
The wisdom's in the trees, not the glass windows
You can't stop wishing if you don't let go
The things that you find and you lose and you know
You keep on rolling, put the moment on hold
The frame's too bright, so put the blinds down low and

I need this old train to break down
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
I need this old train to break down
Oh, please just let me please breakdown

I wanna break on down
But I can't stop now

I hope this old train breaks down
Espero que este velho trem quebre
Then I could take a walk around
Então eu poderia dar uma volta
See what there is to see
Ver o que há para ver
Time is just a melody
O tempo é apenas uma melodia
With all the people in the street
Com todas as pessoas na rua
Walking as fast as their feet can take 'em
Andando tão rápido quanto seus pés podem levá-los
I just roll through town
Eu apenas passo pela cidade
And though my window's got a view
E embora minha janela tenha uma vista
Well, the frame I'm looking through
Bem, a moldura pela qual estou olhando
Seems to have no concern for me now
Parece não ter nenhuma preocupação comigo agora
So for now I
Então por agora eu
I need this old train to break down
Preciso que este velho trem quebre
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
Oh, por favor, apenas me deixe quebrar
Well, this engine screams out loud
Bem, este motor grita alto
Centipede gonna crawl westbound
Centopéia vai rastejar para o oeste
So I don't even make a sound
Então eu nem faço um som
'Cause it's gonna sting me when I leave this town
Porque vai me picar quando eu deixar esta cidade
And all the people in the street
E todas as pessoas na rua
That I'll never get to meet
Que eu nunca vou conhecer
These tracks don't bend somehow
Estes trilhos não dobram de alguma forma
And I got no time that I got to get to
E eu não tenho tempo que eu tenho que chegar
Where I don't need to be, so I
Onde eu não preciso estar, então eu
I need this old train to break down
Preciso que este velho trem quebre
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
Oh, por favor, apenas me deixe quebrar
I need this old train to break down
Preciso que este velho trem quebre
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
Oh, por favor, apenas me deixe quebrar
I wanna break on down
Eu quero quebrar
But I can't stop now
Mas eu não posso parar agora
Let me break on down
Deixe-me quebrar
But you can't stop nothing if you got no control
Mas você não pode parar nada se você não tem controle
Of the thoughts in your mind that you kept and you know
Dos pensamentos em sua mente que você guardou e você sabe
You don't know nothing, but you don't need to know
Você não sabe nada, mas você não precisa saber
The wisdom's in the trees, not the glass windows
A sabedoria está nas árvores, não nas janelas de vidro
You can't stop wishing if you don't let go
Você não pode parar de desejar se você não deixar ir
The things that you find and you lose and you know
As coisas que você encontra e perde e você sabe
You keep on rolling, put the moment on hold
Você continua rolando, coloca o momento em espera
The frame's too bright, so put the blinds down low and
O quadro é muito brilhante, então abaixe as persianas e
I need this old train to break down
Preciso que este velho trem quebre
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
Oh, por favor, apenas me deixe quebrar
I need this old train to break down
Preciso que este velho trem quebre
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
Oh, por favor, apenas me deixe quebrar
I wanna break on down
Eu quero quebrar
But I can't stop now
Mas eu não posso parar agora
I hope this old train breaks down
Espero que este viejo tren se rompa
Then I could take a walk around
Entonces podría dar un paseo
See what there is to see
Ver lo que hay para ver
Time is just a melody
El tiempo es solo una melodía
With all the people in the street
Con todas las personas en la calle
Walking as fast as their feet can take 'em
Caminando tan rápido como sus pies pueden llevarlos
I just roll through town
Solo ruedo por la ciudad
And though my window's got a view
Y aunque mi ventana tiene una vista
Well, the frame I'm looking through
Bueno, el marco por el que estoy mirando
Seems to have no concern for me now
Parece no tener ninguna preocupación por mí ahora
So for now I
Así que por ahora yo
I need this old train to break down
Necesito que este viejo tren se rompa
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
Oh, por favor, solo déjame desmoronarme
Well, this engine screams out loud
Bueno, este motor grita en voz alta
Centipede gonna crawl westbound
El ciempiés va a arrastrarse hacia el oeste
So I don't even make a sound
Así que ni siquiera hago un sonido
'Cause it's gonna sting me when I leave this town
Porque me va a picar cuando deje esta ciudad
And all the people in the street
Y todas las personas en la calle
That I'll never get to meet
Que nunca llegaré a conocer
These tracks don't bend somehow
Estas vías no se doblan de alguna manera
And I got no time that I got to get to
Y no tengo tiempo que tengo que llegar a
Where I don't need to be, so I
Donde no necesito estar, así que yo
I need this old train to break down
Necesito que este viejo tren se rompa
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
Oh, por favor, solo déjame desmoronarme
I need this old train to break down
Necesito que este viejo tren se rompa
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
Oh, por favor, solo déjame desmoronarme
I wanna break on down
Quiero desmoronarme
But I can't stop now
Pero no puedo parar ahora
Let me break on down
Déjame desmoronarme
But you can't stop nothing if you got no control
Pero no puedes detener nada si no tienes control
Of the thoughts in your mind that you kept and you know
De los pensamientos en tu mente que guardaste y sabes
You don't know nothing, but you don't need to know
No sabes nada, pero no necesitas saber
The wisdom's in the trees, not the glass windows
La sabiduría está en los árboles, no en las ventanas de vidrio
You can't stop wishing if you don't let go
No puedes dejar de desear si no dejas ir
The things that you find and you lose and you know
Las cosas que encuentras y pierdes y sabes
You keep on rolling, put the moment on hold
Sigues rodando, pon el momento en espera
The frame's too bright, so put the blinds down low and
El marco es demasiado brillante, así que baja las persianas y
I need this old train to break down
Necesito que este viejo tren se rompa
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
Oh, por favor, solo déjame desmoronarme
I need this old train to break down
Necesito que este viejo tren se rompa
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
Oh, por favor, solo déjame desmoronarme
I wanna break on down
Quiero desmoronarme
But I can't stop now
Pero no puedo parar ahora
I hope this old train breaks down
J'espère que ce vieux train tombe en panne
Then I could take a walk around
Alors je pourrais faire un tour
See what there is to see
Voir ce qu'il y a à voir
Time is just a melody
Le temps n'est qu'une mélodie
With all the people in the street
Avec toutes les personnes dans la rue
Walking as fast as their feet can take 'em
Marchant aussi vite que leurs pieds peuvent les emmener
I just roll through town
Je roule simplement à travers la ville
And though my window's got a view
Et bien que ma fenêtre ait une vue
Well, the frame I'm looking through
Eh bien, le cadre à travers lequel je regarde
Seems to have no concern for me now
Ne semble avoir aucune préoccupation pour moi maintenant
So for now I
Alors pour l'instant je
I need this old train to break down
J'ai besoin que ce vieux train tombe en panne
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
Oh, s'il te plaît laisse-moi juste tomber en panne
Well, this engine screams out loud
Eh bien, ce moteur crie à haute voix
Centipede gonna crawl westbound
Le mille-pattes va ramper vers l'ouest
So I don't even make a sound
Alors je ne fais même pas de bruit
'Cause it's gonna sting me when I leave this town
Parce que ça va me piquer quand je quitterai cette ville
And all the people in the street
Et toutes les personnes dans la rue
That I'll never get to meet
Que je ne rencontrerai jamais
These tracks don't bend somehow
Ces rails ne se courbent pas d'une manière ou d'une autre
And I got no time that I got to get to
Et je n'ai pas de temps que je dois atteindre
Where I don't need to be, so I
Où je n'ai pas besoin d'être, alors je
I need this old train to break down
J'ai besoin que ce vieux train tombe en panne
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
Oh, s'il te plaît laisse-moi juste tomber en panne
I need this old train to break down
J'ai besoin que ce vieux train tombe en panne
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
Oh, s'il te plaît laisse-moi juste tomber en panne
I wanna break on down
Je veux tomber en panne
But I can't stop now
Mais je ne peux pas m'arrêter maintenant
Let me break on down
Laisse-moi tomber en panne
But you can't stop nothing if you got no control
Mais tu ne peux rien arrêter si tu n'as pas le contrôle
Of the thoughts in your mind that you kept and you know
Des pensées dans ton esprit que tu as gardées et que tu connais
You don't know nothing, but you don't need to know
Tu ne sais rien, mais tu n'as pas besoin de savoir
The wisdom's in the trees, not the glass windows
La sagesse est dans les arbres, pas dans les fenêtres en verre
You can't stop wishing if you don't let go
Tu ne peux pas arrêter de souhaiter si tu ne lâches pas
The things that you find and you lose and you know
Les choses que tu trouves et que tu perds et que tu connais
You keep on rolling, put the moment on hold
Tu continues à rouler, mets le moment en pause
The frame's too bright, so put the blinds down low and
Le cadre est trop lumineux, alors baisse les stores et
I need this old train to break down
J'ai besoin que ce vieux train tombe en panne
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
Oh, s'il te plaît laisse-moi juste tomber en panne
I need this old train to break down
J'ai besoin que ce vieux train tombe en panne
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
Oh, s'il te plaît laisse-moi juste tomber en panne
I wanna break on down
Je veux tomber en panne
But I can't stop now
Mais je ne peux pas m'arrêter maintenant
I hope this old train breaks down
Ich hoffe, dieser alte Zug bricht zusammen
Then I could take a walk around
Dann könnte ich einen Spaziergang machen
See what there is to see
Sehen, was es zu sehen gibt
Time is just a melody
Zeit ist nur eine Melodie
With all the people in the street
Mit all den Menschen auf der Straße
Walking as fast as their feet can take 'em
So schnell laufend, wie ihre Füße sie tragen können
I just roll through town
Ich rolle einfach durch die Stadt
And though my window's got a view
Und obwohl mein Fenster einen Ausblick hat
Well, the frame I'm looking through
Nun, der Rahmen, durch den ich schaue
Seems to have no concern for me now
Scheint jetzt keine Sorge für mich zu haben
So for now I
Also für jetzt
I need this old train to break down
Ich brauche diesen alten Zug, um zusammenzubrechen
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
Oh, bitte lass mich bitte zusammenbrechen
Well, this engine screams out loud
Nun, dieser Motor schreit laut
Centipede gonna crawl westbound
Tausendfüßler wird nach Westen kriechen
So I don't even make a sound
Also mache ich nicht einmal einen Laut
'Cause it's gonna sting me when I leave this town
Denn es wird mich stechen, wenn ich diese Stadt verlasse
And all the people in the street
Und all die Menschen auf der Straße
That I'll never get to meet
Die ich nie treffen werde
These tracks don't bend somehow
Diese Gleise biegen sich irgendwie nicht
And I got no time that I got to get to
Und ich habe keine Zeit, die ich erreichen muss
Where I don't need to be, so I
Wo ich nicht sein muss, also ich
I need this old train to break down
Ich brauche diesen alten Zug, um zusammenzubrechen
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
Oh, bitte lass mich bitte zusammenbrechen
I need this old train to break down
Ich brauche diesen alten Zug, um zusammenzubrechen
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
Oh, bitte lass mich bitte zusammenbrechen
I wanna break on down
Ich möchte zusammenbrechen
But I can't stop now
Aber ich kann jetzt nicht aufhören
Let me break on down
Lass mich zusammenbrechen
But you can't stop nothing if you got no control
Aber du kannst nichts stoppen, wenn du keine Kontrolle hast
Of the thoughts in your mind that you kept and you know
Über die Gedanken in deinem Kopf, die du behalten hast und die du kennst
You don't know nothing, but you don't need to know
Du weißt nichts, aber du musst nichts wissen
The wisdom's in the trees, not the glass windows
Die Weisheit ist in den Bäumen, nicht in den Glasfenstern
You can't stop wishing if you don't let go
Du kannst nicht aufhören zu wünschen, wenn du nicht loslässt
The things that you find and you lose and you know
Die Dinge, die du findest und verlierst und kennst
You keep on rolling, put the moment on hold
Du rollst weiter, hältst den Moment an
The frame's too bright, so put the blinds down low and
Der Rahmen ist zu hell, also lass die Jalousien runter und
I need this old train to break down
Ich brauche diesen alten Zug, um zusammenzubrechen
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
Oh, bitte lass mich bitte zusammenbrechen
I need this old train to break down
Ich brauche diesen alten Zug, um zusammenzubrechen
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
Oh, bitte lass mich bitte zusammenbrechen
I wanna break on down
Ich möchte zusammenbrechen
But I can't stop now
Aber ich kann jetzt nicht aufhören
I hope this old train breaks down
Spero che questo vecchio treno si rompa
Then I could take a walk around
Allora potrei fare una passeggiata in giro
See what there is to see
Vedere cosa c'è da vedere
Time is just a melody
Il tempo è solo una melodia
With all the people in the street
Con tutte le persone per strada
Walking as fast as their feet can take 'em
Che camminano il più velocemente possibile
I just roll through town
Io mi limito a passare per la città
And though my window's got a view
E anche se il mio finestrino ha una vista
Well, the frame I'm looking through
Beh, la cornice attraverso cui sto guardando
Seems to have no concern for me now
Sembra non avere alcuna preoccupazione per me ora
So for now I
Quindi per ora io
I need this old train to break down
Ho bisogno che questo vecchio treno si rompa
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
Oh, per favore lasciami solo rompere
Well, this engine screams out loud
Beh, questo motore urla a squarciagola
Centipede gonna crawl westbound
Il millepiedi striscerà verso ovest
So I don't even make a sound
Quindi non faccio nemmeno un rumore
'Cause it's gonna sting me when I leave this town
Perché mi pungerà quando lascerò questa città
And all the people in the street
E tutte le persone per strada
That I'll never get to meet
Che non avrò mai l'opportunità di incontrare
These tracks don't bend somehow
Questi binari non si piegano in qualche modo
And I got no time that I got to get to
E non ho tempo che devo raggiungere
Where I don't need to be, so I
Dove non ho bisogno di essere, quindi io
I need this old train to break down
Ho bisogno che questo vecchio treno si rompa
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
Oh, per favore lasciami solo rompere
I need this old train to break down
Ho bisogno che questo vecchio treno si rompa
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
Oh, per favore lasciami solo rompere
I wanna break on down
Voglio rompere
But I can't stop now
Ma non posso fermarmi ora
Let me break on down
Lasciami rompere
But you can't stop nothing if you got no control
Ma non puoi fermare nulla se non hai controllo
Of the thoughts in your mind that you kept and you know
Dei pensieri nella tua mente che hai conservato e che conosci
You don't know nothing, but you don't need to know
Non sai nulla, ma non hai bisogno di sapere
The wisdom's in the trees, not the glass windows
La saggezza è negli alberi, non nelle finestre di vetro
You can't stop wishing if you don't let go
Non puoi smettere di desiderare se non lasci andare
The things that you find and you lose and you know
Le cose che trovi e perdi e conosci
You keep on rolling, put the moment on hold
Continui a rotolare, metti il momento in attesa
The frame's too bright, so put the blinds down low and
La cornice è troppo luminosa, quindi abbassa le tapparelle e
I need this old train to break down
Ho bisogno che questo vecchio treno si rompa
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
Oh, per favore lasciami solo rompere
I need this old train to break down
Ho bisogno che questo vecchio treno si rompa
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
Oh, per favore lasciami solo rompere
I wanna break on down
Voglio rompere
But I can't stop now
Ma non posso fermarmi ora
I hope this old train breaks down
Saya berharap kereta tua ini mogok
Then I could take a walk around
Lalu saya bisa berjalan-jalan sekitar
See what there is to see
Melihat apa yang ada untuk dilihat
Time is just a melody
Waktu hanyalah sebuah melodi
With all the people in the street
Dengan semua orang di jalan
Walking as fast as their feet can take 'em
Berjalan secepat kaki mereka bisa membawa mereka
I just roll through town
Saya hanya melewati kota
And though my window's got a view
Dan meskipun jendela saya memiliki pemandangan
Well, the frame I'm looking through
Nah, bingkai yang saya lihat melalui
Seems to have no concern for me now
Sepertinya tidak peduli dengan saya sekarang
So for now I
Jadi untuk sekarang saya
I need this old train to break down
Saya butuh kereta tua ini untuk mogok
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
Oh, tolong biarkan saya mogok
Well, this engine screams out loud
Nah, mesin ini berteriak keras
Centipede gonna crawl westbound
Centipede akan merangkak ke barat
So I don't even make a sound
Jadi saya bahkan tidak membuat suara
'Cause it's gonna sting me when I leave this town
Karena itu akan menyengat saya ketika saya meninggalkan kota ini
And all the people in the street
Dan semua orang di jalan
That I'll never get to meet
Yang saya tidak akan pernah bertemu
These tracks don't bend somehow
Jejak ini tidak membengkok entah bagaimana
And I got no time that I got to get to
Dan saya tidak punya waktu yang harus saya capai
Where I don't need to be, so I
Dimana saya tidak perlu berada, jadi saya
I need this old train to break down
Saya butuh kereta tua ini untuk mogok
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
Oh, tolong biarkan saya mogok
I need this old train to break down
Saya butuh kereta tua ini untuk mogok
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
Oh, tolong biarkan saya mogok
I wanna break on down
Saya ingin mogok
But I can't stop now
Tapi saya tidak bisa berhenti sekarang
Let me break on down
Biarkan saya mogok
But you can't stop nothing if you got no control
Tapi kamu tidak bisa menghentikan apa pun jika kamu tidak memiliki kontrol
Of the thoughts in your mind that you kept and you know
Dari pikiran di kepala Anda yang Anda simpan dan Anda tahu
You don't know nothing, but you don't need to know
Anda tidak tahu apa-apa, tapi Anda tidak perlu tahu
The wisdom's in the trees, not the glass windows
Kebijaksanaan ada di pohon, bukan di jendela kaca
You can't stop wishing if you don't let go
Anda tidak bisa berhenti berharap jika Anda tidak melepaskan
The things that you find and you lose and you know
Hal-hal yang Anda temukan dan Anda kehilangan dan Anda tahu
You keep on rolling, put the moment on hold
Anda terus bergulir, tahan momen
The frame's too bright, so put the blinds down low and
Bingkainya terlalu terang, jadi turunkan tirai dan
I need this old train to break down
Saya butuh kereta tua ini untuk mogok
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
Oh, tolong biarkan saya mogok
I need this old train to break down
Saya butuh kereta tua ini untuk mogok
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
Oh, tolong biarkan saya mogok
I wanna break on down
Saya ingin mogok
But I can't stop now
Tapi saya tidak bisa berhenti sekarang
I hope this old train breaks down
Then I could take a walk around
See what there is to see
Time is just a melody
With all the people in the street
Walking as fast as their feet can take 'em
I just roll through town
And though my window's got a view
Well, the frame I'm looking through
Seems to have no concern for me now
So for now I
I need this old train to break down
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
Well, this engine screams out loud
Centipede gonna crawl westbound
So I don't even make a sound
'Cause it's gonna sting me when I leave this town
And all the people in the street
That I'll never get to meet
These tracks don't bend somehow
And I got no time that I got to get to
Where I don't need to be, so I
I need this old train to break down
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
I need this old train to break down
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
I wanna break on down
But I can't stop now
Let me break on down
But you can't stop nothing if you got no control
Of the thoughts in your mind that you kept and you know
You don't know nothing, but you don't need to know
The wisdom's in the trees, not the glass windows
You can't stop wishing if you don't let go
The things that you find and you lose and you know
You keep on rolling, put the moment on hold
The frame's too bright, so put the blinds down low and
I need this old train to break down
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
I need this old train to break down
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
I wanna break on down
But I can't stop now
I hope this old train breaks down
Then I could take a walk around
แล้วฉันก็จะสามารถเดินรอบ ๆ
See what there is to see
Time is just a melody
With all the people in the street
Walking as fast as their feet can take 'em
I just roll through town
And though my window's got a view
Well, the frame I'm looking through
Seems to have no concern for me now
So for now I
I need this old train to break down
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
โอ้ โปรดให้ฉันหักลงได้
Well, this engine screams out loud
Centipede gonna crawl westbound
So I don't even make a sound
'Cause it's gonna sting me when I leave this town
And all the people in the street
That I'll never get to meet
These tracks don't bend somehow
And I got no time that I got to get to
Where I don't need to be, so I
ที่ฉันไม่จำเป็นต้องอยู่ ดังนั้นฉัน
I need this old train to break down
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
โอ้ โปรดให้ฉันหักลงได้
I need this old train to break down
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
โอ้ โปรดให้ฉันหักลงได้
I wanna break on down
But I can't stop now
Let me break on down
But you can't stop nothing if you got no control
Of the thoughts in your mind that you kept and you know
You don't know nothing, but you don't need to know
คุณไม่รู้อะไรเลย แต่คุณไม่จำเป็นต้องรู้
The wisdom's in the trees, not the glass windows
ความรู้อยู่ในต้นไม้ ไม่ใช่หน้าต่างกระจก
You can't stop wishing if you don't let go
The things that you find and you lose and you know
You keep on rolling, put the moment on hold
คุณยังคงม้วนต่อไป ให้เวลานี้พัก
The frame's too bright, so put the blinds down low and
กรอบมันสว่างเกินไป ดังนั้นปิดม่านลงไป
I need this old train to break down
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
โอ้ โปรดให้ฉันหักลงได้
I need this old train to break down
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
โอ้ โปรดให้ฉันหักลงได้
I wanna break on down
But I can't stop now
I hope this old train breaks down
Then I could take a walk around
See what there is to see
Time is just a melody
With all the people in the street
Walking as fast as their feet can take 'em
I just roll through town
And though my window's got a view
Well, the frame I'm looking through
Seems to have no concern for me now
So for now I
I need this old train to break down
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
Well, this engine screams out loud
Centipede gonna crawl westbound
So I don't even make a sound
'Cause it's gonna sting me when I leave this town
And all the people in the street
That I'll never get to meet
These tracks don't bend somehow
And I got no time that I got to get to
Where I don't need to be, so I
I need this old train to break down
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
I need this old train to break down
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
I wanna break on down
But I can't stop now
Let me break on down
But you can't stop nothing if you got no control
Of the thoughts in your mind that you kept and you know
You don't know nothing, but you don't need to know
The wisdom's in the trees, not the glass windows
You can't stop wishing if you don't let go
The things that you find and you lose and you know
You keep on rolling, put the moment on hold
The frame's too bright, so put the blinds down low and
I need this old train to break down
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
I need this old train to break down
Oh, please just let me please breakdown
I wanna break on down
But I can't stop now

Trivia about the song Breakdown by Jack Johnson

On which albums was the song “Breakdown” released by Jack Johnson?
Jack Johnson released the song on the albums “In Between Dreams” in 2005, “Jack Johnson & Friends - Best Of Kokua Festival” in 2012, and “Best of Kokua Festival” in 2012.
Who composed the song “Breakdown” by Jack Johnson?
The song “Breakdown” by Jack Johnson was composed by Jack Johnson, Daniel M. Nakamura, Paul E. Huston.

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