
Jack Hody Johnson

Lyrics Translation

The light was leaving and the west it was blue
The children's laughter saying they're skipping just like the stones they threw
The voices echoed across the ways, it's getting late

It was just another night with the sunset and
The moon rise not so far behind
To give us just enough light
To lay down underneath the stars listening to
Papa's translations of the stories across the sky, we drew our own constellations

The west winds often last too long
But when they come down nothing ever feels the same
Sheltered under the Kamani tree waiting for the passing rain
Clouds keep moving to uncover the sea
Stars above us chasing the day away
To find the stories that we sometimes need
Listen close enough all else fades
Fades away

It was just another night with the sunset and
The moon rise not so far behind
To give us just enough light
To lay down underneath the stars listening to
All the translations of the stories across the sky to do our own constellations

The light was leaving and the west it was blue
A luz estava se indo e o oeste estava azul
The children's laughter saying they're skipping just like the stones they threw
O riso das crianças dizendo que estão pulando como as pedras que jogaram
The voices echoed across the ways, it's getting late
As vozes ecoaram pelos caminhos, está ficando tarde
It was just another night with the sunset and
Era apenas mais uma noite com o pôr do sol e
The moon rise not so far behind
A lua não tão distante
To give us just enough light
Para nos dar luz suficiente
To lay down underneath the stars listening to
Para deitar sob as estrelas ouvindo
Papa's translations of the stories across the sky, we drew our own constellations
As traduções do papai das histórias pelo céu, desenhamos nossas próprias constelações
The west winds often last too long
Os ventos do oeste muitas vezes duram muito tempo
But when they come down nothing ever feels the same
Mas quando eles descem, nada nunca parece o mesmo
Sheltered under the Kamani tree waiting for the passing rain
Abrigados sob a árvore Kamani esperando a chuva passar
Clouds keep moving to uncover the sea
As nuvens continuam se movendo para descobrir o mar
Stars above us chasing the day away
Estrelas acima de nós perseguindo o dia
To find the stories that we sometimes need
Para encontrar as histórias que às vezes precisamos
Listen close enough all else fades
Ouça com atenção suficiente, tudo o mais desaparece
Fades away
It was just another night with the sunset and
Era apenas mais uma noite com o pôr do sol e
The moon rise not so far behind
A lua não tão distante
To give us just enough light
Para nos dar luz suficiente
To lay down underneath the stars listening to
Para deitar sob as estrelas ouvindo
All the translations of the stories across the sky to do our own constellations
Todas as traduções das histórias pelo céu para fazer nossas próprias constelações
The light was leaving and the west it was blue
La luz se iba y el oeste estaba azul
The children's laughter saying they're skipping just like the stones they threw
La risa de los niños diciendo que saltan como las piedras que lanzaron
The voices echoed across the ways, it's getting late
Las voces resonaban a través de los caminos, se está haciendo tarde
It was just another night with the sunset and
Era solo otra noche con la puesta de sol y
The moon rise not so far behind
El ascenso de la luna no muy lejos detrás
To give us just enough light
Para darnos suficiente luz
To lay down underneath the stars listening to
Para acostarnos debajo de las estrellas escuchando a
Papa's translations of the stories across the sky, we drew our own constellations
Las traducciones de papá de las historias a través del cielo, dibujamos nuestras propias constelaciones
The west winds often last too long
Los vientos del oeste a menudo duran demasiado
But when they come down nothing ever feels the same
Pero cuando bajan nada se siente igual
Sheltered under the Kamani tree waiting for the passing rain
Refugiados bajo el árbol Kamani esperando la lluvia pasajera
Clouds keep moving to uncover the sea
Las nubes siguen moviéndose para descubrir el mar
Stars above us chasing the day away
Estrellas sobre nosotros persiguiendo el día
To find the stories that we sometimes need
Para encontrar las historias que a veces necesitamos
Listen close enough all else fades
Escucha lo suficientemente cerca todo lo demás se desvanece
Fades away
Se desvanece
It was just another night with the sunset and
Era solo otra noche con la puesta de sol y
The moon rise not so far behind
El ascenso de la luna no muy lejos detrás
To give us just enough light
Para darnos suficiente luz
To lay down underneath the stars listening to
Para acostarnos debajo de las estrellas escuchando a
All the translations of the stories across the sky to do our own constellations
Todas las traducciones de las historias a través del cielo para hacer nuestras propias constelaciones
The light was leaving and the west it was blue
La lumière s'en allait et l'ouest était bleu
The children's laughter saying they're skipping just like the stones they threw
Les rires des enfants disant qu'ils sautent comme les pierres qu'ils ont lancées
The voices echoed across the ways, it's getting late
Les voix résonnaient à travers les chemins, il se fait tard
It was just another night with the sunset and
C'était juste une autre nuit avec le coucher du soleil et
The moon rise not so far behind
Le lever de la lune pas si loin derrière
To give us just enough light
Pour nous donner juste assez de lumière
To lay down underneath the stars listening to
Pour s'allonger sous les étoiles en écoutant
Papa's translations of the stories across the sky, we drew our own constellations
Les traductions de Papa des histoires à travers le ciel, nous avons dessiné nos propres constellations
The west winds often last too long
Les vents de l'ouest durent souvent trop longtemps
But when they come down nothing ever feels the same
Mais quand ils descendent, rien ne semble jamais pareil
Sheltered under the Kamani tree waiting for the passing rain
Abrités sous l'arbre Kamani en attendant la pluie passagère
Clouds keep moving to uncover the sea
Les nuages continuent de se déplacer pour découvrir la mer
Stars above us chasing the day away
Les étoiles au-dessus de nous chassent le jour
To find the stories that we sometimes need
Pour trouver les histoires dont nous avons parfois besoin
Listen close enough all else fades
Écoutez assez attentivement tout le reste s'estompe
Fades away
It was just another night with the sunset and
C'était juste une autre nuit avec le coucher du soleil et
The moon rise not so far behind
Le lever de la lune pas si loin derrière
To give us just enough light
Pour nous donner juste assez de lumière
To lay down underneath the stars listening to
Pour s'allonger sous les étoiles en écoutant
All the translations of the stories across the sky to do our own constellations
Toutes les traductions des histoires à travers le ciel pour faire nos propres constellations
The light was leaving and the west it was blue
Das Licht verschwand und der Westen war blau
The children's laughter saying they're skipping just like the stones they threw
Das Lachen der Kinder sagte, sie hüpfen wie die Steine, die sie warfen
The voices echoed across the ways, it's getting late
Die Stimmen hallten über die Wege, es wird spät
It was just another night with the sunset and
Es war nur eine weitere Nacht mit dem Sonnenuntergang und
The moon rise not so far behind
Der Mondaufgang nicht weit dahinter
To give us just enough light
Um uns gerade genug Licht zu geben
To lay down underneath the stars listening to
Um unter den Sternen zu liegen und zuzuhören
Papa's translations of the stories across the sky, we drew our own constellations
Papas Übersetzungen der Geschichten am Himmel, wir zeichneten unsere eigenen Sternbilder
The west winds often last too long
Die Westwinde dauern oft zu lange
But when they come down nothing ever feels the same
Aber wenn sie abklingen, fühlt sich nichts mehr gleich an
Sheltered under the Kamani tree waiting for the passing rain
Unter dem Kamani-Baum auf den vorübergehenden Regen wartend
Clouds keep moving to uncover the sea
Wolken bewegen sich weiter, um das Meer freizulegen
Stars above us chasing the day away
Sterne über uns jagen den Tag weg
To find the stories that we sometimes need
Um die Geschichten zu finden, die wir manchmal brauchen
Listen close enough all else fades
Hör genau hin, alles andere verblasst
Fades away
It was just another night with the sunset and
Es war nur eine weitere Nacht mit dem Sonnenuntergang und
The moon rise not so far behind
Der Mondaufgang nicht weit dahinter
To give us just enough light
Um uns gerade genug Licht zu geben
To lay down underneath the stars listening to
Um unter den Sternen zu liegen und zuzuhören
All the translations of the stories across the sky to do our own constellations
Alle Übersetzungen der Geschichten am Himmel, um unsere eigenen Sternbilder zu zeichnen
The light was leaving and the west it was blue
La luce stava svanendo e l'ovest era blu
The children's laughter saying they're skipping just like the stones they threw
Le risate dei bambini che dicevano che stavano saltellando proprio come le pietre che hanno lanciato
The voices echoed across the ways, it's getting late
Le voci echeggiavano attraverso le vie, stava diventando tardi
It was just another night with the sunset and
Era solo un'altra notte con il tramonto e
The moon rise not so far behind
Il sorgere della luna non così lontano dietro
To give us just enough light
Per darci abbastanza luce
To lay down underneath the stars listening to
Per sdraiarci sotto le stelle ascoltando
Papa's translations of the stories across the sky, we drew our own constellations
Le traduzioni di papà delle storie attraverso il cielo, abbiamo disegnato le nostre costellazioni
The west winds often last too long
I venti dell'ovest durano spesso troppo a lungo
But when they come down nothing ever feels the same
Ma quando scendono nulla si sente mai allo stesso modo
Sheltered under the Kamani tree waiting for the passing rain
Rifugiati sotto l'albero Kamani in attesa della pioggia che passa
Clouds keep moving to uncover the sea
Le nuvole continuano a muoversi per scoprire il mare
Stars above us chasing the day away
Stelle sopra di noi che inseguono il giorno via
To find the stories that we sometimes need
Per trovare le storie di cui a volte abbiamo bisogno
Listen close enough all else fades
Ascolta abbastanza da vicino tutto il resto svanisce
Fades away
Svanisce via
It was just another night with the sunset and
Era solo un'altra notte con il tramonto e
The moon rise not so far behind
Il sorgere della luna non così lontano dietro
To give us just enough light
Per darci abbastanza luce
To lay down underneath the stars listening to
Per sdraiarci sotto le stelle ascoltando
All the translations of the stories across the sky to do our own constellations
Tutte le traduzioni delle storie attraverso il cielo per fare le nostre costellazioni
The light was leaving and the west it was blue
Cahaya mulai pudar dan di barat langit berwarna biru
The children's laughter saying they're skipping just like the stones they threw
Tawa anak-anak berkata mereka melompat seperti batu yang mereka lempar
The voices echoed across the ways, it's getting late
Suara-suara bergema menyeberangi jalan, sudah mulai larut
It was just another night with the sunset and
Ini hanyalah malam lain dengan matahari terbenam dan
The moon rise not so far behind
Terbitnya bulan tidak jauh di belakang
To give us just enough light
Untuk memberi kita cukup cahaya
To lay down underneath the stars listening to
Untuk berbaring di bawah bintang sambil mendengarkan
Papa's translations of the stories across the sky, we drew our own constellations
Terjemahan Papa dari cerita-cerita di langit, kami membuat konstelasi kami sendiri
The west winds often last too long
Angin barat sering berlangsung terlalu lama
But when they come down nothing ever feels the same
Tapi ketika mereka mereda, tidak ada yang terasa sama lagi
Sheltered under the Kamani tree waiting for the passing rain
Berlindung di bawah pohon Kamani menunggu hujan berlalu
Clouds keep moving to uncover the sea
Awan terus bergerak untuk membuka laut
Stars above us chasing the day away
Bintang-bintang di atas kita mengejar hari
To find the stories that we sometimes need
Untuk menemukan cerita-cerita yang terkadang kita butuhkan
Listen close enough all else fades
Dengarkan dengan cukup dekat semua yang lain memudar
Fades away
It was just another night with the sunset and
Ini hanyalah malam lain dengan matahari terbenam dan
The moon rise not so far behind
Terbitnya bulan tidak jauh di belakang
To give us just enough light
Untuk memberi kita cukup cahaya
To lay down underneath the stars listening to
Untuk berbaring di bawah bintang sambil mendengarkan
All the translations of the stories across the sky to do our own constellations
Semua terjemahan dari cerita-cerita di langit untuk membuat konstelasi kami sendiri
The light was leaving and the west it was blue
แสงสว่างกำลังจางหายไป และทางทิศตะวันตกเป็นสีฟ้า
The children's laughter saying they're skipping just like the stones they threw
เสียงหัวเราะของเด็กๆ บอกว่าพวกเขากำลังกระโดดข้ามหินเหมือนกับก้อนหินที่พวกเขาโยน
The voices echoed across the ways, it's getting late
เสียงพูดดังก้องไปทั่วทาง เวลากำลังสาย
It was just another night with the sunset and
The moon rise not so far behind
To give us just enough light
To lay down underneath the stars listening to
ที่จะนอนลงใต้ดวงดาว ฟัง
Papa's translations of the stories across the sky, we drew our own constellations
การแปลเรื่องราวของปู่ที่ทอดยาวไปทั่วท้องฟ้า เราวาดรูปราศีของเราเอง
The west winds often last too long
But when they come down nothing ever feels the same
แต่เมื่อมันสงบลง ทุกอย่างรู้สึกไม่เหมือนเดิม
Sheltered under the Kamani tree waiting for the passing rain
Clouds keep moving to uncover the sea
Stars above us chasing the day away
To find the stories that we sometimes need
Listen close enough all else fades
ฟังให้ดีพอ ทุกอย่างอื่นจะจางหายไป
Fades away
It was just another night with the sunset and
The moon rise not so far behind
To give us just enough light
To lay down underneath the stars listening to
ที่จะนอนลงใต้ดวงดาว ฟัง
All the translations of the stories across the sky to do our own constellations
The light was leaving and the west it was blue
The children's laughter saying they're skipping just like the stones they threw
The voices echoed across the ways, it's getting late
It was just another night with the sunset and
The moon rise not so far behind
To give us just enough light
To lay down underneath the stars listening to
Papa's translations of the stories across the sky, we drew our own constellations
The west winds often last too long
But when they come down nothing ever feels the same
Sheltered under the Kamani tree waiting for the passing rain
Clouds keep moving to uncover the sea
Stars above us chasing the day away
To find the stories that we sometimes need
Listen close enough all else fades
Fades away
It was just another night with the sunset and
The moon rise not so far behind
To give us just enough light
To lay down underneath the stars listening to
All the translations of the stories across the sky to do our own constellations

Trivia about the song Constellations by Jack Johnson

On which albums was the song “Constellations” released by Jack Johnson?
Jack Johnson released the song on the albums “In Between Dreams” in 2005, “Jack Johnson & Friends - Best Of Kokua Festival” in 2012, and “Best of Kokua Festival” in 2012.
Who composed the song “Constellations” by Jack Johnson?
The song “Constellations” by Jack Johnson was composed by Jack Hody Johnson.

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