Whatever We Imagine


Lyrics Translation

Don't be afraid
I can meet you half way
We can't always know
Where the road ends up
But with some luck
I know we can go
Where-ever we imagine

Why should we wait
Later on maybe too late
Cause where can we run
When you see there's half a chance
That we might really become
Whatever we imagine

And I imagine you and me
Just taking shots at what we see
And if we falter
Take away the dust
And just outlast them all

You ought to see
All your heroes in me
But if we get wise
We can break the walls we make
And you can see in my eyes
Whatever we imagine

And I imagine you and me
Just taking shots at what we see
So let the walls go down
And we can try it again
Cause nobody can stop us now

don't be afraid
Cause I'll meet you half way
You're not far behind
If we climb this hill
I know there's still a chance we can find
Whatever we imagine in our life

We can make it there baby
Ohh, Whatever we imagine
don't you see baby
It's all in our minds
I'll meet you halfway
Whatever we imagine (faded)

Don't be afraid
Não tenha medo
I can meet you half way
Eu posso te encontrar no meio do caminho
We can't always know
Nós nem sempre podemos saber
Where the road ends up
Onde a estrada termina
But with some luck
Mas com alguma sorte
I know we can go
Eu sei que podemos ir
Where-ever we imagine
Onde quer que imaginemos
Why should we wait
Por que deveríamos esperar
Later on maybe too late
Mais tarde pode ser tarde demais
Cause where can we run
Porque para onde podemos correr
When you see there's half a chance
Quando você vê que há meia chance
That we might really become
De que realmente possamos nos tornar
Whatever we imagine
O que quer que imaginemos
And I imagine you and me
E eu imagino você e eu
Just taking shots at what we see
Apenas dando tiros no que vemos
And if we falter
E se vacilarmos
Take away the dust
Tire a poeira
And just outlast them all
E apenas sobreviva a todos
You ought to see
Você deveria ver
All your heroes in me
Todos os seus heróis em mim
But if we get wise
Mas se ficarmos sábios
We can break the walls we make
Podemos quebrar as paredes que fazemos
And you can see in my eyes
E você pode ver nos meus olhos
Whatever we imagine
O que quer que imaginemos
And I imagine you and me
E eu imagino você e eu
Just taking shots at what we see
Apenas dando tiros no que vemos
So let the walls go down
Então deixe as paredes caírem
And we can try it again
E podemos tentar novamente
Cause nobody can stop us now
Porque ninguém pode nos parar agora
don't be afraid
Não tenha medo
Cause I'll meet you half way
Porque eu vou te encontrar no meio do caminho
You're not far behind
Você não está muito atrás
If we climb this hill
Se subirmos esta colina
I know there's still a chance we can find
Eu sei que ainda há uma chance de encontrarmos
Whatever we imagine in our life
O que quer que imaginemos em nossa vida
We can make it there baby
Podemos chegar lá, baby
Ohh, Whatever we imagine
Ohh, o que quer que imaginemos
don't you see baby
Você não vê, baby
It's all in our minds
Está tudo em nossas mentes
I'll meet you halfway
Eu vou te encontrar no meio do caminho
Whatever we imagine (faded)
O que quer que imaginemos (desvanecido)
Don't be afraid
No tengas miedo
I can meet you half way
Puedo encontrarte a mitad de camino
We can't always know
No siempre podemos saber
Where the road ends up
Dónde termina el camino
But with some luck
Pero con algo de suerte
I know we can go
Sé que podemos ir
Where-ever we imagine
Donde sea que imaginemos
Why should we wait
¿Por qué deberíamos esperar?
Later on maybe too late
Más tarde puede ser demasiado tarde
Cause where can we run
Porque, ¿dónde podemos correr?
When you see there's half a chance
Cuando ves que hay media oportunidad
That we might really become
De que realmente podamos convertirnos
Whatever we imagine
En lo que sea que imaginemos
And I imagine you and me
Y me imagino a ti y a mí
Just taking shots at what we see
Simplemente disparando a lo que vemos
And if we falter
Y si fallamos
Take away the dust
Quita el polvo
And just outlast them all
Y simplemente sobrevive a todos
You ought to see
Deberías ver
All your heroes in me
A todos tus héroes en mí
But if we get wise
Pero si nos volvemos sabios
We can break the walls we make
Podemos romper las paredes que hacemos
And you can see in my eyes
Y puedes ver en mis ojos
Whatever we imagine
Lo que sea que imaginemos
And I imagine you and me
Y me imagino a ti y a mí
Just taking shots at what we see
Simplemente disparando a lo que vemos
So let the walls go down
Así que dejen que las paredes caigan
And we can try it again
Y podemos intentarlo de nuevo
Cause nobody can stop us now
Porque nadie puede detenernos ahora
don't be afraid
No tengas miedo
Cause I'll meet you half way
Porque te encontraré a mitad de camino
You're not far behind
No estás muy atrás
If we climb this hill
Si escalamos esta colina
I know there's still a chance we can find
Sé que todavía hay una oportunidad de que podamos encontrar
Whatever we imagine in our life
Lo que sea que imaginemos en nuestra vida
We can make it there baby
Podemos llegar allí, cariño
Ohh, Whatever we imagine
Ohh, lo que sea que imaginemos
don't you see baby
No lo ves, cariño
It's all in our minds
Todo está en nuestras mentes
I'll meet you halfway
Te encontraré a mitad de camino
Whatever we imagine (faded)
Lo que sea que imaginemos (desvanecido)
Don't be afraid
N'aie pas peur
I can meet you half way
Je peux te rencontrer à mi-chemin
We can't always know
On ne peut pas toujours savoir
Where the road ends up
Où la route se termine
But with some luck
Mais avec un peu de chance
I know we can go
Je sais que nous pouvons aller
Where-ever we imagine
Où que nous imaginions
Why should we wait
Pourquoi devrions-nous attendre
Later on maybe too late
Plus tard, il sera peut-être trop tard
Cause where can we run
Car où pouvons-nous courir
When you see there's half a chance
Quand tu vois qu'il y a une demi-chance
That we might really become
Que nous pourrions vraiment devenir
Whatever we imagine
Tout ce que nous imaginons
And I imagine you and me
Et j'imagine toi et moi
Just taking shots at what we see
Juste en train de tirer sur ce que nous voyons
And if we falter
Et si nous faiblissons
Take away the dust
Enlève la poussière
And just outlast them all
Et surpasse simplement tout le monde
You ought to see
Tu devrais voir
All your heroes in me
Tous tes héros en moi
But if we get wise
Mais si nous devenons sages
We can break the walls we make
Nous pouvons briser les murs que nous faisons
And you can see in my eyes
Et tu peux voir dans mes yeux
Whatever we imagine
Tout ce que nous imaginons
And I imagine you and me
Et j'imagine toi et moi
Just taking shots at what we see
Juste en train de tirer sur ce que nous voyons
So let the walls go down
Alors laisse les murs tomber
And we can try it again
Et nous pouvons essayer à nouveau
Cause nobody can stop us now
Car personne ne peut nous arrêter maintenant
don't be afraid
N'aie pas peur
Cause I'll meet you half way
Car je te rencontrerai à mi-chemin
You're not far behind
Tu n'es pas loin derrière
If we climb this hill
Si nous grimpons cette colline
I know there's still a chance we can find
Je sais qu'il y a encore une chance que nous trouvions
Whatever we imagine in our life
Tout ce que nous imaginons dans notre vie
We can make it there baby
Nous pouvons y arriver bébé
Ohh, Whatever we imagine
Ohh, tout ce que nous imaginons
don't you see baby
Ne vois-tu pas bébé
It's all in our minds
Tout est dans nos esprits
I'll meet you halfway
Je te rencontrerai à mi-chemin
Whatever we imagine (faded)
Tout ce que nous imaginons (estompé)
Don't be afraid
Hab keine Angst
I can meet you half way
Ich kann dir auf halbem Weg entgegenkommen
We can't always know
Wir können nicht immer wissen
Where the road ends up
Wo die Straße endet
But with some luck
Aber mit etwas Glück
I know we can go
Ich weiß, wir können gehen
Where-ever we imagine
Wohin auch immer wir uns vorstellen
Why should we wait
Warum sollten wir warten
Later on maybe too late
Später könnte es zu spät sein
Cause where can we run
Denn wohin können wir laufen
When you see there's half a chance
Wenn du siehst, dass es eine halbe Chance gibt
That we might really become
Dass wir wirklich werden könnten
Whatever we imagine
Was auch immer wir uns vorstellen
And I imagine you and me
Und ich stelle mir dich und mich vor
Just taking shots at what we see
Einfach auf das schießen, was wir sehen
And if we falter
Und wenn wir straucheln
Take away the dust
Nimm den Staub weg
And just outlast them all
Und überdauere sie alle
You ought to see
Du solltest sehen
All your heroes in me
Alle deine Helden in mir
But if we get wise
Aber wenn wir klug werden
We can break the walls we make
Können wir die Mauern, die wir machen, durchbrechen
And you can see in my eyes
Und du kannst in meinen Augen sehen
Whatever we imagine
Was auch immer wir uns vorstellen
And I imagine you and me
Und ich stelle mir dich und mich vor
Just taking shots at what we see
Einfach auf das schießen, was wir sehen
So let the walls go down
Also lasst die Mauern fallen
And we can try it again
Und wir können es nochmal versuchen
Cause nobody can stop us now
Denn niemand kann uns jetzt stoppen
don't be afraid
Hab keine Angst
Cause I'll meet you half way
Denn ich treffe dich auf halbem Weg
You're not far behind
Du bist nicht weit dahinter
If we climb this hill
Wenn wir diesen Hügel erklimmen
I know there's still a chance we can find
Ich weiß, es besteht immer noch die Chance, dass wir finden
Whatever we imagine in our life
Was auch immer wir uns in unserem Leben vorstellen
We can make it there baby
Wir können es dort schaffen, Baby
Ohh, Whatever we imagine
Ohh, was auch immer wir uns vorstellen
don't you see baby
Siehst du nicht, Baby
It's all in our minds
Es ist alles in unseren Köpfen
I'll meet you halfway
Ich treffe dich auf halbem Weg
Whatever we imagine (faded)
Was auch immer wir uns vorstellen (verblasst)
Don't be afraid
Non avere paura
I can meet you half way
Posso incontrarti a metà strada
We can't always know
Non possiamo sempre sapere
Where the road ends up
Dove finisce la strada
But with some luck
Ma con un po' di fortuna
I know we can go
So che possiamo andare
Where-ever we imagine
Dove immaginiamo
Why should we wait
Perché dovremmo aspettare
Later on maybe too late
Più tardi potrebbe essere troppo tardi
Cause where can we run
Perché dove possiamo correre
When you see there's half a chance
Quando vedi che c'è mezza possibilità
That we might really become
Che potremmo davvero diventare
Whatever we imagine
Qualsiasi cosa immaginiamo
And I imagine you and me
E immagino te e me
Just taking shots at what we see
Solo a sparare a quello che vediamo
And if we falter
E se inciampiamo
Take away the dust
Togli la polvere
And just outlast them all
E supera tutti
You ought to see
Dovresti vedere
All your heroes in me
Tutti i tuoi eroi in me
But if we get wise
Ma se diventiamo saggi
We can break the walls we make
Possiamo abbattere i muri che facciamo
And you can see in my eyes
E puoi vedere nei miei occhi
Whatever we imagine
Qualsiasi cosa immaginiamo
And I imagine you and me
E immagino te e me
Just taking shots at what we see
Solo a sparare a quello che vediamo
So let the walls go down
Quindi lascia che i muri cadano
And we can try it again
E possiamo provarci di nuovo
Cause nobody can stop us now
Perché nessuno può fermarci ora
don't be afraid
Non avere paura
Cause I'll meet you half way
Perché ti incontrerò a metà strada
You're not far behind
Non sei molto indietro
If we climb this hill
Se saliamo questa collina
I know there's still a chance we can find
So che c'è ancora una possibilità che possiamo trovare
Whatever we imagine in our life
Qualsiasi cosa immaginiamo nella nostra vita
We can make it there baby
Possiamo farcela lì, baby
Ohh, Whatever we imagine
Ohh, qualsiasi cosa immaginiamo
don't you see baby
Non vedi, baby
It's all in our minds
È tutto nella nostra mente
I'll meet you halfway
Ti incontrerò a metà strada
Whatever we imagine (faded)
Qualsiasi cosa immaginiamo (sbiadito)
Don't be afraid
Jangan takut
I can meet you half way
Aku bisa bertemu setengah jalan denganmu
We can't always know
Kita tidak selalu tahu
Where the road ends up
Kemana jalan ini akan berakhir
But with some luck
Tapi dengan sedikit keberuntungan
I know we can go
Aku tahu kita bisa pergi
Where-ever we imagine
Kemanapun kita bayangkan
Why should we wait
Mengapa kita harus menunggu
Later on maybe too late
Nanti mungkin sudah terlambat
Cause where can we run
Karena kemana kita bisa lari
When you see there's half a chance
Ketika kamu melihat ada setengah peluang
That we might really become
Bahwa kita mungkin benar-benar menjadi
Whatever we imagine
Apa pun yang kita bayangkan
And I imagine you and me
Dan aku membayangkan kamu dan aku
Just taking shots at what we see
Hanya mencoba apa yang kita lihat
And if we falter
Dan jika kita terhuyung
Take away the dust
Hilangkan debunya
And just outlast them all
Dan hanya bertahan lebih lama dari mereka semua
You ought to see
Kamu seharusnya melihat
All your heroes in me
Semua pahlawanmu ada di dalam diriku
But if we get wise
Tapi jika kita menjadi bijaksana
We can break the walls we make
Kita bisa meruntuhkan tembok yang kita buat
And you can see in my eyes
Dan kamu bisa melihat di mataku
Whatever we imagine
Apa pun yang kita bayangkan
And I imagine you and me
Dan aku membayangkan kamu dan aku
Just taking shots at what we see
Hanya mencoba apa yang kita lihat
So let the walls go down
Jadi biarkan tembok itu runtuh
And we can try it again
Dan kita bisa mencobanya lagi
Cause nobody can stop us now
Karena tidak ada yang bisa menghentikan kita sekarang
don't be afraid
Jangan takut
Cause I'll meet you half way
Karena aku akan bertemu setengah jalan denganmu
You're not far behind
Kamu tidak jauh di belakang
If we climb this hill
Jika kita mendaki bukit ini
I know there's still a chance we can find
Aku tahu masih ada peluang kita bisa menemukan
Whatever we imagine in our life
Apa pun yang kita bayangkan dalam hidup kita
We can make it there baby
Kita bisa sampai di sana sayang
Ohh, Whatever we imagine
Ohh, Apa pun yang kita bayangkan
don't you see baby
Tidakkah kamu melihat sayang
It's all in our minds
Semuanya ada di pikiran kita
I'll meet you halfway
Aku akan bertemu setengah jalan denganmu
Whatever we imagine (faded)
Apa pun yang kita bayangkan (memudar)
Don't be afraid
I can meet you half way
We can't always know
Where the road ends up
But with some luck
I know we can go
Where-ever we imagine
Why should we wait
Later on maybe too late
Cause where can we run
When you see there's half a chance
That we might really become
Whatever we imagine
And I imagine you and me
Just taking shots at what we see
And if we falter
Take away the dust
And just outlast them all
You ought to see
All your heroes in me
But if we get wise
We can break the walls we make
And you can see in my eyes
Whatever we imagine
And I imagine you and me
Just taking shots at what we see
So let the walls go down
And we can try it again
Cause nobody can stop us now
don't be afraid
Cause I'll meet you half way
You're not far behind
If we climb this hill
I know there's still a chance we can find
Whatever we imagine in our life
We can make it there baby
Ohh, Whatever we imagine
โอ้, ทุกอย่างที่เราจินตนาการ
don't you see baby
It's all in our minds
I'll meet you halfway
Whatever we imagine (faded)
ทุกอย่างที่เราจินตนาการ (เบาๆ)
Don't be afraid
I can meet you half way
We can't always know
Where the road ends up
But with some luck
I know we can go
Where-ever we imagine
Why should we wait
Later on maybe too late
Cause where can we run
When you see there's half a chance
That we might really become
Whatever we imagine
And I imagine you and me
Just taking shots at what we see
And if we falter
Take away the dust
And just outlast them all
You ought to see
All your heroes in me
But if we get wise
We can break the walls we make
And you can see in my eyes
Whatever we imagine
And I imagine you and me
Just taking shots at what we see
So let the walls go down
And we can try it again
Cause nobody can stop us now
don't be afraid
Cause I'll meet you half way
You're not far behind
If we climb this hill
I know there's still a chance we can find
Whatever we imagine in our life
We can make it there baby
Ohh, Whatever we imagine
don't you see baby
It's all in our minds
I'll meet you halfway
Whatever we imagine (faded)

Trivia about the song Whatever We Imagine by James Ingram

On which albums was the song “Whatever We Imagine” released by James Ingram?
James Ingram released the song on the albums “It's Your Night” in 1983 and “Greatest Hits (The Power of Great Music)” in 1991.
Who composed the song “Whatever We Imagine” by James Ingram?
The song “Whatever We Imagine” by James Ingram was composed by DAVID FOSTER, PAUL HOWARD GORDON, JEREMY LUBBOCK.

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