Most Popular Songs
When You Looked at Me
1999 • Slowly Bright
My Impossible Love
2001 • Birds
The First Day of Winter
2001 • Birds
Endless Green
2001 • Birds
The Fade
2001 • Birds
Look Down
1999 • Slowly Bright
Got to Have You
2003 • So High
We Will Be Together
2003 • So High
The Invitation
2003 • So High
Since You’ve Been Away
2003 • So High
Down So Low
2003 • So High
The Power of Love
2003 • So High
1999 • Slowly Bright
1999 • Slowly Bright
Burned Down Summer
1999 • Slowly Bright
Anything Can Happen
1999 • Slowly Bright
All Songs
After the Fall
Anything Can Happen
Blue Forever Mine
Burned Down Summer
Down So Low
End of August
Endless Green
Got to Have You
I’ll Be Back Soon
Look Down
Mercury, the Sun and Moon
My Impossible Love
Since You’ve Been Away
So Hard to Believe
So High
The Fade
The First Day of Winter
The Invitation
The Power of Love
The War Is Done
Through Leaves
Trouble Fire
We Will Be Together
What You Said
When You Looked at Me
Whole Wide World
Yesterday My Heart Was Free
Trivia about Jenifer Jackson
- What is the latest album by Jenifer Jackson?
- The latest album by Jenifer Jackson is “So High”, released in 2003 with 11 tracks.
- What is the oldest album by Jenifer Jackson?
- The oldest album by Jenifer Jackson is “Slowly Bright”, released in 1999 with 10 tracks.
- What is the most successful song by Jenifer Jackson?
- The most popular song by Jenifer Jackson is “When You Looked at Me”, from the album “Slowly Bright”, released in 1999.
- How many albums has Jenifer Jackson released?
- Between 1999 and 2003 Jenifer Jackson released 3 Albums
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