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Trivia about João Chagas Leite

What are the main songs by João Chagas Leite?
The main songs by João Chagas Leite are “Desassossegos”, “Por Quem Cantam Os Cardeais”, “Ave Sonora”, “Amigos do Rio Uruguai”, and “Seiva de Vida e Paz”.
What is the latest album by João Chagas Leite?
The latest album by João Chagas Leite is “Conto de Fadas”, released in 2011 with 13 tracks.
What is the oldest album by João Chagas Leite?
The oldest album by João Chagas Leite is “Campo, Pampa e Querência”, released in 1984 with 10 tracks.
What is the most successful song by João Chagas Leite?
The most popular song by João Chagas Leite is “Desassossegos”, from the album “Amigo do Peito”, released in 1998.
How many albums has João Chagas Leite released?
Between 1984 and 2011 João Chagas Leite released 11 Albums

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