When I'm Gone


Lyrics Translation

A bright sunrise will contradict the heavy fog that weighs you down
In spite of all the funeral songs
The birds will make their joyful sounds

You'll wonder why the earth still moves
You'll wonder how you'll carry on
But you'll be okay on that first day when I'm gone

Dusk will come with fireflies and whippoorwill and cricket's call
And every star will take its place
In silvery gown and purple shawl

You'll lie down in our big bed
Dread the dark and dread the dawn
But you'll be alright on that first night when I'm gone

You will reach for me in vain
You'll be whispering my name
As if sorrow were your friend
And this world so alien

But life will call with daffodils
And morning glorious blue skies
You'll think of me some memory
And softly smile to your surprise

And even though you love me still
You will know where you belong
Just give it time, we'll both be fine
When I'm gone

A bright sunrise will contradict the heavy fog that weighs you down
Um brilhante nascer do sol contradirá a pesada neblina que te oprime
In spite of all the funeral songs
Apesar de todas as canções fúnebres
The birds will make their joyful sounds
Os pássaros farão seus sons alegres
You'll wonder why the earth still moves
Você se perguntará por que a terra ainda se move
You'll wonder how you'll carry on
Você se perguntará como seguirá em frente
But you'll be okay on that first day when I'm gone
Mas você ficará bem naquele primeiro dia quando eu partir
Dusk will come with fireflies and whippoorwill and cricket's call
O crepúsculo virá com vaga-lumes e o chamado do pássaro whippoorwill e do grilo
And every star will take its place
E cada estrela tomará seu lugar
In silvery gown and purple shawl
Em vestido prateado e xale roxo
You'll lie down in our big bed
Você se deitará na nossa cama grande
Dread the dark and dread the dawn
Teme o escuro e teme o amanhecer
But you'll be alright on that first night when I'm gone
Mas você ficará bem naquela primeira noite quando eu partir
You will reach for me in vain
Você vai me procurar em vão
You'll be whispering my name
Você estará sussurrando meu nome
As if sorrow were your friend
Como se a tristeza fosse sua amiga
And this world so alien
E este mundo tão alienígena
But life will call with daffodils
Mas a vida chamará com narcisos
And morning glorious blue skies
E céus azuis gloriosos pela manhã
You'll think of me some memory
Você pensará em mim, alguma memória
And softly smile to your surprise
E sorrirá suavemente para sua surpresa
And even though you love me still
E mesmo que você ainda me ame
You will know where you belong
Você saberá aonde pertence
Just give it time, we'll both be fine
Apenas dê tempo, nós dois ficaremos bem
When I'm gone
Quando eu partir
A bright sunrise will contradict the heavy fog that weighs you down
Un brillante amanecer contradecirá la pesada niebla que te agobia
In spite of all the funeral songs
A pesar de todas las canciones fúnebres
The birds will make their joyful sounds
Los pájaros harán sus alegres sonidos
You'll wonder why the earth still moves
Te preguntarás por qué la tierra aún se mueve
You'll wonder how you'll carry on
Te preguntarás cómo seguirás adelante
But you'll be okay on that first day when I'm gone
Pero estarás bien en ese primer día cuando me haya ido
Dusk will come with fireflies and whippoorwill and cricket's call
El anochecer vendrá con luciérnagas y el canto del chotacabras y del grillo
And every star will take its place
Y cada estrella tomará su lugar
In silvery gown and purple shawl
En vestido plateado y chal púrpura
You'll lie down in our big bed
Te acostarás en nuestra gran cama
Dread the dark and dread the dawn
Temerás la oscuridad y temerás el amanecer
But you'll be alright on that first night when I'm gone
Pero estarás bien en esa primera noche cuando me haya ido
You will reach for me in vain
Me buscarás en vano
You'll be whispering my name
Estarás susurrando mi nombre
As if sorrow were your friend
Como si el dolor fuera tu amigo
And this world so alien
Y este mundo tan ajeno
But life will call with daffodils
Pero la vida llamará con narcisos
And morning glorious blue skies
Y cielos azules gloriosos por la mañana
You'll think of me some memory
Pensarás en mí, algún recuerdo
And softly smile to your surprise
Y sonreirás suavemente para tu sorpresa
And even though you love me still
Y aunque todavía me amas
You will know where you belong
Sabrás a dónde perteneces
Just give it time, we'll both be fine
Solo dale tiempo, ambos estaremos bien
When I'm gone
Cuando me haya ido
A bright sunrise will contradict the heavy fog that weighs you down
Un brillant lever de soleil contredira le brouillard lourd qui vous pèse
In spite of all the funeral songs
Malgré tous les chants funèbres
The birds will make their joyful sounds
Les oiseaux feront leurs joyeux sons
You'll wonder why the earth still moves
Vous vous demanderez pourquoi la terre bouge encore
You'll wonder how you'll carry on
Vous vous demanderez comment vous allez continuer
But you'll be okay on that first day when I'm gone
Mais vous irez bien ce premier jour où je serai parti
Dusk will come with fireflies and whippoorwill and cricket's call
Le crépuscule viendra avec des lucioles et le chant du whippoorwill et du grillon
And every star will take its place
Et chaque étoile prendra sa place
In silvery gown and purple shawl
En robe argentée et châle pourpre
You'll lie down in our big bed
Vous vous allongerez dans notre grand lit
Dread the dark and dread the dawn
Redoutez l'obscurité et redoutez l'aube
But you'll be alright on that first night when I'm gone
Mais vous irez bien cette première nuit où je serai parti
You will reach for me in vain
Vous m'atteindrez en vain
You'll be whispering my name
Vous chuchoterez mon nom
As if sorrow were your friend
Comme si le chagrin était votre ami
And this world so alien
Et ce monde si étranger
But life will call with daffodils
Mais la vie appellera avec des jonquilles
And morning glorious blue skies
Et des ciels bleus glorieux le matin
You'll think of me some memory
Vous penserez à moi, un souvenir
And softly smile to your surprise
Et sourirez doucement à votre surprise
And even though you love me still
Et même si vous m'aimez encore
You will know where you belong
Vous saurez où vous appartenez
Just give it time, we'll both be fine
Donnez-lui juste du temps, nous irons bien tous les deux
When I'm gone
Quand je serai parti
A bright sunrise will contradict the heavy fog that weighs you down
Ein heller Sonnenaufgang wird dem schweren Nebel widersprechen, der dich niederdrückt
In spite of all the funeral songs
Trotz all der Trauergesänge
The birds will make their joyful sounds
Die Vögel werden ihre fröhlichen Töne von sich geben
You'll wonder why the earth still moves
Du wirst dich fragen, warum sich die Erde noch bewegt
You'll wonder how you'll carry on
Du wirst dich fragen, wie du weitermachen sollst
But you'll be okay on that first day when I'm gone
Aber es wird dir gut gehen an diesem ersten Tag, wenn ich weg bin
Dusk will come with fireflies and whippoorwill and cricket's call
Die Dämmerung wird kommen mit Glühwürmchen und Zikaden und dem Ruf der Grille
And every star will take its place
Und jeder Stern wird seinen Platz einnehmen
In silvery gown and purple shawl
In silbernem Gewand und lila Schal
You'll lie down in our big bed
Du wirst dich in unser großes Bett legen
Dread the dark and dread the dawn
Fürchtest dich vor der Dunkelheit und vor dem Morgengrauen
But you'll be alright on that first night when I'm gone
Aber es wird dir gut gehen in der ersten Nacht, wenn ich weg bin
You will reach for me in vain
Du wirst vergeblich nach mir greifen
You'll be whispering my name
Du wirst meinen Namen flüstern
As if sorrow were your friend
Als wäre der Kummer dein Freund
And this world so alien
Und diese Welt so fremd
But life will call with daffodils
Aber das Leben wird mit Narzissen rufen
And morning glorious blue skies
und einem strahlend blauen Morgenhimmel
You'll think of me some memory
Du wirst an mich denken, eine Erinnerung
And softly smile to your surprise
Und leise lächeln zu deiner Überraschung
And even though you love me still
Und auch wenn du mich noch liebst
You will know where you belong
Wirst du wissen, wo du hingehörst
Just give it time, we'll both be fine
Gib dem Ganzen nur Zeit, wir werden beide gut sein
When I'm gone
Wenn ich fort bin
A bright sunrise will contradict the heavy fog that weighs you down
Un'alba luminosa contraddirà la pesante nebbia che ti opprime
In spite of all the funeral songs
Nonostante tutte le canzoni funebri
The birds will make their joyful sounds
Gli uccelli faranno i loro suoni gioiosi
You'll wonder why the earth still moves
Ti chiederai perché la terra si muove ancora
You'll wonder how you'll carry on
Ti chiederai come farai a continuare
But you'll be okay on that first day when I'm gone
Ma starai bene in quel primo giorno quando me ne sarò andato
Dusk will come with fireflies and whippoorwill and cricket's call
Il crepuscolo arriverà con le lucciole e il canto del whippoorwill e del grillo
And every star will take its place
E ogni stella prenderà il suo posto
In silvery gown and purple shawl
In abito argenteo e scialle viola
You'll lie down in our big bed
Ti sdraierai nel nostro grande letto
Dread the dark and dread the dawn
Temerai il buio e temerai l'alba
But you'll be alright on that first night when I'm gone
Ma starai bene in quella prima notte quando me ne sarò andato
You will reach for me in vain
Mi cercherai invano
You'll be whispering my name
Sussurrerai il mio nome
As if sorrow were your friend
Come se il dolore fosse il tuo amico
And this world so alien
E questo mondo così alieno
But life will call with daffodils
Ma la vita chiamerà con i narcisi
And morning glorious blue skies
E cieli azzurri gloriosi al mattino
You'll think of me some memory
Penserai a me, un ricordo
And softly smile to your surprise
E sorridi dolcemente con sorpresa
And even though you love me still
E anche se mi ami ancora
You will know where you belong
Saprai dove appartieni
Just give it time, we'll both be fine
Basta dare tempo, staremo entrambi bene
When I'm gone
Quando me ne sarò andato
A bright sunrise will contradict the heavy fog that weighs you down
Matahari terbit yang cerah akan menentang kabut tebal yang membebani Anda
In spite of all the funeral songs
Meskipun ada semua lagu pemakaman
The birds will make their joyful sounds
Burung-burung akan membuat suara mereka yang gembira
You'll wonder why the earth still moves
Anda akan bertanya-tanya mengapa bumi masih bergerak
You'll wonder how you'll carry on
Anda akan bertanya-tanya bagaimana Anda akan melanjutkan
But you'll be okay on that first day when I'm gone
Tapi Anda akan baik-baik saja di hari pertama ketika saya pergi
Dusk will come with fireflies and whippoorwill and cricket's call
Senja akan datang dengan kunang-kunang dan burung whippoorwill dan panggilan jangkrik
And every star will take its place
Dan setiap bintang akan mengambil tempatnya
In silvery gown and purple shawl
Dalam gaun perak dan selendang ungu
You'll lie down in our big bed
Anda akan berbaring di tempat tidur besar kita
Dread the dark and dread the dawn
Takut akan gelap dan takut fajar
But you'll be alright on that first night when I'm gone
Tapi Anda akan baik-baik saja di malam pertama ketika saya pergi
You will reach for me in vain
Anda akan mencari saya dengan sia-sia
You'll be whispering my name
Anda akan berbisik nama saya
As if sorrow were your friend
Seolah-olah kesedihan adalah teman Anda
And this world so alien
Dan dunia ini begitu asing
But life will call with daffodils
Tapi kehidupan akan memanggil dengan bunga daffodil
And morning glorious blue skies
Dan langit biru yang indah di pagi hari
You'll think of me some memory
Anda akan memikirkan saya, sebuah kenangan
And softly smile to your surprise
Dan tersenyum lembut dengan terkejut
And even though you love me still
Dan meskipun Anda masih mencintai saya
You will know where you belong
Anda akan tahu di mana Anda berada
Just give it time, we'll both be fine
Berikan waktu, kita berdua akan baik-baik saja
When I'm gone
Ketika saya pergi
A bright sunrise will contradict the heavy fog that weighs you down
In spite of all the funeral songs
The birds will make their joyful sounds
You'll wonder why the earth still moves
You'll wonder how you'll carry on
But you'll be okay on that first day when I'm gone
Dusk will come with fireflies and whippoorwill and cricket's call
And every star will take its place
In silvery gown and purple shawl
You'll lie down in our big bed
Dread the dark and dread the dawn
But you'll be alright on that first night when I'm gone
You will reach for me in vain
You'll be whispering my name
As if sorrow were your friend
And this world so alien
But life will call with daffodils
And morning glorious blue skies
You'll think of me some memory
And softly smile to your surprise
And even though you love me still
You will know where you belong
Just give it time, we'll both be fine
When I'm gone
A bright sunrise will contradict the heavy fog that weighs you down
In spite of all the funeral songs
The birds will make their joyful sounds
You'll wonder why the earth still moves
You'll wonder how you'll carry on
But you'll be okay on that first day when I'm gone
Dusk will come with fireflies and whippoorwill and cricket's call
And every star will take its place
In silvery gown and purple shawl
You'll lie down in our big bed
Dread the dark and dread the dawn
But you'll be alright on that first night when I'm gone
You will reach for me in vain
You'll be whispering my name
As if sorrow were your friend
And this world so alien
But life will call with daffodils
And morning glorious blue skies
You'll think of me some memory
And softly smile to your surprise
And even though you love me still
You will know where you belong
Just give it time, we'll both be fine
When I'm gone

Trivia about the song When I'm Gone by Joey + Rory

On which albums was the song “When I'm Gone” released by Joey + Rory?
Joey + Rory released the song on the albums “His And Hers” in 2012, “Hymns - That Are Important to Us” in 2016, and “The Singer And The Song: The Best Of Joey+Rory” in 2018.
Who composed the song “When I'm Gone” by Joey + Rory?
The song “When I'm Gone” by Joey + Rory was composed by SANDRA EMORY LAWRENCE.

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