
Joshua Kadison

Lyrics Translation

From a phone booth in Vegas, Jessie calls at Five a. m.
to tell me how she's tired of all of them.
She says, "Baby, I've been thinking 'bout a trailer by the sea.
We could go to Mexico,you, the cat and me.
We'll drink tequila and look for seashells.
Now, doesn't that sound sweet?"

Jessie, paint your pictures 'bout how it's gonna be.
By now I should know better, your dreams are never free.
But tell me all about our little trailer by the sea.
Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Oh, Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.

She askes me how the cat's been.
I say, "Moses, he's just fine, but he used to think about you all the time.
We fin'ly took your pictures down off the wall.
Jessie, how do you always seem to know just when to call?"
She sings, "Get yourself together.Bring Mose and drive real fast."
And I listen to her promise.I swear to God this time it's gonna last.

Jessie, paint your pictures 'bout how it's gonna be.
By now I should know better, your dreams are never free.
But tell me all about our little trailer by the sea.
Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Oh, Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.

I love you in the sunshine, lay you down in the warm white sand.
And who knows, maybe this time things'll turn out just the way you planned.

Jessie, paint your pictures 'bout how it's gonna be.
By now I should know better, your dreams are never free.
But tell me all about our little trailer by the sea.
Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Oh, Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.

From a phone booth in Vegas, Jessie calls at Five a. m.
De uma cabine telefônica em Vegas, Jessie liga às cinco da manhã.
to tell me how she's tired of all of them.
para me dizer como ela está cansada de todos eles.
She says, "Baby, I've been thinking 'bout a trailer by the sea.
Ela diz, "Querido, estive pensando em um trailer à beira-mar.
We could go to Mexico,you, the cat and me.
Poderíamos ir para o México, você, o gato e eu.
We'll drink tequila and look for seashells.
Vamos beber tequila e procurar conchas.
Now, doesn't that sound sweet?"
Agora, isso não parece doce?"
Jessie, paint your pictures 'bout how it's gonna be.
Jessie, pinte suas imagens sobre como vai ser.
By now I should know better, your dreams are never free.
A essa altura eu deveria saber melhor, seus sonhos nunca são gratuitos.
But tell me all about our little trailer by the sea.
Mas me conte tudo sobre nosso pequeno trailer à beira-mar.
Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Jessie, você sempre pode vender qualquer sonho para mim.
Oh, Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Oh, Jessie, você sempre pode vender qualquer sonho para mim.
She askes me how the cat's been.
Ela me pergunta como o gato tem estado.
I say, "Moses, he's just fine, but he used to think about you all the time.
Eu digo, "Moses, ele está bem, mas costumava pensar em você o tempo todo.
We fin'ly took your pictures down off the wall.
Finalmente tiramos suas fotos da parede.
Jessie, how do you always seem to know just when to call?"
Jessie, como você sempre parece saber quando ligar?"
She sings, "Get yourself together.Bring Mose and drive real fast."
Ela canta, "Reúna-se. Traga Mose e dirija muito rápido."
And I listen to her promise.I swear to God this time it's gonna last.
E eu escuto a promessa dela. Juro por Deus que desta vez vai durar.
Jessie, paint your pictures 'bout how it's gonna be.
Jessie, pinte suas imagens sobre como vai ser.
By now I should know better, your dreams are never free.
A essa altura eu deveria saber melhor, seus sonhos nunca são gratuitos.
But tell me all about our little trailer by the sea.
Mas me conte tudo sobre nosso pequeno trailer à beira-mar.
Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Jessie, você sempre pode vender qualquer sonho para mim.
Oh, Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Oh, Jessie, você sempre pode vender qualquer sonho para mim.
Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Jessie, você sempre pode vender qualquer sonho para mim.
I love you in the sunshine, lay you down in the warm white sand.
Eu te amo ao sol, te deito na areia branca e quente.
And who knows, maybe this time things'll turn out just the way you planned.
E quem sabe, talvez desta vez as coisas saiam exatamente como você planejou.
Jessie, paint your pictures 'bout how it's gonna be.
Jessie, pinte suas imagens sobre como vai ser.
By now I should know better, your dreams are never free.
A essa altura eu deveria saber melhor, seus sonhos nunca são gratuitos.
But tell me all about our little trailer by the sea.
Mas me conte tudo sobre nosso pequeno trailer à beira-mar.
Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Jessie, você sempre pode vender qualquer sonho para mim.
Oh, Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Oh, Jessie, você sempre pode vender qualquer sonho para mim.
From a phone booth in Vegas, Jessie calls at Five a. m.
Desde una cabina telefónica en Vegas, Jessie llama a las cinco de la mañana.
to tell me how she's tired of all of them.
para decirme que está cansada de todos ellos.
She says, "Baby, I've been thinking 'bout a trailer by the sea.
Ella dice, "Cariño, he estado pensando en una caravana junto al mar.
We could go to Mexico,you, the cat and me.
Podríamos ir a México, tú, el gato y yo.
We'll drink tequila and look for seashells.
Beberemos tequila y buscaremos conchas de mar.
Now, doesn't that sound sweet?"
Ahora, ¿no suena eso dulce?"
Jessie, paint your pictures 'bout how it's gonna be.
Jessie, pinta tus imágenes sobre cómo va a ser.
By now I should know better, your dreams are never free.
A estas alturas debería saber mejor, tus sueños nunca son gratis.
But tell me all about our little trailer by the sea.
Pero cuéntame todo sobre nuestra pequeña caravana junto al mar.
Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Jessie, siempre puedes venderme cualquier sueño.
Oh, Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Oh, Jessie, siempre puedes venderme cualquier sueño.
She askes me how the cat's been.
Ella me pregunta cómo ha estado el gato.
I say, "Moses, he's just fine, but he used to think about you all the time.
Yo digo, "Moses, está bien, pero solía pensar en ti todo el tiempo.
We fin'ly took your pictures down off the wall.
Finalmente quitamos tus fotos de la pared.
Jessie, how do you always seem to know just when to call?"
Jessie, ¿cómo siempre pareces saber cuándo llamar?"
She sings, "Get yourself together.Bring Mose and drive real fast."
Ella canta, "Ponte en marcha. Trae a Mose y conduce muy rápido."
And I listen to her promise.I swear to God this time it's gonna last.
Y escucho su promesa. Juro por Dios que esta vez va a durar.
Jessie, paint your pictures 'bout how it's gonna be.
Jessie, pinta tus imágenes sobre cómo va a ser.
By now I should know better, your dreams are never free.
A estas alturas debería saber mejor, tus sueños nunca son gratis.
But tell me all about our little trailer by the sea.
Pero cuéntame todo sobre nuestra pequeña caravana junto al mar.
Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Jessie, siempre puedes venderme cualquier sueño.
Oh, Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Oh, Jessie, siempre puedes venderme cualquier sueño.
Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Jessie, siempre puedes venderme cualquier sueño.
I love you in the sunshine, lay you down in the warm white sand.
Te amo bajo el sol, te acuesto en la cálida arena blanca.
And who knows, maybe this time things'll turn out just the way you planned.
Y quién sabe, tal vez esta vez las cosas saldrán justo como planeaste.
Jessie, paint your pictures 'bout how it's gonna be.
Jessie, pinta tus imágenes sobre cómo va a ser.
By now I should know better, your dreams are never free.
A estas alturas debería saber mejor, tus sueños nunca son gratis.
But tell me all about our little trailer by the sea.
Pero cuéntame todo sobre nuestra pequeña caravana junto al mar.
Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Jessie, siempre puedes venderme cualquier sueño.
Oh, Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Oh, Jessie, siempre puedes venderme cualquier sueño.
From a phone booth in Vegas, Jessie calls at Five a. m.
D'une cabine téléphonique à Vegas, Jessie appelle à cinq heures du matin.
to tell me how she's tired of all of them.
pour me dire combien elle en a marre de tous.
She says, "Baby, I've been thinking 'bout a trailer by the sea.
Elle dit, "Bébé, j'ai pensé à une caravane près de la mer.
We could go to Mexico,you, the cat and me.
On pourrait aller au Mexique, toi, le chat et moi.
We'll drink tequila and look for seashells.
On boira de la tequila et on cherchera des coquillages.
Now, doesn't that sound sweet?"
Maintenant, ça ne te semble pas doux?"
Jessie, paint your pictures 'bout how it's gonna be.
Jessie, peins tes images sur comment ça va être.
By now I should know better, your dreams are never free.
À présent, je devrais savoir mieux, tes rêves ne sont jamais gratuits.
But tell me all about our little trailer by the sea.
Mais dis-moi tout sur notre petite caravane près de la mer.
Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Jessie, tu peux toujours me vendre n'importe quel rêve.
Oh, Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Oh, Jessie, tu peux toujours me vendre n'importe quel rêve.
She askes me how the cat's been.
Elle me demande comment va le chat.
I say, "Moses, he's just fine, but he used to think about you all the time.
Je dis, "Moses, il va bien, mais il pensait tout le temps à toi.
We fin'ly took your pictures down off the wall.
On a finalement enlevé tes photos du mur.
Jessie, how do you always seem to know just when to call?"
Jessie, comment sais-tu toujours quand appeler?"
She sings, "Get yourself together.Bring Mose and drive real fast."
Elle chante, "Rassemble-toi. Emmène Mose et conduis très vite."
And I listen to her promise.I swear to God this time it's gonna last.
Et j'écoute sa promesse. Je jure à Dieu que cette fois ça va durer.
Jessie, paint your pictures 'bout how it's gonna be.
Jessie, peins tes images sur comment ça va être.
By now I should know better, your dreams are never free.
À présent, je devrais savoir mieux, tes rêves ne sont jamais gratuits.
But tell me all about our little trailer by the sea.
Mais dis-moi tout sur notre petite caravane près de la mer.
Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Jessie, tu peux toujours me vendre n'importe quel rêve.
Oh, Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Oh, Jessie, tu peux toujours me vendre n'importe quel rêve.
Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Jessie, tu peux toujours me vendre n'importe quel rêve.
I love you in the sunshine, lay you down in the warm white sand.
Je t'aime au soleil, je te couche sur le sable blanc chaud.
And who knows, maybe this time things'll turn out just the way you planned.
Et qui sait, peut-être que cette fois les choses se passeront comme tu l'as prévu.
Jessie, paint your pictures 'bout how it's gonna be.
Jessie, peins tes images sur comment ça va être.
By now I should know better, your dreams are never free.
À présent, je devrais savoir mieux, tes rêves ne sont jamais gratuits.
But tell me all about our little trailer by the sea.
Mais dis-moi tout sur notre petite caravane près de la mer.
Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Jessie, tu peux toujours me vendre n'importe quel rêve.
Oh, Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Oh, Jessie, tu peux toujours me vendre n'importe quel rêve.
From a phone booth in Vegas, Jessie calls at Five a. m.
Aus einer Telefonzelle in Vegas ruft Jessie um fünf Uhr morgens an.
to tell me how she's tired of all of them.
um mir zu sagen, wie sie es satt hat, von allen.
She says, "Baby, I've been thinking 'bout a trailer by the sea.
Sie sagt: „Baby, ich habe über einen Wohnwagen am Meer nachgedacht.
We could go to Mexico,you, the cat and me.
Wir könnten nach Mexiko gehen, du, die Katze und ich.
We'll drink tequila and look for seashells.
Wir trinken Tequila und suchen nach Muscheln.
Now, doesn't that sound sweet?"
Klingt das nicht süß?“
Jessie, paint your pictures 'bout how it's gonna be.
Jessie, male deine Bilder darüber, wie es sein wird.
By now I should know better, your dreams are never free.
Mittlerweile sollte ich es besser wissen, deine Träume sind nie kostenlos.
But tell me all about our little trailer by the sea.
Aber erzähl mir alles über unseren kleinen Wohnwagen am Meer.
Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Jessie, du kannst mir immer jeden Traum verkaufen.
Oh, Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Oh, Jessie, du kannst mir immer jeden Traum verkaufen.
She askes me how the cat's been.
Sie fragt mich, wie es der Katze geht.
I say, "Moses, he's just fine, but he used to think about you all the time.
Ich sage: „Moses, ihm geht es gut, aber er hat ständig an dich gedacht.
We fin'ly took your pictures down off the wall.
Wir haben endlich deine Bilder von der Wand genommen.
Jessie, how do you always seem to know just when to call?"
Jessie, wie schaffst du es immer, genau dann anzurufen, wenn es passt?“
She sings, "Get yourself together.Bring Mose and drive real fast."
Sie singt: „Reiß dich zusammen. Bring Mose und fahr sehr schnell.“
And I listen to her promise.I swear to God this time it's gonna last.
Und ich höre ihr Versprechen. Ich schwöre bei Gott, dieses Mal wird es halten.
Jessie, paint your pictures 'bout how it's gonna be.
Jessie, male deine Bilder darüber, wie es sein wird.
By now I should know better, your dreams are never free.
Mittlerweile sollte ich es besser wissen, deine Träume sind nie kostenlos.
But tell me all about our little trailer by the sea.
Aber erzähl mir alles über unseren kleinen Wohnwagen am Meer.
Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Jessie, du kannst mir immer jeden Traum verkaufen.
Oh, Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Oh, Jessie, du kannst mir immer jeden Traum verkaufen.
Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Jessie, du kannst mir immer jeden Traum verkaufen.
I love you in the sunshine, lay you down in the warm white sand.
Ich liebe dich im Sonnenschein, lege dich in den warmen weißen Sand.
And who knows, maybe this time things'll turn out just the way you planned.
Und wer weiß, vielleicht läuft dieses Mal alles so, wie du es geplant hast.
Jessie, paint your pictures 'bout how it's gonna be.
Jessie, male deine Bilder darüber, wie es sein wird.
By now I should know better, your dreams are never free.
Mittlerweile sollte ich es besser wissen, deine Träume sind nie kostenlos.
But tell me all about our little trailer by the sea.
Aber erzähl mir alles über unseren kleinen Wohnwagen am Meer.
Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Jessie, du kannst mir immer jeden Traum verkaufen.
Oh, Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Oh, Jessie, du kannst mir immer jeden Traum verkaufen.
From a phone booth in Vegas, Jessie calls at Five a. m.
Da una cabina telefonica a Vegas, Jessie chiama alle cinque del mattino.
to tell me how she's tired of all of them.
per dirmi quanto sia stanca di tutti loro.
She says, "Baby, I've been thinking 'bout a trailer by the sea.
Dice, "Amore, ho pensato a una roulotte vicino al mare.
We could go to Mexico,you, the cat and me.
Potremmo andare in Messico, tu, il gatto ed io.
We'll drink tequila and look for seashells.
Berremo tequila e cercheremo conchiglie.
Now, doesn't that sound sweet?"
Ora, non suona dolce?"
Jessie, paint your pictures 'bout how it's gonna be.
Jessie, dipingi i tuoi quadri su come sarà.
By now I should know better, your dreams are never free.
Ormai dovrei saperlo meglio, i tuoi sogni non sono mai gratuiti.
But tell me all about our little trailer by the sea.
Ma dimmi tutto sulla nostra piccola roulotte vicino al mare.
Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Jessie, puoi sempre vendermi qualsiasi sogno.
Oh, Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Oh, Jessie, puoi sempre vendermi qualsiasi sogno.
She askes me how the cat's been.
Mi chiede come sta il gatto.
I say, "Moses, he's just fine, but he used to think about you all the time.
Dico, "Moses, sta bene, ma pensava sempre a te.
We fin'ly took your pictures down off the wall.
Finalmente abbiamo tolto le tue foto dal muro.
Jessie, how do you always seem to know just when to call?"
Jessie, come fai sempre a sapere quando chiamare?"
She sings, "Get yourself together.Bring Mose and drive real fast."
Canta, "Rimettiti in sesto. Prendi Mose e guida veloce."
And I listen to her promise.I swear to God this time it's gonna last.
E ascolto la sua promessa. Giuro a Dio che questa volta durerà.
Jessie, paint your pictures 'bout how it's gonna be.
Jessie, dipingi i tuoi quadri su come sarà.
By now I should know better, your dreams are never free.
Ormai dovrei saperlo meglio, i tuoi sogni non sono mai gratuiti.
But tell me all about our little trailer by the sea.
Ma dimmi tutto sulla nostra piccola roulotte vicino al mare.
Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Jessie, puoi sempre vendermi qualsiasi sogno.
Oh, Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Oh, Jessie, puoi sempre vendermi qualsiasi sogno.
Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Jessie, puoi sempre vendermi qualsiasi sogno.
I love you in the sunshine, lay you down in the warm white sand.
Ti amo al sole, ti stendo sulla calda sabbia bianca.
And who knows, maybe this time things'll turn out just the way you planned.
E chissà, forse questa volta le cose andranno proprio come hai pianificato.
Jessie, paint your pictures 'bout how it's gonna be.
Jessie, dipingi i tuoi quadri su come sarà.
By now I should know better, your dreams are never free.
Ormai dovrei saperlo meglio, i tuoi sogni non sono mai gratuiti.
But tell me all about our little trailer by the sea.
Ma dimmi tutto sulla nostra piccola roulotte vicino al mare.
Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Jessie, puoi sempre vendermi qualsiasi sogno.
Oh, Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Oh, Jessie, puoi sempre vendermi qualsiasi sogno.
From a phone booth in Vegas, Jessie calls at Five a. m.
Dari bilik telepon di Vegas, Jessie menelepon pada pukul lima pagi.
to tell me how she's tired of all of them.
untuk memberitahuku betapa dia lelah dengan semuanya.
She says, "Baby, I've been thinking 'bout a trailer by the sea.
Dia berkata, "Sayang, aku sudah berpikir tentang trailer di tepi laut.
We could go to Mexico,you, the cat and me.
Kita bisa pergi ke Meksiko, kamu, kucing, dan aku.
We'll drink tequila and look for seashells.
Kita akan minum tequila dan mencari kerang.
Now, doesn't that sound sweet?"
Sekarang, bukankah itu terdengar manis?"
Jessie, paint your pictures 'bout how it's gonna be.
Jessie, lukislah gambaranmu tentang bagaimana semuanya akan berjalan.
By now I should know better, your dreams are never free.
Sekarang ini aku seharusnya sudah tahu lebih baik, mimpi-mimpimu tidak pernah gratis.
But tell me all about our little trailer by the sea.
Tapi ceritakanlah semua tentang trailer kecil kita di tepi laut.
Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Jessie, kamu selalu bisa menjual mimpi apapun kepadaku.
Oh, Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Oh, Jessie, kamu selalu bisa menjual mimpi apapun kepadaku.
She askes me how the cat's been.
Dia bertanya bagaimana kabar kucingnya.
I say, "Moses, he's just fine, but he used to think about you all the time.
Aku berkata, "Moses, dia baik-baik saja, tapi dia dulu selalu memikirkanmu.
We fin'ly took your pictures down off the wall.
Kita akhirnya melepas fotomu dari dinding.
Jessie, how do you always seem to know just when to call?"
Jessie, bagaimana kamu selalu tahu kapan harus menelepon?"
She sings, "Get yourself together.Bring Mose and drive real fast."
Dia bernyanyi, "Bersiaplah. Bawa Mose dan berkendara dengan cepat."
And I listen to her promise.I swear to God this time it's gonna last.
Dan aku mendengarkan janjinya. Aku bersumpah kepada Tuhan kali ini akan bertahan.
Jessie, paint your pictures 'bout how it's gonna be.
Jessie, lukislah gambaranmu tentang bagaimana semuanya akan berjalan.
By now I should know better, your dreams are never free.
Sekarang ini aku seharusnya sudah tahu lebih baik, mimpi-mimpimu tidak pernah gratis.
But tell me all about our little trailer by the sea.
Tapi ceritakanlah semua tentang trailer kecil kita di tepi laut.
Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Jessie, kamu selalu bisa menjual mimpi apapun kepadaku.
Oh, Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Oh, Jessie, kamu selalu bisa menjual mimpi apapun kepadaku.
Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Jessie, kamu selalu bisa menjual mimpi apapun kepadaku.
I love you in the sunshine, lay you down in the warm white sand.
Aku mencintaimu di bawah sinar matahari, meletakkanmu di pasir putih yang hangat.
And who knows, maybe this time things'll turn out just the way you planned.
Dan siapa tahu, mungkin kali ini segalanya akan berjalan sesuai dengan rencanamu.
Jessie, paint your pictures 'bout how it's gonna be.
Jessie, lukislah gambaranmu tentang bagaimana semuanya akan berjalan.
By now I should know better, your dreams are never free.
Sekarang ini aku seharusnya sudah tahu lebih baik, mimpi-mimpimu tidak pernah gratis.
But tell me all about our little trailer by the sea.
Tapi ceritakanlah semua tentang trailer kecil kita di tepi laut.
Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Jessie, kamu selalu bisa menjual mimpi apapun kepadaku.
Oh, Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Oh, Jessie, kamu selalu bisa menjual mimpi apapun kepadaku.
From a phone booth in Vegas, Jessie calls at Five a. m.
จากตู้โทรศัพท์ในเวกัส, เจสซี่โทรมาเวลาห้าโมงเช้า
to tell me how she's tired of all of them.
She says, "Baby, I've been thinking 'bout a trailer by the sea.
เธอบอกว่า "ที่รัก, ฉันได้คิดเกี่ยวกับรถครึ่งที่อยู่ที่ชายทะเล
We could go to Mexico,you, the cat and me.
เราสามารถไปเม็กซิโก, คุณ, แมวและฉัน
We'll drink tequila and look for seashells.
Now, doesn't that sound sweet?"
ตอนนี้, มันไม่ดูเหมือนจะหวานหรือ?"
Jessie, paint your pictures 'bout how it's gonna be.
เจสซี่, วาดภาพของคุณเกี่ยวกับว่ามันจะเป็นอย่างไร
By now I should know better, your dreams are never free.
ตอนนี้ฉันควรรู้ดีกว่านี้, ความฝันของคุณไม่เคยฟรี
But tell me all about our little trailer by the sea.
แต่บอกฉันทุกอย่างเกี่ยวกับรถครึ่งเล็ก ๆ ของเราที่ชายทะเล
Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
เจสซี่, คุณสามารถขายฝันใด ๆ ให้ฉันได้เสมอ
Oh, Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
โอ้, เจสซี่, คุณสามารถขายฝันใด ๆ ให้ฉันได้เสมอ
She askes me how the cat's been.
I say, "Moses, he's just fine, but he used to think about you all the time.
ฉันตอบว่า "โมเซส, เขาสบายดี, แต่เขาเคยคิดถึงคุณตลอดเวลา
We fin'ly took your pictures down off the wall.
Jessie, how do you always seem to know just when to call?"
เจสซี่, ทำไมคุณถึงรู้เสมอว่าเมื่อไหร่ควรโทรหา?"
She sings, "Get yourself together.Bring Mose and drive real fast."
เธอร้องว่า "รวมตัวเองเข้าด้วยกัน พาโมเซสมาและขับรถเร็ว"
And I listen to her promise.I swear to God this time it's gonna last.
และฉันฟังคำสัญญาของเธอ ฉันสาบานว่าครั้งนี้มันจะสุดท้าย
Jessie, paint your pictures 'bout how it's gonna be.
เจสซี่, วาดภาพของคุณเกี่ยวกับว่ามันจะเป็นอย่างไร
By now I should know better, your dreams are never free.
ตอนนี้ฉันควรรู้ดีกว่านี้, ความฝันของคุณไม่เคยฟรี
But tell me all about our little trailer by the sea.
แต่บอกฉันทุกอย่างเกี่ยวกับรถครึ่งเล็ก ๆ ของเราที่ชายทะเล
Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
เจสซี่, คุณสามารถขายฝันใด ๆ ให้ฉันได้เสมอ
Oh, Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
โอ้, เจสซี่, คุณสามารถขายฝันใด ๆ ให้ฉันได้เสมอ
Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
เจสซี่, คุณสามารถขายฝันใด ๆ ให้ฉันได้เสมอ
I love you in the sunshine, lay you down in the warm white sand.
ฉันรักคุณในแสงแดด, นอนคุณลงในทรายขาวอุ่น
And who knows, maybe this time things'll turn out just the way you planned.
และใครรู้, อาจจะครั้งนี้สิ่งที่คุณวางแผนจะเป็นไปตามที่คุณวางแผน
Jessie, paint your pictures 'bout how it's gonna be.
เจสซี่, วาดภาพของคุณเกี่ยวกับว่ามันจะเป็นอย่างไร
By now I should know better, your dreams are never free.
ตอนนี้ฉันควรรู้ดีกว่านี้, ความฝันของคุณไม่เคยฟรี
But tell me all about our little trailer by the sea.
แต่บอกฉันทุกอย่างเกี่ยวกับรถครึ่งเล็ก ๆ ของเราที่ชายทะเล
Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
เจสซี่, คุณสามารถขายฝันใด ๆ ให้ฉันได้เสมอ
Oh, Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
โอ้, เจสซี่, คุณสามารถขายฝันใด ๆ ให้ฉันได้เสมอ
From a phone booth in Vegas, Jessie calls at Five a. m.
to tell me how she's tired of all of them.
She says, "Baby, I've been thinking 'bout a trailer by the sea.
We could go to Mexico,you, the cat and me.
We'll drink tequila and look for seashells.
Now, doesn't that sound sweet?"
Jessie, paint your pictures 'bout how it's gonna be.
By now I should know better, your dreams are never free.
But tell me all about our little trailer by the sea.
Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Oh, Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
She askes me how the cat's been.
I say, "Moses, he's just fine, but he used to think about you all the time.
We fin'ly took your pictures down off the wall.
Jessie, how do you always seem to know just when to call?"
She sings, "Get yourself together.Bring Mose and drive real fast."
And I listen to her promise.I swear to God this time it's gonna last.
Jessie, paint your pictures 'bout how it's gonna be.
By now I should know better, your dreams are never free.
But tell me all about our little trailer by the sea.
Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Oh, Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
I love you in the sunshine, lay you down in the warm white sand.
And who knows, maybe this time things'll turn out just the way you planned.
Jessie, paint your pictures 'bout how it's gonna be.
By now I should know better, your dreams are never free.
But tell me all about our little trailer by the sea.
Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.
Oh, Jessie, you can always sell any dream to me.

Trivia about the song Jessie by Joshua Kadison

When was the song “Jessie” released by Joshua Kadison?
The song Jessie was released in 1993, on the album “Painted Desert Serenade”.

Most popular songs of Joshua Kadison

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