
Jonas Renkse

Lyrics Translation

Feel the future
Sift through your days
In your palace of wretched steel
See my absence as something good

I'll grant your eyes a little rest
Turn your face towards your fortune
See my absence as something good

Author of scars
I see your hands upon my epitaph
Then you shift into a looking glass
A sky void of stars

Touch the concrete placed on my chest
And chain the songbirds to your argent dome
Confirm my fate as disposable

I'll grant your eyes a little rest
Turn your face towards your fortune
And keep your promises negotiable

Author of scars
I see your hands upon my epitaph
Then you shift into a looking glass
A sky void of stars

It's shaking
My trembling howl
It's breaking and overtaking

Author of scars
I see your hands upon my epitaph
Then you shift into a looking glass
A sky void of stars

Creator of flaws
I know you will be the last to laugh

Then you shift into a looking glass
A sky void of stars

Feel the future
Sinta o futuro
Sift through your days
Peneire seus dias
In your palace of wretched steel
Em seu palácio de aço miserável
See my absence as something good
Veja minha ausência como algo bom
I'll grant your eyes a little rest
Vou conceder aos seus olhos um pouco de descanso
Turn your face towards your fortune
Vire seu rosto em direção à sua fortuna
See my absence as something good
Veja minha ausência como algo bom
Author of scars
Autor de cicatrizes
I see your hands upon my epitaph
Vejo suas mãos sobre meu epitáfio
Then you shift into a looking glass
Então você se transforma em um espelho
A sky void of stars
Um céu vazio de estrelas
Touch the concrete placed on my chest
Toque o concreto colocado no meu peito
And chain the songbirds to your argent dome
E acorrente os pássaros cantores ao seu domo de prata
Confirm my fate as disposable
Confirme meu destino como descartável
I'll grant your eyes a little rest
Vou conceder aos seus olhos um pouco de descanso
Turn your face towards your fortune
Vire seu rosto em direção à sua fortuna
And keep your promises negotiable
E mantenha suas promessas negociáveis
Author of scars
Autor de cicatrizes
I see your hands upon my epitaph
Vejo suas mãos sobre meu epitáfio
Then you shift into a looking glass
Então você se transforma em um espelho
A sky void of stars
Um céu vazio de estrelas
It's shaking
Está tremendo
My trembling howl
Meu uivo trêmulo
It's breaking and overtaking
Está quebrando e ultrapassando
Author of scars
Autor de cicatrizes
I see your hands upon my epitaph
Vejo suas mãos sobre meu epitáfio
Then you shift into a looking glass
Então você se transforma em um espelho
A sky void of stars
Um céu vazio de estrelas
Creator of flaws
Criador de falhas
I know you will be the last to laugh
Sei que você será o último a rir
Then you shift into a looking glass
Então você se transforma em um espelho
A sky void of stars
Um céu vazio de estrelas
Feel the future
Siente el futuro
Sift through your days
Cierne tus días
In your palace of wretched steel
En tu palacio de acero desdichado
See my absence as something good
Ve mi ausencia como algo bueno
I'll grant your eyes a little rest
Te concederé a tus ojos un poco de descanso
Turn your face towards your fortune
Dirige tu rostro hacia tu fortuna
See my absence as something good
Ve mi ausencia como algo bueno
Author of scars
Autor de cicatrices
I see your hands upon my epitaph
Veo tus manos sobre mi epitafio
Then you shift into a looking glass
Luego te transformas en un espejo
A sky void of stars
Un cielo vacío de estrellas
Touch the concrete placed on my chest
Toca el concreto colocado en mi pecho
And chain the songbirds to your argent dome
Y encadena los pájaros cantores a tu cúpula de plata
Confirm my fate as disposable
Confirma mi destino como desechable
I'll grant your eyes a little rest
Te concederé a tus ojos un poco de descanso
Turn your face towards your fortune
Dirige tu rostro hacia tu fortuna
And keep your promises negotiable
Y mantén tus promesas negociables
Author of scars
Autor de cicatrices
I see your hands upon my epitaph
Veo tus manos sobre mi epitafio
Then you shift into a looking glass
Luego te transformas en un espejo
A sky void of stars
Un cielo vacío de estrellas
It's shaking
Está temblando
My trembling howl
Mi aullido tembloroso
It's breaking and overtaking
Se está rompiendo y superando
Author of scars
Autor de cicatrices
I see your hands upon my epitaph
Veo tus manos sobre mi epitafio
Then you shift into a looking glass
Luego te transformas en un espejo
A sky void of stars
Un cielo vacío de estrellas
Creator of flaws
Creador de defectos
I know you will be the last to laugh
Sé que serás el último en reír
Then you shift into a looking glass
Luego te transformas en un espejo
A sky void of stars
Un cielo vacío de estrellas
Feel the future
Ressens le futur
Sift through your days
Filtre tes jours
In your palace of wretched steel
Dans ton palais d'acier misérable
See my absence as something good
Vois mon absence comme quelque chose de bon
I'll grant your eyes a little rest
Je vais donner un peu de repos à tes yeux
Turn your face towards your fortune
Tourne ton visage vers ta fortune
See my absence as something good
Vois mon absence comme quelque chose de bon
Author of scars
Auteur de cicatrices
I see your hands upon my epitaph
Je vois tes mains sur mon épitaphe
Then you shift into a looking glass
Puis tu te transformes en miroir
A sky void of stars
Un ciel sans étoiles
Touch the concrete placed on my chest
Touche le béton posé sur ma poitrine
And chain the songbirds to your argent dome
Et enchaîne les oiseaux chanteurs à ton dôme d'argent
Confirm my fate as disposable
Confirme mon sort comme jetable
I'll grant your eyes a little rest
Je vais donner un peu de repos à tes yeux
Turn your face towards your fortune
Tourne ton visage vers ta fortune
And keep your promises negotiable
Et garde tes promesses négociables
Author of scars
Auteur de cicatrices
I see your hands upon my epitaph
Je vois tes mains sur mon épitaphe
Then you shift into a looking glass
Puis tu te transformes en miroir
A sky void of stars
Un ciel sans étoiles
It's shaking
Ça tremble
My trembling howl
Mon hurlement tremblant
It's breaking and overtaking
Ça se brise et ça dépasse
Author of scars
Auteur de cicatrices
I see your hands upon my epitaph
Je vois tes mains sur mon épitaphe
Then you shift into a looking glass
Puis tu te transformes en miroir
A sky void of stars
Un ciel sans étoiles
Creator of flaws
Créateur de défauts
I know you will be the last to laugh
Je sais que tu seras le dernier à rire
Then you shift into a looking glass
Puis tu te transformes en miroir
A sky void of stars
Un ciel sans étoiles
Feel the future
Fühle die Zukunft
Sift through your days
Siebe durch deine Tage
In your palace of wretched steel
In deinem Palast aus elendem Stahl
See my absence as something good
Sieh meine Abwesenheit als etwas Gutes
I'll grant your eyes a little rest
Ich werde deinen Augen eine kleine Ruhe gönnen
Turn your face towards your fortune
Wende dein Gesicht deinem Glück zu
See my absence as something good
Sieh meine Abwesenheit als etwas Gutes
Author of scars
Autor von Narben
I see your hands upon my epitaph
Ich sehe deine Hände auf meinem Epitaph
Then you shift into a looking glass
Dann wechselst du in einen Spiegel
A sky void of stars
Ein Himmel ohne Sterne
Touch the concrete placed on my chest
Berühre den Beton auf meiner Brust
And chain the songbirds to your argent dome
Und kette die Singvögel an deine silberne Kuppel
Confirm my fate as disposable
Bestätige mein Schicksal als wegwerfbar
I'll grant your eyes a little rest
Ich werde deinen Augen eine kleine Ruhe gönnen
Turn your face towards your fortune
Wende dein Gesicht deinem Glück zu
And keep your promises negotiable
Und halte deine Versprechen verhandelbar
Author of scars
Autor von Narben
I see your hands upon my epitaph
Ich sehe deine Hände auf meinem Epitaph
Then you shift into a looking glass
Dann wechselst du in einen Spiegel
A sky void of stars
Ein Himmel ohne Sterne
It's shaking
Es zittert
My trembling howl
Mein zitterndes Heulen
It's breaking and overtaking
Es bricht und übernimmt
Author of scars
Autor von Narben
I see your hands upon my epitaph
Ich sehe deine Hände auf meinem Epitaph
Then you shift into a looking glass
Dann wechselst du in einen Spiegel
A sky void of stars
Ein Himmel ohne Sterne
Creator of flaws
Schöpfer von Fehlern
I know you will be the last to laugh
Ich weiß, du wirst der Letzte sein, der lacht
Then you shift into a looking glass
Dann wechselst du in einen Spiegel
A sky void of stars
Ein Himmel ohne Sterne
Feel the future
Senti il futuro
Sift through your days
Setaccia i tuoi giorni
In your palace of wretched steel
Nel tuo palazzo di acciaio maledetto
See my absence as something good
Vedi la mia assenza come qualcosa di buono
I'll grant your eyes a little rest
Ti concederò un po' di riposo per i tuoi occhi
Turn your face towards your fortune
Gira il tuo volto verso la tua fortuna
See my absence as something good
Vedi la mia assenza come qualcosa di buono
Author of scars
Autore di cicatrici
I see your hands upon my epitaph
Vedo le tue mani sul mio epitaffio
Then you shift into a looking glass
Poi ti trasformi in uno specchio
A sky void of stars
Un cielo privo di stelle
Touch the concrete placed on my chest
Tocca il cemento posto sul mio petto
And chain the songbirds to your argent dome
E incatena gli uccelli canori alla tua cupola argentea
Confirm my fate as disposable
Conferma il mio destino come usa e getta
I'll grant your eyes a little rest
Ti concederò un po' di riposo per i tuoi occhi
Turn your face towards your fortune
Gira il tuo volto verso la tua fortuna
And keep your promises negotiable
E mantieni le tue promesse negoziabili
Author of scars
Autore di cicatrici
I see your hands upon my epitaph
Vedo le tue mani sul mio epitaffio
Then you shift into a looking glass
Poi ti trasformi in uno specchio
A sky void of stars
Un cielo privo di stelle
It's shaking
Sta tremando
My trembling howl
Il mio ululato tremante
It's breaking and overtaking
Si sta spezzando e sopraffacendo
Author of scars
Autore di cicatrici
I see your hands upon my epitaph
Vedo le tue mani sul mio epitaffio
Then you shift into a looking glass
Poi ti trasformi in uno specchio
A sky void of stars
Un cielo privo di stelle
Creator of flaws
Creatore di difetti
I know you will be the last to laugh
So che sarai l'ultimo a ridere
Then you shift into a looking glass
Poi ti trasformi in uno specchio
A sky void of stars
Un cielo privo di stelle

Trivia about the song Author by Katatonia

Who composed the song “Author” by Katatonia?
The song “Author” by Katatonia was composed by Jonas Renkse.

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