​evening news 20181213

Best story of the night right here
A Michigan couple getting the
Shock of their lives
When they got an alert from their security
Camera in the driveway

It was kinda like really unusual we’ve
Never ever seen anything like it

I was like wow I mean that is an angel

The photos are exactly how they
Were taken I choose
To believe it I think it's an angel

Take a good look
Many, including their pastor said that they
Believe this image captured by security
Camera shows an angel hovering over the
Families truck last week so
Could it be and in the next
Picture we have it it looks
Like it has moved to a
Different part over the truck
So joining me now is an expert pastor Don
Piper who has written about
His own experience
He was in a terrible car accident and he
Died and went to heaven and came
Back he is the author of "People I
Met at the Gates of Heaven"
Pastor Don Piper good to see you
I'm pretty sure you believe these folks when
They say that's an angel right?

I do I think we are around them all the time
The Bible says in Hebrews that
Um we should treat
Strangers with absolute courtesy because
We never know if
They are an angel and what that says is that
We ought to probably treat each other better
As humans and it also says
That angels are everywhere
And we may not always know who we are
Talking to it could be an angel flying above
Our truck and any time any place anywhere

So this was a motion
Activated security camera
That they keep attached to their home
To look at their driveway and their car
So they they believe that the
Motion of this angel that they feel that
They saw is was set off
The motion detector and they were able
To-to t trap it on a
Video which you can do if you have
One of these cameras and it is
A very stunning beautiful image that they
Got but tell me a little
Bit about your experience pastor
Piper because you were in a car crash and
You say that you were transported instantly
To the gates of heaven, tell me about that

One of the things that happens
At the moment of death
And I was killed in a head
On collision with an eighteen-wheeler
Tractor trailer truck is that uh
We are absent from this
Body and present with the lord if
We are prepared to go
I wasn't planning to die that day but I was
Ready and uh I was transported by
Angels and um the bible
Says that we are transported to
Heaven by angels to
Abraham's bosom and that's another euphemism
In the bible for heaven
It'self so we go there by
Angels other people who
Are with someone who is dying
Feel like there is
A presence in the room, usually there is
And I arrived at the gates of heaven and
I was greeted by people who helped
Me get to heaven who preceded me in
Death so I was surrounded by a
Lot of humans but there were angels
Everywhere as well angels are not
Just little cherubs playing harps on clouds
These are robust amazing creatures
Some have 6 wings some have 2
Some have none but I
Could hear their voices and I
Could actually hear their wings
Thats one of the things that was
Most stunning most encouraging in company

And you said it when you
Were there this I just
Wanna put this fact up that the numbers of
People pointing out who believes in
Angels and 72% say
They do you can see the other numbers there
You say that everyone person you saw
There was someone that you knew

They were um I think that the
People that I did not
Know in this life were inside
They did not come up
With me I think the ones
I greeted at the gates
Of heaven were the people who
Helped me get there
Which of course when I came back
That motivated me all the
More to try to get people
Into heaven because I
Know these people helped me get
There and the question ultimately
Is who are we gonna greet there I think
It's gonna be the people we help
Get there there was an
Angel back here when I got back to earth when
I returned and then climbed in
The car and into the
Wreckage and he prayed over the
Body and he did return and a lot of people
Were praying for me that
Did not already know I was dead when I came
Back I met him 3 weeks
Later after I recovered enough
To be conscious and I told him thank you
Thank you for praying for me and
I found that he prayed
For me but I didn't know he held my hand

That's an amazing story
I'm gonna leave it there but thank you
So much for sharing that with us

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