Return of the Magician


The next morning before the day broke.
Dear sister if you're not to sleep will you please tell me what happened to Aladdin and the magic lamp?
Magician's magical square box revealed to him that,
Aladdin had become immensely rich and had married the Sultan's daughter.
Without any delay he arose and equipped himself for the journey to China.
In Sultan's capital
Magician heard of people praising Aladdin's generosity
Fine manners and good morals,
Young man, who is this person you have been praising about.
Since you're a stranger you might have not known about the most famous Aladdin and his palace.
It would be my greatest wish to see his palace.
In fact I'll be very much obliged if you could show it to me.
The young man guided him to the palace and departed.
When the magician saw the palace he realized at once that it was the work of the lamp.
Ahhha, I will destroy him and send his mother back to that spinning regal.
He took the form of a seller and began wandering through the streets and markets.
Ahhoy there, who will exchange old lamps for new ones?
He is surely mad, Who would offer new lamps for old ones.
Ahhoy there, who will exchange old lamps for new ones?
Ahhoy there, who will exchange old lamps for new ones?
Madam, I think I noticed an old lamp in the apartment of my lord Aladdin,
So why don't we take it down to the old man and see if he is telling the truth?
Maiden take the old lamp and exchange that with a new one.
Servant went to the magician and exchanged the old lamp for a new one.
However as soon as the Magician held the lamp he went out of the city and rubbed it.
Immediately the genie appeared.
Hmmm, I am at your service, ask whatever you want.
I want you to lift up Aladdin's palace with the princess,
and transport it along with me to my place.
As you request my lord.
Within a split-second Genie disappeared so as the Aladdin's palace and the magician.
The city was shocked that the grand Aladdin's palace is disappeared with the princess.
The Sultan was furious about his son-in-law and feared what might have happened to his daughter.
Where is Aladdin, where is Aladdin, where has he gone?
He has gone hunting.
Send the chief soldiers to find Aladdin and bring him back in chains.
So the soldiers went in search of him and when they found him,
My lord, please pardon us and don't be angry with us.
The king has commanded that we take you back to them in chains those where the orders.
Do you know why the king is doing this?
My Lord, We have no idea what so ever, why the king has issued such an order.
Do whatever the king ordered you to do for you are obliged to carry out his commands.
Once Aladdin was sent into the palace,
Where is your pavilion and where is my daughter the darling of my heart my only child.
Your majesty I don't know anything about it nor do i know what happened.
Then you better find out.
I have pardoned you only so that you can look into this affair and
find out what has happened to my daughter, if not I swear that I will cut off your head.
As you command, my only request is that you grant me 40 days to do this.
If I don't produce her within 40 days then you can cut off my head
and do with me whatever you wish.
I shall grant you a delay of 40 days, but don't ever think that you can escape me.
Aladdin wandered everywhere searching for clues.
But he couldn't find any.
He left the city and drifted aimlessly above the fields.
As he walked he came upon a path that led him to a river.
At your service your servant has come ask me whatever you want.
Genie, I want you to bring back my wife and palace
and everything that was inside it.
My lord you are demanding a service of me
that is impossible for me to perform.
Only slave of the land can do this.
Well, since the matter is beyond your power
but at least transport me to my palace wherever it is.
As you command my lord.
Genie and Aladdin disappeared and appeared in Africa near Aladdin's palace.
Aladdin sitting before the walls of the palace plotting a plan to rescue his wife.
One of the princess's maiden got sight of Aladdin.
My lady, my lady, My lord Aladdin is
sitting at the foot of the wall.
Come up to me through the secret door.
She gave orders to the maiden to open the door for him.
Once Aladdin entered he was met by his wife.
My Lady, I must ask you a question.
I used to keep an old copper lamp in my apartment.
Could you tell me what happened to it?
Oh my darling, It was that very lamp which caused this tragedy.
How did it happen?
She explained everything and how she exchanged the old lamp for a new one.
What does this wretched criminal intend to do with you?
What has he said to you?
What does he want from you?
Everyday he comes to visit me just once.
He's been forcing me and wants me to forget you.
In fact he insists on replacing you and wants me to marry him.
My lady, listen to me now
I want you to get dressed in your very best garments and cast all show of sadness.
When the magician comes to visit you, you have to welcome him and greet him with a smiling face
and invite him to dine with you.
At one point you are to ask for some juice and drop this powder
into his cup and fill it with juice.
As soon as he drinks it he will faint and fall down.
It will be very difficult for me to do all this.
However, I know, I must do it if we are to escape this magician.
My darling if you are willing I could like you to come and dine with me tonight.
I particularly like to taste some of your African juice, since I've heard that it is much better than that in China.
Your wish is my command my lady.
I'll go now and fetch whatever we shall need...
and return as soon as possible.
After a short time magician returned with the juices.
The princess and magician sat down at the table and began eating.
Soon the princess requested for juices and servants filled her cup and then magician.
When they came to end of the dinner
There is a custom in my country, but I don't know whether you do the same thing in yours.
What is it?
At the end of dinner each lover takes the cup of the other beloved and drinks it.
The magician accepted her request and drank some of his juice.
As they were enjoying their juices, princess poured her's with the drug without the knowledge of the magician.
Magician exchanged his cup with the princess and drank the contents down.
And immediately there after he rolled over on his back.
What's happening?
Oh! My lady.
Aladdin approached princess once he got the information from the servant.
Please withdraw with your maidens to the inner chamber and leave me alone for a while,
So that I may think about what I have to do.
Aladdin drew the lamp from his pocket.
After doing this he unshield his sword and slewed the villan.
Then he rubbed the lamp and immediately the Genie appeared.
At your service my lord. What is it you want?
I want you to take my palace and transport it to China
and you are to set it down on the spot where it was standing before.
As you request my lord.
Sultan was surprised to see the palace on its own place.
He could not resist himself to see his daughter, so he came to the palace.
Wow, this is the most enchanting story i have heard sister.
It's nothing compared to what I could tell you of the remarkable tale of Ali Baba and the forty thieves.
If the king would spare my life, and let me live.
I will wait till tomorrow.
I can always have her kill after I hear the end of her story.
From that day on night after night Scheherazade
kept telling her stories which fascinated the Sultan.
The morals of the stories changed the Sultan
from a bad human being into a good king.
Scheherazade and Dinarzade lived happily ever after.

Trivia about the song Return of the Magician by Magic Box

Who composed the song “Return of the Magician” by Magic Box?
The song “Return of the Magician” by Magic Box was composed by Magicbox.

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