
Tom Fletcher, Danny Jones, Dougie Poynter, Harry Judd

Lyrics Translation

I wish I was anyone else but me, I'm weak
Foolishly stuck in a rut that screams defeat at me

And the fall may take a while
But the crash will be heard for miles
Another self-indulgent song about self-loathing, I'm imploding

I miss you screaming me to sleep, so sweet
Now I kiss the ghosts that cause the creaks to speak

And the fall may take a while
But the crash will be heard for miles
Another self-indulgent song about self-loathing, I'm imploding

I wish I was anyone else but me, I'm weak
Foolishly stuck in a rut that screams defeat

And the fall may take a while
But the crash will be heard for miles
Another self-indulgent song about self-loathing, I'm imploding

I wish I was anyone else but me, I'm weak
Eu queria ser qualquer outra pessoa, menos eu, sou fraco
Foolishly stuck in a rut that screams defeat at me
Estupidamente preso em uma rotina que grita derrota para mim
And the fall may take a while
E a queda pode demorar um pouco
But the crash will be heard for miles
Mas o estrondo será ouvido por quilômetros
Another self-indulgent song about self-loathing, I'm imploding
Outra música autoindulgente sobre autoaversão, estou implodindo
I miss you screaming me to sleep, so sweet
Sinto falta de você gritando para eu dormir, tão doce
Now I kiss the ghosts that cause the creaks to speak
Agora beijo os fantasmas que fazem as tábuas rangerem
And the fall may take a while
E a queda pode demorar um pouco
But the crash will be heard for miles
Mas o estrondo será ouvido por quilômetros
Another self-indulgent song about self-loathing, I'm imploding
Outra música autoindulgente sobre autoaversão, estou implodindo
I wish I was anyone else but me, I'm weak
Eu queria ser qualquer outra pessoa, menos eu, sou fraco
Foolishly stuck in a rut that screams defeat
Estupidamente preso em uma rotina que grita derrota
And the fall may take a while
E a queda pode demorar um pouco
But the crash will be heard for miles
Mas o estrondo será ouvido por quilômetros
Another self-indulgent song about self-loathing, I'm imploding
Outra música autoindulgente sobre autoaversão, estou implodindo
I wish I was anyone else but me, I'm weak
Ojalá fuera cualquier otro menos yo, soy débil
Foolishly stuck in a rut that screams defeat at me
Estúpidamente atrapado en una rutina que me grita derrota
And the fall may take a while
Y la caída puede tardar un rato
But the crash will be heard for miles
Pero el estruendo se escuchará a kilómetros
Another self-indulgent song about self-loathing, I'm imploding
Otra canción autocomplaciente sobre el autodesprecio, estoy implosionando
I miss you screaming me to sleep, so sweet
Te extraño gritándome para dormir, tan dulce
Now I kiss the ghosts that cause the creaks to speak
Ahora beso a los fantasmas que hacen que los crujidos hablen
And the fall may take a while
Y la caída puede tardar un rato
But the crash will be heard for miles
Pero el estruendo se escuchará a kilómetros
Another self-indulgent song about self-loathing, I'm imploding
Otra canción autocomplaciente sobre el autodesprecio, estoy implosionando
I wish I was anyone else but me, I'm weak
Ojalá fuera cualquier otro menos yo, soy débil
Foolishly stuck in a rut that screams defeat
Estúpidamente atrapado en una rutina que me grita derrota
And the fall may take a while
Y la caída puede tardar un rato
But the crash will be heard for miles
Pero el estruendo se escuchará a kilómetros
Another self-indulgent song about self-loathing, I'm imploding
Otra canción autocomplaciente sobre el autodesprecio, estoy implosionando
I wish I was anyone else but me, I'm weak
Je souhaite être quelqu'un d'autre que moi, je suis faible
Foolishly stuck in a rut that screams defeat at me
Bêtement coincé dans une ornière qui me crie la défaite
And the fall may take a while
Et la chute peut prendre un certain temps
But the crash will be heard for miles
Mais le crash sera entendu à des kilomètres
Another self-indulgent song about self-loathing, I'm imploding
Une autre chanson égocentrique sur l'auto-détestation, je m'effondre
I miss you screaming me to sleep, so sweet
Tu me manques en me criant pour m'endormir, si doux
Now I kiss the ghosts that cause the creaks to speak
Maintenant, j'embrasse les fantômes qui font parler les grincements
And the fall may take a while
Et la chute peut prendre un certain temps
But the crash will be heard for miles
Mais le crash sera entendu à des kilomètres
Another self-indulgent song about self-loathing, I'm imploding
Une autre chanson égocentrique sur l'auto-détestation, je m'effondre
I wish I was anyone else but me, I'm weak
Je souhaite être quelqu'un d'autre que moi, je suis faible
Foolishly stuck in a rut that screams defeat
Bêtement coincé dans une ornière qui me crie la défaite
And the fall may take a while
Et la chute peut prendre un certain temps
But the crash will be heard for miles
Mais le crash sera entendu à des kilomètres
Another self-indulgent song about self-loathing, I'm imploding
Une autre chanson égocentrique sur l'auto-détestation, je m'effondre
I wish I was anyone else but me, I'm weak
Ich wünschte, ich wäre jemand anderes als ich, ich bin schwach
Foolishly stuck in a rut that screams defeat at me
Dummerweise in einer Routine festgefahren, die mir Niederlage zuruft
And the fall may take a while
Und der Fall könnte eine Weile dauern
But the crash will be heard for miles
Aber der Aufprall wird über Meilen hinweg zu hören sein
Another self-indulgent song about self-loathing, I'm imploding
Ein weiteres selbstverliebtes Lied über Selbsthass, ich implodiere
I miss you screaming me to sleep, so sweet
Ich vermisse es, wie du mich in den Schlaf geschrien hast, so süß
Now I kiss the ghosts that cause the creaks to speak
Jetzt küsse ich die Geister, die die Knarren zum Sprechen bringen
And the fall may take a while
Und der Fall könnte eine Weile dauern
But the crash will be heard for miles
Aber der Aufprall wird über Meilen hinweg zu hören sein
Another self-indulgent song about self-loathing, I'm imploding
Ein weiteres selbstverliebtes Lied über Selbsthass, ich implodiere
I wish I was anyone else but me, I'm weak
Ich wünschte, ich wäre jemand anderes als ich, ich bin schwach
Foolishly stuck in a rut that screams defeat
Dummerweise in einer Routine festgefahren, die mir Niederlage zuruft
And the fall may take a while
Und der Fall könnte eine Weile dauern
But the crash will be heard for miles
Aber der Aufprall wird über Meilen hinweg zu hören sein
Another self-indulgent song about self-loathing, I'm imploding
Ein weiteres selbstverliebtes Lied über Selbsthass, ich implodiere
I wish I was anyone else but me, I'm weak
Vorrei essere chiunque altro tranne me, sono debole
Foolishly stuck in a rut that screams defeat at me
Stupidamente bloccato in una routine che mi urla sconfitta
And the fall may take a while
E la caduta potrebbe richiedere un po' di tempo
But the crash will be heard for miles
Ma lo schianto sarà udito per miglia
Another self-indulgent song about self-loathing, I'm imploding
Un'altra canzone autoindulgente sull'auto-disprezzo, sto implodendo
I miss you screaming me to sleep, so sweet
Mi manca il tuo urlare che mi cullava nel sonno, così dolce
Now I kiss the ghosts that cause the creaks to speak
Ora bacio i fantasmi che fanno parlare i cigolii
And the fall may take a while
E la caduta potrebbe richiedere un po' di tempo
But the crash will be heard for miles
Ma lo schianto sarà udito per miglia
Another self-indulgent song about self-loathing, I'm imploding
Un'altra canzone autoindulgente sull'auto-disprezzo, sto implodendo
I wish I was anyone else but me, I'm weak
Vorrei essere chiunque altro tranne me, sono debole
Foolishly stuck in a rut that screams defeat
Stupidamente bloccato in una routine che mi urla sconfitta
And the fall may take a while
E la caduta potrebbe richiedere un po' di tempo
But the crash will be heard for miles
Ma lo schianto sarà udito per miglia
Another self-indulgent song about self-loathing, I'm imploding
Un'altra canzone autoindulgente sull'auto-disprezzo, sto implodendo

Trivia about the song Crash by McFly

When was the song “Crash” released by McFly?
The song Crash was released in 2023, on the album “Power to Play”.
Who composed the song “Crash” by McFly?
The song “Crash” by McFly was composed by Tom Fletcher, Danny Jones, Dougie Poynter, Harry Judd.

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