Yesh Emunah

Yesh emunah,
lo ekana,
esa el shamaim t'filah,
k'mo perach kamel sheniftach ve'alah
at'chil (et) hakol, hakol mehatchalah

Ner hakol dolek k'mo ed
kmo ed bachashecha
zeh makah yotzet milev
nishma'at bilechishah
yad botachat bo noga'at
afuf ?? hu yadav
al tikvah hi kan adain
lo levadam
?? charif makif ke'ev
kolot utze'akim
?? kolim ??
nativ leyeladim
im rotzim anu go'el
ha'im rotzeh ata
aval ani, ani otcha sho'el


Bachutz mapah sochef umet
tofef al ha??
ulai zeh stam mapah
ulai zeh bechi mal'achim
?? katan sheli yaldi
yisha'er od letzidi
rak ta'amim shebamapam
yachol lihyot bari


Most popular songs of Mordechai Ben David (MBD)

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