
Kan lo eshma et kol hakukiyah.
Kan lo yachbosh haets mitsnefet sheleg,
Aval betsel ha'oranim ha'eleh
Kol yalduti shekamah litchiyah.

Tsiltsul hamechatim: hayoh hayah ---,
Ekra moledet lemerchav-hasheleg,
Lekerach yerakrak kovel hapeleg,
Lilshon hashir be'erets nochriyah.

Ulai rak tsiporei-masa yod'ot -
Kshehen tluyot bein erets veshamaim -
Et zeh hake'ev shel shtei hamoladot.

Itchem ani nishtalti paamaim,
Itchem ani tsamachti, oranim,
Veshorashai bishnei nofim shonim

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