Soldier of Fortune [Bonus Track]

Ritchie Blackmore, David Coverdale

Lyrics Translation

I have often told you stories about the way
I lived the life of a drifter
Waiting for the day
When I'd take your hand and sing you songs
And maybe you would say
"Come lay with me and love me"
I would surely stay

Now I feel I'm growing older
And all the songs that I have sung
Echo in the distance
Like the sound
Of a windmill going round
I guess I'll always be
A soldier of fortune

Many times I've been a traveler
I looked for something new
In days of old when nights are cold
I wandered without you
Those days I thought my eyes
Could see you standing near
Though blindness is confusing
It shows that you're not here

Now I feel I'm growing older
And all the songs that I have sung
Echo in the distance
Like the sound
Of a windmill going round
I guess I'll always be
A soldier of fortune

I can hear the sound
Of a windmill going round
I guess I'll always be
A soldier of fortune
I guess I'll always be
A soldier of fortune

I have often told you stories about the way
Já te contei muitas histórias sobre o jeito
I lived the life of a drifter
Como eu vivia a vida de um andarilho
Waiting for the day
Esperando pelo dia
When I'd take your hand and sing you songs
Quando eu pegaria sua mão e cantaria canções para você
And maybe you would say
E talvez você diria
"Come lay with me and love me"
"Venha deitar comigo e me ame"
I would surely stay
Eu certamente ficaria
Now I feel I'm growing older
Agora sinto que estou ficando mais velho
And all the songs that I have sung
E todas as canções que eu cantei
Echo in the distance
Ecoam na distância
Like the sound
Como o som
Of a windmill going round
De um moinho de vento girando
I guess I'll always be
Acho que sempre serei
A soldier of fortune
Um soldado da fortuna
Many times I've been a traveler
Muitas vezes fui um viajante
I looked for something new
Procurei algo novo
In days of old when nights are cold
Nos dias de outrora quando as noites são frias
I wandered without you
Eu vagava sem você
Those days I thought my eyes
Naqueles dias eu pensava que meus olhos
Could see you standing near
Podiam ver você perto
Though blindness is confusing
Embora a cegueira seja confusa
It shows that you're not here
Mostra que você não está aqui
Now I feel I'm growing older
Agora sinto que estou ficando mais velho
And all the songs that I have sung
E todas as canções que eu cantei
Echo in the distance
Ecoam na distância
Like the sound
Como o som
Of a windmill going round
De um moinho de vento girando
I guess I'll always be
Acho que sempre serei
A soldier of fortune
Um soldado da fortuna
I can hear the sound
Eu posso ouvir o som
Of a windmill going round
De um moinho de vento girando
I guess I'll always be
Acho que sempre serei
A soldier of fortune
Um soldado da fortuna
I guess I'll always be
Acho que sempre serei
A soldier of fortune
Um soldado da fortuna
I have often told you stories about the way
A menudo te he contado historias sobre la forma en que
I lived the life of a drifter
Viví la vida de un vagabundo
Waiting for the day
Esperando el día
When I'd take your hand and sing you songs
Cuando tomaría tu mano y te cantaría canciones
And maybe you would say
Y tal vez dirías
"Come lay with me and love me"
"Ven a acostarte conmigo y ámame"
I would surely stay
Seguramente me quedaría
Now I feel I'm growing older
Ahora siento que estoy envejeciendo
And all the songs that I have sung
Y todas las canciones que he cantado
Echo in the distance
Resuenan en la distancia
Like the sound
Como el sonido
Of a windmill going round
De un molino de viento girando
I guess I'll always be
Supongo que siempre seré
A soldier of fortune
Un soldado de fortuna
Many times I've been a traveler
Muchas veces he sido un viajero
I looked for something new
Busqué algo nuevo
In days of old when nights are cold
En días de antaño cuando las noches son frías
I wandered without you
Vagaba sin ti
Those days I thought my eyes
Esos días pensé que mis ojos
Could see you standing near
Podían verte de pie cerca
Though blindness is confusing
Aunque la ceguera es confusa
It shows that you're not here
Muestra que no estás aquí
Now I feel I'm growing older
Ahora siento que estoy envejeciendo
And all the songs that I have sung
Y todas las canciones que he cantado
Echo in the distance
Resuenan en la distancia
Like the sound
Como el sonido
Of a windmill going round
De un molino de viento girando
I guess I'll always be
Supongo que siempre seré
A soldier of fortune
Un soldado de fortuna
I can hear the sound
Puedo escuchar el sonido
Of a windmill going round
De un molino de viento girando
I guess I'll always be
Supongo que siempre seré
A soldier of fortune
Un soldado de fortuna
I guess I'll always be
Supongo que siempre seré
A soldier of fortune
Un soldado de fortuna
I have often told you stories about the way
Je t'ai souvent raconté des histoires sur la façon dont
I lived the life of a drifter
J'ai vécu la vie d'un vagabond
Waiting for the day
En attendant le jour
When I'd take your hand and sing you songs
Où je prendrais ta main et te chanterais des chansons
And maybe you would say
Et peut-être dirais-tu
"Come lay with me and love me"
"Viens te coucher avec moi et aime-moi"
I would surely stay
Je resterais sûrement
Now I feel I'm growing older
Maintenant, je sens que je vieillis
And all the songs that I have sung
Et toutes les chansons que j'ai chantées
Echo in the distance
Résonnent au loin
Like the sound
Comme le son
Of a windmill going round
D'un moulin à vent qui tourne
I guess I'll always be
Je suppose que je serai toujours
A soldier of fortune
Un soldat de fortune
Many times I've been a traveler
De nombreuses fois, j'ai été un voyageur
I looked for something new
Je cherchais quelque chose de nouveau
In days of old when nights are cold
Aux jours anciens où les nuits sont froides
I wandered without you
Je vagabondais sans toi
Those days I thought my eyes
Ces jours-là, je pensais que mes yeux
Could see you standing near
Pouvaient te voir debout près de moi
Though blindness is confusing
Bien que la cécité soit déroutante
It shows that you're not here
Elle montre que tu n'es pas là
Now I feel I'm growing older
Maintenant, je sens que je vieillis
And all the songs that I have sung
Et toutes les chansons que j'ai chantées
Echo in the distance
Résonnent au loin
Like the sound
Comme le son
Of a windmill going round
D'un moulin à vent qui tourne
I guess I'll always be
Je suppose que je serai toujours
A soldier of fortune
Un soldat de fortune
I can hear the sound
Je peux entendre le son
Of a windmill going round
D'un moulin à vent qui tourne
I guess I'll always be
Je suppose que je serai toujours
A soldier of fortune
Un soldat de fortune
I guess I'll always be
Je suppose que je serai toujours
A soldier of fortune
Un soldat de fortune
I have often told you stories about the way
Ich habe dir oft Geschichten erzählt über den Weg
I lived the life of a drifter
Wie ich das Leben eines Vagabunden lebte
Waiting for the day
Warte auf den Tag
When I'd take your hand and sing you songs
Wenn ich deine Hand nehmen und dir Lieder singen würde
And maybe you would say
Und vielleicht würdest du sagen
"Come lay with me and love me"
„Komm, leg dich zu mir und liebe mich“
I would surely stay
Ich würde sicherlich bleiben
Now I feel I'm growing older
Jetzt fühle ich, dass ich älter werde
And all the songs that I have sung
Und alle Lieder, die ich gesungen habe
Echo in the distance
Hallt in der Ferne wider
Like the sound
Wie das Geräusch
Of a windmill going round
Von einer Windmühle, die sich dreht
I guess I'll always be
Ich denke, ich werde immer sein
A soldier of fortune
Ein Soldat des Glücks
Many times I've been a traveler
Oft war ich ein Reisender
I looked for something new
Ich suchte nach etwas Neuem
In days of old when nights are cold
In alten Zeiten, wenn die Nächte kalt sind
I wandered without you
Ich wanderte ohne dich
Those days I thought my eyes
In diesen Tagen dachte ich, meine Augen
Could see you standing near
Könnten dich in der Nähe sehen
Though blindness is confusing
Obwohl Blindheit verwirrend ist
It shows that you're not here
Es zeigt, dass du nicht hier bist
Now I feel I'm growing older
Jetzt fühle ich, dass ich älter werde
And all the songs that I have sung
Und alle Lieder, die ich gesungen habe
Echo in the distance
Hallt in der Ferne wider
Like the sound
Wie das Geräusch
Of a windmill going round
Von einer Windmühle, die sich dreht
I guess I'll always be
Ich denke, ich werde immer sein
A soldier of fortune
Ein Soldat des Glücks
I can hear the sound
Ich kann das Geräusch hören
Of a windmill going round
Von einer Windmühle, die sich dreht
I guess I'll always be
Ich denke, ich werde immer sein
A soldier of fortune
Ein Soldat des Glücks
I guess I'll always be
Ich denke, ich werde immer sein
A soldier of fortune
Ein Soldat des Glücks
I have often told you stories about the way
Ti ho spesso raccontato storie sul modo in cui
I lived the life of a drifter
Ho vissuto la vita di un vagabondo
Waiting for the day
Aspettando il giorno
When I'd take your hand and sing you songs
Quando avrei preso la tua mano e cantato canzoni per te
And maybe you would say
E forse avresti detto
"Come lay with me and love me"
"Vieni a sdraiarti con me e amami"
I would surely stay
Sicuramente sarei rimasto
Now I feel I'm growing older
Ora sento che sto invecchiando
And all the songs that I have sung
E tutte le canzoni che ho cantato
Echo in the distance
Risuonano in lontananza
Like the sound
Come il suono
Of a windmill going round
Di un mulino a vento che gira
I guess I'll always be
Immagino che sarò sempre
A soldier of fortune
Un soldato di fortuna
Many times I've been a traveler
Molte volte sono stato un viaggiatore
I looked for something new
Ho cercato qualcosa di nuovo
In days of old when nights are cold
Nei giorni antichi quando le notti sono fredde
I wandered without you
Ho vagato senza di te
Those days I thought my eyes
In quei giorni pensavo che i miei occhi
Could see you standing near
Potessero vederti stare vicino
Though blindness is confusing
Anche se la cecità è confusa
It shows that you're not here
Mostra che non sei qui
Now I feel I'm growing older
Ora sento che sto invecchiando
And all the songs that I have sung
E tutte le canzoni che ho cantato
Echo in the distance
Risuonano in lontananza
Like the sound
Come il suono
Of a windmill going round
Di un mulino a vento che gira
I guess I'll always be
Immagino che sarò sempre
A soldier of fortune
Un soldato di fortuna
I can hear the sound
Posso sentire il suono
Of a windmill going round
Di un mulino a vento che gira
I guess I'll always be
Immagino che sarò sempre
A soldier of fortune
Un soldato di fortuna
I guess I'll always be
Immagino che sarò sempre
A soldier of fortune
Un soldato di fortuna
I have often told you stories about the way
Seringkali aku menceritakan padamu kisah tentang cara
I lived the life of a drifter
Aku menjalani hidup sebagai pengembara
Waiting for the day
Menunggu hari itu
When I'd take your hand and sing you songs
Ketika aku akan mengambil tanganmu dan menyanyikan lagu untukmu
And maybe you would say
Dan mungkin kamu akan berkata
"Come lay with me and love me"
"Datanglah berbaring dan mencintaiku"
I would surely stay
Aku pasti akan tinggal
Now I feel I'm growing older
Sekarang aku merasa aku semakin tua
And all the songs that I have sung
Dan semua lagu yang telah aku nyanyikan
Echo in the distance
Bergema di kejauhan
Like the sound
Seperti suara
Of a windmill going round
Dari kincir angin yang berputar
I guess I'll always be
Kurasa aku akan selalu menjadi
A soldier of fortune
Seorang prajurit keberuntungan
Many times I've been a traveler
Banyak kali aku menjadi seorang pelancong
I looked for something new
Aku mencari sesuatu yang baru
In days of old when nights are cold
Di hari-hari tua ketika malam dingin
I wandered without you
Aku mengembara tanpamu
Those days I thought my eyes
Hari-hari itu aku pikir mataku
Could see you standing near
Bisa melihatmu berdiri di dekat
Though blindness is confusing
Meski kebutaan itu membingungkan
It shows that you're not here
Itu menunjukkan bahwa kamu tidak di sini
Now I feel I'm growing older
Sekarang aku merasa aku semakin tua
And all the songs that I have sung
Dan semua lagu yang telah aku nyanyikan
Echo in the distance
Bergema di kejauhan
Like the sound
Seperti suara
Of a windmill going round
Dari kincir angin yang berputar
I guess I'll always be
Kurasa aku akan selalu menjadi
A soldier of fortune
Seorang prajurit keberuntungan
I can hear the sound
Aku bisa mendengar suara
Of a windmill going round
Dari kincir angin yang berputar
I guess I'll always be
Kurasa aku akan selalu menjadi
A soldier of fortune
Seorang prajurit keberuntungan
I guess I'll always be
Kurasa aku akan selalu menjadi
A soldier of fortune
Seorang prajurit keberuntungan
I have often told you stories about the way
I lived the life of a drifter
Waiting for the day
When I'd take your hand and sing you songs
And maybe you would say
"Come lay with me and love me"
I would surely stay
Now I feel I'm growing older
And all the songs that I have sung
Echo in the distance
Like the sound
Of a windmill going round
I guess I'll always be
A soldier of fortune
Many times I've been a traveler
I looked for something new
ฉันมองหาสิ่งใหม่ ๆ
In days of old when nights are cold
I wandered without you
Those days I thought my eyes
Could see you standing near
สามารถเห็นคุณยืนอยู่ใกล้ ๆ
Though blindness is confusing
It shows that you're not here
Now I feel I'm growing older
And all the songs that I have sung
Echo in the distance
Like the sound
Of a windmill going round
I guess I'll always be
A soldier of fortune
I can hear the sound
Of a windmill going round
I guess I'll always be
A soldier of fortune
I guess I'll always be
A soldier of fortune
I have often told you stories about the way
I lived the life of a drifter
Waiting for the day
When I'd take your hand and sing you songs
And maybe you would say
"Come lay with me and love me"
I would surely stay
Now I feel I'm growing older
And all the songs that I have sung
Echo in the distance
Like the sound
Of a windmill going round
I guess I'll always be
A soldier of fortune
Many times I've been a traveler
I looked for something new
In days of old when nights are cold
I wandered without you
Those days I thought my eyes
Could see you standing near
Though blindness is confusing
It shows that you're not here
Now I feel I'm growing older
And all the songs that I have sung
Echo in the distance
Like the sound
Of a windmill going round
I guess I'll always be
A soldier of fortune
I can hear the sound
Of a windmill going round
I guess I'll always be
A soldier of fortune
I guess I'll always be
A soldier of fortune

Trivia about the song Soldier of Fortune [Bonus Track] by Opeth

Who composed the song “Soldier of Fortune [Bonus Track]” by Opeth?
The song “Soldier of Fortune [Bonus Track]” by Opeth was composed by Ritchie Blackmore, David Coverdale.

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