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Trivia about Os Farrapos

What are the main songs by Os Farrapos?
The main songs by Os Farrapos are “Chiquita”, “Canto Alegretense”, “Pampa Na Garupa”, “Meu Rio Grande Do Sul”, and “A Dança dos Compadres”.
What is the latest album by Os Farrapos?
The latest album by Os Farrapos is “De Cara Nova”, released in 2006 with 11 tracks.
What is the oldest album by Os Farrapos?
The oldest album by Os Farrapos is “Grito Farrapo” with 12 tracks.
What is the most successful song by Os Farrapos?
The most popular song by Os Farrapos is “Chiquita”, from the album “Doze Braças”, released in 1991.
How many albums has Os Farrapos released?
Between 1981 and 2006 Os Farrapos released 14 Albums

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