Pancake robot
Come and get 'em while they're hot
The pancake robot is coming to town
He's mixing up the batter and he's laying it down
Buttermilk, blueberry, chocolate chip
50 million pancakes he's gonna flip
All you can eat (yum yum)
All you can eat (yum yum)
The pancake robot is coming to town
All you can eat (yum yum)
All you can eat (yum yum)
It's a pancake explosion, come and party down
Pancake robot
Come and get 'em while they're hot
The pancake robot is here at last
His flapjacks are flying supersonically fast
With his maple syrup cannon, and his butter pat blaster
He's gonna feed the world, cause he's the pancake master!
Stackity, stackity way up high
Stacking those cakes into the sky
Flippity, floppity down they go
Grab yourself a fork 'cause it's time to mow
Flat and round, flat and round
Griddle cake griddles hot and brown!
Everybody everybody chow down!
'Cause the pancake robot's in town!
All you can eat
All you can eat
The pancake robot is coming to town
All you can eat
All you can eat
It's a pancake explosion, come and party down
All you can eat (yum yum)
All you can eat (yum yum)
The pancake robot is coming to town
All you can eat (yum yum)
All you can eat (yum yum)
It's a pancake explosion, come and party down
Pancake robot
Come and get 'em while they're hot
Pancake robot
Pancake robot
Come and get 'em while they're hot
Come and get them while they're hot
The pancake robot is coming to town
The pancake robot is coming to town
He's mixing up the batter and he's laying it down
He's mixing the batter and pouring it out
Buttermilk, blueberry, chocolate chip
Buttermilk, blueberry, chocolate chip
50 million pancakes he's gonna flip
He's going to flip 50 million pancakes
All you can eat (yum yum)
All you can eat (yum yum)
All you can eat (yum yum)
All you can eat (yum yum)
The pancake robot is coming to town
The pancake robot is coming to town
All you can eat (yum yum)
All you can eat (yum yum)
All you can eat (yum yum)
All you can eat (yum yum)
It's a pancake explosion, come and party down
It's a pancake explosion, come and party
Pancake robot
Pancake robot
Come and get 'em while they're hot
Come and get them while they're hot
The pancake robot is here at last
The pancake robot is finally here
His flapjacks are flying supersonically fast
His pancakes are flying at supersonic speed
With his maple syrup cannon, and his butter pat blaster
With his maple syrup cannon, and his butter pat blaster
He's gonna feed the world, cause he's the pancake master!
He's going to feed the world, because he's the pancake master!
Stackity, stackity way up high
Stacking, stacking way up high
Stacking those cakes into the sky
Stacking those cakes into the sky
Flippity, floppity down they go
Flipping, flopping down they go
Grab yourself a fork 'cause it's time to mow
Grab a fork because it's time to eat
Flat and round, flat and round
Flat and round, flat and round
Griddle cake griddles hot and brown!
Hot and brown pancake griddles!
Everybody everybody chow down!
Everyone, everyone, eat up!
'Cause the pancake robot's in town!
Because the pancake robot's in town!
All you can eat
All you can eat
All you can eat
All you can eat
The pancake robot is coming to town
The pancake robot is coming to town
All you can eat
All you can eat
All you can eat
All you can eat
It's a pancake explosion, come and party down
It's a pancake explosion, come and party
All you can eat (yum yum)
All you can eat (yum yum)
All you can eat (yum yum)
All you can eat (yum yum)
The pancake robot is coming to town
The pancake robot is coming to town
All you can eat (yum yum)
All you can eat (yum yum)
All you can eat (yum yum)
All you can eat (yum yum)
It's a pancake explosion, come and party down
It's a pancake explosion, come and party
Pancake robot
Pancake robot
Come and get 'em while they're hot
Come and get them while they're hot
Pancake robot
Robô de panqueca
Come and get 'em while they're hot
Venha pegá-las enquanto estão quentes
The pancake robot is coming to town
O robô de panqueca está chegando à cidade
He's mixing up the batter and he's laying it down
Ele está misturando a massa e a colocando para assar
Buttermilk, blueberry, chocolate chip
Buttermilk, mirtilo, gotas de chocolate
50 million pancakes he's gonna flip
50 milhões de panquecas ele vai virar
All you can eat (yum yum)
Tudo que você pode comer (hum hum)
All you can eat (yum yum)
Tudo que você pode comer (hum hum)
The pancake robot is coming to town
O robô de panqueca está chegando à cidade
All you can eat (yum yum)
Tudo que você pode comer (hum hum)
All you can eat (yum yum)
Tudo que você pode comer (hum hum)
It's a pancake explosion, come and party down
É uma explosão de panquecas, venha e festeje
Pancake robot
Robô de panqueca
Come and get 'em while they're hot
Venha pegá-las enquanto estão quentes
The pancake robot is here at last
O robô de panqueca finalmente chegou
His flapjacks are flying supersonically fast
Suas panquecas estão voando super sônicas
With his maple syrup cannon, and his butter pat blaster
Com seu canhão de xarope de bordo, e seu lançador de manteiga
He's gonna feed the world, cause he's the pancake master!
Ele vai alimentar o mundo, porque ele é o mestre das panquecas!
Stackity, stackity way up high
Empilhando, empilhando bem alto
Stacking those cakes into the sky
Empilhando essas panquecas até o céu
Flippity, floppity down they go
Virando, virando, elas caem
Grab yourself a fork 'cause it's time to mow
Pegue um garfo porque é hora de comer
Flat and round, flat and round
Plana e redonda, plana e redonda
Griddle cake griddles hot and brown!
Panquecas quentes e marrons!
Everybody everybody chow down!
Todo mundo, todo mundo, hora de comer!
'Cause the pancake robot's in town!
Porque o robô de panqueca está na cidade!
All you can eat
Tudo que você pode comer
All you can eat
Tudo que você pode comer
The pancake robot is coming to town
O robô de panqueca está chegando à cidade
All you can eat
Tudo que você pode comer
All you can eat
Tudo que você pode comer
It's a pancake explosion, come and party down
É uma explosão de panquecas, venha e festeje
All you can eat (yum yum)
Tudo que você pode comer (hum hum)
All you can eat (yum yum)
Tudo que você pode comer (hum hum)
The pancake robot is coming to town
O robô de panqueca está chegando à cidade
All you can eat (yum yum)
Tudo que você pode comer (hum hum)
All you can eat (yum yum)
Tudo que você pode comer (hum hum)
It's a pancake explosion, come and party down
É uma explosão de panquecas, venha e festeje
Pancake robot
Robô de panqueca
Come and get 'em while they're hot
Venha pegá-las enquanto estão quentes
Pancake robot
Robot à crêpes
Come and get 'em while they're hot
Venez les chercher tant qu'elles sont chaudes
The pancake robot is coming to town
Le robot à crêpes arrive en ville
He's mixing up the batter and he's laying it down
Il mélange la pâte et la dépose
Buttermilk, blueberry, chocolate chip
Lait fermenté, myrtille, pépites de chocolat
50 million pancakes he's gonna flip
50 millions de crêpes qu'il va retourner
All you can eat (yum yum)
À volonté (miam miam)
All you can eat (yum yum)
À volonté (miam miam)
The pancake robot is coming to town
Le robot à crêpes arrive en ville
All you can eat (yum yum)
À volonté (miam miam)
All you can eat (yum yum)
À volonté (miam miam)
It's a pancake explosion, come and party down
C'est une explosion de crêpes, venez faire la fête
Pancake robot
Robot à crêpes
Come and get 'em while they're hot
Venez les chercher tant qu'elles sont chaudes
The pancake robot is here at last
Le robot à crêpes est enfin là
His flapjacks are flying supersonically fast
Ses pancakes volent à une vitesse supersonique
With his maple syrup cannon, and his butter pat blaster
Avec son canon à sirop d'érable, et son blaster à beurre
He's gonna feed the world, cause he's the pancake master!
Il va nourrir le monde, car c'est le maître des crêpes !
Stackity, stackity way up high
Empilez, empilez bien haut
Stacking those cakes into the sky
Empilant ces gâteaux dans le ciel
Flippity, floppity down they go
Ils tombent en faisant flip, flop
Grab yourself a fork 'cause it's time to mow
Prenez une fourchette car il est temps de manger
Flat and round, flat and round
Plat et rond, plat et rond
Griddle cake griddles hot and brown!
La plaque à crêpes est chaude et brune !
Everybody everybody chow down!
Tout le monde, tout le monde, à table !
'Cause the pancake robot's in town!
Car le robot à crêpes est en ville !
All you can eat
À volonté
All you can eat
À volonté
The pancake robot is coming to town
Le robot à crêpes arrive en ville
All you can eat
À volonté
All you can eat
À volonté
It's a pancake explosion, come and party down
C'est une explosion de crêpes, venez faire la fête
All you can eat (yum yum)
À volonté (miam miam)
All you can eat (yum yum)
À volonté (miam miam)
The pancake robot is coming to town
Le robot à crêpes arrive en ville
All you can eat (yum yum)
À volonté (miam miam)
All you can eat (yum yum)
À volonté (miam miam)
It's a pancake explosion, come and party down
C'est une explosion de crêpes, venez faire la fête
Pancake robot
Robot à crêpes
Come and get 'em while they're hot
Venez les chercher tant qu'elles sont chaudes
Pancake robot
Come and get 'em while they're hot
Komm und hol sie dir, solange sie heiß sind
The pancake robot is coming to town
Der Pfannkuchenroboter kommt in die Stadt
He's mixing up the batter and he's laying it down
Er mischt den Teig und legt ihn hin
Buttermilk, blueberry, chocolate chip
Buttermilch, Blaubeere, Schokoladenstückchen
50 million pancakes he's gonna flip
50 Millionen Pfannkuchen wird er wenden
All you can eat (yum yum)
Alles was du essen kannst (lecker lecker)
All you can eat (yum yum)
Alles was du essen kannst (lecker lecker)
The pancake robot is coming to town
Der Pfannkuchenroboter kommt in die Stadt
All you can eat (yum yum)
Alles was du essen kannst (lecker lecker)
All you can eat (yum yum)
Alles was du essen kannst (lecker lecker)
It's a pancake explosion, come and party down
Es ist eine Pfannkuchenexplosion, komm und feiere mit
Pancake robot
Come and get 'em while they're hot
Komm und hol sie dir, solange sie heiß sind
The pancake robot is here at last
Der Pfannkuchenroboter ist endlich hier
His flapjacks are flying supersonically fast
Seine Pfannkuchen fliegen überschall schnell
With his maple syrup cannon, and his butter pat blaster
Mit seiner Ahornsirup-Kanone und seinem Butterklumpen-Blaster
He's gonna feed the world, cause he's the pancake master!
Er wird die Welt ernähren, denn er ist der Pfannkuchenmeister!
Stackity, stackity way up high
Stapel, stapel, hoch hinauf
Stacking those cakes into the sky
Stapelt diese Kuchen in den Himmel
Flippity, floppity down they go
Flippity, floppity, runter gehen sie
Grab yourself a fork 'cause it's time to mow
Schnapp dir eine Gabel, denn es ist Zeit zu mähen
Flat and round, flat and round
Flach und rund, flach und rund
Griddle cake griddles hot and brown!
Pfannkuchenpfanne heiß und braun!
Everybody everybody chow down!
Jeder, jeder, mampft los!
'Cause the pancake robot's in town!
Denn der Pfannkuchenroboter ist in der Stadt!
All you can eat
Alles was du essen kannst
All you can eat
Alles was du essen kannst
The pancake robot is coming to town
Der Pfannkuchenroboter kommt in die Stadt
All you can eat
Alles was du essen kannst
All you can eat
Alles was du essen kannst
It's a pancake explosion, come and party down
Es ist eine Pfannkuchenexplosion, komm und feiere mit
All you can eat (yum yum)
Alles was du essen kannst (lecker lecker)
All you can eat (yum yum)
Alles was du essen kannst (lecker lecker)
The pancake robot is coming to town
Der Pfannkuchenroboter kommt in die Stadt
All you can eat (yum yum)
Alles was du essen kannst (lecker lecker)
All you can eat (yum yum)
Alles was du essen kannst (lecker lecker)
It's a pancake explosion, come and party down
Es ist eine Pfannkuchenexplosion, komm und feiere mit
Pancake robot
Come and get 'em while they're hot
Komm und hol sie dir, solange sie heiß sind
Pancake robot
Robot dei pancake
Come and get 'em while they're hot
Vieni a prenderli mentre sono caldi
The pancake robot is coming to town
Il robot dei pancake sta arrivando in città
He's mixing up the batter and he's laying it down
Sta mescolando l'impasto e lo sta stendendo
Buttermilk, blueberry, chocolate chip
Buttermilk, mirtilli, gocce di cioccolato
50 million pancakes he's gonna flip
50 milioni di pancake che sta per girare
All you can eat (yum yum)
Tutto quello che puoi mangiare (gnam gnam)
All you can eat (yum yum)
Tutto quello che puoi mangiare (gnam gnam)
The pancake robot is coming to town
Il robot dei pancake sta arrivando in città
All you can eat (yum yum)
Tutto quello che puoi mangiare (gnam gnam)
All you can eat (yum yum)
Tutto quello che puoi mangiare (gnam gnam)
It's a pancake explosion, come and party down
È un'esplosione di pancake, vieni a fare festa
Pancake robot
Robot dei pancake
Come and get 'em while they're hot
Vieni a prenderli mentre sono caldi
The pancake robot is here at last
Il robot dei pancake è finalmente qui
His flapjacks are flying supersonically fast
I suoi pancake volano a velocità supersonica
With his maple syrup cannon, and his butter pat blaster
Con il suo cannone di sciroppo d'acero, e il suo spara-burro
He's gonna feed the world, cause he's the pancake master!
Sta per nutrire il mondo, perché lui è il maestro dei pancake!
Stackity, stackity way up high
Impilati, impilati fino in alto
Stacking those cakes into the sky
Impilando quelle torte fino al cielo
Flippity, floppity down they go
Capovolti, capovolti scendono
Grab yourself a fork 'cause it's time to mow
Prendi una forchetta perché è ora di mangiare
Flat and round, flat and round
Piatto e rotondo, piatto e rotondo
Griddle cake griddles hot and brown!
La piastra per pancake è calda e marrone!
Everybody everybody chow down!
Tutti, tutti, mangiate!
'Cause the pancake robot's in town!
Perché il robot dei pancake è in città!
All you can eat
Tutto quello che puoi mangiare
All you can eat
Tutto quello che puoi mangiare
The pancake robot is coming to town
Il robot dei pancake sta arrivando in città
All you can eat
Tutto quello che puoi mangiare
All you can eat
Tutto quello che puoi mangiare
It's a pancake explosion, come and party down
È un'esplosione di pancake, vieni a fare festa
All you can eat (yum yum)
Tutto quello che puoi mangiare (gnam gnam)
All you can eat (yum yum)
Tutto quello che puoi mangiare (gnam gnam)
The pancake robot is coming to town
Il robot dei pancake sta arrivando in città
All you can eat (yum yum)
Tutto quello che puoi mangiare (gnam gnam)
All you can eat (yum yum)
Tutto quello che puoi mangiare (gnam gnam)
It's a pancake explosion, come and party down
È un'esplosione di pancake, vieni a fare festa
Pancake robot
Robot dei pancake
Come and get 'em while they're hot
Vieni a prenderli mentre sono caldi