The Show Must Go On [Live at The O2]

Roger Taylor, John Deacon, Brian May, Freddie Mercury

Lyrics Translation

Empty spaces, what are we living for?
Abandoned places, I guess we know the score
On and on, does anybody know what we are looking for?
Another hero, another mindless crime
Behind the curtain, in the pantomime
Hold the line, does anybody want to take it anymore?

The show must go on
The show must go on, yeah
Inside my heart is breaking
My make-up may be flaking
But my smile still stays on

Whatever happens, I'll leave it all to chance
Another heartache, another failed romance
On and on, does anybody want to take it anymore?
I guess I'm learning (I'm learning), I must be warmer now
I'll soon be turning (turning, turning) 'round the corner now
Outside, the dawn is breaking
But inside in the dark I'm aching to be free

The show must go on
The show must go on (yeah)
Inside my heart is breaking
My make-up may be flaking
But my smile still stays on

My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies
Fairy tales of yesterday will grow but never die
I can fly, my friends

The show must go on, yeah
The show must go on, yeah
I'll face it with a grin
I'm never giving in
On with the show

Ooh, I'll top the bill, I'll overkill
I have to find the will to carry on
(On with the, on with the show)

The show must go on

Empty spaces, what are we living for?
Espaços vazios, para que estamos vivendo?
Abandoned places, I guess we know the score
Lugares abandonados, acho que sabemos o placar
On and on, does anybody know what we are looking for?
Sem parar, alguém sabe o que estamos procurando?
Another hero, another mindless crime
Outro herói, outro crime sem sentido
Behind the curtain, in the pantomime
Atrás da cortina, na pantomima
Hold the line, does anybody want to take it anymore?
Segure a linha, alguém quer continuar?
The show must go on
O show tem que continuar
The show must go on, yeah
O show tem que continuar, sim
Inside my heart is breaking
Por dentro o meu coração está se partindo
My make-up may be flaking
Minha maquiagem pode estar descascando
But my smile still stays on
Mas meu sorriso ainda permanece
Whatever happens, I'll leave it all to chance
Aconteça o que acontecer, deixarei tudo ao acaso
Another heartache, another failed romance
Outra dor de coração, outro romance fracassado
On and on, does anybody want to take it anymore?
Sem parar, alguém quer continuar?
I guess I'm learning (I'm learning), I must be warmer now
Acho que estou aprendendo (estou aprendendo), devo estar mais quente agora
I'll soon be turning (turning, turning) 'round the corner now
Logo estarei virando (virando, virando) a esquina agora
Outside, the dawn is breaking
Lá fora, a aurora está rompendo
But inside in the dark I'm aching to be free
Mas por dentro, no escuro, estou ansioso para ser livre
The show must go on
O show tem que continuar
The show must go on (yeah)
O show tem que continuar (sim)
Inside my heart is breaking
Por dentro o meu coração está se partindo
My make-up may be flaking
Minha maquiagem pode estar descascando
But my smile still stays on
Mas meu sorriso ainda permanece
My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies
Minha alma é pintada como as asas das borboletas
Fairy tales of yesterday will grow but never die
Contos de fadas de ontem vão crescer, mas nunca morrer
I can fly, my friends
Eu posso voar, meus amigos
The show must go on, yeah
O show tem que continuar, sim
The show must go on, yeah
O show tem que continuar, sim
I'll face it with a grin
Vou enfrentar com um sorriso
I'm never giving in
Nunca vou desistir
On with the show
Continuemos com o show
Ooh, I'll top the bill, I'll overkill
Uh, vou encabeçar o espetáculo, vou exagerar
I have to find the will to carry on
Tenho que encontrar a vontade de continuar
(On with the, on with the show)
(Continuemos com o show)
The show must go on
O show tem que continuar
Empty spaces, what are we living for?
Espacios vacíos, ¿para qué estamos viviendo?
Abandoned places, I guess we know the score
Lugares abandonados, supongo que sabemos la puntuación
On and on, does anybody know what we are looking for?
Una y otra vez, ¿alguien sabe lo que estamos buscando?
Another hero, another mindless crime
Otro héroe, otro crimen sin sentido
Behind the curtain, in the pantomime
Detrás de la cortina, en el pantomima
Hold the line, does anybody want to take it anymore?
Mantén la línea, ¿alguien quiere seguir con esto?
The show must go on
El show debe continuar
The show must go on, yeah
El show debe continuar, sí
Inside my heart is breaking
Dentro mi corazón se está rompiendo
My make-up may be flaking
Mi maquillaje puede estar desmoronándose
But my smile still stays on
Pero mi sonrisa sigue puesta
Whatever happens, I'll leave it all to chance
Pase lo que pase, lo dejaré todo al azar
Another heartache, another failed romance
Otro desamor, otro romance fallido
On and on, does anybody want to take it anymore?
Una y otra vez, ¿alguien quiere seguir con esto?
I guess I'm learning (I'm learning), I must be warmer now
Supongo que estoy aprendiendo (estoy aprendiendo), debo estar más cálido ahora
I'll soon be turning (turning, turning) 'round the corner now
Pronto estaré girando (girando, girando) en la esquina ahora
Outside, the dawn is breaking
Afuera, el amanecer está rompiendo
But inside in the dark I'm aching to be free
Pero adentro en la oscuridad estoy deseando ser libre
The show must go on
El show debe continuar
The show must go on (yeah)
El show debe continuar (sí)
Inside my heart is breaking
Dentro mi corazón se está rompiendo
My make-up may be flaking
Mi maquillaje puede estar desmoronándose
But my smile still stays on
Pero mi sonrisa sigue puesta
My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies
Mi alma está pintada como las alas de las mariposas
Fairy tales of yesterday will grow but never die
Los cuentos de hadas de ayer crecerán pero nunca morirán
I can fly, my friends
Puedo volar, mis amigos
The show must go on, yeah
El show debe continuar, sí
The show must go on, yeah
El show debe continuar, sí
I'll face it with a grin
Lo enfrentaré con una sonrisa
I'm never giving in
Nunca me rendiré
On with the show
Continuemos con el show
Ooh, I'll top the bill, I'll overkill
Ooh, encabezaré la cartelera, lo haré en exceso
I have to find the will to carry on
Tengo que encontrar la voluntad para seguir adelante
(On with the, on with the show)
(Continuemos con el, continuemos con el show)
The show must go on
El show debe continuar
Empty spaces, what are we living for?
Des espaces vides, pour quoi vivons-nous ?
Abandoned places, I guess we know the score
Des lieux abandonnés, je suppose que nous connaissons le score
On and on, does anybody know what we are looking for?
Encore et encore, est-ce que quelqu'un sait ce que nous cherchons ?
Another hero, another mindless crime
Un autre héros, un autre crime insensé
Behind the curtain, in the pantomime
Derrière le rideau, dans le pantomime
Hold the line, does anybody want to take it anymore?
Tenez la ligne, est-ce que quelqu'un veut encore le prendre ?
The show must go on
Le spectacle doit continuer
The show must go on, yeah
Le spectacle doit continuer, ouais
Inside my heart is breaking
À l'intérieur, mon cœur se brise
My make-up may be flaking
Mon maquillage peut s'écailler
But my smile still stays on
Mais mon sourire reste toujours
Whatever happens, I'll leave it all to chance
Quoi qu'il arrive, je laisserai tout au hasard
Another heartache, another failed romance
Une autre peine de cœur, une autre romance ratée
On and on, does anybody want to take it anymore?
Encore et encore, est-ce que quelqu'un veut encore le prendre ?
I guess I'm learning (I'm learning), I must be warmer now
Je suppose que j'apprends (j'apprends), je dois être plus chaleureux maintenant
I'll soon be turning (turning, turning) 'round the corner now
Je vais bientôt tourner (tourner, tourner) au coin de la rue maintenant
Outside, the dawn is breaking
Dehors, l'aube se lève
But inside in the dark I'm aching to be free
Mais à l'intérieur dans le noir, j'ai hâte d'être libre
The show must go on
Le spectacle doit continuer
The show must go on (yeah)
Le spectacle doit continuer (ouais)
Inside my heart is breaking
À l'intérieur, mon cœur se brise
My make-up may be flaking
Mon maquillage peut s'écailler
But my smile still stays on
Mais mon sourire reste toujours
My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies
Mon âme est peinte comme les ailes des papillons
Fairy tales of yesterday will grow but never die
Les contes de fées d'hier grandiront mais ne mourront jamais
I can fly, my friends
Je peux voler, mes amis
The show must go on, yeah
Le spectacle doit continuer, ouais
The show must go on, yeah
Le spectacle doit continuer, ouais
I'll face it with a grin
Je vais y faire face avec un sourire
I'm never giving in
Je ne renonce jamais
On with the show
En avant avec le spectacle
Ooh, I'll top the bill, I'll overkill
Ooh, je vais être en tête d'affiche, je vais en faire trop
I have to find the will to carry on
Je dois trouver la volonté de continuer
(On with the, on with the show)
(En avant avec, en avant avec le spectacle)
The show must go on
Le spectacle doit continuer
Empty spaces, what are we living for?
Leere Räume, wofür leben wir?
Abandoned places, I guess we know the score
Verlassene Orte, ich denke, wir kennen den Stand der Dinge
On and on, does anybody know what we are looking for?
Immer weiter, weiß irgendjemand, wonach wir suchen?
Another hero, another mindless crime
Ein weiterer Held, ein weiteres sinnloses Verbrechen
Behind the curtain, in the pantomime
Hinter dem Vorhang, im Pantomimenspiel
Hold the line, does anybody want to take it anymore?
Halte die Linie, will noch jemand das weiterhin ertragen?
The show must go on
Die Show muss weitergehen
The show must go on, yeah
Die Show muss weitergehen, ja
Inside my heart is breaking
In meinem Herzen bricht es
My make-up may be flaking
Mein Make-up könnte bröckeln
But my smile still stays on
Aber mein Lächeln bleibt bestehen
Whatever happens, I'll leave it all to chance
Was auch immer passiert, ich überlasse es dem Zufall
Another heartache, another failed romance
Ein weiterer Herzschmerz, eine weitere gescheiterte Romanze
On and on, does anybody want to take it anymore?
Immer weiter, will noch jemand das weiterhin ertragen?
I guess I'm learning (I'm learning), I must be warmer now
Ich denke, ich lerne (ich lerne), ich muss jetzt wärmer sein
I'll soon be turning (turning, turning) 'round the corner now
Ich werde bald um die Ecke biegen (biegen, biegen)
Outside, the dawn is breaking
Draußen bricht die Morgendämmerung an
But inside in the dark I'm aching to be free
Aber drinnen in der Dunkelheit sehne ich mich danach, frei zu sein
The show must go on
Die Show muss weitergehen
The show must go on (yeah)
Die Show muss weitergehen (ja)
Inside my heart is breaking
In meinem Herzen bricht es
My make-up may be flaking
Mein Make-up könnte bröckeln
But my smile still stays on
Aber mein Lächeln bleibt bestehen
My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies
Meine Seele ist bemalt wie die Flügel von Schmetterlingen
Fairy tales of yesterday will grow but never die
Märchen von gestern werden wachsen, aber niemals sterben
I can fly, my friends
Ich kann fliegen, meine Freunde
The show must go on, yeah
Die Show muss weitergehen, ja
The show must go on, yeah
Die Show muss weitergehen, ja
I'll face it with a grin
Ich werde es mit einem Grinsen konfrontieren
I'm never giving in
Ich gebe niemals auf
On with the show
Weiter mit der Show
Ooh, I'll top the bill, I'll overkill
Ooh, ich werde die Rechnung übernehmen, ich werde übertreiben
I have to find the will to carry on
Ich muss den Willen finden, weiterzumachen
(On with the, on with the show)
(Weiter mit der, weiter mit der Show)
The show must go on
Die Show muss weitergehen
Empty spaces, what are we living for?
Spazi vuoti, per cosa stiamo vivendo?
Abandoned places, I guess we know the score
Luoghi abbandonati, immagino che conosciamo il punteggio
On and on, does anybody know what we are looking for?
Avanti e avanti, qualcuno sa cosa stiamo cercando?
Another hero, another mindless crime
Un altro eroe, un altro crimine senza senso
Behind the curtain, in the pantomime
Dietro il sipario, nel pantomima
Hold the line, does anybody want to take it anymore?
Mantenere la linea, qualcuno vuole ancora prenderla?
The show must go on
Lo spettacolo deve continuare
The show must go on, yeah
Lo spettacolo deve continuare, sì
Inside my heart is breaking
Dentro il mio cuore si sta spezzando
My make-up may be flaking
Il mio trucco potrebbe essere screpolato
But my smile still stays on
Ma il mio sorriso rimane ancora
Whatever happens, I'll leave it all to chance
Qualunque cosa succeda, lo lascerò tutto al caso
Another heartache, another failed romance
Un altro dolore al cuore, un altro amore fallito
On and on, does anybody want to take it anymore?
Avanti e avanti, qualcuno vuole ancora prenderla?
I guess I'm learning (I'm learning), I must be warmer now
Immagino che stia imparando (sto imparando), devo essere più caldo ora
I'll soon be turning (turning, turning) 'round the corner now
Presto sarò girando (girando, girando) dietro l'angolo ora
Outside, the dawn is breaking
Fuori, l'alba sta sorgendo
But inside in the dark I'm aching to be free
Ma dentro al buio sto desiderando di essere libero
The show must go on
Lo spettacolo deve continuare
The show must go on (yeah)
Lo spettacolo deve continuare (sì)
Inside my heart is breaking
Dentro il mio cuore si sta spezzando
My make-up may be flaking
Il mio trucco potrebbe essere screpolato
But my smile still stays on
Ma il mio sorriso rimane ancora
My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies
La mia anima è dipinta come le ali delle farfalle
Fairy tales of yesterday will grow but never die
Le favole di ieri cresceranno ma non moriranno mai
I can fly, my friends
Posso volare, amici miei
The show must go on, yeah
Lo spettacolo deve continuare, sì
The show must go on, yeah
Lo spettacolo deve continuare, sì
I'll face it with a grin
Lo affronterò con un sorriso
I'm never giving in
Non mi arrenderò mai
On with the show
Avanti con lo spettacolo
Ooh, I'll top the bill, I'll overkill
Ooh, sarò il primo della lista, sarò eccessivo
I have to find the will to carry on
Devo trovare la volontà di andare avanti
(On with the, on with the show)
(Avanti con, avanti con lo spettacolo)
The show must go on
Lo spettacolo deve continuare

Trivia about the song The Show Must Go On [Live at The O2] by Queen

Who composed the song “The Show Must Go On [Live at The O2]” by Queen?
The song “The Show Must Go On [Live at The O2]” by Queen was composed by Roger Taylor, John Deacon, Brian May, Freddie Mercury.

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