Wire To Wire

Johnny Borrell

Lyrics Translation

What is love but a strangest of feelings?
A sin you swallow for the rest of your life?
You've been looking for someone to believe in
To love you until your eyes run dry

She lives by disillusion glow
We go where the wild blood flows
On our bodies we share the same scar
Love me, wherever you are

How do you love with a fate full of rust?
How do you turn what the savage tame?
You've been looking for someone you can trust
To love you, again and again

How do you love in a house without feelings?
How do you turn what the savage tame?
I've been looking for someone to believe in
Love me, again and again

She lives by disillusion's glow
We go where the wild blood flows
On our bodies we share the same scar

How do you love on a night without feelings?
She says, love, I hear sound, I see fury
She says, love's not a hostile condition
Love me, wherever you are

Love me, wherever you are
Love me, wherever you are
Wherever you are

What is love but a strangest of feelings?
O que é o amor senão o mais estranho dos sentimentos?
A sin you swallow for the rest of your life?
Um pecado que você engole pelo resto da sua vida?
You've been looking for someone to believe in
Você tem procurado alguém em quem acreditar
To love you until your eyes run dry
Para te amar até seus olhos secarem
She lives by disillusion glow
Ela vive pelo brilho da desilusão
We go where the wild blood flows
Nós vamos onde o sangue selvagem flui
On our bodies we share the same scar
Em nossos corpos, compartilhamos a mesma cicatriz
Love me, wherever you are
Ame-me, onde quer que você esteja
How do you love with a fate full of rust?
Como você ama com um destino cheio de ferrugem?
How do you turn what the savage tame?
Como você doma o que é selvagem?
You've been looking for someone you can trust
Você tem procurado alguém em quem possa confiar
To love you, again and again
Para te amar, de novo e de novo
How do you love in a house without feelings?
Como você ama em uma casa sem sentimentos?
How do you turn what the savage tame?
Como você doma o que é selvagem?
I've been looking for someone to believe in
Eu tenho procurado alguém para acreditar
Love me, again and again
Ame-me, de novo e de novo
She lives by disillusion's glow
Ela vive pelo brilho da desilusão
We go where the wild blood flows
Nós vamos onde o sangue selvagem flui
On our bodies we share the same scar
Em nossos corpos, compartilhamos a mesma cicatriz
How do you love on a night without feelings?
Como você ama em uma noite sem sentimentos?
She says, love, I hear sound, I see fury
Ela diz, amor, eu ouço som, eu vejo fúria
She says, love's not a hostile condition
Ela diz, o amor não é uma condição hostil
Love me, wherever you are
Ame-me, onde quer que você esteja
Love me, wherever you are
Ame-me, onde quer que você esteja
Love me, wherever you are
Ame-me, onde quer que você esteja
Wherever you are
Onde quer que você esteja
What is love but a strangest of feelings?
¿Qué es el amor sino el más extraño de los sentimientos?
A sin you swallow for the rest of your life?
¿Un pecado que tragas por el resto de tu vida?
You've been looking for someone to believe in
Has estado buscando a alguien en quien creer
To love you until your eyes run dry
Para amarte hasta que tus ojos se sequen
She lives by disillusion glow
Ella vive por el resplandor de la desilusión
We go where the wild blood flows
Vamos a donde fluye la sangre salvaje
On our bodies we share the same scar
En nuestros cuerpos compartimos la misma cicatriz
Love me, wherever you are
Ámame, dondequiera que estés
How do you love with a fate full of rust?
¿Cómo amas con un destino lleno de óxido?
How do you turn what the savage tame?
¿Cómo transformas lo que el salvaje domestica?
You've been looking for someone you can trust
Has estado buscando a alguien en quien puedas confiar
To love you, again and again
Para amarte, una y otra vez
How do you love in a house without feelings?
¿Cómo amas en una casa sin sentimientos?
How do you turn what the savage tame?
¿Cómo transformas lo que el salvaje domestica?
I've been looking for someone to believe in
He estado buscando a alguien en quien creer
Love me, again and again
Ámame, una y otra vez
She lives by disillusion's glow
Ella vive por el resplandor de la desilusión
We go where the wild blood flows
Vamos a donde fluye la sangre salvaje
On our bodies we share the same scar
En nuestros cuerpos compartimos la misma cicatriz
How do you love on a night without feelings?
¿Cómo amas en una noche sin sentimientos?
She says, love, I hear sound, I see fury
Ella dice, amor, oigo sonido, veo furia
She says, love's not a hostile condition
Ella dice, el amor no es una condición hostil
Love me, wherever you are
Ámame, dondequiera que estés
Love me, wherever you are
Ámame, dondequiera que estés
Love me, wherever you are
Ámame, dondequiera que estés
Wherever you are
Dondequiera que estés
What is love but a strangest of feelings?
Qu'est-ce que l'amour sinon le plus étrange des sentiments ?
A sin you swallow for the rest of your life?
Un péché que tu avales pour le reste de ta vie ?
You've been looking for someone to believe in
Tu as cherché quelqu'un en qui croire
To love you until your eyes run dry
Pour t'aimer jusqu'à ce que tes yeux soient secs
She lives by disillusion glow
Elle vit par l'éclat de la désillusion
We go where the wild blood flows
Nous allons là où le sang sauvage coule
On our bodies we share the same scar
Sur nos corps, nous partageons la même cicatrice
Love me, wherever you are
Aime-moi, où que tu sois
How do you love with a fate full of rust?
Comment aimes-tu avec un destin plein de rouille ?
How do you turn what the savage tame?
Comment transformes-tu ce que le sauvage apprivoise ?
You've been looking for someone you can trust
Tu as cherché quelqu'un en qui tu peux avoir confiance
To love you, again and again
Pour t'aimer, encore et encore
How do you love in a house without feelings?
Comment aimes-tu dans une maison sans sentiments ?
How do you turn what the savage tame?
Comment transformes-tu ce que le sauvage apprivoise ?
I've been looking for someone to believe in
J'ai cherché quelqu'un en qui croire
Love me, again and again
Aime-moi, encore et encore
She lives by disillusion's glow
Elle vit par l'éclat de la désillusion
We go where the wild blood flows
Nous allons là où le sang sauvage coule
On our bodies we share the same scar
Sur nos corps, nous partageons la même cicatrice
How do you love on a night without feelings?
Comment aimes-tu lors d'une nuit sans sentiments ?
She says, love, I hear sound, I see fury
Elle dit, amour, j'entends du bruit, je vois de la fureur
She says, love's not a hostile condition
Elle dit, l'amour n'est pas une condition hostile
Love me, wherever you are
Aime-moi, où que tu sois
Love me, wherever you are
Aime-moi, où que tu sois
Love me, wherever you are
Aime-moi, où que tu sois
Wherever you are
Où que tu sois
What is love but a strangest of feelings?
Was ist Liebe, wenn nicht das seltsamste der Gefühle?
A sin you swallow for the rest of your life?
Eine Sünde, die du für den Rest deines Lebens schluckst?
You've been looking for someone to believe in
Du hast nach jemandem gesucht, an den du glauben kannst
To love you until your eyes run dry
Um dich zu lieben, bis deine Augen trocken laufen
She lives by disillusion glow
Sie lebt im Schein der Desillusion
We go where the wild blood flows
Wir gehen dorthin, wo das wilde Blut fließt
On our bodies we share the same scar
Auf unseren Körpern tragen wir dieselbe Narbe
Love me, wherever you are
Liebe mich, wo immer du bist
How do you love with a fate full of rust?
Wie liebst du mit einem vom Rost befallenen Schicksal?
How do you turn what the savage tame?
Wie zähmst du das Wilde?
You've been looking for someone you can trust
Du hast nach jemandem gesucht, dem du vertrauen kannst
To love you, again and again
Um dich immer und immer wieder zu lieben
How do you love in a house without feelings?
Wie liebst du in einem Haus ohne Gefühle?
How do you turn what the savage tame?
Wie zähmst du das Wilde?
I've been looking for someone to believe in
Ich habe nach jemandem gesucht, an den ich glauben kann
Love me, again and again
Liebe mich, immer und immer wieder
She lives by disillusion's glow
Sie lebt im Schein der Desillusion
We go where the wild blood flows
Wir gehen dorthin, wo das wilde Blut fließt
On our bodies we share the same scar
Auf unseren Körpern tragen wir dieselbe Narbe
How do you love on a night without feelings?
Wie liebst du in einer Nacht ohne Gefühle?
She says, love, I hear sound, I see fury
Sie sagt, Liebe, ich höre Geräusche, ich sehe Wut
She says, love's not a hostile condition
Sie sagt, Liebe ist kein feindlicher Zustand
Love me, wherever you are
Liebe mich, wo immer du bist
Love me, wherever you are
Liebe mich, wo immer du bist
Love me, wherever you are
Liebe mich, wo immer du bist
Wherever you are
Wo immer du bist
What is love but a strangest of feelings?
Cos'è l'amore se non il più strano dei sentimenti?
A sin you swallow for the rest of your life?
Un peccato che inghiotti per il resto della tua vita?
You've been looking for someone to believe in
Stai cercando qualcuno in cui credere
To love you until your eyes run dry
Per amarti fino a quando i tuoi occhi non si asciugano
She lives by disillusion glow
Lei vive nel bagliore della disillusione
We go where the wild blood flows
Andiamo dove scorre il sangue selvaggio
On our bodies we share the same scar
Sui nostri corpi condividiamo la stessa cicatrice
Love me, wherever you are
Amami, dovunque tu sia
How do you love with a fate full of rust?
Come ami con un destino pieno di ruggine?
How do you turn what the savage tame?
Come trasformi ciò che il selvaggio addomestica?
You've been looking for someone you can trust
Stai cercando qualcuno di cui ti puoi fidare
To love you, again and again
Per amarti, ancora e ancora
How do you love in a house without feelings?
Come ami in una casa senza sentimenti?
How do you turn what the savage tame?
Come trasformi ciò che il selvaggio addomestica?
I've been looking for someone to believe in
Sto cercando qualcuno in cui credere
Love me, again and again
Amami, ancora e ancora
She lives by disillusion's glow
Lei vive nel bagliore della disillusione
We go where the wild blood flows
Andiamo dove scorre il sangue selvaggio
On our bodies we share the same scar
Sui nostri corpi condividiamo la stessa cicatrice
How do you love on a night without feelings?
Come ami in una notte senza sentimenti?
She says, love, I hear sound, I see fury
Lei dice, amore, sento suoni, vedo furia
She says, love's not a hostile condition
Lei dice, l'amore non è una condizione ostile
Love me, wherever you are
Amami, dovunque tu sia
Love me, wherever you are
Amami, dovunque tu sia
Love me, wherever you are
Amami, dovunque tu sia
Wherever you are
Dovunque tu sia
What is love but a strangest of feelings?
Apa itu cinta selain perasaan yang paling aneh?
A sin you swallow for the rest of your life?
Dosa yang kamu telan seumur hidupmu?
You've been looking for someone to believe in
Kamu telah mencari seseorang untuk dipercayai
To love you until your eyes run dry
Untuk mencintaimu sampai matamu kering
She lives by disillusion glow
Dia hidup dalam cahaya ilusi
We go where the wild blood flows
Kami pergi ke tempat darah liar mengalir
On our bodies we share the same scar
Di tubuh kami, kami memiliki luka yang sama
Love me, wherever you are
Cintai aku, di manapun kamu berada
How do you love with a fate full of rust?
Bagaimana kamu mencintai dengan takdir yang penuh karat?
How do you turn what the savage tame?
Bagaimana kamu menjinakkan yang liar?
You've been looking for someone you can trust
Kamu telah mencari seseorang yang bisa kamu percayai
To love you, again and again
Untuk mencintaimu, lagi dan lagi
How do you love in a house without feelings?
Bagaimana kamu mencintai di rumah tanpa perasaan?
How do you turn what the savage tame?
Bagaimana kamu menjinakkan yang liar?
I've been looking for someone to believe in
Aku telah mencari seseorang untuk dipercayai
Love me, again and again
Cintai aku, lagi dan lagi
She lives by disillusion's glow
Dia hidup dalam cahaya ilusi
We go where the wild blood flows
Kami pergi ke tempat darah liar mengalir
On our bodies we share the same scar
Di tubuh kami, kami memiliki luka yang sama
How do you love on a night without feelings?
Bagaimana kamu mencintai di malam tanpa perasaan?
She says, love, I hear sound, I see fury
Dia berkata, cinta, aku mendengar suara, aku melihat kemarahan
She says, love's not a hostile condition
Dia berkata, cinta bukan kondisi yang bermusuhan
Love me, wherever you are
Cintai aku, di manapun kamu berada
Love me, wherever you are
Cintai aku, di manapun kamu berada
Love me, wherever you are
Cintai aku, di manapun kamu berada
Wherever you are
Di manapun kamu berada
What is love but a strangest of feelings?
ความรักคืออะไร ถ้าไม่ใช่ความรู้สึกที่แปลกประหลาดที่สุด?
A sin you swallow for the rest of your life?
You've been looking for someone to believe in
To love you until your eyes run dry
She lives by disillusion glow
We go where the wild blood flows
On our bodies we share the same scar
บนร่างกายของเรา เราแบ่งปันแผลเดียวกัน
Love me, wherever you are
รักฉัน ไม่ว่าคุณจะอยู่ที่ไหน
How do you love with a fate full of rust?
คุณจะรักได้อย่างไร เมื่อโชคชะตาเต็มไปด้วยสนิม?
How do you turn what the savage tame?
You've been looking for someone you can trust
To love you, again and again
ที่จะรักคุณ ซ้ำแล้วซ้ำเล่า
How do you love in a house without feelings?
How do you turn what the savage tame?
I've been looking for someone to believe in
Love me, again and again
รักฉัน ซ้ำแล้วซ้ำเล่า
She lives by disillusion's glow
We go where the wild blood flows
On our bodies we share the same scar
บนร่างกายของเรา เราแบ่งปันแผลเดียวกัน
How do you love on a night without feelings?
She says, love, I hear sound, I see fury
เธอบอกว่า รัก ฉันได้ยินเสียง ฉันเห็นความโกรธ
She says, love's not a hostile condition
เธอบอกว่า รักไม่ใช่สภาวะที่เป็นปฏิปักษ์
Love me, wherever you are
รักฉัน ไม่ว่าคุณจะอยู่ที่ไหน
Love me, wherever you are
รักฉัน ไม่ว่าคุณจะอยู่ที่ไหน
Love me, wherever you are
รักฉัน ไม่ว่าคุณจะอยู่ที่ไหน
Wherever you are
What is love but a strangest of feelings?
A sin you swallow for the rest of your life?
You've been looking for someone to believe in
To love you until your eyes run dry
She lives by disillusion glow
We go where the wild blood flows
On our bodies we share the same scar
Love me, wherever you are
How do you love with a fate full of rust?
How do you turn what the savage tame?
You've been looking for someone you can trust
To love you, again and again
How do you love in a house without feelings?
How do you turn what the savage tame?
I've been looking for someone to believe in
Love me, again and again
She lives by disillusion's glow
We go where the wild blood flows
On our bodies we share the same scar
How do you love on a night without feelings?
She says, love, I hear sound, I see fury
She says, love's not a hostile condition
Love me, wherever you are
Love me, wherever you are
Love me, wherever you are
Wherever you are

Trivia about the song Wire To Wire by Razorlight

When was the song “Wire To Wire” released by Razorlight?
The song Wire To Wire was released in 2008, on the album “Slipway Fires”.
Who composed the song “Wire To Wire” by Razorlight?
The song “Wire To Wire” by Razorlight was composed by Johnny Borrell.

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