
Mamezala nawe babezala
Sengihlutshwa ngumfazi
'Kasapheki la endlini ubuy' ebusuku
Mangimbuza athi wo ngiphume kuye
Uyaphuk' umuzi wami ngicela nimkhuzeni

Ngamthengel' imoto
Ngamakhela nomuzi
Ngamkhiphel' ilobola
Ishumi Lezinkomo nezinkomo ezinhlanu

Uyaphuk' umuzi wami ngicela limkhuzeni
Uyaphuk' umuzi wami ngicela limkhuzeni bo
Uyaphuk' umuzi wami ngicela limkhuzeni
Uyaphuk' umuzi wami Uyaphuk' umuzi wami bo

Ngicel' uxolo emzini wami
Please help me find peace in this house
Aziphel' inxhabano emzini kababa
Please help me find peace in this house
Ngicel' uxolo emzini wami
Please help me find peace in this house
Aziphel' inxhabano emzini kababa
Please help me find peace in this house

Ngicel' uxolo emzini wami
Please help me find peace in this house
Aziphel' ingxabano emzini kababa
Please help me find peace in this house
Ngicel' uxolo emzini wami
Please help me find peace in this house
Aziphel' inxhabano emzini kababa
Please help me find peace in this house

Ungangfaki lezinja
Ziyakhal' ingane zami
Ak'sekho mnandi la endlini
Abomakhelwane bakhuluma ngathi besihleka
Sekuphenduk' inhlekisa umuzi wami
Hawu ngicela nimkhuzeni
Mama ngicela nimkhuzeni bo
Babe ngicela nimkhuzeni
Hawu ngicela nimkhuzeni bo

Uyaphuk' umuzi wami ngicela limkhuzeni
Uyaphuk' umuzi wami ngicela limkhuzeni bo
Uyaphuk' umuzi wami ngicela limkhuzeni
Uyaphuk' umuzi wami Uyaphuk' umuzi wami bo

Ngicel' uxolo emzini wami
Please help me find peace in this house
Aziphel' inxhabano emzini kababa
Please help me find peace in this house
Ngicel' uxolo emzini wami
Please help me find peace in this house
Aziphel' inxhabano emzini kababa
Please help me find peace in this house

Ngicel' uxolo emzini wami
Please help me find peace in this house
Aziphel' inxhabano emzini kababa
Please help me find peace in this house
Ngicel' uxolo emzini wami
Please help me find peace in this house
Aziphel' inxhabano emzini kababa
Please help me find peace in this house

Emzini kababa
Hawu ngicela nimkhuzeni bo
Yaphuk' umuzi wami
Uyaphel' umuzi wami ngicela nimkhuzeni
Yaphuk' umuzi wami
Uyaphel' umuzi wami ngicela nimkhuzeni

Ngicel' uxolo emzini wami
Please help me find peace in this house
Aziphel' inxhabano emzini kababa
Please help me find peace in this house
Ngicel' uxolo emzini wami
Please help me find peace in this house

Aziphel' inxhabano emzini kababa
Please help me find peace in this house
Ngicel' uxolo emzini wami
Please help me find peace in this house
Aziphel' inxhabano emzini kababa
Please help me find peace in this house
Ngicel' uxolo emzini wami
Please help me find peace in this house
Aziphel' inxhabano emzini kababa
Please help me find peace in this house
Ngicel' uxolo emzini wami
Please help me find peace in this house
Aziphel' inxhabano emzini kababa
Please help me find peace in this house

Ngicel' uxolo emzini wami
Please help me find peace in this house
Aziphel' inxhabano emzini kababa
Please help me find peace in this house
Ngithi ngicel' uxolo emzini wami
Please help me find peace in this house
Aziphel' inxhabano emzini kababa
Please help me find peace in this house
Ngicel' uxolo emzini wami
Please help me find peace in this house
Aziphel' inxhabano emzini kababa
Please help me find peace in this house

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