Anchors Aweigh

Anchors Aweigh! Sailing the briny sea.
'Neath a black flag of rebellion and anarchy
Anchors Aweigh! With a cutthroat crew
Drinking and smoking o'er waters blue
We're scurvy young rascals, we're rude and we're loud
Black-hearted, mutinous, crazy and proud
We rob the rich bastards on land and at sea
Wearing the brand of the DRP

And it's Yo Ho Ho! A-Rovin' we go
Drinkin' our Rum and our Porter
We're pushing our luck and we dont give a fuck
We're sailing away in the morning

Anchors Aweigh! Three sheets to the wind are we
Take up the helm and steer onward to victory
Anchors Aweigh! Down the pints go
Now haul away boys or we'll all lie below
Tonight we came in for an eve on the town
We got so piss drunk that we burned the place down
The mayor's daughter and his gold we did take
And as dawn comes we make our escape
Anchors Aweigh! The naval fleet closing fast
Turn the ship round and we'll sound the attack
Anchors Aweigh! A skirmish at sea
We'll mop up the decks with the blood of our enemy
Batten the hatches and ready the guns
It's honor and bravery when the time comes
The order, it sounds, and the gunpowder blasts
Fight on til the end cause there's no turning back
Anchors Aweigh! We sail on to our hideaway
Lost some good men in the course of our getaway
Anchors Aweigh! The naval fleet burns
We blew 'em to pieces, they'll never return
On through the storm we fought true and brave
But the devil sent us to a watery grave
So all you bold rogues come listen to me
Or you're bones will rest at the bottom of the sea

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