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Trivia about Samantha Machado

What are the main songs by Samantha Machado?
The main songs by Samantha Machado are “Nave Espacial”, “Peter Pan (part. Groove Delight)”, and “Nunca Vai Mudar”.
What is the latest album by Samantha Machado?
The latest album by Samantha Machado is “MVLTIFVCETVDV EM LVPIDVCVO CONSTVNTE”, released in 2020 with 14 tracks.
What is the oldest album by Samantha Machado?
The oldest album by Samantha Machado is “Nunca Vai Mudar”, released in 2018.
What is the most successful song by Samantha Machado?
The most popular song by Samantha Machado is “Nave Espacial”, from the album “Ponta do Iceberg”, released in 2019.
How many albums has Samantha Machado released?
Between 2019 and 2020 Samantha Machado released 3 Albums

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