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Alexander, City Born
Backseat Driver
Big Bad Wolf (Live)
Big In The World
Big Time Nashville Star
Bleed It On
Built to Roam
Bully’s Lament (feat. Isaac Gillespie & Morgan Heringer]
Business Lunch
Call It Heaven
Call It Heaven Demo (ft. Esmé Patterson)
Century City
Channel Five (Interlude)
Channel One (Intro)
Christopher Columbus
City In a Bottle
City in a Bottle (Live @ 2023)
Climb On The Cross
Cops and Robbers
Counting Sheep
Coupe DeVille
Dearly Departed
Devil May Care
Dining Alone
Doe Jane
Drake Like Charo
Dusty Lion
Family And Genus
Family Tree
Favorite Chair
Feel Good Smell Good Woman Blues (live)
Foot of Your Bed
Georgia Moon
Good Police
Happy Birthday Julie
Hard Wired
House of Winston
I’m on Fire
If I Was Yours
If Not For You
Kids These Days
Late July
Late July (Early Version)
Laughing All the Way
Lonely Hill (Alt-Version)
Look Alive
Love, Patiently
Mansion Door
Missing You
My Neighbor
Nobody’s Fool
Not Everything Grows
Not Wife
Oh My Poison
Oh The Reign
Old Lady City
Once In A While
One in a Million
Only Son
Pansy Waltz
Pansy Waltz (Demo)
Passionate Kisses
Pay the Road
Play It Where It Lies
Playing Along
Proper Fence
Ready Or Not
Resistance Song
Roll the Bones
Rotten Ol’ Me (Deadstock)
Saving Face (Early Version Of Roll The Bones)
Seeing All Red
Slay Time Blonde (Live at Levon’s)
Stereotypes Of A Blue Collar Male
Story of My Life
The Daily All
The Donor Blues
The Haunted Guitar (Interlude)
The Night (Interlude)
The Perfect Parts
The Recipe
The Seal Hunter
The Shepherd (Interlude)
The Teacher (Interlude)
The Waters
This Is The Beginning
Tin Man
To Cure What Ails
Trouble by Noon
Under The Hood
Unlucky Skin
War Horn
Was Here
Where A Boy Once Stood
Willow Garden
Wolfman Agenda
Word Of Mouth
Word Of Mouth (Early Version) [feat. Isaac Gillespie]
Years Ago (Interlude)

Trivia about Shakey Graves

What are the main songs by Shakey Graves?
The main songs by Shakey Graves are “Word Of Mouth (Early Version) [feat. Isaac Gillespie]”, “Roll the Bones”, and “Tomorrow”.
What is the latest album by Shakey Graves?
The latest album by Shakey Graves is “Movie of the Week”, released in 2023 with 13 tracks.
What is the oldest album by Shakey Graves?
The oldest album by Shakey Graves is “West of Calgary” with 2 tracks.
What is the most successful song by Shakey Graves?
The most popular song by Shakey Graves is “Word Of Mouth (Early Version) [feat. Isaac Gillespie]”, from the album “Live at Levon’s”, released in 2016.
How many albums has Shakey Graves released?
Between 2011 and 2023 Shakey Graves released 16 Albums

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