Magic Fruit
Magic Fruit
a wise man
once told me
when I was in foreign land
that I had,
I had to eat it up
and don't get sick in my mind
the hounds were laughing in the night
my body cried for help
but I will give you magic fruit he said
so you'll get better in your head
cause you gotta force yourself to eat
you gotta force yourself to eat
you gotta force yourself to eat
cause an empty stomach
will never rise
there were ants crawling on the floor
bats hanging in the roof
but wise man kept telling
with baobao you wouldn't lose
he walked away with a hen tied in his hand
and wise words left behind
remember you have to eat it up
and don't get sick in your mind
cause you gotta force yourself to eat
you gotta force yourself to eat
you gotta force yourself to eat
cause an empty stomach
will never rise
cause you gotta force yourself to eat
you gotta force yourself to eat
you gotta force yourself to eat
you gotta force yourself to eat
you gotta force yourself to eat
you gotta force yourself to eat
you gotta force yourself to eat
cause an empty stomach
will never rise
will never rise
never never never never rise
cause an empty stomach
will never rise