I don't know where to begin
I don't know where to start
Oh, I loved you once
Though you loved me not
I accepted that, of course
Though it hurt a lot
I was lonely then
So, yes, it hurt, a lot
You called me friend
Your efforts, though, were sparse
I guess, you felt there was no need
Because you knew
You were always in my heart
I had hoped that, maybe
Now and then you would share
At least moments of your life
But you never seemed to care
You accepted me though
And I, I trusted you
This is how it all began
And when at last you said
That you honestly cared
I believed that, too
I believed you
To be true
Then came the tide
And it brought a storm
It was bad, so bad
Like it had never been before
I cried out in pain
In agony and despair
I called for your help
But you were not there
Like I knew, you wouldn't be
I knew, you would not hear me
Not in time, I knew
And I, I accepted that, too
I somehow made it
Through that night
I do not remember how
Do not know how I survived
And when, at last, you found
The note that I had sent
All you did was pretend
That you didn't understand
And you never came
You never even called!
How am I your friend
When you do not care at all?