Gotta Be Patient (Confination Song VI) (part. Judit Neddermann )

I just wanna see my friends
I wanna walk the streets again
But I gotta be patient
Let's enjoy this confination

I just wanna feel your love
'Cause Instagram is not enough for me
So I gotta be patient
Let's enjoy this confination

But everyday we'll sing a song
To make you dance
Until this ends
I wanna see my friends
I wanna walk the streets again, again, again
But I gotta be patient
Let's enjoy this confination

Si tens ganes de sortir
Ho sento però no pots
T'hauràs de quedar a dins
Però amb els vídeos d'aquests tres
Jo he sigut molt feliç
Podria viure així
Ai, aquest virus que tenim
També ha aconseguit que ens unim!

I just wanna see my friends
I wanna walk the streets again
But I gotta be patient
Let's enjoy this confination
But I gotta be patient
Let's enjoy this confination
I gotta be patient
Let's enjoy this confination

If you feel like going out
I'm sorry but you can't
You will have to stay
But Stay Homas' videos
Have made may day
I could live this way
Oh, this new virus
Has also pull us together

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