Lou's Revenge

Steve Ouimette

Well, well, well
Who dares stand before me?
A worthy adversary you say?
Ha, highly unlikely
In the words of those who have failed before you
You could learn a thing or two
From a guy named Lou

I'll make a special trip
I'm coming up from the pits for you
I'm lightning speed and barbed wire
My fingers burn like gasoline on fire, I'm on fire

Who's your daddy, what's my name?
Here I come through the fire and the flames
My cloven hoof's gonna set you straight
Get ready now 'cause it's time to meet your fate, I'm your fate

Bow and believe what you see
There's no escaping from the inferno
Kneel and receive the fire in me
I am your master, I am eternal

Remember your vowels, bitch!

I ain't done here's another thing
You gonna feel the pain of my fiery sting
C'mon boy is that the best you got?
I'll give you one more shot, here's your shot
It's getting hot!

Bow and believe what you see
There's no escaping from the inferno
Kneel and receive the fire in me
I am your master, I am eternal

Bow and believe what you see
There's no escaping from the inferno
Kneel and receive the fire in me
I am your master, I am eternal

Ow, looks like a real scorcher out there today
Folks, we're reaching record highs from now until eternity
And I'll be with you for whole ride!

Other artists of Heavy metal music