
Cem Toraman, Abdul Nelson, Gennaro Alessandro Frenken, Dennis Atuahene Opoku

Lyrics Translation

(So, I'm goin' to Ghana)
Wenn du kommst mit der Glock in der Hand, dann schieß
Baba, das' nur Tofu, das' kein Beef
Minimal Strap , jeder six-feet-deep
(yo, look, gang)

I'm a boss, I'm on block
I call shots I ain't hands on no more, I used to have a rambo tucked in my blocko
I was strapped up when I went from Corrigall
H-he didn't run like the pussy he is
Then he knows where he is, then he would have been no more
I'm from the farm blocks, me and my bredrin shoot guys (boh!)
That's what we're known for
Know I'm really testin', who are they vexin' (grrr)
And in a second if me and my best friend jump in the stollen german with guns somebody stressin'
Noone really knew, this ain't no rusty shotty
I'm pressed and the clips extended
Keep ya head up ten times and I still got twenty more left
This call ain't endin'
I live in a big house now, I don't live in the ends (nah)
I still check for my friends
I'm drivin' a german car, it's got four exhaust pipes
Ain't pushing a petty, you can't tell me 'bout broke guys that got nothing to lose (nah)
I been one of them (you know)
I didn't wanna be rich and famous (never)
I just wanted to maintain (yeah)

Wenn du kommst mit der Glock in der Hand, dann schieß (boh!)
Baba, das' nur Tofu, das' kein Beef
Minimal Strap, jeder six-feet-deep (grrr)
Aus Reflex, Bruder, instinktiv
Multi-Millions, Singles Streams
Five-Star-Crack-Koch Michelin
Sie macht Dirty-Talk auf Phone, doch
Ich steck' grad noch im Termin fest (drip)
Mein Kunde macht Backflips Bitch, ich trainier' kein Bizeps
(Mein Kunde macht Backflips, Bitch-Bitch-Bitch)

İşimiz güzel baba sorma
Ner'de para var Summer or'da
'23 wird ein langer Sommer, nie mehr mapushane, nie mehr karakola
Troublemaker machen Tralafitti, jeden Tag ist Siki in 'ner andern City
Summer, Billie, sind wir paar von Biggie
Laufen Amok, gehen Harakiri
Meine neue Trap hat ein Safehouse, Geld anlegen für ein Paket
K-k-keine Ups ihr geht leer aus, mach' Flous während ihr weiterschläft (huh)
P-p-pushe so weit es geht, doch bis zum Ziel ist ein weiter Weg
Ihr seid Dealer seit iPhone 10, doch ich mach' Lila schon seit Myspace (brr)

Wenn du kommst mit der Glock in der Hand, dann schieß (boh!)
Baba, das' nur Tofu, das' kein Beef
Minimal Strap, jeder six-feet-deep (grrr)
Aus Reflex, Bruder, instinktiv
Multi-Millions, Single Streams
Five-Star-Crack-Koch Michelin
Sie macht Dirty-Talk auf Phone, doch
Ich steck' grad noch im Termin fest (drip)
Mein Kunde macht Backflips, ich, ich trainier' kein Bizeps
(Mein Kunde macht Backflips, ich-ich-ich)

Çizik mermi, kırık Motorolla
Motorlar yolda ibre sonda
Son sözü söyledim, gerisi onda
En hızlı jokeyler direksiyonda
Pa-pa, pa-pa, silah konuşuyo' lale
Anla, baba arıyo'sam AK
Run da telefon çalıyo' paket, tamam (tamam)
Sana boş konuları anlatmam
A-a-a-abilerleyim Face Time
Ge-gecekondu apartman, big man
Ose dostum candan from Batman
Bir yok bir var, et ihbar
Bizi durduramaz bu kayıtlar
Sizi vurdurabilir ama bunlar
Döndü av mevsiminden kurtlar, big boss
P-p-para yoksa da kan var
Bizden değil ama sizden damlar
Dayım Germany, bra'm UK
Silah Türkiye'den patlar
Bi' olay çıkmaz bakıyo'lar ters
Köpekler hep havlar
Sahne bizde, filmi izle
Bitince tüm reklamlar

Wenn du kommst mit der Glock in der Hand, dann schieß (boh!)
Baba, das' nur Tofu, das' kein Beef
Minimal Strap, jeder six-feet-deep (grrr)
Aus Reflex, Bruder, instinktiv
Multi-Millions, Single Streams
Five-Star-Crack-Koch Michelin
Sie macht Dirty-Talk auf Phone, doch
Ich steck' grad noch im Termin fest (drip)
Mein Kunde macht Backflips, ich, ich trainier' kein Bizeps
(Mein Kunde macht Backflips, ich-ich-ich)

(So, I'm goin' to Ghana)
(So, I'm goin' to Ghana)
Wenn du kommst mit der Glock in der Hand, dann schieß
If you come with the Glock in your hand, then shoot
Baba, das' nur Tofu, das' kein Beef
Baba, that's just tofu, that's no beef
Minimal Strap , jeder six-feet-deep
Minimal Strap, everyone six-feet-deep
(yo, look, gang)
(yo, look, gang)
I'm a boss, I'm on block
I'm a boss, I'm on block
I call shots I ain't hands on no more, I used to have a rambo tucked in my blocko
I call shots I ain't hands on no more, I used to have a rambo tucked in my blocko
I was strapped up when I went from Corrigall
I was strapped up when I went from Corrigall
H-he didn't run like the pussy he is
H-he didn't run like the pussy he is
Then he knows where he is, then he would have been no more
Then he knows where he is, then he would have been no more
I'm from the farm blocks, me and my bredrin shoot guys (boh!)
I'm from the farm blocks, me and my bredrin shoot guys (boh!)
That's what we're known for
That's what we're known for
Know I'm really testin', who are they vexin' (grrr)
Know I'm really testin', who are they vexin' (grrr)
And in a second if me and my best friend jump in the stollen german with guns somebody stressin'
And in a second if me and my best friend jump in the stolen german with guns somebody stressin'
Noone really knew, this ain't no rusty shotty
No one really knew, this ain't no rusty shotty
I'm pressed and the clips extended
I'm pressed and the clips extended
Keep ya head up ten times and I still got twenty more left
Keep ya head up ten times and I still got twenty more left
This call ain't endin'
This call ain't endin'
I live in a big house now, I don't live in the ends (nah)
I live in a big house now, I don't live in the ends (nah)
I still check for my friends
I still check for my friends
I'm drivin' a german car, it's got four exhaust pipes
I'm drivin' a german car, it's got four exhaust pipes
Ain't pushing a petty, you can't tell me 'bout broke guys that got nothing to lose (nah)
Ain't pushing a petty, you can't tell me 'bout broke guys that got nothing to lose (nah)
I been one of them (you know)
I been one of them (you know)
I didn't wanna be rich and famous (never)
I didn't wanna be rich and famous (never)
I just wanted to maintain (yeah)
I just wanted to maintain (yeah)
Wenn du kommst mit der Glock in der Hand, dann schieß (boh!)
If you come with the Glock in your hand, then shoot (boh!)
Baba, das' nur Tofu, das' kein Beef
Baba, that's just tofu, that's no beef
Minimal Strap, jeder six-feet-deep (grrr)
Minimal Strap, everyone six-feet-deep (grrr)
Aus Reflex, Bruder, instinktiv
Out of reflex, brother, instinctively
Multi-Millions, Singles Streams
Multi-millions, single streams
Five-Star-Crack-Koch Michelin
Five-star-crack-cook Michelin
Sie macht Dirty-Talk auf Phone, doch
She's doing dirty talk on the phone, but
Ich steck' grad noch im Termin fest (drip)
I'm still stuck in a meeting (drip)
Mein Kunde macht Backflips Bitch, ich trainier' kein Bizeps
My customer is doing backflips, bitch, I'm not training biceps
(Mein Kunde macht Backflips, Bitch-Bitch-Bitch)
(My customer is doing backflips, bitch-bitch-bitch)
İşimiz güzel baba sorma
Our business is good, father, don't ask
Ner'de para var Summer or'da
Where there's money, Summer's there
'23 wird ein langer Sommer, nie mehr mapushane, nie mehr karakola
'23 will be a long summer, no more prison, no more police station
Troublemaker machen Tralafitti, jeden Tag ist Siki in 'ner andern City
Troublemakers making graffiti, every day is Siki in a different city
Summer, Billie, sind wir paar von Biggie
Summer, Billie, are we a couple from Biggie
Laufen Amok, gehen Harakiri
Running amok, going Harakiri
Meine neue Trap hat ein Safehouse, Geld anlegen für ein Paket
My new trap has a safe house, investing money for a package
K-k-keine Ups ihr geht leer aus, mach' Flous während ihr weiterschläft (huh)
K-k-k-no ups you're out of luck, making money while you're still sleeping (huh)
P-p-pushe so weit es geht, doch bis zum Ziel ist ein weiter Weg
P-p-p-push as far as it goes, but it's a long way to the goal
Ihr seid Dealer seit iPhone 10, doch ich mach' Lila schon seit Myspace (brr)
You've been dealers since iPhone 10, but I've been making purple since Myspace (brr)
Wenn du kommst mit der Glock in der Hand, dann schieß (boh!)
If you come with the Glock in your hand, then shoot (boh!)
Baba, das' nur Tofu, das' kein Beef
Baba, that's just tofu, that's no beef
Minimal Strap, jeder six-feet-deep (grrr)
Minimal Strap, everyone six-feet-deep (grrr)
Aus Reflex, Bruder, instinktiv
Out of reflex, brother, instinctively
Multi-Millions, Single Streams
Multi-millions, single streams
Five-Star-Crack-Koch Michelin
Five-star-crack-cook Michelin
Sie macht Dirty-Talk auf Phone, doch
She's doing dirty talk on the phone, but
Ich steck' grad noch im Termin fest (drip)
I'm still stuck in a meeting (drip)
Mein Kunde macht Backflips, ich, ich trainier' kein Bizeps
My customer is doing backflips, I, I'm not training biceps
(Mein Kunde macht Backflips, ich-ich-ich)
(My customer is doing backflips, I-I-I)
Çizik mermi, kırık Motorolla
Scratched bullet, broken Motorolla
Motorlar yolda ibre sonda
Motorcycles on the road, needle at the end
Son sözü söyledim, gerisi onda
I said the last word, the rest is on him
En hızlı jokeyler direksiyonda
The fastest jockeys at the wheel
Pa-pa, pa-pa, silah konuşuyo' lale
Pa-pa, pa-pa, the gun is talking, tulip
Anla, baba arıyo'sam AK
Understand, if father is calling, it's AK
Run da telefon çalıyo' paket, tamam (tamam)
Run, the phone is ringing, package, okay (okay)
Sana boş konuları anlatmam
I won't tell you about empty matters
A-a-a-abilerleyim Face Time
A-a-a-I'm with my older brothers on Face Time
Ge-gecekondu apartman, big man
Ge-gecekondu apartment, big man
Ose dostum candan from Batman
Ose my friend from the heart from Batman
Bir yok bir var, et ihbar
One minute there, one minute not, make a report
Bizi durduramaz bu kayıtlar
These records can't stop us
Sizi vurdurabilir ama bunlar
But they can get you shot
Döndü av mevsiminden kurtlar, big boss
The wolves have returned from hunting season, big boss
P-p-para yoksa da kan var
P-p-p-if there's no money, there's blood
Bizden değil ama sizden damlar
Not from us, but it drips from you
Dayım Germany, bra'm UK
My uncle's in Germany, my bro's in the UK
Silah Türkiye'den patlar
The gun goes off in Turkey
Bi' olay çıkmaz bakıyo'lar ters
They're looking the other way, hoping for a scene
Köpekler hep havlar
Dogs always bark
Sahne bizde, filmi izle
The stage is ours, watch the movie
Bitince tüm reklamlar
When all the ads are over
Wenn du kommst mit der Glock in der Hand, dann schieß (boh!)
If you come with the Glock in your hand, then shoot (boh!)
Baba, das' nur Tofu, das' kein Beef
Baba, that's just tofu, that's no beef
Minimal Strap, jeder six-feet-deep (grrr)
Minimal Strap, everyone six-feet-deep (grrr)
Aus Reflex, Bruder, instinktiv
Out of reflex, brother, instinctively
Multi-Millions, Single Streams
Multi-millions, single streams
Five-Star-Crack-Koch Michelin
Five-star-crack-cook Michelin
Sie macht Dirty-Talk auf Phone, doch
She's doing dirty talk on the phone, but
Ich steck' grad noch im Termin fest (drip)
I'm still stuck in a meeting (drip)
Mein Kunde macht Backflips, ich, ich trainier' kein Bizeps
My customer is doing backflips, I, I'm not training biceps
(Mein Kunde macht Backflips, ich-ich-ich)
(My customer is doing backflips, I-I-I)
(So, I'm goin' to Ghana)
(Então, estou indo para Gana)
Wenn du kommst mit der Glock in der Hand, dann schieß
Se você vem com a Glock na mão, então atire
Baba, das' nur Tofu, das' kein Beef
Baba, isso é apenas tofu, não é briga
Minimal Strap , jeder six-feet-deep
Mínimo de Strap, cada um seis pés de profundidade
(yo, look, gang)
(yo, olha, gangue)
I'm a boss, I'm on block
Eu sou um chefe, estou no quarteirão
I call shots I ain't hands on no more, I used to have a rambo tucked in my blocko
Eu dou as ordens, não coloco mais as mãos, costumava ter um Rambo escondido no meu bloco
I was strapped up when I went from Corrigall
Eu estava armado quando fui de Corrigall
H-he didn't run like the pussy he is
Ele não correu como o covarde que é
Then he knows where he is, then he would have been no more
Então ele sabe onde está, então ele não existiria mais
I'm from the farm blocks, me and my bredrin shoot guys (boh!)
Eu sou dos blocos da fazenda, eu e meu amigo atiramos em caras (boh!)
That's what we're known for
É isso que somos conhecidos
Know I'm really testin', who are they vexin' (grrr)
Sei que estou realmente testando, quem eles estão irritando (grrr)
And in a second if me and my best friend jump in the stollen german with guns somebody stressin'
E em um segundo se eu e meu melhor amigo pulamos no alemão roubado com armas alguém está estressado
Noone really knew, this ain't no rusty shotty
Ninguém realmente sabia, isso não é uma espingarda enferrujada
I'm pressed and the clips extended
Estou pressionado e os clipes estendidos
Keep ya head up ten times and I still got twenty more left
Mantenha a cabeça erguida dez vezes e ainda tenho mais vinte
This call ain't endin'
Essa ligação não está terminando
I live in a big house now, I don't live in the ends (nah)
Eu moro em uma casa grande agora, não moro mais nos fins (nah)
I still check for my friends
Eu ainda verifico meus amigos
I'm drivin' a german car, it's got four exhaust pipes
Estou dirigindo um carro alemão, tem quatro tubos de escape
Ain't pushing a petty, you can't tell me 'bout broke guys that got nothing to lose (nah)
Não estou empurrando um pequeno, você não pode me falar sobre caras quebrados que não têm nada a perder (nah)
I been one of them (you know)
Eu fui um deles (você sabe)
I didn't wanna be rich and famous (never)
Eu não queria ser rico e famoso (nunca)
I just wanted to maintain (yeah)
Eu só queria manter (sim)
Wenn du kommst mit der Glock in der Hand, dann schieß (boh!)
Se você vem com a Glock na mão, então atire (boh!)
Baba, das' nur Tofu, das' kein Beef
Baba, isso é apenas tofu, não é briga
Minimal Strap, jeder six-feet-deep (grrr)
Mínimo de Strap, cada um seis pés de profundidade (grrr)
Aus Reflex, Bruder, instinktiv
Por reflexo, irmão, instintivamente
Multi-Millions, Singles Streams
Multi-milhões, transmissões de singles
Five-Star-Crack-Koch Michelin
Five-Star-Crack-Chef Michelin
Sie macht Dirty-Talk auf Phone, doch
Ela faz Dirty-Talk no telefone, mas
Ich steck' grad noch im Termin fest (drip)
Estou preso em uma reunião (drip)
Mein Kunde macht Backflips Bitch, ich trainier' kein Bizeps
Meu cliente faz backflips, eu não treino bíceps
(Mein Kunde macht Backflips, Bitch-Bitch-Bitch)
(Meu cliente faz backflips, vadia-vadia-vadia)
İşimiz güzel baba sorma
Nosso trabalho é bom, pai, não pergunte
Ner'de para var Summer or'da
Onde há dinheiro, Summer está lá
'23 wird ein langer Sommer, nie mehr mapushane, nie mehr karakola
'23 será um longo verão, nunca mais prisão, nunca mais delegacia
Troublemaker machen Tralafitti, jeden Tag ist Siki in 'ner andern City
Os encrenqueiros fazem graffiti, todo dia é Siki em outra cidade
Summer, Billie, sind wir paar von Biggie
Summer, Billie, somos alguns de Biggie
Laufen Amok, gehen Harakiri
Corremos amok, vamos Harakiri
Meine neue Trap hat ein Safehouse, Geld anlegen für ein Paket
Minha nova armadilha tem uma casa segura, dinheiro investido para um pacote
K-k-keine Ups ihr geht leer aus, mach' Flous während ihr weiterschläft (huh)
K-k-k-nenhum de vocês vai ficar sem, faço dinheiro enquanto vocês continuam dormindo (huh)
P-p-pushe so weit es geht, doch bis zum Ziel ist ein weiter Weg
P-p-p-empurro o mais longe que posso, mas até o objetivo é um longo caminho
Ihr seid Dealer seit iPhone 10, doch ich mach' Lila schon seit Myspace (brr)
Vocês são traficantes desde o iPhone 10, mas eu faço roxo desde o Myspace (brr)
Wenn du kommst mit der Glock in der Hand, dann schieß (boh!)
Se você vem com a Glock na mão, então atire (boh!)
Baba, das' nur Tofu, das' kein Beef
Baba, isso é apenas tofu, não é briga
Minimal Strap, jeder six-feet-deep (grrr)
Mínimo de Strap, cada um seis pés de profundidade (grrr)
Aus Reflex, Bruder, instinktiv
Por reflexo, irmão, instintivamente
Multi-Millions, Single Streams
Multi-milhões, transmissões de singles
Five-Star-Crack-Koch Michelin
Five-Star-Crack-Chef Michelin
Sie macht Dirty-Talk auf Phone, doch
Ela faz Dirty-Talk no telefone, mas
Ich steck' grad noch im Termin fest (drip)
Estou preso em uma reunião (drip)
Mein Kunde macht Backflips, ich, ich trainier' kein Bizeps
Meu cliente faz backflips, eu não treino bíceps
(Mein Kunde macht Backflips, ich-ich-ich)
(Meu cliente faz backflips, eu-eu-eu)
Çizik mermi, kırık Motorolla
Bala riscada, Motorolla quebrado
Motorlar yolda ibre sonda
Motores na estrada, agulha no final
Son sözü söyledim, gerisi onda
Disse a última palavra, o resto está com ele
En hızlı jokeyler direksiyonda
Os jockeys mais rápidos ao volante
Pa-pa, pa-pa, silah konuşuyo' lale
Pa-pa, pa-pa, a arma está falando, tulipa
Anla, baba arıyo'sam AK
Entenda, se o pai está chamando, é AK
Run da telefon çalıyo' paket, tamam (tamam)
O telefone está tocando, pacote, ok (ok)
Sana boş konuları anlatmam
Não vou te contar coisas vazias
A-a-a-abilerleyim Face Time
A-a-a-estou no Face Time com os irmãos
Ge-gecekondu apartman, big man
Ge-gecekondu apartamento, homem grande
Ose dostum candan from Batman
Ose meu amigo de coração de Batman
Bir yok bir var, et ihbar
Um não, um sim, faça uma denúncia
Bizi durduramaz bu kayıtlar
Esses registros não podem nos parar
Sizi vurdurabilir ama bunlar
Eles podem te fazer atirar, mas esses
Döndü av mevsiminden kurtlar, big boss
Os lobos voltaram da temporada de caça, grande chefe
P-p-para yoksa da kan var
P-p-p-se não há dinheiro, há sangue
Bizden değil ama sizden damlar
Não é nosso, mas é de vocês que goteja
Dayım Germany, bra'm UK
Meu tio é da Alemanha, meu irmão é do Reino Unido
Silah Türkiye'den patlar
A arma dispara da Turquia
Bi' olay çıkmaz bakıyo'lar ters
Eles estão olhando para trás esperando um incidente
Köpekler hep havlar
Os cães sempre latem
Sahne bizde, filmi izle
O palco é nosso, assista ao filme
Bitince tüm reklamlar
Todos os anúncios acabam
Wenn du kommst mit der Glock in der Hand, dann schieß (boh!)
Se você vem com a Glock na mão, então atire (boh!)
Baba, das' nur Tofu, das' kein Beef
Baba, isso é apenas tofu, não é briga
Minimal Strap, jeder six-feet-deep (grrr)
Mínimo de Strap, cada um seis pés de profundidade (grrr)
Aus Reflex, Bruder, instinktiv
Por reflexo, irmão, instintivamente
Multi-Millions, Single Streams
Multi-milhões, transmissões de singles
Five-Star-Crack-Koch Michelin
Five-Star-Crack-Chef Michelin
Sie macht Dirty-Talk auf Phone, doch
Ela faz Dirty-Talk no telefone, mas
Ich steck' grad noch im Termin fest (drip)
Estou preso em uma reunião (drip)
Mein Kunde macht Backflips, ich, ich trainier' kein Bizeps
Meu cliente faz backflips, eu não treino bíceps
(Mein Kunde macht Backflips, ich-ich-ich)
(Meu cliente faz backflips, eu-eu-eu)
(So, I'm goin' to Ghana)
(Entonces, me voy a Ghana)
Wenn du kommst mit der Glock in der Hand, dann schieß
Si vienes con la Glock en la mano, entonces dispara
Baba, das' nur Tofu, das' kein Beef
Baba, eso es solo tofu, no es carne
Minimal Strap , jeder six-feet-deep
Correa mínima, cada uno a seis pies de profundidad
(yo, look, gang)
(yo, mira, pandilla)
I'm a boss, I'm on block
Soy un jefe, estoy en el bloque
I call shots I ain't hands on no more, I used to have a rambo tucked in my blocko
Yo doy las órdenes, ya no pongo las manos, solía tener un Rambo escondido en mi bloque
I was strapped up when I went from Corrigall
Estaba armado cuando fui de Corrigall
H-he didn't run like the pussy he is
Él no corrió como el cobarde que es
Then he knows where he is, then he would have been no more
Entonces sabe dónde está, entonces ya no existiría
I'm from the farm blocks, me and my bredrin shoot guys (boh!)
Soy de los bloques de la granja, yo y mi amigo disparamos a los chicos (¡boh!)
That's what we're known for
Eso es lo que nos caracteriza
Know I'm really testin', who are they vexin' (grrr)
Saben que realmente estoy probando, ¿a quién están molestando? (grrr)
And in a second if me and my best friend jump in the stollen german with guns somebody stressin'
Y en un segundo si yo y mi mejor amigo saltamos en el alemán robado con armas alguien se estresa
Noone really knew, this ain't no rusty shotty
Nadie realmente sabía, esto no es una escopeta oxidada
I'm pressed and the clips extended
Estoy presionado y los clips extendidos
Keep ya head up ten times and I still got twenty more left
Mantén la cabeza en alto diez veces y todavía me quedan veinte más
This call ain't endin'
Esta llamada no está terminando
I live in a big house now, I don't live in the ends (nah)
Vivo en una casa grande ahora, ya no vivo en los extremos (nah)
I still check for my friends
Todavía me preocupo por mis amigos
I'm drivin' a german car, it's got four exhaust pipes
Estoy conduciendo un coche alemán, tiene cuatro tubos de escape
Ain't pushing a petty, you can't tell me 'bout broke guys that got nothing to lose (nah)
No estoy empujando a un insignificante, no puedes hablarme de chicos pobres que no tienen nada que perder (nah)
I been one of them (you know)
He sido uno de ellos (lo sabes)
I didn't wanna be rich and famous (never)
No quería ser rico y famoso (nunca)
I just wanted to maintain (yeah)
Solo quería mantenerme (sí)
Wenn du kommst mit der Glock in der Hand, dann schieß (boh!)
Si vienes con la Glock en la mano, entonces dispara (¡boh!)
Baba, das' nur Tofu, das' kein Beef
Baba, eso es solo tofu, no es carne
Minimal Strap, jeder six-feet-deep (grrr)
Correa mínima, cada uno a seis pies de profundidad (grrr)
Aus Reflex, Bruder, instinktiv
Por reflejo, hermano, instintivamente
Multi-Millions, Singles Streams
Multi-millones, transmisiones individuales
Five-Star-Crack-Koch Michelin
Cocinero de crack de cinco estrellas Michelin
Sie macht Dirty-Talk auf Phone, doch
Ella habla sucio por teléfono, pero
Ich steck' grad noch im Termin fest (drip)
Estoy atrapado en una reunión (goteo)
Mein Kunde macht Backflips Bitch, ich trainier' kein Bizeps
Mi cliente hace volteretas, perra, no entreno bíceps
(Mein Kunde macht Backflips, Bitch-Bitch-Bitch)
(Mi cliente hace volteretas, perra-perra-perra)
İşimiz güzel baba sorma
Nuestro trabajo es hermoso, padre, no preguntes
Ner'de para var Summer or'da
Donde hay dinero, Summer está allí
'23 wird ein langer Sommer, nie mehr mapushane, nie mehr karakola
'23 será un largo verano, nunca más prisión, nunca más comisaría
Troublemaker machen Tralafitti, jeden Tag ist Siki in 'ner andern City
Los alborotadores hacen grafitis, cada día Siki está en otra ciudad
Summer, Billie, sind wir paar von Biggie
Summer, Billie, somos algunos de Biggie
Laufen Amok, gehen Harakiri
Corremos amok, vamos Harakiri
Meine neue Trap hat ein Safehouse, Geld anlegen für ein Paket
Mi nueva trampa tiene una casa segura, invirtiendo dinero para un paquete
K-k-keine Ups ihr geht leer aus, mach' Flous während ihr weiterschläft (huh)
K-k-k-no hay subidas, te quedas sin nada, hago dinero mientras sigues durmiendo (huh)
P-p-pushe so weit es geht, doch bis zum Ziel ist ein weiter Weg
P-p-p empujo hasta donde puedo, pero hasta el objetivo es un largo camino
Ihr seid Dealer seit iPhone 10, doch ich mach' Lila schon seit Myspace (brr)
Has sido un traficante desde el iPhone 10, pero yo hago lila desde Myspace (brr)
Wenn du kommst mit der Glock in der Hand, dann schieß (boh!)
Si vienes con la Glock en la mano, entonces dispara (¡boh!)
Baba, das' nur Tofu, das' kein Beef
Baba, eso es solo tofu, no es carne
Minimal Strap, jeder six-feet-deep (grrr)
Correa mínima, cada uno a seis pies de profundidad (grrr)
Aus Reflex, Bruder, instinktiv
Por reflejo, hermano, instintivamente
Multi-Millions, Single Streams
Multi-millones, transmisiones individuales
Five-Star-Crack-Koch Michelin
Cocinero de crack de cinco estrellas Michelin
Sie macht Dirty-Talk auf Phone, doch
Ella habla sucio por teléfono, pero
Ich steck' grad noch im Termin fest (drip)
Estoy atrapado en una reunión (goteo)
Mein Kunde macht Backflips, ich, ich trainier' kein Bizeps
Mi cliente hace volteretas, yo, yo no entreno bíceps
(Mein Kunde macht Backflips, ich-ich-ich)
(Mi cliente hace volteretas, yo-yo-yo)
Çizik mermi, kırık Motorolla
Bala rayada, Motorola rota
Motorlar yolda ibre sonda
Las motos en la carretera, la aguja al final
Son sözü söyledim, gerisi onda
Dije la última palabra, el resto está en él
En hızlı jokeyler direksiyonda
Los jinetes más rápidos al volante
Pa-pa, pa-pa, silah konuşuyo' lale
Pa-pa, pa-pa, el arma está hablando, tulipán
Anla, baba arıyo'sam AK
Entiende, si papá llama es AK
Run da telefon çalıyo' paket, tamam (tamam)
Run da el teléfono está sonando paquete, bien (bien)
Sana boş konuları anlatmam
No te cuento cosas sin sentido
A-a-a-abilerleyim Face Time
A-a-a-estoy con mis hermanos mayores en Face Time
Ge-gecekondu apartman, big man
Ge-gecekondu apartamento, hombre grande
Ose dostum candan from Batman
Ose mi amigo de corazón de Batman
Bir yok bir var, et ihbar
Uno no, uno sí, haz una denuncia
Bizi durduramaz bu kayıtlar
Estos registros no pueden detenernos
Sizi vurdurabilir ama bunlar
Pueden hacerte disparar pero estos
Döndü av mevsiminden kurtlar, big boss
Los lobos han vuelto de la temporada de caza, gran jefe
P-p-para yoksa da kan var
P-p-p si no hay dinero, hay sangre
Bizden değil ama sizden damlar
No de nosotros pero de ustedes gotea
Dayım Germany, bra'm UK
Mi tío Alemania, mi hermano Reino Unido
Silah Türkiye'den patlar
El arma explota desde Turquía
Bi' olay çıkmaz bakıyo'lar ters
No pasa nada, te miran al revés
Köpekler hep havlar
Los perros siempre ladran
Sahne bizde, filmi izle
El escenario es nuestro, mira la película
Bitince tüm reklamlar
Cuando terminan todos los anuncios
Wenn du kommst mit der Glock in der Hand, dann schieß (boh!)
Si vienes con la Glock en la mano, entonces dispara (¡boh!)
Baba, das' nur Tofu, das' kein Beef
Baba, eso es solo tofu, no es carne
Minimal Strap, jeder six-feet-deep (grrr)
Correa mínima, cada uno a seis pies de profundidad (grrr)
Aus Reflex, Bruder, instinktiv
Por reflejo, hermano, instintivamente
Multi-Millions, Single Streams
Multi-millones, transmisiones individuales
Five-Star-Crack-Koch Michelin
Cocinero de crack de cinco estrellas Michelin
Sie macht Dirty-Talk auf Phone, doch
Ella habla sucio por teléfono, pero
Ich steck' grad noch im Termin fest (drip)
Estoy atrapado en una reunión (goteo)
Mein Kunde macht Backflips, ich, ich trainier' kein Bizeps
Mi cliente hace volteretas, yo, yo no entreno bíceps
(Mein Kunde macht Backflips, ich-ich-ich)
(Mi cliente hace volteretas, yo-yo-yo)
(So, I'm goin' to Ghana)
(Alors, je vais au Ghana)
Wenn du kommst mit der Glock in der Hand, dann schieß
Si tu viens avec le Glock à la main, alors tire
Baba, das' nur Tofu, das' kein Beef
Baba, ce n'est que du tofu, ce n'est pas du beef
Minimal Strap , jeder six-feet-deep
Strap minimal, chacun six pieds sous terre
(yo, look, gang)
(yo, regarde, gang)
I'm a boss, I'm on block
Je suis un boss, je suis sur le bloc
I call shots I ain't hands on no more, I used to have a rambo tucked in my blocko
Je donne les ordres, je ne suis plus impliqué, j'avais un Rambo caché dans mon bloc
I was strapped up when I went from Corrigall
J'étais armé quand je suis parti de Corrigall
H-he didn't run like the pussy he is
Il n'a pas couru comme la lopette qu'il est
Then he knows where he is, then he would have been no more
Alors il sait où il est, alors il n'aurait plus été
I'm from the farm blocks, me and my bredrin shoot guys (boh!)
Je viens des blocs de la ferme, moi et mon pote on tire sur les gars (boh!)
That's what we're known for
C'est ce pour quoi nous sommes connus
Know I'm really testin', who are they vexin' (grrr)
Je teste vraiment, qui sont-ils en train de vexer (grrr)
And in a second if me and my best friend jump in the stollen german with guns somebody stressin'
Et en une seconde, si moi et mon meilleur ami sautons dans l'allemande volée avec des armes, quelqu'un est stressé
Noone really knew, this ain't no rusty shotty
Personne ne savait vraiment, ce n'est pas un vieux fusil rouillé
I'm pressed and the clips extended
Je suis sous pression et les clips sont étendus
Keep ya head up ten times and I still got twenty more left
Garde la tête haute dix fois et il m'en reste encore vingt
This call ain't endin'
Cet appel ne se termine pas
I live in a big house now, I don't live in the ends (nah)
Je vis maintenant dans une grande maison, je ne vis plus dans les quartiers (non)
I still check for my friends
Je vérifie toujours mes amis
I'm drivin' a german car, it's got four exhaust pipes
Je conduis une voiture allemande, elle a quatre pots d'échappement
Ain't pushing a petty, you can't tell me 'bout broke guys that got nothing to lose (nah)
Je ne pousse pas un petit, tu ne peux pas me parler de gars fauchés qui n'ont rien à perdre (non)
I been one of them (you know)
J'en ai été un (tu sais)
I didn't wanna be rich and famous (never)
Je ne voulais pas être riche et célèbre (jamais)
I just wanted to maintain (yeah)
Je voulais juste maintenir (ouais)
Wenn du kommst mit der Glock in der Hand, dann schieß (boh!)
Si tu viens avec le Glock à la main, alors tire (boh!)
Baba, das' nur Tofu, das' kein Beef
Baba, ce n'est que du tofu, ce n'est pas du beef
Minimal Strap, jeder six-feet-deep (grrr)
Strap minimal, chacun six pieds sous terre (grrr)
Aus Reflex, Bruder, instinktiv
Par réflexe, frère, instinctivement
Multi-Millions, Singles Streams
Multi-millions, singles streams
Five-Star-Crack-Koch Michelin
Cuisinier de crack cinq étoiles Michelin
Sie macht Dirty-Talk auf Phone, doch
Elle fait du dirty talk au téléphone, mais
Ich steck' grad noch im Termin fest (drip)
Je suis encore coincé dans un rendez-vous (drip)
Mein Kunde macht Backflips Bitch, ich trainier' kein Bizeps
Mon client fait des backflips, bitch, je n'entraîne pas mes biceps
(Mein Kunde macht Backflips, Bitch-Bitch-Bitch)
(Mon client fait des backflips, bitch-bitch-bitch)
İşimiz güzel baba sorma
Notre travail est beau papa ne demande pas
Ner'de para var Summer or'da
Où il y a de l'argent, Summer est là
'23 wird ein langer Sommer, nie mehr mapushane, nie mehr karakola
'23 sera un long été, plus jamais de prison, plus jamais de poste de police
Troublemaker machen Tralafitti, jeden Tag ist Siki in 'ner andern City
Les fauteurs de troubles font du graffiti, chaque jour est Siki dans une autre ville
Summer, Billie, sind wir paar von Biggie
Summer, Billie, sommes-nous quelques-uns de Biggie
Laufen Amok, gehen Harakiri
Nous courons amok, nous allons Harakiri
Meine neue Trap hat ein Safehouse, Geld anlegen für ein Paket
Ma nouvelle trap a une planque, investir de l'argent pour un paquet
K-k-keine Ups ihr geht leer aus, mach' Flous während ihr weiterschläft (huh)
K-k-k-pas d'ups vous repartez les mains vides, je fais de l'argent pendant que vous continuez à dormir (huh)
P-p-pushe so weit es geht, doch bis zum Ziel ist ein weiter Weg
P-p-p-pousse aussi loin que possible, mais jusqu'à l'objectif c'est un long chemin
Ihr seid Dealer seit iPhone 10, doch ich mach' Lila schon seit Myspace (brr)
Vous êtes des dealers depuis l'iPhone 10, mais je fais du violet depuis Myspace (brr)
Wenn du kommst mit der Glock in der Hand, dann schieß (boh!)
Si tu viens avec le Glock à la main, alors tire (boh!)
Baba, das' nur Tofu, das' kein Beef
Baba, ce n'est que du tofu, ce n'est pas du beef
Minimal Strap, jeder six-feet-deep (grrr)
Strap minimal, chacun six pieds sous terre (grrr)
Aus Reflex, Bruder, instinktiv
Par réflexe, frère, instinctivement
Multi-Millions, Single Streams
Multi-millions, singles streams
Five-Star-Crack-Koch Michelin
Cuisinier de crack cinq étoiles Michelin
Sie macht Dirty-Talk auf Phone, doch
Elle fait du dirty talk au téléphone, mais
Ich steck' grad noch im Termin fest (drip)
Je suis encore coincé dans un rendez-vous (drip)
Mein Kunde macht Backflips, ich, ich trainier' kein Bizeps
Mon client fait des backflips, je, je n'entraîne pas mes biceps
(Mein Kunde macht Backflips, ich-ich-ich)
(Mon client fait des backflips, je-je-je)
Çizik mermi, kırık Motorolla
Balle rayée, Motorola cassé
Motorlar yolda ibre sonda
Les moteurs sont sur la route, l'aiguille est à la fin
Son sözü söyledim, gerisi onda
J'ai dit le dernier mot, le reste est à lui
En hızlı jokeyler direksiyonda
Les jockeys les plus rapides au volant
Pa-pa, pa-pa, silah konuşuyo' lale
Pa-pa, pa-pa, l'arme parle lale
Anla, baba arıyo'sam AK
Comprends, papa appelle si c'est AK
Run da telefon çalıyo' paket, tamam (tamam)
Run da le téléphone sonne paquet, ok (ok)
Sana boş konuları anlatmam
Je ne te parle pas de choses inutiles
A-a-a-abilerleyim Face Time
A-a-a-avec mes grands frères en Face Time
Ge-gecekondu apartman, big man
Ge-gecekondu appartement, grand homme
Ose dostum candan from Batman
Ose mon ami de cœur de Batman
Bir yok bir var, et ihbar
Un n'est pas un, fais une dénonciation
Bizi durduramaz bu kayıtlar
Ces enregistrements ne peuvent pas nous arrêter
Sizi vurdurabilir ama bunlar
Mais ils peuvent vous faire tirer dessus
Döndü av mevsiminden kurtlar, big boss
Les loups sont revenus de la saison de chasse, big boss
P-p-para yoksa da kan var
P-p-p-s'il n'y a pas d'argent, il y a du sang
Bizden değil ama sizden damlar
Pas de notre part, mais de la vôtre
Dayım Germany, bra'm UK
Mon oncle est en Allemagne, mon frère est au Royaume-Uni
Silah Türkiye'den patlar
L'arme explose de Turquie
Bi' olay çıkmaz bakıyo'lar ters
Ils regardent de travers, aucun incident ne se produit
Köpekler hep havlar
Les chiens aboient toujours
Sahne bizde, filmi izle
La scène est à nous, regarde le film
Bitince tüm reklamlar
Toutes les publicités sont terminées
Wenn du kommst mit der Glock in der Hand, dann schieß (boh!)
Si tu viens avec le Glock à la main, alors tire (boh!)
Baba, das' nur Tofu, das' kein Beef
Baba, ce n'est que du tofu, ce n'est pas du beef
Minimal Strap, jeder six-feet-deep (grrr)
Strap minimal, chacun six pieds sous terre (grrr)
Aus Reflex, Bruder, instinktiv
Par réflexe, frère, instinctivement
Multi-Millions, Single Streams
Multi-millions, singles streams
Five-Star-Crack-Koch Michelin
Cuisinier de crack cinq étoiles Michelin
Sie macht Dirty-Talk auf Phone, doch
Elle fait du dirty talk au téléphone, mais
Ich steck' grad noch im Termin fest (drip)
Je suis encore coincé dans un rendez-vous (drip)
Mein Kunde macht Backflips, ich, ich trainier' kein Bizeps
Mon client fait des backflips, je, je n'entraîne pas mes biceps
(Mein Kunde macht Backflips, ich-ich-ich)
(Mon client fait des backflips, je-je-je)
(So, I'm goin' to Ghana)
(Quindi, sto andando in Ghana)
Wenn du kommst mit der Glock in der Hand, dann schieß
Se vieni con la Glock in mano, allora spara
Baba, das' nur Tofu, das' kein Beef
Baba, è solo tofu, non è carne
Minimal Strap , jeder six-feet-deep
Strap minimo, ognuno sei piedi sotto
(yo, look, gang)
(yo, guarda, gang)
I'm a boss, I'm on block
Sono un capo, sono sul blocco
I call shots I ain't hands on no more, I used to have a rambo tucked in my blocko
Chiamo i colpi, non sono più coinvolto, una volta avevo un Rambo nascosto nel mio blocco
I was strapped up when I went from Corrigall
Ero armato quando sono andato da Corrigall
H-he didn't run like the pussy he is
Lui non è scappato come il codardo che è
Then he knows where he is, then he would have been no more
Poi sa dove si trova, altrimenti non ci sarebbe più
I'm from the farm blocks, me and my bredrin shoot guys (boh!)
Vengo dai blocchi della fattoria, io e il mio amico sparavamo ai ragazzi (boh!)
That's what we're known for
È per quello che siamo conosciuti
Know I'm really testin', who are they vexin' (grrr)
So che sto davvero mettendo alla prova, chi stanno infastidendo (grrr)
And in a second if me and my best friend jump in the stollen german with guns somebody stressin'
E in un secondo se io e il mio migliore amico saltiamo nella tedesca rubata con le pistole qualcuno è stressato
Noone really knew, this ain't no rusty shotty
Nessuno sapeva davvero, questa non è una vecchia fucile arrugginito
I'm pressed and the clips extended
Sono sotto pressione e i clip sono estesi
Keep ya head up ten times and I still got twenty more left
Tieni la testa alta dieci volte e ne ho ancora venti da fare
This call ain't endin'
Questa chiamata non sta finendo
I live in a big house now, I don't live in the ends (nah)
Ora vivo in una grande casa, non vivo più nei quartieri (nah)
I still check for my friends
Controllo ancora i miei amici
I'm drivin' a german car, it's got four exhaust pipes
Sto guidando una macchina tedesca, ha quattro tubi di scarico
Ain't pushing a petty, you can't tell me 'bout broke guys that got nothing to lose (nah)
Non sto spingendo un petty, non puoi parlarmi di ragazzi poveri che non hanno nulla da perdere (nah)
I been one of them (you know)
Ero uno di loro (lo sai)
I didn't wanna be rich and famous (never)
Non volevo essere ricco e famoso (mai)
I just wanted to maintain (yeah)
Volevo solo mantenere (sì)
Wenn du kommst mit der Glock in der Hand, dann schieß (boh!)
Se vieni con la Glock in mano, allora spara (boh!)
Baba, das' nur Tofu, das' kein Beef
Baba, è solo tofu, non è carne
Minimal Strap, jeder six-feet-deep (grrr)
Strap minimo, ognuno sei piedi sotto (grrr)
Aus Reflex, Bruder, instinktiv
Per riflesso, fratello, istintivamente
Multi-Millions, Singles Streams
Multi-milioni, singoli flussi
Five-Star-Crack-Koch Michelin
Cuoco di crack a cinque stelle Michelin
Sie macht Dirty-Talk auf Phone, doch
Lei fa dirty talk al telefono, ma
Ich steck' grad noch im Termin fest (drip)
Sono ancora bloccato in un appuntamento (drip)
Mein Kunde macht Backflips Bitch, ich trainier' kein Bizeps
Il mio cliente fa capriole, non mi alleno sui bicipiti
(Mein Kunde macht Backflips, Bitch-Bitch-Bitch)
(Il mio cliente fa capriole, Bitch-Bitch-Bitch)
İşimiz güzel baba sorma
İşimiz güzel baba sorma
Ner'de para var Summer or'da
Dove c'è denaro, c'è Summer
'23 wird ein langer Sommer, nie mehr mapushane, nie mehr karakola
Il '23 sarà una lunga estate, mai più prigione, mai più stazione di polizia
Troublemaker machen Tralafitti, jeden Tag ist Siki in 'ner andern City
I guastafeste fanno graffiti, ogni giorno è Siki in un'altra città
Summer, Billie, sind wir paar von Biggie
Summer, Billie, siamo un po' di Biggie
Laufen Amok, gehen Harakiri
Corriamo amok, andiamo Harakiri
Meine neue Trap hat ein Safehouse, Geld anlegen für ein Paket
La mia nuova trappola ha una casa sicura, investo denaro per un pacchetto
K-k-keine Ups ihr geht leer aus, mach' Flous während ihr weiterschläft (huh)
N-n-niente Ups, rimanete a mani vuote, faccio soldi mentre voi dormite ancora (huh)
P-p-pushe so weit es geht, doch bis zum Ziel ist ein weiter Weg
S-s-spingo fino a dove posso, ma la strada verso l'obiettivo è ancora lunga
Ihr seid Dealer seit iPhone 10, doch ich mach' Lila schon seit Myspace (brr)
Siete spacciatori da quando c'è l'iPhone 10, ma io faccio soldi da quando c'è Myspace (brr)
Wenn du kommst mit der Glock in der Hand, dann schieß (boh!)
Se vieni con la Glock in mano, allora spara (boh!)
Baba, das' nur Tofu, das' kein Beef
Baba, è solo tofu, non è carne
Minimal Strap, jeder six-feet-deep (grrr)
Strap minimo, ognuno sei piedi sotto (grrr)
Aus Reflex, Bruder, instinktiv
Per riflesso, fratello, istintivamente
Multi-Millions, Single Streams
Multi-milioni, singoli flussi
Five-Star-Crack-Koch Michelin
Cuoco di crack a cinque stelle Michelin
Sie macht Dirty-Talk auf Phone, doch
Lei fa dirty talk al telefono, ma
Ich steck' grad noch im Termin fest (drip)
Sono ancora bloccato in un appuntamento (drip)
Mein Kunde macht Backflips, ich, ich trainier' kein Bizeps
Il mio cliente fa capriole, non mi alleno sui bicipiti
(Mein Kunde macht Backflips, ich-ich-ich)
(Il mio cliente fa capriole, io-io-io)
Çizik mermi, kırık Motorolla
Proiettile graffiato, Motorola rotto
Motorlar yolda ibre sonda
Le moto sono sulla strada, l'ago è alla fine
Son sözü söyledim, gerisi onda
Ho detto l'ultima parola, il resto è con lui
En hızlı jokeyler direksiyonda
I jockey più veloci al volante
Pa-pa, pa-pa, silah konuşuyo' lale
Pa-pa, pa-pa, la pistola sta parlando, tulipano
Anla, baba arıyo'sam AK
Capisci, se chiamo baba è AK
Run da telefon çalıyo' paket, tamam (tamam)
Il telefono suona, pacchetto, ok (ok)
Sana boş konuları anlatmam
Non ti racconto cose inutili
A-a-a-abilerleyim Face Time
S-s-s-sono in Face Time con i miei fratelli
Ge-gecekondu apartman, big man
Ge-gecekondu appartamento, grande uomo
Ose dostum candan from Batman
Ose amico mio dal cuore da Batman
Bir yok bir var, et ihbar
Uno non c'è, uno c'è, fai una segnalazione
Bizi durduramaz bu kayıtlar
Queste registrazioni non possono fermarci
Sizi vurdurabilir ama bunlar
Ma queste possono farvi sparare
Döndü av mevsiminden kurtlar, big boss
I lupi sono tornati dalla stagione della caccia, grande capo
P-p-para yoksa da kan var
S-s-se non c'è denaro, c'è sangue
Bizden değil ama sizden damlar
Non è il nostro, ma il vostro gocciola
Dayım Germany, bra'm UK
Mio zio è in Germania, mio fratello in UK
Silah Türkiye'den patlar
La pistola esplode dalla Turchia
Bi' olay çıkmaz bakıyo'lar ters
Non succede niente, guardano male
Köpekler hep havlar
I cani abbaiano sempre
Sahne bizde, filmi izle
La scena è nostra, guarda il film
Bitince tüm reklamlar
Quando finisce, tutte le pubblicità
Wenn du kommst mit der Glock in der Hand, dann schieß (boh!)
Se vieni con la Glock in mano, allora spara (boh!)
Baba, das' nur Tofu, das' kein Beef
Baba, è solo tofu, non è carne
Minimal Strap, jeder six-feet-deep (grrr)
Strap minimo, ognuno sei piedi sotto (grrr)
Aus Reflex, Bruder, instinktiv
Per riflesso, fratello, istintivamente
Multi-Millions, Single Streams
Multi-milioni, singoli flussi
Five-Star-Crack-Koch Michelin
Cuoco di crack a cinque stelle Michelin
Sie macht Dirty-Talk auf Phone, doch
Lei fa dirty talk al telefono, ma
Ich steck' grad noch im Termin fest (drip)
Sono ancora bloccato in un appuntamento (drip)
Mein Kunde macht Backflips, ich, ich trainier' kein Bizeps
Il mio cliente fa capriole, non mi alleno sui bicipiti
(Mein Kunde macht Backflips, ich-ich-ich)
(Il mio cliente fa capriole, io-io-io)

Trivia about the song Backflips by Summer Cem

When was the song “Backflips” released by Summer Cem?
The song Backflips was released in 2023, on the album “Backflips”.
Who composed the song “Backflips” by Summer Cem?
The song “Backflips” by Summer Cem was composed by Cem Toraman, Abdul Nelson, Gennaro Alessandro Frenken, Dennis Atuahene Opoku.

Most popular songs of Summer Cem

Other artists of Trap