

Lyrics Translation

Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba

We are the scientists in the lab
Looking through a microscope
The little glass slides they never lie
How can this small mind cope?

I've never seen anything like it before
This amoeba's got a mind of it's own
But don't turn your back you stupid science world
This is reaching for the telephone

Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba

A one celled creature a one celled thing
It hardly knows it's alive
You're better off dead if you only knew
Your growing life is taking a dive

I've never seen anything like it before
This amoeba's got a mind of it's own
But don't turn your back you stupid science world
This is reaching for the telephone

Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba

Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba (amoeba, amoeba, amoeba)
Amoeba amoeba (amoeba, amoeba, amoeba)

Amoeba amoeba
Ameba ameba
Amoeba amoeba
Ameba ameba
Amoeba amoeba
Ameba ameba
Amoeba amoeba
Ameba ameba
We are the scientists in the lab
Somos os cientistas no laboratório
Looking through a microscope
Olhando através de um microscópio
The little glass slides they never lie
As pequenas lâminas de vidro nunca mentem
How can this small mind cope?
Como essa pequena mente pode lidar?
I've never seen anything like it before
Eu nunca vi nada parecido antes
This amoeba's got a mind of it's own
Esta ameba tem uma mente própria
But don't turn your back you stupid science world
Mas não vire as costas para você, estúpido mundo da ciência
This is reaching for the telephone
Isso está alcançando o telefone
Amoeba amoeba
Ameba ameba
Amoeba amoeba
Ameba ameba
Amoeba amoeba
Ameba ameba
Amoeba amoeba
Ameba ameba
A one celled creature a one celled thing
Uma criatura unicelular, uma coisa unicelular
It hardly knows it's alive
Mal sabe que está viva
You're better off dead if you only knew
Você está melhor morto se soubesse
Your growing life is taking a dive
Sua vida em crescimento está dando um mergulho
I've never seen anything like it before
Eu nunca vi nada parecido antes
This amoeba's got a mind of it's own
Esta ameba tem uma mente própria
But don't turn your back you stupid science world
Mas não vire as costas para você, estúpido mundo da ciência
This is reaching for the telephone
Isso está alcançando o telefone
Amoeba amoeba
Ameba ameba
Amoeba amoeba
Ameba ameba
Amoeba amoeba
Ameba ameba
Amoeba amoeba
Ameba ameba
Amoeba amoeba
Ameba ameba
Amoeba amoeba
Ameba ameba
Amoeba amoeba
Ameba ameba
Amoeba amoeba (amoeba, amoeba, amoeba)
Ameba ameba (ameba, ameba, ameba)
Amoeba amoeba (amoeba, amoeba, amoeba)
Ameba ameba (ameba, ameba, ameba)
Amoeba amoeba
Ameba ameba
Amoeba amoeba
Ameba ameba
Amoeba amoeba
Ameba ameba
Amoeba amoeba
Ameba ameba
We are the scientists in the lab
Somos los científicos en el laboratorio
Looking through a microscope
Mirando a través de un microscopio
The little glass slides they never lie
Las pequeñas láminas de vidrio nunca mienten
How can this small mind cope?
¿Cómo puede esta pequeña mente hacerle frente?
I've never seen anything like it before
Nunca he visto nada parecido antes
This amoeba's got a mind of it's own
Esta ameba tiene una mente propia
But don't turn your back you stupid science world
Pero no le des la espalda a este estúpido mundo de la ciencia
This is reaching for the telephone
Esto está alcanzando el teléfono
Amoeba amoeba
Ameba ameba
Amoeba amoeba
Ameba ameba
Amoeba amoeba
Ameba ameba
Amoeba amoeba
Ameba ameba
A one celled creature a one celled thing
Una criatura unicelular, una cosa unicelular
It hardly knows it's alive
Apenas sabe que está viva
You're better off dead if you only knew
Estás mejor muerto si solo supieras
Your growing life is taking a dive
Tu vida en crecimiento está dando un bajón
I've never seen anything like it before
Nunca he visto nada parecido antes
This amoeba's got a mind of it's own
Esta ameba tiene una mente propia
But don't turn your back you stupid science world
Pero no le des la espalda a este estúpido mundo de la ciencia
This is reaching for the telephone
Esto está alcanzando el teléfono
Amoeba amoeba
Ameba ameba
Amoeba amoeba
Ameba ameba
Amoeba amoeba
Ameba ameba
Amoeba amoeba
Ameba ameba
Amoeba amoeba
Ameba ameba
Amoeba amoeba
Ameba ameba
Amoeba amoeba
Ameba ameba
Amoeba amoeba (amoeba, amoeba, amoeba)
Ameba ameba (ameba, ameba, ameba)
Amoeba amoeba (amoeba, amoeba, amoeba)
Ameba ameba (ameba, ameba, ameba)
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
We are the scientists in the lab
Nous sommes les scientifiques dans le laboratoire
Looking through a microscope
Regardant à travers un microscope
The little glass slides they never lie
Les petites lames de verre ne mentent jamais
How can this small mind cope?
Comment ce petit esprit peut-il faire face?
I've never seen anything like it before
Je n'ai jamais vu quelque chose comme ça avant
This amoeba's got a mind of it's own
Cette amibe a une volonté propre
But don't turn your back you stupid science world
Mais ne tourne pas le dos à toi, stupide monde scientifique
This is reaching for the telephone
Ceci atteint le téléphone
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
A one celled creature a one celled thing
Une créature unicellulaire, une chose unicellulaire
It hardly knows it's alive
Elle sait à peine qu'elle est en vie
You're better off dead if you only knew
Tu serais mieux mort si tu savais seulement
Your growing life is taking a dive
Ta vie en croissance prend un plongeon
I've never seen anything like it before
Je n'ai jamais vu quelque chose comme ça avant
This amoeba's got a mind of it's own
Cette amibe a une volonté propre
But don't turn your back you stupid science world
Mais ne tourne pas le dos à toi, stupide monde scientifique
This is reaching for the telephone
Ceci atteint le téléphone
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba (amoeba, amoeba, amoeba)
Amoeba amoeba (amoeba, amoeba, amoeba)
Amoeba amoeba (amoeba, amoeba, amoeba)
Amoeba amoeba (amoeba, amoeba, amoeba)
Amoeba amoeba
Amöbe Amöbe
Amoeba amoeba
Amöbe Amöbe
Amoeba amoeba
Amöbe Amöbe
Amoeba amoeba
Amöbe Amöbe
We are the scientists in the lab
Wir sind die Wissenschaftler im Labor
Looking through a microscope
Blicken durch ein Mikroskop
The little glass slides they never lie
Die kleinen Glasscheiben lügen nie
How can this small mind cope?
Wie kann dieser kleine Verstand damit umgehen?
I've never seen anything like it before
Ich habe noch nie so etwas gesehen
This amoeba's got a mind of it's own
Diese Amöbe hat einen eigenen Verstand
But don't turn your back you stupid science world
Aber dreh dich nicht um, du dumme Wissenschaftswelt
This is reaching for the telephone
Dies greift nach dem Telefon
Amoeba amoeba
Amöbe Amöbe
Amoeba amoeba
Amöbe Amöbe
Amoeba amoeba
Amöbe Amöbe
Amoeba amoeba
Amöbe Amöbe
A one celled creature a one celled thing
Ein einzelliges Wesen, eine einzellige Sache
It hardly knows it's alive
Es weiß kaum, dass es lebt
You're better off dead if you only knew
Du bist besser tot, wenn du nur wüsstest
Your growing life is taking a dive
Dein wachsendes Leben nimmt eine Tauchfahrt
I've never seen anything like it before
Ich habe noch nie so etwas gesehen
This amoeba's got a mind of it's own
Diese Amöbe hat einen eigenen Verstand
But don't turn your back you stupid science world
Aber dreh dich nicht um, du dumme Wissenschaftswelt
This is reaching for the telephone
Dies greift nach dem Telefon
Amoeba amoeba
Amöbe Amöbe
Amoeba amoeba
Amöbe Amöbe
Amoeba amoeba
Amöbe Amöbe
Amoeba amoeba
Amöbe Amöbe
Amoeba amoeba
Amöbe Amöbe
Amoeba amoeba
Amöbe Amöbe
Amoeba amoeba
Amöbe Amöbe
Amoeba amoeba (amoeba, amoeba, amoeba)
Amöbe Amöbe (Amöbe, Amöbe, Amöbe)
Amoeba amoeba (amoeba, amoeba, amoeba)
Amöbe Amöbe (Amöbe, Amöbe, Amöbe)
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
We are the scientists in the lab
Siamo gli scienziati in laboratorio
Looking through a microscope
Guardando attraverso un microscopio
The little glass slides they never lie
Le piccole lastre di vetro non mentono mai
How can this small mind cope?
Come può questa piccola mente farcela?
I've never seen anything like it before
Non ho mai visto nulla di simile prima
This amoeba's got a mind of it's own
Questa ameba ha una mente tutta sua
But don't turn your back you stupid science world
Ma non voltare le spalle, stupido mondo della scienza
This is reaching for the telephone
Questa sta cercando di raggiungere il telefono
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
A one celled creature a one celled thing
Una creatura unicellulare, una cosa unicellulare
It hardly knows it's alive
A malapena sa di essere viva
You're better off dead if you only knew
Saresti meglio morto se solo lo sapessi
Your growing life is taking a dive
La tua vita in crescita sta prendendo una caduta
I've never seen anything like it before
Non ho mai visto nulla di simile prima
This amoeba's got a mind of it's own
Questa ameba ha una mente tutta sua
But don't turn your back you stupid science world
Ma non voltare le spalle, stupido mondo della scienza
This is reaching for the telephone
Questa sta cercando di raggiungere il telefono
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba (amoeba, amoeba, amoeba)
Amoeba amoeba (amoeba, amoeba, amoeba)
Amoeba amoeba (amoeba, amoeba, amoeba)
Amoeba amoeba (amoeba, amoeba, amoeba)
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
We are the scientists in the lab
Kami adalah para ilmuwan di lab
Looking through a microscope
Melihat melalui mikroskop
The little glass slides they never lie
Gelas kecil slide mereka tidak pernah berbohong
How can this small mind cope?
Bagaimana pikiran kecil ini bisa mengatasi?
I've never seen anything like it before
Saya belum pernah melihat sesuatu seperti ini sebelumnya
This amoeba's got a mind of it's own
Amoeba ini memiliki pikiran sendiri
But don't turn your back you stupid science world
Tapi jangan membelakangi dunia sains yang bodoh ini
This is reaching for the telephone
Ini mencapai telepon
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
A one celled creature a one celled thing
Makhluk sel tunggal, hal sel tunggal
It hardly knows it's alive
Ini hampir tidak tahu itu hidup
You're better off dead if you only knew
Anda lebih baik mati jika Anda hanya tahu
Your growing life is taking a dive
Kehidupan yang tumbuh Anda sedang terjun
I've never seen anything like it before
Saya belum pernah melihat sesuatu seperti ini sebelumnya
This amoeba's got a mind of it's own
Amoeba ini memiliki pikiran sendiri
But don't turn your back you stupid science world
Tapi jangan membelakangi dunia sains yang bodoh ini
This is reaching for the telephone
Ini mencapai telepon
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba
Amoeba amoeba (amoeba, amoeba, amoeba)
Amoeba amoeba (amoeba, amoeba, amoeba)
Amoeba amoeba (amoeba, amoeba, amoeba)
Amoeba amoeba (amoeba, amoeba, amoeba)
Amoeba amoeba
อะมีบา อะมีบา
Amoeba amoeba
อะมีบา อะมีบา
Amoeba amoeba
อะมีบา อะมีบา
Amoeba amoeba
อะมีบา อะมีบา
We are the scientists in the lab
Looking through a microscope
The little glass slides they never lie
แผ่นกระจกเล็กๆ ไม่เคยโกหก
How can this small mind cope?
I've never seen anything like it before
This amoeba's got a mind of it's own
But don't turn your back you stupid science world
This is reaching for the telephone
Amoeba amoeba
อะมีบา อะมีบา
Amoeba amoeba
อะมีบา อะมีบา
Amoeba amoeba
อะมีบา อะมีบา
Amoeba amoeba
อะมีบา อะมีบา
A one celled creature a one celled thing
สิ่งมีชีวิตเซลล์เดียว สิ่งมีชีวิตเซลล์เดียว
It hardly knows it's alive
You're better off dead if you only knew
คุณจะดีขึ้นถ้าคุณตาย ถ้าคุณรู้
Your growing life is taking a dive
I've never seen anything like it before
This amoeba's got a mind of it's own
But don't turn your back you stupid science world
This is reaching for the telephone
Amoeba amoeba
อะมีบา อะมีบา
Amoeba amoeba
อะมีบา อะมีบา
Amoeba amoeba
อะมีบา อะมีบา
Amoeba amoeba
อะมีบา อะมีบา
Amoeba amoeba
อะมีบา อะมีบา
Amoeba amoeba
อะมีบา อะมีบา
Amoeba amoeba
อะมีบา อะมีบา
Amoeba amoeba (amoeba, amoeba, amoeba)
อะมีบา อะมีบา (อะมีบา, อะมีบา, อะมีบา)
Amoeba amoeba (amoeba, amoeba, amoeba)
อะมีบา อะมีบา (อะมีบา, อะมีบา, อะมีบา)
Amoeba amoeba
阿米巴 阿米巴
Amoeba amoeba
阿米巴 阿米巴
Amoeba amoeba
阿米巴 阿米巴
Amoeba amoeba
阿米巴 阿米巴
We are the scientists in the lab
Looking through a microscope
The little glass slides they never lie
How can this small mind cope?
I've never seen anything like it before
This amoeba's got a mind of it's own
But don't turn your back you stupid science world
This is reaching for the telephone
Amoeba amoeba
阿米巴 阿米巴
Amoeba amoeba
阿米巴 阿米巴
Amoeba amoeba
阿米巴 阿米巴
Amoeba amoeba
阿米巴 阿米巴
A one celled creature a one celled thing
It hardly knows it's alive
You're better off dead if you only knew
Your growing life is taking a dive
I've never seen anything like it before
This amoeba's got a mind of it's own
But don't turn your back you stupid science world
This is reaching for the telephone
Amoeba amoeba
阿米巴 阿米巴
Amoeba amoeba
阿米巴 阿米巴
Amoeba amoeba
阿米巴 阿米巴
Amoeba amoeba
阿米巴 阿米巴
Amoeba amoeba
阿米巴 阿米巴
Amoeba amoeba
阿米巴 阿米巴
Amoeba amoeba
阿米巴 阿米巴
Amoeba amoeba (amoeba, amoeba, amoeba)
阿米巴 阿米巴(阿米巴,阿米巴,阿米巴)
Amoeba amoeba (amoeba, amoeba, amoeba)
阿米巴 阿米巴(阿米巴,阿米巴,阿米巴)

Trivia about the song Amoeba by The Adolescents

On which albums was the song “Amoeba” released by The Adolescents?
The Adolescents released the song on the albums “Adolescents” in 1985 and “The Complete Demos 1980-2001” in 2005.
Who composed the song “Amoeba” by The Adolescents?
The song “Amoeba” by The Adolescents was composed by ROGER AGNEW.

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