Hush Hush


Lyrics Translation

I never needed you to be strong
I never needed you for pointing out my wrongs
I never needed pain, I never needed strain
My love for you was strong enough, you should have known

I never needed you for judgments
I never needed you to question what I spent
I never asked for help, I take care of myself
I don't know why you think you gotta hold on me

There isn't anything for you to say
And my eyes
So look at me and listen to me

I don't want to stay another minute
I don't want you to say a single word
Hush hush, hush hush
There is no other way, I get the final say because
I don't want to do this any longer
I don't want you, there's nothing left to say
Hush hush, hush hush
I've already spoken, our love is broken
Baby hush hush

I never needed your corrections
On everything from how I act to what I say
I never needed words, I never needed hurt
I never needed you to be there every day

I'm sorry for the way I let go
On everything I wanted when you came along
But I ain't never beatin', broken not defeated
I know next to you is not where I belong

I never needed you to be strong
Eu nunca precisei que você fosse forte
I never needed you for pointing out my wrongs
Eu nunca precisei de você para apontar meus erros
I never needed pain, I never needed strain
Eu nunca precisei de dor, nunca precisei de tensão
My love for you was strong enough, you should have known
Meu amor por você era forte o suficiente, você deveria ter sabido
I never needed you for judgments
Eu nunca precisei de você para julgamentos
I never needed you to question what I spent
Eu nunca precisei que você questionasse o que eu gastava
I never asked for help, I take care of myself
Eu nunca pedi ajuda, eu cuido de mim mesma
I don't know why you think you gotta hold on me
Eu não sei por que você acha que tem que me controlar
There isn't anything for you to say
Não há nada para você dizer
And my eyes
E meus olhos
So look at me and listen to me
Então olhe para mim e me escute
I don't want to stay another minute
Eu não quero ficar mais um minuto
I don't want you to say a single word
Eu não quero que você diga uma única palavra
Hush hush, hush hush
Silêncio, silêncio
There is no other way, I get the final say because
Não há outra maneira, eu tenho a última palavra porque
I don't want to do this any longer
Eu não quero fazer isso por mais tempo
I don't want you, there's nothing left to say
Eu não quero você, não há mais nada para dizer
Hush hush, hush hush
Silêncio, silêncio
I've already spoken, our love is broken
Eu já falei, nosso amor está quebrado
Baby hush hush
Querido, silêncio
I never needed your corrections
Eu nunca precisei de suas correções
On everything from how I act to what I say
Em tudo, desde como eu agia até o que eu dizia
I never needed words, I never needed hurt
Eu nunca precisei de palavras, nunca precisei de dor
I never needed you to be there every day
Eu nunca precisei que você estivesse lá todos os dias
I'm sorry for the way I let go
Me desculpe pela maneira como eu desisti
On everything I wanted when you came along
De tudo que eu queria quando você apareceu
But I ain't never beatin', broken not defeated
Mas eu nunca fui derrotada, não estou quebrada
I know next to you is not where I belong
Eu sei que ao seu lado não é onde eu pertenço
I never needed you to be strong
Nunca necesité que fueras fuerte
I never needed you for pointing out my wrongs
Nunca te necesité para señalar mis errores
I never needed pain, I never needed strain
Nunca necesité dolor, nunca necesité tensión
My love for you was strong enough, you should have known
Mi amor por ti era lo suficientemente fuerte, deberías haberlo sabido
I never needed you for judgments
Nunca te necesité para juicios
I never needed you to question what I spent
Nunca necesité que cuestionaras lo que gasté
I never asked for help, I take care of myself
Nunca pedí ayuda, me cuido a mí mismo
I don't know why you think you gotta hold on me
No sé por qué piensas que tienes que aferrarte a mí
There isn't anything for you to say
No hay nada que tengas que decir
And my eyes
Y mis ojos
So look at me and listen to me
Así que mírame y escúchame
I don't want to stay another minute
No quiero quedarme ni un minuto más
I don't want you to say a single word
No quiero que digas ni una sola palabra
Hush hush, hush hush
Silencio, silencio
There is no other way, I get the final say because
No hay otra manera, yo tengo la última palabra porque
I don't want to do this any longer
No quiero hacer esto más tiempo
I don't want you, there's nothing left to say
No te quiero, no queda nada que decir
Hush hush, hush hush
Silencio, silencio
I've already spoken, our love is broken
Ya he hablado, nuestro amor está roto
Baby hush hush
Cariño, silencio
I never needed your corrections
Nunca necesité tus correcciones
On everything from how I act to what I say
En todo, desde cómo actúo hasta lo que digo
I never needed words, I never needed hurt
Nunca necesité palabras, nunca necesité heridas
I never needed you to be there every day
Nunca necesité que estuvieras allí todos los días
I'm sorry for the way I let go
Lo siento por la forma en que lo dejé ir
On everything I wanted when you came along
En todo lo que quería cuando llegaste
But I ain't never beatin', broken not defeated
Pero nunca he sido golpeado, no estoy derrotado
I know next to you is not where I belong
Sé que a tu lado no es donde pertenezco
I never needed you to be strong
Je n'ai jamais eu besoin que tu sois fort
I never needed you for pointing out my wrongs
Je n'ai jamais eu besoin de toi pour pointer mes torts
I never needed pain, I never needed strain
Je n'ai jamais eu besoin de douleur, je n'ai jamais eu besoin de tension
My love for you was strong enough, you should have known
Mon amour pour toi était assez fort, tu aurais dû le savoir
I never needed you for judgments
Je n'ai jamais eu besoin de tes jugements
I never needed you to question what I spent
Je n'ai jamais eu besoin que tu questionnes ce que je dépense
I never asked for help, I take care of myself
Je n'ai jamais demandé d'aide, je prends soin de moi-même
I don't know why you think you gotta hold on me
Je ne sais pas pourquoi tu penses que tu dois me retenir
There isn't anything for you to say
Il n'y a rien que tu aies à dire
And my eyes
Et mes yeux
So look at me and listen to me
Alors regarde-moi et écoute-moi
Parce que
I don't want to stay another minute
Je ne veux pas rester une minute de plus
I don't want you to say a single word
Je ne veux pas que tu dises un seul mot
Hush hush, hush hush
Chut, chut, chut chut
There is no other way, I get the final say because
Il n'y a pas d'autre moyen, j'ai le dernier mot parce que
I don't want to do this any longer
Je ne veux plus faire ça plus longtemps
I don't want you, there's nothing left to say
Je ne te veux pas, il n'y a plus rien à dire
Hush hush, hush hush
Chut, chut, chut chut
I've already spoken, our love is broken
J'ai déjà parlé, notre amour est brisé
Baby hush hush
Bébé chut chut
I never needed your corrections
Je n'ai jamais eu besoin de tes corrections
On everything from how I act to what I say
Sur tout, de la façon dont j'agis à ce que je dis
I never needed words, I never needed hurt
Je n'ai jamais eu besoin de mots, je n'ai jamais eu besoin de blessures
I never needed you to be there every day
Je n'ai jamais eu besoin que tu sois là tous les jours
I'm sorry for the way I let go
Je suis désolé pour la façon dont j'ai laissé tomber
On everything I wanted when you came along
Tout ce que je voulais quand tu es arrivé
But I ain't never beatin', broken not defeated
Mais je ne suis jamais battu, pas brisé ni vaincu
I know next to you is not where I belong
Je sais qu'à côté de toi n'est pas là où je dois être
I never needed you to be strong
Ich habe nie gebraucht, dass du stark bist
I never needed you for pointing out my wrongs
Ich habe nie gebraucht, dass du auf meine Fehler hinweist
I never needed pain, I never needed strain
Ich habe nie Schmerz gebraucht, ich habe nie Anstrengung gebraucht
My love for you was strong enough, you should have known
Meine Liebe zu dir war stark genug, du hättest es wissen müssen
I never needed you for judgments
Ich habe nie gebraucht, dass du urteilst
I never needed you to question what I spent
Ich habe nie gebraucht, dass du hinterfragst, was ich ausgebe
I never asked for help, I take care of myself
Ich habe nie um Hilfe gebeten, ich kümmere mich um mich selbst
I don't know why you think you gotta hold on me
Ich weiß nicht, warum du denkst, du müsstest mich festhalten
There isn't anything for you to say
Es gibt nichts, was du sagen könntest
And my eyes
Und meine Augen
So look at me and listen to me
Also schau mich an und hör mir zu
I don't want to stay another minute
Ich will keine weitere Minute bleiben
I don't want you to say a single word
Ich will nicht, dass du ein einziges Wort sagst
Hush hush, hush hush
Hush hush, hush hush
There is no other way, I get the final say because
Es gibt keinen anderen Weg, ich habe das letzte Wort, weil
I don't want to do this any longer
Ich will das nicht länger tun
I don't want you, there's nothing left to say
Ich will dich nicht, es gibt nichts mehr zu sagen
Hush hush, hush hush
Hush hush, hush hush
I've already spoken, our love is broken
Ich habe bereits gesprochen, unsere Liebe ist zerbrochen
Baby hush hush
Baby hush hush
I never needed your corrections
Ich habe nie deine Korrekturen gebraucht
On everything from how I act to what I say
Bei allem, von meinem Verhalten bis zu dem, was ich sage
I never needed words, I never needed hurt
Ich habe nie Worte gebraucht, ich habe nie Schmerz gebraucht
I never needed you to be there every day
Ich habe nie gebraucht, dass du jeden Tag da bist
I'm sorry for the way I let go
Es tut mir leid, wie ich losgelassen habe
On everything I wanted when you came along
Bei allem, was ich wollte, als du kamst
But I ain't never beatin', broken not defeated
Aber ich bin nie geschlagen worden, nicht gebrochen, nicht besiegt
I know next to you is not where I belong
Ich weiß, neben dir ist nicht, wo ich hingehöre
I never needed you to be strong
Non ho mai avuto bisogno che tu fossi forte
I never needed you for pointing out my wrongs
Non ho mai avuto bisogno di te per puntare i miei errori
I never needed pain, I never needed strain
Non ho mai avuto bisogno di dolore, non ho mai avuto bisogno di tensione
My love for you was strong enough, you should have known
Il mio amore per te era abbastanza forte, avresti dovuto saperlo
I never needed you for judgments
Non ho mai avuto bisogno di te per i giudizi
I never needed you to question what I spent
Non ho mai avuto bisogno che tu mettessi in discussione quello che ho speso
I never asked for help, I take care of myself
Non ho mai chiesto aiuto, mi prendo cura di me stesso
I don't know why you think you gotta hold on me
Non so perché pensi di dovermi controllare
There isn't anything for you to say
Non c'è nulla che tu debba dire
And my eyes
E i miei occhi
So look at me and listen to me
Quindi guardami e ascoltami
I don't want to stay another minute
Non voglio restare un altro minuto
I don't want you to say a single word
Non voglio che tu dica una sola parola
Hush hush, hush hush
Zitto zitto, zitto zitto
There is no other way, I get the final say because
Non c'è altra via, ho l'ultima parola perché
I don't want to do this any longer
Non voglio più fare questo
I don't want you, there's nothing left to say
Non ti voglio, non c'è nient'altro da dire
Hush hush, hush hush
Zitto zitto, zitto zitto
I've already spoken, our love is broken
Ho già parlato, il nostro amore è rotto
Baby hush hush
Baby zitto zitto
I never needed your corrections
Non ho mai avuto bisogno delle tue correzioni
On everything from how I act to what I say
Su tutto, dal mio comportamento a quello che dico
I never needed words, I never needed hurt
Non ho mai avuto bisogno di parole, non ho mai avuto bisogno di ferite
I never needed you to be there every day
Non ho mai avuto bisogno che tu fossi lì ogni giorno
I'm sorry for the way I let go
Mi dispiace per il modo in cui ho lasciato andare
On everything I wanted when you came along
Tutto quello che volevo quando sei arrivato
But I ain't never beatin', broken not defeated
Ma non sono mai stato battuto, non sono sconfitto
I know next to you is not where I belong
So che accanto a te non è il posto dove appartengo
I never needed you to be strong
Aku tidak pernah membutuhkanmu untuk kuat
I never needed you for pointing out my wrongs
Aku tidak pernah membutuhkanmu untuk menunjukkan kesalahanku
I never needed pain, I never needed strain
Aku tidak pernah membutuhkan rasa sakit, aku tidak pernah membutuhkan tekanan
My love for you was strong enough, you should have known
Cintaku padamu cukup kuat, kamu seharusnya tahu
I never needed you for judgments
Aku tidak pernah membutuhkanmu untuk menilai
I never needed you to question what I spent
Aku tidak pernah membutuhkanmu untuk mempertanyakan apa yang aku belanjakan
I never asked for help, I take care of myself
Aku tidak pernah meminta bantuan, aku bisa merawat diriku sendiri
I don't know why you think you gotta hold on me
Aku tidak tahu mengapa kamu pikir kamu harus memegangku
There isn't anything for you to say
Tidak ada yang perlu kamu katakan
And my eyes
Dan mataku
So look at me and listen to me
Jadi lihatlah aku dan dengarkan aku
I don't want to stay another minute
Aku tidak ingin tinggal satu menit lagi
I don't want you to say a single word
Aku tidak ingin kamu mengatakan satu kata pun
Hush hush, hush hush
Hush hush, hush hush
There is no other way, I get the final say because
Tidak ada cara lain, aku yang mendapatkan kata terakhir karena
I don't want to do this any longer
Aku tidak ingin melakukan ini lebih lama lagi
I don't want you, there's nothing left to say
Aku tidak menginginkanmu, tidak ada yang tersisa untuk dikatakan
Hush hush, hush hush
Hush hush, hush hush
I've already spoken, our love is broken
Aku sudah berbicara, cinta kita sudah rusak
Baby hush hush
Sayang hush hush
I never needed your corrections
Aku tidak pernah membutuhkan koreksimu
On everything from how I act to what I say
Tentang segalanya dari bagaimana aku bertindak hingga apa yang aku katakan
I never needed words, I never needed hurt
Aku tidak pernah membutuhkan kata-kata, aku tidak pernah membutuhkan luka
I never needed you to be there every day
Aku tidak pernah membutuhkanmu untuk ada setiap hari
I'm sorry for the way I let go
Aku minta maaf atas cara aku melepaskan
On everything I wanted when you came along
Segala yang aku inginkan saat kamu datang
But I ain't never beatin', broken not defeated
Tapi aku tidak pernah kalah, tidak patah tidak terkalahkan
I know next to you is not where I belong
Aku tahu di sampingmu bukan tempatku berada
I never needed you to be strong
I never needed you for pointing out my wrongs
I never needed pain, I never needed strain
ฉันไม่เคยต้องการความเจ็บปวด, ฉันไม่เคยต้องการความเครียด
My love for you was strong enough, you should have known
ความรักของฉันต่อคุณมันแข็งแกร่งพอ, คุณควรจะรู้
I never needed you for judgments
I never needed you to question what I spent
I never asked for help, I take care of myself
ฉันไม่เคยขอความช่วยเหลือ, ฉันดูแลตัวเอง
I don't know why you think you gotta hold on me
There isn't anything for you to say
And my eyes
So look at me and listen to me
I don't want to stay another minute
I don't want you to say a single word
Hush hush, hush hush
เงียบ ๆ, เงียบ ๆ
There is no other way, I get the final say because
ไม่มีทางอื่น, ฉันได้คำตัดสินใจสุดท้ายเพราะ
I don't want to do this any longer
I don't want you, there's nothing left to say
ฉันไม่ต้องการคุณ, ไม่มีอะไรที่ต้องพูด
Hush hush, hush hush
เงียบ ๆ, เงียบ ๆ
I've already spoken, our love is broken
ฉันได้พูดไปแล้ว, ความรักของเราแตกหัก
Baby hush hush
เบบี้ เงียบ ๆ
I never needed your corrections
On everything from how I act to what I say
I never needed words, I never needed hurt
ฉันไม่เคยต้องการคำพูด, ฉันไม่เคยต้องการความเจ็บปวด
I never needed you to be there every day
I'm sorry for the way I let go
On everything I wanted when you came along
But I ain't never beatin', broken not defeated
แต่ฉันไม่เคยถูกทำลาย, ไม่เคยถูกทำลาย
I know next to you is not where I belong
I never needed you to be strong
I never needed you for pointing out my wrongs
I never needed pain, I never needed strain
My love for you was strong enough, you should have known
I never needed you for judgments
I never needed you to question what I spent
I never asked for help, I take care of myself
I don't know why you think you gotta hold on me
There isn't anything for you to say
And my eyes
So look at me and listen to me
I don't want to stay another minute
I don't want you to say a single word
Hush hush, hush hush
There is no other way, I get the final say because
I don't want to do this any longer
I don't want you, there's nothing left to say
Hush hush, hush hush
I've already spoken, our love is broken
Baby hush hush
I never needed your corrections
On everything from how I act to what I say
I never needed words, I never needed hurt
I never needed you to be there every day
I'm sorry for the way I let go
On everything I wanted when you came along
But I ain't never beatin', broken not defeated
I know next to you is not where I belong

Trivia about the song Hush Hush by The Pussycat Dolls

On which albums was the song “Hush Hush” released by The Pussycat Dolls?
The Pussycat Dolls released the song on the albums “Doll Domination” in 2008, “Doll Domination 3.0” in 2009, “Hush Hush; Hush Hush - Single” in 2009, and “Hush Hush Hush Hush” in 2009.
Who composed the song “Hush Hush” by The Pussycat Dolls?

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