
Gordon Downie, Johnny Fay, Joseph Paul Langlois, Robert Baker, Robert Gordon Sinclair

Lyrics Translation

Spring starts when a heartbeat's pounding
When the birds can be heard above the reckoning carts doing some final accounting
Lava flowing in Superfarmer's direction
He's been getting reprieve from the heat in the frozen food section, yeah

Don't tell me what the poets are doing
Don't tell me that they're talking tough
Don't tell me that they're anti-social
Somehow not anti-social enough, that's right

And porn speaks to it's splintered legions
To the pink amid the withered cornstalks in them winter regions, yeah
While aiming at the archetypal father
He said with such broad and tentative swipes why do you even bother?

Don't tell me what the poets are doing
Those Himalayas of the mind
Don't tell me what the poet's been doing
In the long grasses over time

Don't tell me what the poets are doing
On the street and the epitome of vague
Don't tell me how the universe is altered
When you find out how he gets paid, alright

If there's nothing more that you need now
The lawn cut by bare breasted women
Beach bleached towels within reach for the women
Got to make it, that'll make it by swimming

Spring starts when a heartbeat's pounding
A primavera começa quando o coração está batendo forte
When the birds can be heard above the reckoning carts doing some final accounting
Quando os passarinhos podem ser ouvidos por sobre os carrinhos do juízo fazendo uma contabilidade final
Lava flowing in Superfarmer's direction
Lava fluindo na direção dos Latifúndios do agronegócio
He's been getting reprieve from the heat in the frozen food section, yeah
Ele tem recebido algum alívio do calor na seção de comidas congeladas, sim
Don't tell me what the poets are doing
Não me diga o que os poetas estão fazendo
Don't tell me that they're talking tough
Mas não me diga que eles estão falando
Don't tell me that they're anti-social
Não me fale que eles são antissociais
Somehow not anti-social enough, that's right
De alguma forma não são antissociais o bastante, é isso mesmo
And porn speaks to it's splintered legions
E a pornografia fala às suas legiões espalhadas
To the pink amid the withered cornstalks in them winter regions, yeah
Ao rosa ao meio dos campos de milho ressecados naquelas regiões de inverno, sim
While aiming at the archetypal father
Enquanto mirava o pai arquetípico
He said with such broad and tentative swipes why do you even bother?
El disse com passadas largas e incertas, por que é que você ainda se importa?
Don't tell me what the poets are doing
Não me diga o que os poetas estão fazendo
Those Himalayas of the mind
Aqueles Himalaias da mente
Don't tell me what the poet's been doing
Não me diga o que é que os poetas andam fazendo
In the long grasses over time
Nos gramados longos ao passar do tempo
Don't tell me what the poets are doing
Não me diga o que é que os poetas andam fazendo
On the street and the epitome of vague
Nas ruas e na epítome do vago
Don't tell me how the universe is altered
Não me diga como o universo é alterado
When you find out how he gets paid, alright
Quando você descobre como é que ele recebe o seu salário, isso aí
If there's nothing more that you need now
Se não existe mais nada que você precise agora
The lawn cut by bare breasted women
O gramado cortado por mulheres com seios nus
Beach bleached towels within reach for the women
Toalhas de praia desbotadas ao alcance para as mulheres
Got to make it, that'll make it by swimming
Tenho que ser bem sucedido, isso vai acontecer por meio do nado
Spring starts when a heartbeat's pounding
La primavera comienza cuando un corazón late fuertemente
When the birds can be heard above the reckoning carts doing some final accounting
Cuando se pueden escuchar los pájaros por encima de los carros de contabilidad haciendo su último recuento
Lava flowing in Superfarmer's direction
Lava fluyendo en dirección al Supergranjero
He's been getting reprieve from the heat in the frozen food section, yeah
Ha estado obteniendo alivio del calor en la sección de alimentos congelados, sí
Don't tell me what the poets are doing
No me digas lo que están haciendo los poetas
Don't tell me that they're talking tough
No me digas que están hablando duro
Don't tell me that they're anti-social
No me digas que son antisociales
Somehow not anti-social enough, that's right
De alguna manera no son lo suficientemente antisociales, eso es correcto
And porn speaks to it's splintered legions
Y el porno habla a sus legiones astilladas
To the pink amid the withered cornstalks in them winter regions, yeah
Al rosa entre los tallos de maíz marchitos en esas regiones invernales, sí
While aiming at the archetypal father
Mientras apunta al padre arquetípico
He said with such broad and tentative swipes why do you even bother?
Dijo con tales golpes amplios y tentativos ¿por qué incluso te molestas?
Don't tell me what the poets are doing
No me digas lo que están haciendo los poetas
Those Himalayas of the mind
Esas Himalayas de la mente
Don't tell me what the poet's been doing
No me digas lo que ha estado haciendo el poeta
In the long grasses over time
En las hierbas largas a lo largo del tiempo
Don't tell me what the poets are doing
No me digas lo que están haciendo los poetas
On the street and the epitome of vague
En la calle y el epítome de lo vago
Don't tell me how the universe is altered
No me digas cómo se altera el universo
When you find out how he gets paid, alright
Cuando descubres cómo se le paga, está bien
If there's nothing more that you need now
Si no necesitas nada más ahora
The lawn cut by bare breasted women
El césped cortado por mujeres de pecho desnudo
Beach bleached towels within reach for the women
Toallas blanqueadas por la playa al alcance de las mujeres
Got to make it, that'll make it by swimming
Tienes que hacerlo, eso lo lograrás nadando
Spring starts when a heartbeat's pounding
Le printemps commence quand un cœur bat à tout rompre
When the birds can be heard above the reckoning carts doing some final accounting
Quand on peut entendre les oiseaux au-dessus des chariots comptables faisant leur dernier décompte
Lava flowing in Superfarmer's direction
La lave coule en direction du Superfermier
He's been getting reprieve from the heat in the frozen food section, yeah
Il a obtenu un répit de la chaleur dans la section des aliments congelés, ouais
Don't tell me what the poets are doing
Ne me dites pas ce que font les poètes
Don't tell me that they're talking tough
Ne me dites pas qu'ils parlent dur
Don't tell me that they're anti-social
Ne me dites pas qu'ils sont antisociaux
Somehow not anti-social enough, that's right
D'une certaine manière, pas assez antisociaux, c'est vrai
And porn speaks to it's splintered legions
Et la pornographie parle à ses légions éclatées
To the pink amid the withered cornstalks in them winter regions, yeah
Au rose parmi les tiges de maïs flétries dans ces régions hivernales, ouais
While aiming at the archetypal father
Tout en visant le père archétypal
He said with such broad and tentative swipes why do you even bother?
Il a dit avec de si larges et hésitants coups, pourquoi te donner la peine ?
Don't tell me what the poets are doing
Ne me dites pas ce que font les poètes
Those Himalayas of the mind
Ces Himalayas de l'esprit
Don't tell me what the poet's been doing
Ne me dites pas ce que le poète a fait
In the long grasses over time
Dans les hautes herbes au fil du temps
Don't tell me what the poets are doing
Ne me dites pas ce que font les poètes
On the street and the epitome of vague
Dans la rue et l'épitomé du vague
Don't tell me how the universe is altered
Ne me dites pas comment l'univers est altéré
When you find out how he gets paid, alright
Quand vous découvrez comment il est payé, d'accord
If there's nothing more that you need now
S'il n'y a rien de plus dont vous avez besoin maintenant
The lawn cut by bare breasted women
La pelouse coupée par des femmes à la poitrine nue
Beach bleached towels within reach for the women
Des serviettes blanchies à la plage à portée de main pour les femmes
Got to make it, that'll make it by swimming
Il faut y arriver, ça y arrivera en nageant
Spring starts when a heartbeat's pounding
Der Frühling beginnt, wenn ein Herzschlag pocht
When the birds can be heard above the reckoning carts doing some final accounting
Wenn die Vögel über den abrechnenden Wagen zu hören sind, die eine letzte Abrechnung machen
Lava flowing in Superfarmer's direction
Lava fließt in Richtung Superfarmer
He's been getting reprieve from the heat in the frozen food section, yeah
Er hat Erleichterung von der Hitze in der Tiefkühlkostabteilung bekommen, ja
Don't tell me what the poets are doing
Sag mir nicht, was die Dichter tun
Don't tell me that they're talking tough
Sag mir nicht, dass sie hart reden
Don't tell me that they're anti-social
Sag mir nicht, dass sie antisozial sind
Somehow not anti-social enough, that's right
Irgendwie nicht antisozial genug, das stimmt
And porn speaks to it's splintered legions
Und Pornografie spricht zu ihren gespaltenen Legionen
To the pink amid the withered cornstalks in them winter regions, yeah
Zu dem Rosa inmitten der verdorrten Maisstängel in diesen Winterregionen, ja
While aiming at the archetypal father
Während er auf den archetypischen Vater zielt
He said with such broad and tentative swipes why do you even bother?
Er sagte mit solch breiten und zögerlichen Schlägen, warum bemühst du dich überhaupt?
Don't tell me what the poets are doing
Sag mir nicht, was die Dichter tun
Those Himalayas of the mind
Diese Himalayas des Geistes
Don't tell me what the poet's been doing
Sag mir nicht, was der Dichter getan hat
In the long grasses over time
In den langen Gräsern über die Zeit
Don't tell me what the poets are doing
Sag mir nicht, was die Dichter tun
On the street and the epitome of vague
Auf der Straße und der Inbegriff des Unklaren
Don't tell me how the universe is altered
Sag mir nicht, wie das Universum verändert wird
When you find out how he gets paid, alright
Wenn du herausfindest, wie er bezahlt wird, in Ordnung
If there's nothing more that you need now
Wenn du jetzt nichts mehr brauchst
The lawn cut by bare breasted women
Der Rasen, gemäht von barbusigen Frauen
Beach bleached towels within reach for the women
Strandgebleichte Handtücher in Reichweite für die Frauen
Got to make it, that'll make it by swimming
Muss es schaffen, das wird es durch Schwimmen schaffen
Spring starts when a heartbeat's pounding
La primavera inizia quando un cuore inizia a battere
When the birds can be heard above the reckoning carts doing some final accounting
Quando si possono sentire gli uccelli sopra i carri del calcolo che fanno un ultimo conteggio
Lava flowing in Superfarmer's direction
La lava scorre in direzione del Superfarmer
He's been getting reprieve from the heat in the frozen food section, yeah
Ha ottenuto una tregua dal calore nella sezione degli alimenti surgelati, sì
Don't tell me what the poets are doing
Non ditemi cosa stanno facendo i poeti
Don't tell me that they're talking tough
Non ditemi che stanno parlando duro
Don't tell me that they're anti-social
Non ditemi che sono antisociali
Somehow not anti-social enough, that's right
In qualche modo non abbastanza antisociali, è vero
And porn speaks to it's splintered legions
E il porno parla alle sue legioni frantumate
To the pink amid the withered cornstalks in them winter regions, yeah
Al rosa tra le stoppie di mais appassite in quelle regioni invernali, sì
While aiming at the archetypal father
Mentre mira al padre archetipico
He said with such broad and tentative swipes why do you even bother?
Ha detto con tali ampi e tentativi colpi perché ti prendi la briga?
Don't tell me what the poets are doing
Non ditemi cosa stanno facendo i poeti
Those Himalayas of the mind
Quegli Himalaya della mente
Don't tell me what the poet's been doing
Non ditemi cosa sta facendo il poeta
In the long grasses over time
Nelle lunghe erbe nel corso del tempo
Don't tell me what the poets are doing
Non ditemi cosa stanno facendo i poeti
On the street and the epitome of vague
Per strada e l'epitome del vago
Don't tell me how the universe is altered
Non ditemi come l'universo è alterato
When you find out how he gets paid, alright
Quando scopri come viene pagato, va bene
If there's nothing more that you need now
Se non c'è niente di più di cui hai bisogno ora
The lawn cut by bare breasted women
Il prato tagliato da donne a seno nudo
Beach bleached towels within reach for the women
Asciugamani sbiancati dalla spiaggia a portata di mano per le donne
Got to make it, that'll make it by swimming
Devi farcela, ce la farai nuotando
Spring starts when a heartbeat's pounding
Musim semi dimulai ketika detak jantung berdetak
When the birds can be heard above the reckoning carts doing some final accounting
Ketika burung-burung dapat terdengar di atas kereta yang sedang melakukan perhitungan akhir
Lava flowing in Superfarmer's direction
Lava mengalir ke arah Superfarmer
He's been getting reprieve from the heat in the frozen food section, yeah
Dia telah mendapatkan penangguhan dari panas di bagian makanan beku, ya
Don't tell me what the poets are doing
Jangan beritahu saya apa yang sedang dilakukan oleh para penyair
Don't tell me that they're talking tough
Jangan beritahu saya bahwa mereka berbicara keras
Don't tell me that they're anti-social
Jangan beritahu saya bahwa mereka anti-sosial
Somehow not anti-social enough, that's right
Entah bagaimana tidak cukup anti-sosial, itu benar
And porn speaks to it's splintered legions
Dan pornografi berbicara kepada legiun yang terpecah
To the pink amid the withered cornstalks in them winter regions, yeah
Ke warna merah muda di tengah-tengah batang jagung yang layu di daerah musim dingin, ya
While aiming at the archetypal father
Sambil mengarahkan pada ayah arketipal
He said with such broad and tentative swipes why do you even bother?
Dia berkata dengan sapuan yang luas dan ragu-ragu, kenapa kamu bahkan repot-repot?
Don't tell me what the poets are doing
Jangan beritahu saya apa yang sedang dilakukan oleh para penyair
Those Himalayas of the mind
Himalaya dari pikiran
Don't tell me what the poet's been doing
Jangan beritahu saya apa yang telah dilakukan penyair
In the long grasses over time
Di rumput panjang sepanjang waktu
Don't tell me what the poets are doing
Jangan beritahu saya apa yang sedang dilakukan oleh para penyair
On the street and the epitome of vague
Di jalan dan puncak dari yang samar
Don't tell me how the universe is altered
Jangan beritahu saya bagaimana alam semesta berubah
When you find out how he gets paid, alright
Ketika Anda mengetahui bagaimana dia dibayar, baiklah
If there's nothing more that you need now
Jika tidak ada lagi yang Anda butuhkan sekarang
The lawn cut by bare breasted women
Rumput yang dipotong oleh wanita berdada telanjang
Beach bleached towels within reach for the women
Handuk yang diputihkan pantai dalam jangkauan untuk wanita
Got to make it, that'll make it by swimming
Harus membuatnya, itu akan membuatnya dengan berenang
Spring starts when a heartbeat's pounding
When the birds can be heard above the reckoning carts doing some final accounting
Lava flowing in Superfarmer's direction
He's been getting reprieve from the heat in the frozen food section, yeah
เขาได้รับการพักผ่อนจากความร้อนในส่วนของอาหารแช่แข็ง, ใช่
Don't tell me what the poets are doing
Don't tell me that they're talking tough
Don't tell me that they're anti-social
Somehow not anti-social enough, that's right
อย่างไรก็ตามไม่เพียงพอที่จะไม่ชอบสังคม, นั่นถูกต้อง
And porn speaks to it's splintered legions
To the pink amid the withered cornstalks in them winter regions, yeah
ถึงสีชมพูที่อยู่ระหว่างฟางข้าวที่เหี่ยวในภูมิภาคฤดูหนาว, ใช่
While aiming at the archetypal father
He said with such broad and tentative swipes why do you even bother?
Don't tell me what the poets are doing
Those Himalayas of the mind
Don't tell me what the poet's been doing
In the long grasses over time
Don't tell me what the poets are doing
On the street and the epitome of vague
Don't tell me how the universe is altered
When you find out how he gets paid, alright
เมื่อคุณค้นพบว่าเขาได้รับค่าตอบแทนอย่างไร, ถูกต้อง
If there's nothing more that you need now
The lawn cut by bare breasted women
Beach bleached towels within reach for the women
Got to make it, that'll make it by swimming
ต้องทำให้มัน, ทำให้มันโดยการว่ายน้ำ
Spring starts when a heartbeat's pounding
When the birds can be heard above the reckoning carts doing some final accounting
Lava flowing in Superfarmer's direction
He's been getting reprieve from the heat in the frozen food section, yeah
Don't tell me what the poets are doing
Don't tell me that they're talking tough
Don't tell me that they're anti-social
Somehow not anti-social enough, that's right
And porn speaks to it's splintered legions
To the pink amid the withered cornstalks in them winter regions, yeah
While aiming at the archetypal father
He said with such broad and tentative swipes why do you even bother?
Don't tell me what the poets are doing
Those Himalayas of the mind
Don't tell me what the poet's been doing
In the long grasses over time
Don't tell me what the poets are doing
On the street and the epitome of vague
Don't tell me how the universe is altered
When you find out how he gets paid, alright
If there's nothing more that you need now
The lawn cut by bare breasted women
Beach bleached towels within reach for the women
Got to make it, that'll make it by swimming

Trivia about the song Poets by The Tragically Hip

On which albums was the song “Poets” released by The Tragically Hip?
The Tragically Hip released the song on the albums “Phantom Power” in 1998, “Hipenonymous” in 2005, and “Yer Favourites” in 2005.
Who composed the song “Poets” by The Tragically Hip?
The song “Poets” by The Tragically Hip was composed by Gordon Downie, Johnny Fay, Joseph Paul Langlois, Robert Baker, Robert Gordon Sinclair.

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