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Trivia about Theo Rubia

What are the main songs by Theo Rubia?
The main songs by Theo Rubia are “Pode Morar Aqui”, “Eu Só Quero Tua Presença”, “Pode Morar Aqui (part. Alessandro Vilas Boas)”, “Coisas Novas”, and “A Alegria do Senhor (part. Felipe Vilela)”.
What is the latest album by Theo Rubia?
The latest album by Theo Rubia is “Coração em Chamas”, released in 2023.
What is the oldest album by Theo Rubia?
The oldest album by Theo Rubia is “De Filho Para Pai”, released in 2016 with 11 tracks.
What is the most successful song by Theo Rubia?
The most popular song by Theo Rubia is “Pode Morar Aqui”, from the album “Chave”, released in 2019.
How many albums has Theo Rubia released?
Between 2016 and 2019 Theo Rubia released 4 Albums

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