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Trivia about Vespas Mandarinas

What are the main songs by Vespas Mandarinas?
The main songs by Vespas Mandarinas are “Não Sei O Que Fazer Comigo”, “Antes Que Você Conte Até Dez”, “Distraídos Venceremos”, “Cobra de Vidro”, and “Sasha Grey”.
What is the latest album by Vespas Mandarinas?
The latest album by Vespas Mandarinas is “Daqui Pro Futuro”, released in 2017 with 9 tracks.
What is the oldest album by Vespas Mandarinas?
The oldest album by Vespas Mandarinas is “Da Doo Ron Ron”, released in 2010 with 9 tracks.
What is the most successful song by Vespas Mandarinas?
The most popular song by Vespas Mandarinas is “Não Sei O Que Fazer Comigo”, from the album “Animal Nacional”, released in 2013.
How many albums has Vespas Mandarinas released?
Between 2010 and 2017 Vespas Mandarinas released 4 Albums and 1 Single/EP

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