Chrome Hearth
Throw my heart into goyard
I couldn't talk in a moment
Woke up on a jet
With a broken phone
I feel it's gonna be a Nice day
Na stole koks
Citim už len chlad
V ruke horí brk
A cítim už len dym
Všade vidím dym
V mojich pľucach dym
Všetci už sme high
A myseľ ide v nový vesmír
Nový vesmír
I feel the velocity of the room
Why should I come if I don't want to
Why should I go if I'm asleep
They want to talk to me when I'm deep
Singing It deeply
Singing It deeply
You are for me like a sun
I'm gonna say It like milion times
You wanna stop, better be with me
Throw It all back it's a recipe
Why should I stop better be with me
My hearts coming on too cold to beat
Coming to freeze it, coming to freeze it
Ja nevnímam nič
Už len kostlivcov v skrini
A keď idem high
Sa všetci prebudili
Na sebe gas no
A ja idem high
Ja idem high
Ja idem high
Na sebe goyard
Ja idem high
Na sebe goyard
Ideme high
Na sebe goyard
Ja vidím už len dym
Vo mne je aura
Nejdeme na hawaii
Vníma moy vibe
Nejdem že stále away