
Alison Moyet, Vince Clarke

Lyrics Translation

Blue eyed dressed for every situation
Moving through the doorway of a nation
Pick me up and shake the doubt
Baby I can't do without

Move out, don't mess around
Move out, you bring me down
Move out, how you get about
Don't make a sound just move out

I remember only for an hour
Move right through me can you feel the power
I don't know what's going on
It scares me but it won't be long

Move out, don't mess around
Move out, you bring me down
Move out, how you get about
Don't make a sound just move out

Now he's in control he is my lover
Nations stand against him he's your brother
Been a long time, been a long time now
I'll get to you somehow

Move out, don't mess around
Move out, you bring me down
Move out, how you get about
Don't make a sound just move out

Move out, don't mess around
Move out, you bring me down
Move out, how you get about
Don't make a sound just move out

Blue eyed dressed for every situation
De olhos azuis, vestido para toda situação
Moving through the doorway of a nation
Movendo-se pela porta de uma nação
Pick me up and shake the doubt
Me pegue e sacuda a dúvida
Baby I can't do without
Baby, eu não posso ficar sem
Move out, don't mess around
Saia, não brinque
Move out, you bring me down
Saia, você me deixa pra baixo
Move out, how you get about
Saia, como você se vira
Don't make a sound just move out
Não faça um som, apenas saia
I remember only for an hour
Eu me lembro apenas por uma hora
Move right through me can you feel the power
Passe direto por mim, você pode sentir o poder?
I don't know what's going on
Eu não sei o que está acontecendo
It scares me but it won't be long
Isso me assusta, mas não vai demorar muito
Move out, don't mess around
Saia, não brinque
Move out, you bring me down
Saia, você me deixa pra baixo
Move out, how you get about
Saia, como você se vira
Don't make a sound just move out
Não faça um som, apenas saia
Now he's in control he is my lover
Agora ele está no controle, ele é meu amante
Nations stand against him he's your brother
Nações se opõem a ele, ele é seu irmão
Been a long time, been a long time now
Faz muito tempo, faz muito tempo agora
I'll get to you somehow
Eu vou chegar até você de alguma forma
Move out, don't mess around
Saia, não brinque
Move out, you bring me down
Saia, você me deixa pra baixo
Move out, how you get about
Saia, como você se vira
Don't make a sound just move out
Não faça um som, apenas saia
Move out, don't mess around
Saia, não brinque
Move out, you bring me down
Saia, você me deixa pra baixo
Move out, how you get about
Saia, como você se vira
Don't make a sound just move out
Não faça um som, apenas saia
Blue eyed dressed for every situation
De ojos azules vestido para cada situación
Moving through the doorway of a nation
Moviendo a través de la puerta de una nación
Pick me up and shake the doubt
Recógeme y sacude la duda
Baby I can't do without
Cariño, no puedo prescindir de ti
Move out, don't mess around
Muévete, no juegues
Move out, you bring me down
Muévete, me deprimiste
Move out, how you get about
Muévete, cómo te las arreglas
Don't make a sound just move out
No hagas un sonido, solo muévete
I remember only for an hour
Solo recuerdo durante una hora
Move right through me can you feel the power
Muévete a través de mí, ¿puedes sentir el poder?
I don't know what's going on
No sé qué está pasando
It scares me but it won't be long
Me asusta, pero no será por mucho tiempo
Move out, don't mess around
Muévete, no juegues
Move out, you bring me down
Muévete, me deprimiste
Move out, how you get about
Muévete, cómo te las arreglas
Don't make a sound just move out
No hagas un sonido, solo muévete
Now he's in control he is my lover
Ahora él tiene el control, él es mi amante
Nations stand against him he's your brother
Las naciones se oponen a él, él es tu hermano
Been a long time, been a long time now
Ha pasado mucho tiempo, ha pasado mucho tiempo ahora
I'll get to you somehow
De alguna manera llegaré a ti
Move out, don't mess around
Muévete, no juegues
Move out, you bring me down
Muévete, me deprimiste
Move out, how you get about
Muévete, cómo te las arreglas
Don't make a sound just move out
No hagas un sonido, solo muévete
Move out, don't mess around
Muévete, no juegues
Move out, you bring me down
Muévete, me deprimiste
Move out, how you get about
Muévete, cómo te las arreglas
Don't make a sound just move out
No hagas un sonido, solo muévete
Blue eyed dressed for every situation
Aux yeux bleus, habillé pour chaque situation
Moving through the doorway of a nation
Traversant la porte d'une nation
Pick me up and shake the doubt
Prends-moi et secoue le doute
Baby I can't do without
Bébé, je ne peux pas m'en passer
Move out, don't mess around
Bouge, ne traîne pas
Move out, you bring me down
Bouge, tu me déprimes
Move out, how you get about
Bouge, comment tu t'en sors
Don't make a sound just move out
Ne fais pas de bruit, bouge simplement
I remember only for an hour
Je me souviens seulement pendant une heure
Move right through me can you feel the power
Passe à travers moi, peux-tu sentir le pouvoir
I don't know what's going on
Je ne sais pas ce qui se passe
It scares me but it won't be long
Ça me fait peur mais ça ne durera pas longtemps
Move out, don't mess around
Bouge, ne traîne pas
Move out, you bring me down
Bouge, tu me déprimes
Move out, how you get about
Bouge, comment tu t'en sors
Don't make a sound just move out
Ne fais pas de bruit, bouge simplement
Now he's in control he is my lover
Maintenant il contrôle, il est mon amant
Nations stand against him he's your brother
Les nations se dressent contre lui, il est ton frère
Been a long time, been a long time now
Ça fait longtemps, ça fait longtemps maintenant
I'll get to you somehow
Je vais te rejoindre d'une manière ou d'une autre
Move out, don't mess around
Bouge, ne traîne pas
Move out, you bring me down
Bouge, tu me déprimes
Move out, how you get about
Bouge, comment tu t'en sors
Don't make a sound just move out
Ne fais pas de bruit, bouge simplement
Move out, don't mess around
Bouge, ne traîne pas
Move out, you bring me down
Bouge, tu me déprimes
Move out, how you get about
Bouge, comment tu t'en sors
Don't make a sound just move out
Ne fais pas de bruit, bouge simplement
Blue eyed dressed for every situation
Blauäugig, für jede Situation gekleidet
Moving through the doorway of a nation
Bewegt sich durch die Tür eines Landes
Pick me up and shake the doubt
Heb mich auf und schüttle den Zweifel aus
Baby I can't do without
Baby, ich kann nicht ohne
Move out, don't mess around
Zieh aus, mach keinen Ärger
Move out, you bring me down
Zieh aus, du ziehst mich runter
Move out, how you get about
Zieh aus, wie kommst du zurecht
Don't make a sound just move out
Mach keinen Lärm, zieh einfach aus
I remember only for an hour
Ich erinnere mich nur für eine Stunde
Move right through me can you feel the power
Beweg dich direkt durch mich, kannst du die Kraft spüren
I don't know what's going on
Ich weiß nicht, was los ist
It scares me but it won't be long
Es macht mir Angst, aber es wird nicht lange dauern
Move out, don't mess around
Zieh aus, mach keinen Ärger
Move out, you bring me down
Zieh aus, du ziehst mich runter
Move out, how you get about
Zieh aus, wie kommst du zurecht
Don't make a sound just move out
Mach keinen Lärm, zieh einfach aus
Now he's in control he is my lover
Jetzt hat er die Kontrolle, er ist mein Liebhaber
Nations stand against him he's your brother
Nationen stellen sich gegen ihn, er ist dein Bruder
Been a long time, been a long time now
Es ist lange her, es ist jetzt lange her
I'll get to you somehow
Ich werde irgendwie zu dir kommen
Move out, don't mess around
Zieh aus, mach keinen Ärger
Move out, you bring me down
Zieh aus, du ziehst mich runter
Move out, how you get about
Zieh aus, wie kommst du zurecht
Don't make a sound just move out
Mach keinen Lärm, zieh einfach aus
Move out, don't mess around
Zieh aus, mach keinen Ärger
Move out, you bring me down
Zieh aus, du ziehst mich runter
Move out, how you get about
Zieh aus, wie kommst du zurecht
Don't make a sound just move out
Mach keinen Lärm, zieh einfach aus
Blue eyed dressed for every situation
Occhi blu vestiti per ogni situazione
Moving through the doorway of a nation
Attraversando la porta di una nazione
Pick me up and shake the doubt
Prendimi e scuoti il dubbio
Baby I can't do without
Baby non posso farne a meno
Move out, don't mess around
Muoviti, non fare confusione
Move out, you bring me down
Muoviti, mi fai stare male
Move out, how you get about
Muoviti, come ti muovi
Don't make a sound just move out
Non fare un rumore, muoviti solo
I remember only for an hour
Ricordo solo per un'ora
Move right through me can you feel the power
Passa proprio attraverso di me, riesci a sentire il potere
I don't know what's going on
Non so cosa stia succedendo
It scares me but it won't be long
Mi spaventa, ma non sarà per molto
Move out, don't mess around
Muoviti, non fare confusione
Move out, you bring me down
Muoviti, mi fai stare male
Move out, how you get about
Muoviti, come ti muovi
Don't make a sound just move out
Non fare un rumore, muoviti solo
Now he's in control he is my lover
Ora lui ha il controllo, lui è il mio amante
Nations stand against him he's your brother
Le nazioni si oppongono a lui, lui è tuo fratello
Been a long time, been a long time now
È passato molto tempo, è passato molto tempo ormai
I'll get to you somehow
Riuscirò a raggiungerti in qualche modo
Move out, don't mess around
Muoviti, non fare confusione
Move out, you bring me down
Muoviti, mi fai stare male
Move out, how you get about
Muoviti, come ti muovi
Don't make a sound just move out
Non fare un rumore, muoviti solo
Move out, don't mess around
Muoviti, non fare confusione
Move out, you bring me down
Muoviti, mi fai stare male
Move out, how you get about
Muoviti, come ti muovi
Don't make a sound just move out
Non fare un rumore, muoviti solo
Blue eyed dressed for every situation
Berpenampilan dengan mata biru untuk setiap situasi
Moving through the doorway of a nation
Bergerak melalui pintu gerbang sebuah negara
Pick me up and shake the doubt
Angkat aku dan hilangkan keraguan
Baby I can't do without
Sayang, aku tak bisa tanpamu
Move out, don't mess around
Pindah, jangan bermain-main
Move out, you bring me down
Pindah, kau membuatku terpuruk
Move out, how you get about
Pindah, bagaimana kau bergerak
Don't make a sound just move out
Jangan membuat suara, hanya pindah
I remember only for an hour
Aku hanya ingat selama satu jam
Move right through me can you feel the power
Bergerak melewatiku, bisakah kau merasakan kekuatannya
I don't know what's going on
Aku tidak tahu apa yang sedang terjadi
It scares me but it won't be long
Ini menakutkanku tapi tidak akan lama
Move out, don't mess around
Pindah, jangan bermain-main
Move out, you bring me down
Pindah, kau membuatku terpuruk
Move out, how you get about
Pindah, bagaimana kau bergerak
Don't make a sound just move out
Jangan membuat suara, hanya pindah
Now he's in control he is my lover
Sekarang dia yang mengendalikan, dia adalah kekasihku
Nations stand against him he's your brother
Negara-negara berdiri melawannya, dia adalah saudaramu
Been a long time, been a long time now
Sudah lama, sudah lama sekarang
I'll get to you somehow
Aku akan sampai padamu entah bagaimana
Move out, don't mess around
Pindah, jangan bermain-main
Move out, you bring me down
Pindah, kau membuatku terpuruk
Move out, how you get about
Pindah, bagaimana kau bergerak
Don't make a sound just move out
Jangan membuat suara, hanya pindah
Move out, don't mess around
Pindah, jangan bermain-main
Move out, you bring me down
Pindah, kau membuatku terpuruk
Move out, how you get about
Pindah, bagaimana kau bergerak
Don't make a sound just move out
Jangan membuat suara, hanya pindah
Blue eyed dressed for every situation
Moving through the doorway of a nation
Pick me up and shake the doubt
Baby I can't do without
ที่รัก ฉันไม่สามารถทำได้โดยไม่มีคุณ
Move out, don't mess around
ย้ายออกไป อย่าทำให้ฉันยุ่งยาก
Move out, you bring me down
ย้ายออกไป คุณทำให้ฉันเศร้า
Move out, how you get about
ย้ายออกไป คุณจะไปได้อย่างไร
Don't make a sound just move out
อย่าทำเสียง แค่ย้ายออกไป
I remember only for an hour
Move right through me can you feel the power
เคลื่อนที่ผ่านฉัน คุณสามารถรู้สึกถึงพลังไหม
I don't know what's going on
It scares me but it won't be long
มันทำให้ฉันกลัว แต่มันจะไม่นาน
Move out, don't mess around
ย้ายออกไป อย่าทำให้ฉันยุ่งยาก
Move out, you bring me down
ย้ายออกไป คุณทำให้ฉันเศร้า
Move out, how you get about
ย้ายออกไป คุณจะไปได้อย่างไร
Don't make a sound just move out
อย่าทำเสียง แค่ย้ายออกไป
Now he's in control he is my lover
ตอนนี้เขาควบคุม คือคนรักของฉัน
Nations stand against him he's your brother
ชาติต่อต้านเขา เขาคือพี่ชายของคุณ
Been a long time, been a long time now
มันเป็นเวลานาน มันเป็นเวลานานแล้ว
I'll get to you somehow
Move out, don't mess around
ย้ายออกไป อย่าทำให้ฉันยุ่งยาก
Move out, you bring me down
ย้ายออกไป คุณทำให้ฉันเศร้า
Move out, how you get about
ย้ายออกไป คุณจะไปได้อย่างไร
Don't make a sound just move out
อย่าทำเสียง แค่ย้ายออกไป
Move out, don't mess around
ย้ายออกไป อย่าทำให้ฉันยุ่งยาก
Move out, you bring me down
ย้ายออกไป คุณทำให้ฉันเศร้า
Move out, how you get about
ย้ายออกไป คุณจะไปได้อย่างไร
Don't make a sound just move out
อย่าทำเสียง แค่ย้ายออกไป
Blue eyed dressed for every situation
Moving through the doorway of a nation
Pick me up and shake the doubt
Baby I can't do without
Move out, don't mess around
Move out, you bring me down
Move out, how you get about
Don't make a sound just move out
I remember only for an hour
Move right through me can you feel the power
I don't know what's going on
It scares me but it won't be long
Move out, don't mess around
Move out, you bring me down
Move out, how you get about
Don't make a sound just move out
Now he's in control he is my lover
Nations stand against him he's your brother
Been a long time, been a long time now
I'll get to you somehow
Move out, don't mess around
Move out, you bring me down
Move out, how you get about
Don't make a sound just move out
Move out, don't mess around
Move out, you bring me down
Move out, how you get about
Don't make a sound just move out

Trivia about the song Situation by Yazoo

On which albums was the song “Situation” released by Yazoo?
Yazoo released the song on the albums “Upstairs at Eric’s” in 1982, “Only Yazoo: The Best of Yazoo” in 1999, “In Your Room” in 2008, “Reconnected Live” in 2010, and “Four Pieces” in 2018.
Who composed the song “Situation” by Yazoo?
The song “Situation” by Yazoo was composed by Alison Moyet, Vince Clarke.

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