Meiteņu dziesma
The days of slumber are gone
And now the streets fill with monsters, and dwarvish smiles
The tales of living are here
And now we must learn of dreaming and living
You open up a universe and now I have to find out
what to do with it, in many sleepless hours
Pa manu sirdi, kā pa bezgalīgu lauku auļo zirgi
Tu viņus pasauc, ar svilpienu klusu un ilgu
The nights of wonder are here
And now you tell me stories, of mortal lives
The fear of unknown lies here
And now we must learn of breathing and giving
You open up a universe and now I have to find out
what to do with it, in many sleepless hours
Zirgi sastājas krastā, lai šķērsotu upi pirms tumsas
Noliecot galvas, zirgi sastājas slāpstošos lokos
The light of dawn is near
And now we must go home and try to sleep
The hunger for living is here
And now we must learn to give in to livin'
You open up a universe and now I have to find out
what to do with it, in many sleepless hours
Mani zirgi ir mājās, klusums un nakts pāri laukam
tikai vējš šad tad atnes zirgu balsis - tie runā ar tevi
You open up a universe and now I have to find out
what to do with it, in many sleepless hours