
Jeremy McKinnon, Cody Quistad, Will Putney

Lyrics Translation

If you could only feel the way that I feel
Ready for the war to come my way
Yeah, I struggled so I know what it takes
The pressure only builds 'til it breaks
If you could only feel the way that I feel

You might think it's something spiritual

But I'm betting on the "right here, right now"
To Hell with all the "someday, somehow"
I've waited long enough
I've waited long enough
(Don't need a miracle)
Right here, right now
To Hell with all the "someday, somehow"
I've waited long enough
I've waited long enough
(Don't need a miracle)
You might think it's something spiritual
But I don't need a fucking miracle

If you could only see the way that I see
You could find the faith to take the leap
It only took one shot to prove I'm not made of glass
There's no pain you could cause that won't eventually pass
If you could only see the way that I see

You'd be betting on the "right here, right now"
To Hell with all the "someday, somehow"
I've waited long enough
I've waited long enough
(Don't need a miracle)
Right here, right now
To Hell with all the "someday, somehow"
I've waited long enough
I've waited long enough
(Don't need a miracle)
You might think it's something spiritual
But I don't need a fucking miracle

No weapon formed against me shall prosper
My will is stronger

You might think it's something spiritual

But I'm betting on the "right here, right now"
To hell with all the "someday, somehow"
I've waited long enough
I've waited long enough
(Don't need a miracle)
Right here, right now
To hell with all the "someday, somehow"
I've waited long enough
I've waited long enough
(Don't need a miracle)
You might think it's something spiritual
But I don't need a fucking miracle

If you could only feel the way that I feel
Se você pudesse apenas sentir o que eu sinto
Ready for the war to come my way
Pronto para a guerra que vem em minha direção
Yeah, I struggled so I know what it takes
Sim, eu lutei, então eu sei o que é preciso
The pressure only builds 'til it breaks
A pressão só aumenta até quebrar
If you could only feel the way that I feel
Se você pudesse apenas sentir o que eu sinto
You might think it's something spiritual
Você pode pensar que é algo espiritual
But I'm betting on the "right here, right now"
Mas eu estou apostando no "aqui e agora"
To Hell with all the "someday, somehow"
Para o inferno com todos os "algum dia, de alguma forma"
I've waited long enough
Eu esperei tempo suficiente
I've waited long enough
Eu esperei tempo suficiente
(Don't need a miracle)
(Não preciso de um milagre)
Right here, right now
Aqui e agora
To Hell with all the "someday, somehow"
Para o inferno com todos os "algum dia, de alguma forma"
I've waited long enough
Eu esperei tempo suficiente
I've waited long enough
Eu esperei tempo suficiente
(Don't need a miracle)
(Não preciso de um milagre)
You might think it's something spiritual
Você pode pensar que é algo espiritual
But I don't need a fucking miracle
Mas eu não preciso de um milagre
If you could only see the way that I see
Se você pudesse apenas ver do jeito que eu vejo
You could find the faith to take the leap
Você poderia encontrar a fé para dar o salto
It only took one shot to prove I'm not made of glass
Só precisou de uma tentativa para provar que eu não sou feito de vidro
There's no pain you could cause that won't eventually pass
Não há dor que você possa causar que não passará eventualmente
If you could only see the way that I see
Se você pudesse apenas ver do jeito que eu vejo
You'd be betting on the "right here, right now"
Você estaria apostando no "aqui e agora"
To Hell with all the "someday, somehow"
Para o inferno com todos os "algum dia, de alguma forma"
I've waited long enough
Eu esperei tempo suficiente
I've waited long enough
Eu esperei tempo suficiente
(Don't need a miracle)
(Não preciso de um milagre)
Right here, right now
Aqui e agora
To Hell with all the "someday, somehow"
Para o inferno com todos os "algum dia, de alguma forma"
I've waited long enough
Eu esperei tempo suficiente
I've waited long enough
Eu esperei tempo suficiente
(Don't need a miracle)
(Não preciso de um milagre)
You might think it's something spiritual
Você pode pensar que é algo espiritual
But I don't need a fucking miracle
Mas eu não preciso de um milagre
No weapon formed against me shall prosper
Nenhuma arma formada contra mim prosperará
My will is stronger
Minha vontade é mais forte
Mais forte
You might think it's something spiritual
Você pode pensar que é algo espiritual
But I'm betting on the "right here, right now"
Mas eu estou apostando no "aqui e agora"
To hell with all the "someday, somehow"
Para o inferno com todos os "algum dia, de alguma forma"
I've waited long enough
Eu esperei tempo suficiente
I've waited long enough
Eu esperei tempo suficiente
(Don't need a miracle)
(Não preciso de um milagre)
Right here, right now
Aqui e agora
To hell with all the "someday, somehow"
Para o inferno com todos os "algum dia, de alguma forma"
I've waited long enough
Eu esperei tempo suficiente
I've waited long enough
Eu esperei tempo suficiente
(Don't need a miracle)
(Não preciso de um milagre)
You might think it's something spiritual
Você pode pensar que é algo espiritual
But I don't need a fucking miracle
Mas eu não preciso de um milagre
If you could only feel the way that I feel
Si solo pudieras sentir lo que yo siento
Ready for the war to come my way
Preparado para la guerra que viene a mi manera
Yeah, I struggled so I know what it takes
Sí, luché, así que sé lo que se necesita
The pressure only builds 'til it breaks
La presión solo aumenta hasta que se rompe
If you could only feel the way that I feel
Si solo pudieras sentir lo que yo siento
You might think it's something spiritual
Podrías pensar que es algo espiritual
But I'm betting on the "right here, right now"
Pero estoy apostando por el "aquí y ahora"
To Hell with all the "someday, somehow"
Al diablo con todo el "algún día, de alguna manera"
I've waited long enough
He esperado lo suficiente
I've waited long enough
He esperado lo suficiente
(Don't need a miracle)
(No necesito un milagro)
Right here, right now
Aquí y ahora
To Hell with all the "someday, somehow"
Al diablo con todo el "algún día, de alguna manera"
I've waited long enough
He esperado lo suficiente
I've waited long enough
He esperado lo suficiente
(Don't need a miracle)
(No necesito un milagro)
You might think it's something spiritual
Podrías pensar que es algo espiritual
But I don't need a fucking miracle
Pero no necesito un jodido milagro
If you could only see the way that I see
Si solo pudieras ver como yo veo
You could find the faith to take the leap
Podrías encontrar la fe para dar el salto
It only took one shot to prove I'm not made of glass
Solo tomó un disparo para demostrar que no estoy hecho de vidrio
There's no pain you could cause that won't eventually pass
No hay dolor que puedas causar que no pase eventualmente
If you could only see the way that I see
Si solo pudieras ver como yo veo
You'd be betting on the "right here, right now"
Estarías apostando por el "aquí y ahora"
To Hell with all the "someday, somehow"
Al diablo con todo el "algún día, de alguna manera"
I've waited long enough
He esperado lo suficiente
I've waited long enough
He esperado lo suficiente
(Don't need a miracle)
(No necesito un milagro)
Right here, right now
Aquí y ahora
To Hell with all the "someday, somehow"
Al diablo con todo el "algún día, de alguna manera"
I've waited long enough
He esperado lo suficiente
I've waited long enough
He esperado lo suficiente
(Don't need a miracle)
(No necesito un milagro)
You might think it's something spiritual
Podrías pensar que es algo espiritual
But I don't need a fucking miracle
Pero no necesito un jodido milagro
No weapon formed against me shall prosper
Ninguna arma formada contra mí prosperará
My will is stronger
Mi voluntad es más fuerte
Más fuerte
You might think it's something spiritual
Podrías pensar que es algo espiritual
But I'm betting on the "right here, right now"
Pero estoy apostando por el "aquí y ahora"
To hell with all the "someday, somehow"
Al diablo con todo el "algún día, de alguna manera"
I've waited long enough
He esperado lo suficiente
I've waited long enough
He esperado lo suficiente
(Don't need a miracle)
(No necesito un milagro)
Right here, right now
Aquí y ahora
To hell with all the "someday, somehow"
Al diablo con todo el "algún día, de alguna manera"
I've waited long enough
He esperado lo suficiente
I've waited long enough
He esperado lo suficiente
(Don't need a miracle)
(No necesito un milagro)
You might think it's something spiritual
Podrías pensar que es algo espiritual
But I don't need a fucking miracle
Pero no necesito un jodido milagro
If you could only feel the way that I feel
Si seulement tu pouvais ressentir ce que je ressens
Ready for the war to come my way
Prêt pour la guerre qui vient à moi
Yeah, I struggled so I know what it takes
Ouais, j'ai lutté donc je sais ce qu'il faut
The pressure only builds 'til it breaks
La pression ne fait que monter jusqu'à ce qu'elle éclate
If you could only feel the way that I feel
Si seulement tu pouvais ressentir ce que je ressens
You might think it's something spiritual
Tu pourrais penser que c'est quelque chose de spirituel
But I'm betting on the "right here, right now"
Mais je parie sur le "ici et maintenant"
To Hell with all the "someday, somehow"
Au diable tous les "un jour, d'une manière ou d'une autre"
I've waited long enough
J'ai assez attendu
I've waited long enough
J'ai assez attendu
(Don't need a miracle)
(Je n'ai pas besoin d'un miracle)
Right here, right now
Ici et maintenant
To Hell with all the "someday, somehow"
Au diable tous les "un jour, d'une manière ou d'une autre"
I've waited long enough
J'ai assez attendu
I've waited long enough
J'ai assez attendu
(Don't need a miracle)
(Je n'ai pas besoin d'un miracle)
You might think it's something spiritual
Tu pourrais penser que c'est quelque chose de spirituel
But I don't need a fucking miracle
Mais je n'ai pas besoin d'un putain de miracle
If you could only see the way that I see
Si seulement tu pouvais voir comme je vois
You could find the faith to take the leap
Tu pourrais trouver la foi pour faire le saut
It only took one shot to prove I'm not made of glass
Il n'a fallu qu'un coup pour prouver que je ne suis pas fait de verre
There's no pain you could cause that won't eventually pass
Il n'y a pas de douleur que tu pourrais causer qui ne passera pas finalement
If you could only see the way that I see
Si seulement tu pouvais voir comme je vois
You'd be betting on the "right here, right now"
Tu parierais sur le "ici et maintenant"
To Hell with all the "someday, somehow"
Au diable tous les "un jour, d'une manière ou d'une autre"
I've waited long enough
J'ai assez attendu
I've waited long enough
J'ai assez attendu
(Don't need a miracle)
(Je n'ai pas besoin d'un miracle)
Right here, right now
Ici et maintenant
To Hell with all the "someday, somehow"
Au diable tous les "un jour, d'une manière ou d'une autre"
I've waited long enough
J'ai assez attendu
I've waited long enough
J'ai assez attendu
(Don't need a miracle)
(Je n'ai pas besoin d'un miracle)
You might think it's something spiritual
Tu pourrais penser que c'est quelque chose de spirituel
But I don't need a fucking miracle
Mais je n'ai pas besoin d'un putain de miracle
No weapon formed against me shall prosper
Aucune arme formée contre moi ne prospérera
My will is stronger
Ma volonté est plus forte
Plus forte
You might think it's something spiritual
Tu pourrais penser que c'est quelque chose de spirituel
But I'm betting on the "right here, right now"
Mais je parie sur le "ici et maintenant"
To hell with all the "someday, somehow"
Au diable tous les "un jour, d'une manière ou d'une autre"
I've waited long enough
J'ai assez attendu
I've waited long enough
J'ai assez attendu
(Don't need a miracle)
(Je n'ai pas besoin d'un miracle)
Right here, right now
Ici et maintenant
To hell with all the "someday, somehow"
Au diable tous les "un jour, d'une manière ou d'une autre"
I've waited long enough
J'ai assez attendu
I've waited long enough
J'ai assez attendu
(Don't need a miracle)
(Je n'ai pas besoin d'un miracle)
You might think it's something spiritual
Tu pourrais penser que c'est quelque chose de spirituel
But I don't need a fucking miracle
Mais je n'ai pas besoin d'un putain de miracle
If you could only feel the way that I feel
Wenn du nur fühlen könntest, wie ich fühle
Ready for the war to come my way
Bereit für den Krieg, der auf mich zukommt
Yeah, I struggled so I know what it takes
Ja, ich habe gekämpft, also weiß ich, was es braucht
The pressure only builds 'til it breaks
Der Druck baut sich nur auf, bis er bricht
If you could only feel the way that I feel
Wenn du nur fühlen könntest, wie ich fühle
You might think it's something spiritual
Du könntest denken, es ist etwas Spirituelles
But I'm betting on the "right here, right now"
Aber ich setze auf das "hier und jetzt"
To Hell with all the "someday, somehow"
Zum Teufel mit all dem "irgendwann, irgendwie"
I've waited long enough
Ich habe lange genug gewartet
I've waited long enough
Ich habe lange genug gewartet
(Don't need a miracle)
(Brauche kein Wunder)
Right here, right now
Hier und jetzt
To Hell with all the "someday, somehow"
Zum Teufel mit all dem "irgendwann, irgendwie"
I've waited long enough
Ich habe lange genug gewartet
I've waited long enough
Ich habe lange genug gewartet
(Don't need a miracle)
(Brauche kein Wunder)
You might think it's something spiritual
Du könntest denken, es ist etwas Spirituelles
But I don't need a fucking miracle
Aber ich brauche kein verdammtes Wunder
If you could only see the way that I see
Wenn du nur sehen könntest, wie ich sehe
You could find the faith to take the leap
Du könntest den Glauben finden, den Sprung zu wagen
It only took one shot to prove I'm not made of glass
Es brauchte nur einen Schuss, um zu beweisen, dass ich nicht aus Glas bin
There's no pain you could cause that won't eventually pass
Es gibt keinen Schmerz, den du verursachen könntest, der nicht schließlich vergeht
If you could only see the way that I see
Wenn du nur sehen könntest, wie ich sehe
You'd be betting on the "right here, right now"
Du würdest auf das "hier und jetzt" setzen
To Hell with all the "someday, somehow"
Zum Teufel mit all dem "irgendwann, irgendwie"
I've waited long enough
Ich habe lange genug gewartet
I've waited long enough
Ich habe lange genug gewartet
(Don't need a miracle)
(Brauche kein Wunder)
Right here, right now
Hier und jetzt
To Hell with all the "someday, somehow"
Zum Teufel mit all dem "irgendwann, irgendwie"
I've waited long enough
Ich habe lange genug gewartet
I've waited long enough
Ich habe lange genug gewartet
(Don't need a miracle)
(Brauche kein Wunder)
You might think it's something spiritual
Du könntest denken, es ist etwas Spirituelles
But I don't need a fucking miracle
Aber ich brauche kein verdammtes Wunder
No weapon formed against me shall prosper
Keine Waffe, die gegen mich gebildet wird, soll gedeihen
My will is stronger
Mein Wille ist stärker
You might think it's something spiritual
Du könntest denken, es ist etwas Spirituelles
But I'm betting on the "right here, right now"
Aber ich setze auf das "hier und jetzt"
To hell with all the "someday, somehow"
Zum Teufel mit all dem "irgendwann, irgendwie"
I've waited long enough
Ich habe lange genug gewartet
I've waited long enough
Ich habe lange genug gewartet
(Don't need a miracle)
(Brauche kein Wunder)
Right here, right now
Hier und jetzt
To hell with all the "someday, somehow"
Zum Teufel mit all dem "irgendwann, irgendwie"
I've waited long enough
Ich habe lange genug gewartet
I've waited long enough
Ich habe lange genug gewartet
(Don't need a miracle)
(Brauche kein Wunder)
You might think it's something spiritual
Du könntest denken, es ist etwas Spirituelles
But I don't need a fucking miracle
Aber ich brauche kein verdammtes Wunder
If you could only feel the way that I feel
Se solo potessi sentire quello che sento io
Ready for the war to come my way
Pronto per la guerra che sta per arrivare
Yeah, I struggled so I know what it takes
Sì, ho lottato quindi so cosa ci vuole
The pressure only builds 'til it breaks
La pressione cresce solo fino a quando non si rompe
If you could only feel the way that I feel
Se solo potessi sentire quello che sento io
You might think it's something spiritual
Potresti pensare che sia qualcosa di spirituale
But I'm betting on the "right here, right now"
Ma sto scommettendo sul "qui e ora"
To Hell with all the "someday, somehow"
All'inferno con tutti i "un giorno, in qualche modo"
I've waited long enough
Ho aspettato abbastanza
I've waited long enough
Ho aspettato abbastanza
(Don't need a miracle)
(Non ho bisogno di un miracolo)
Right here, right now
Qui e ora
To Hell with all the "someday, somehow"
All'inferno con tutti i "un giorno, in qualche modo"
I've waited long enough
Ho aspettato abbastanza
I've waited long enough
Ho aspettato abbastanza
(Don't need a miracle)
(Non ho bisogno di un miracolo)
You might think it's something spiritual
Potresti pensare che sia qualcosa di spirituale
But I don't need a fucking miracle
Ma non ho bisogno di un cazzo di miracolo
If you could only see the way that I see
Se solo potessi vedere come vedo io
You could find the faith to take the leap
Potresti trovare la fede per fare il salto
It only took one shot to prove I'm not made of glass
Ci è voluto solo un colpo per dimostrare che non sono fatto di vetro
There's no pain you could cause that won't eventually pass
Non c'è dolore che potresti causare che non passerà eventualmente
If you could only see the way that I see
Se solo potessi vedere come vedo io
You'd be betting on the "right here, right now"
Sarebbe scommettere sul "qui e ora"
To Hell with all the "someday, somehow"
All'inferno con tutti i "un giorno, in qualche modo"
I've waited long enough
Ho aspettato abbastanza
I've waited long enough
Ho aspettato abbastanza
(Don't need a miracle)
(Non ho bisogno di un miracolo)
Right here, right now
Qui e ora
To Hell with all the "someday, somehow"
All'inferno con tutti i "un giorno, in qualche modo"
I've waited long enough
Ho aspettato abbastanza
I've waited long enough
Ho aspettato abbastanza
(Don't need a miracle)
(Non ho bisogno di un miracolo)
You might think it's something spiritual
Potresti pensare che sia qualcosa di spirituale
But I don't need a fucking miracle
Ma non ho bisogno di un cazzo di miracolo
No weapon formed against me shall prosper
Nessuna arma formata contro di me prospererà
My will is stronger
La mia volontà è più forte
Più forte
You might think it's something spiritual
Potresti pensare che sia qualcosa di spirituale
But I'm betting on the "right here, right now"
Ma sto scommettendo sul "qui e ora"
To hell with all the "someday, somehow"
All'inferno con tutti i "un giorno, in qualche modo"
I've waited long enough
Ho aspettato abbastanza
I've waited long enough
Ho aspettato abbastanza
(Don't need a miracle)
(Non ho bisogno di un miracolo)
Right here, right now
Qui e ora
To hell with all the "someday, somehow"
All'inferno con tutti i "un giorno, in qualche modo"
I've waited long enough
Ho aspettato abbastanza
I've waited long enough
Ho aspettato abbastanza
(Don't need a miracle)
(Non ho bisogno di un miracolo)
You might think it's something spiritual
Potresti pensare che sia qualcosa di spirituale
But I don't need a fucking miracle
Ma non ho bisogno di un cazzo di miracolo

Trivia about the song Miracle by A Day to Remember

When was the song “Miracle” released by A Day to Remember?
The song Miracle was released in 2022, on the album “Miracle”.
Who composed the song “Miracle” by A Day to Remember?
The song “Miracle” by A Day to Remember was composed by Jeremy McKinnon, Cody Quistad, Will Putney.

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