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Trivia about Akira Presidente

What are the main songs by Akira Presidente?
The main songs by Akira Presidente are “QUE PENA...”, “Blunt Single Malt”, “Saber Jogar”, “Não Vá”, and “Mexe Mina”.
What is the latest album by Akira Presidente?
The latest album by Akira Presidente is “Boombapkilla”, released in 2022 with 5 tracks.
What is the oldest album by Akira Presidente?
The oldest album by Akira Presidente is “O Que Tu Qué?”, released in 2008 with 5 tracks.
What is the most successful song by Akira Presidente?
The most popular song by Akira Presidente is “QUE PENA...”.
How many albums has Akira Presidente released?
Between 2008 and 2022 Akira Presidente released 12 Albums

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