
Alanis Morissette, Guy Sigsworth

Lyrics Translation

I miss your smell and your style and your pure abiding way
Miss your approach to life and your body in my bed
Miss your take on anything and the music you would play
Miss cracking up and wrestling and our debriefs at end of day

These are things that I miss
These are not times for the weak of heart
These are the days of raw despondence
I never dreamed I would have to lay down my torch for you like this

I miss your neck and your gait and your sharing what you write
Miss you walking through the front door documentaries in your hand
Miss traveling our traveling and your fun and charming friends
Miss our Big Sur getaways
And to watch you love my dogs

These are the things that I miss
These are not times for the weak of heart
These are the days of raw despondence
I never dreamed I would have to lay down my torch for you like this

One step, one prayer, I soldier on, simulating moving on

I miss your warmth and the thought of us bringing up our kids
And the part of you that walks with your stick-tied handkerchief

These are things that I miss
These are not times for the weak of heart
These are the days of raw despondence
I never dreamed I would have to lay down my torch for you like this

I miss your smell and your style and your pure abiding way
Sinto falta do seu cheiro e do seu estilo e do seu jeito puro e constante
Miss your approach to life and your body in my bed
Sinto falta da sua abordagem à vida e do seu corpo na minha cama
Miss your take on anything and the music you would play
Sinto falta da sua opinião sobre qualquer coisa e da música que você tocava
Miss cracking up and wrestling and our debriefs at end of day
Sinto falta de rir até chorar e de lutar e das nossas conversas no final do dia
These are things that I miss
Essas são as coisas que eu sinto falta
These are not times for the weak of heart
Estes não são tempos para os fracos de coração
These are the days of raw despondence
Estes são os dias de desespero cru
I never dreamed I would have to lay down my torch for you like this
Nunca sonhei que teria que deixar minha tocha por você assim
I miss your neck and your gait and your sharing what you write
Sinto falta do seu pescoço e do seu andar e de você compartilhando o que escreve
Miss you walking through the front door documentaries in your hand
Sinto falta de você entrando pela porta da frente com documentários em sua mão
Miss traveling our traveling and your fun and charming friends
Sinto falta de nossas viagens e dos seus amigos divertidos e encantadores
Miss our Big Sur getaways
Sinto falta das nossas escapadas para Big Sur
And to watch you love my dogs
E de ver você amar meus cachorros
These are the things that I miss
Essas são as coisas que eu sinto falta
These are not times for the weak of heart
Estes não são tempos para os fracos de coração
These are the days of raw despondence
Estes são os dias de desespero cru
I never dreamed I would have to lay down my torch for you like this
Nunca sonhei que teria que deixar minha tocha por você assim
One step, one prayer, I soldier on, simulating moving on
Um passo, uma oração, eu sigo em frente, simulando seguir em frente
I miss your warmth and the thought of us bringing up our kids
Sinto falta do seu calor e da ideia de nós criando nossos filhos
And the part of you that walks with your stick-tied handkerchief
E da parte de você que caminha com seu lenço amarrado no bastão
These are things that I miss
Essas são as coisas que eu sinto falta
These are not times for the weak of heart
Estes não são tempos para os fracos de coração
These are the days of raw despondence
Estes são os dias de desespero cru
I never dreamed I would have to lay down my torch for you like this
Nunca sonhei que teria que deixar minha tocha por você assim
I miss your smell and your style and your pure abiding way
Extraño tu olor y tu estilo y tu pura forma de ser
Miss your approach to life and your body in my bed
Extraño tu enfoque de la vida y tu cuerpo en mi cama
Miss your take on anything and the music you would play
Extraño tu opinión sobre cualquier cosa y la música que solías tocar
Miss cracking up and wrestling and our debriefs at end of day
Extraño reír a carcajadas y luchar y nuestras charlas al final del día
These are things that I miss
Estas son las cosas que extraño
These are not times for the weak of heart
Estos no son tiempos para los débiles de corazón
These are the days of raw despondence
Estos son los días de cruda desesperanza
I never dreamed I would have to lay down my torch for you like this
Nunca soñé que tendría que dejar mi antorcha por ti de esta manera
I miss your neck and your gait and your sharing what you write
Extraño tu cuello y tu andar y tu compartir lo que escribes
Miss you walking through the front door documentaries in your hand
Extraño verte entrar por la puerta principal con documentales en la mano
Miss traveling our traveling and your fun and charming friends
Extraño nuestros viajes y tus amigos divertidos y encantadores
Miss our Big Sur getaways
Extraño nuestras escapadas a big sur
And to watch you love my dogs
Y verte amar a mis perros
These are the things that I miss
Estas son las cosas que extraño
These are not times for the weak of heart
Estos no son tiempos para los débiles de corazón
These are the days of raw despondence
Estos son los días de cruda desesperanza
I never dreamed I would have to lay down my torch for you like this
Nunca soñé que tendría que dejar mi antorcha por ti de esta manera
One step, one prayer, I soldier on, simulating moving on
Un paso, una oración, sigo adelante, simulando seguir adelante
I miss your warmth and the thought of us bringing up our kids
Extraño tu calor y la idea de criarnos a nuestros hijos
And the part of you that walks with your stick-tied handkerchief
Y la parte de ti que camina con tu pañuelo atado a un palo
These are things that I miss
Estas son las cosas que extraño
These are not times for the weak of heart
Estos no son tiempos para los débiles de corazón
These are the days of raw despondence
Estos son los días de cruda desesperanza
I never dreamed I would have to lay down my torch for you like this
Nunca soñé que tendría que dejar mi antorcha por ti de esta manera
I miss your smell and your style and your pure abiding way
Tu me manques, ton odeur, ton style et ta pure façon d'être
Miss your approach to life and your body in my bed
Tu me manques, ta façon d'aborder la vie et ton corps dans mon lit
Miss your take on anything and the music you would play
Tu me manques, ton point de vue sur tout et la musique que tu jouais
Miss cracking up and wrestling and our debriefs at end of day
Tu me manques, nos fous rires et nos luttes et nos débriefings en fin de journée
These are things that I miss
Ce sont les choses qui me manquent
These are not times for the weak of heart
Ce ne sont pas des moments pour les faibles de cœur
These are the days of raw despondence
Ce sont les jours de désespoir brut
I never dreamed I would have to lay down my torch for you like this
Je n'ai jamais rêvé que je devrais déposer ma torche pour toi comme ça
I miss your neck and your gait and your sharing what you write
Tu me manques, ton cou et ta démarche et le partage de ce que tu écris
Miss you walking through the front door documentaries in your hand
Tu me manques, toi qui traverses la porte d'entrée avec des documentaires dans la main
Miss traveling our traveling and your fun and charming friends
Tu me manques, nos voyages et tes amis amusants et charmants
Miss our Big Sur getaways
Tu me manques, nos escapades à Big Sur
And to watch you love my dogs
Et te voir aimer mes chiens
These are the things that I miss
Ce sont les choses qui me manquent
These are not times for the weak of heart
Ce ne sont pas des moments pour les faibles de cœur
These are the days of raw despondence
Ce sont les jours de désespoir brut
I never dreamed I would have to lay down my torch for you like this
Je n'ai jamais rêvé que je devrais déposer ma torche pour toi comme ça
One step, one prayer, I soldier on, simulating moving on
Un pas, une prière, je continue, simulant d'avancer
I miss your warmth and the thought of us bringing up our kids
Tu me manques, ta chaleur et l'idée de nous élever nos enfants
And the part of you that walks with your stick-tied handkerchief
Et cette partie de toi qui marche avec ton mouchoir attaché à un bâton
These are things that I miss
Ce sont les choses qui me manquent
These are not times for the weak of heart
Ce ne sont pas des moments pour les faibles de cœur
These are the days of raw despondence
Ce sont les jours de désespoir brut
I never dreamed I would have to lay down my torch for you like this
Je n'ai jamais rêvé que je devrais déposer ma torche pour toi comme ça
I miss your smell and your style and your pure abiding way
Ich vermisse deinen Geruch und deinen Stil und deine reine, beständige Art
Miss your approach to life and your body in my bed
Vermisse deine Lebenseinstellung und deinen Körper in meinem Bett
Miss your take on anything and the music you would play
Vermisse deine Meinung zu allem und die Musik, die du spielen würdest
Miss cracking up and wrestling and our debriefs at end of day
Vermisse es, zusammen zu lachen und zu raufen und unsere Gespräche am Ende des Tages
These are things that I miss
Das sind die Dinge, die ich vermisse
These are not times for the weak of heart
Das sind keine Zeiten für schwache Herzen
These are the days of raw despondence
Das sind die Tage roher Verzweiflung
I never dreamed I would have to lay down my torch for you like this
Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass ich meine Fackel für dich so niederlegen müsste
I miss your neck and your gait and your sharing what you write
Ich vermisse deinen Hals und deinen Gang und dass du teilst, was du schreibst
Miss you walking through the front door documentaries in your hand
Vermisse es, wenn du mit Dokumentationen in der Hand durch die Haustür kommst
Miss traveling our traveling and your fun and charming friends
Vermisse unsere Reisen und deine lustigen und charmanten Freunde
Miss our Big Sur getaways
Vermisse unsere Ausflüge nach Big Sur
And to watch you love my dogs
Und zu sehen, wie du meine Hunde liebst
These are the things that I miss
Das sind die Dinge, die ich vermisse
These are not times for the weak of heart
Das sind keine Zeiten für schwache Herzen
These are the days of raw despondence
Das sind die Tage roher Verzweiflung
I never dreamed I would have to lay down my torch for you like this
Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass ich meine Fackel für dich so niederlegen müsste
One step, one prayer, I soldier on, simulating moving on
Ein Schritt, ein Gebet, ich mache weiter, tue so, als würde ich weitermachen
I miss your warmth and the thought of us bringing up our kids
Ich vermisse deine Wärme und den Gedanken an uns, wie wir unsere Kinder großziehen
And the part of you that walks with your stick-tied handkerchief
Und den Teil von dir, der mit deinem gebundenen Taschentuch spazieren geht
These are things that I miss
Das sind die Dinge, die ich vermisse
These are not times for the weak of heart
Das sind keine Zeiten für schwache Herzen
These are the days of raw despondence
Das sind die Tage roher Verzweiflung
I never dreamed I would have to lay down my torch for you like this
Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass ich meine Fackel für dich so niederlegen müsste
I miss your smell and your style and your pure abiding way
Mi manca il tuo odore e il tuo stile e il tuo puro modo di essere
Miss your approach to life and your body in my bed
Mi manca il tuo approccio alla vita e il tuo corpo nel mio letto
Miss your take on anything and the music you would play
Mi manca il tuo punto di vista su tutto e la musica che suonavi
Miss cracking up and wrestling and our debriefs at end of day
Mi mancano le risate e le lotte e i nostri resoconti alla fine della giornata
These are things that I miss
Queste sono le cose che mi mancano
These are not times for the weak of heart
Questi non sono tempi per i deboli di cuore
These are the days of raw despondence
Questi sono i giorni di cruda disperazione
I never dreamed I would have to lay down my torch for you like this
Non avrei mai sognato di dover posare la mia fiaccola per te in questo modo
I miss your neck and your gait and your sharing what you write
Mi manca il tuo collo e il tuo modo di camminare e il tuo condividere quello che scrivi
Miss you walking through the front door documentaries in your hand
Mi manca vederti entrare dalla porta d'ingresso con documentari in mano
Miss traveling our traveling and your fun and charming friends
Mi mancano i nostri viaggi e i tuoi amici divertenti e affascinanti
Miss our Big Sur getaways
Mi mancano le nostre fughe a Big Sur
And to watch you love my dogs
E guardarti amare i miei cani
These are the things that I miss
Queste sono le cose che mi mancano
These are not times for the weak of heart
Questi non sono tempi per i deboli di cuore
These are the days of raw despondence
Questi sono i giorni di cruda disperazione
I never dreamed I would have to lay down my torch for you like this
Non avrei mai sognato di dover posare la mia fiaccola per te in questo modo
One step, one prayer, I soldier on, simulating moving on
Un passo, una preghiera, continuo a lottare, simulando di andare avanti
I miss your warmth and the thought of us bringing up our kids
Mi manca il tuo calore e il pensiero di noi che crescono i nostri figli
And the part of you that walks with your stick-tied handkerchief
E la parte di te che cammina con il tuo fazzoletto legato al bastone
These are things that I miss
Queste sono le cose che mi mancano
These are not times for the weak of heart
Questi non sono tempi per i deboli di cuore
These are the days of raw despondence
Questi sono i giorni di cruda disperazione
I never dreamed I would have to lay down my torch for you like this
Non avrei mai sognato di dover posare la mia fiaccola per te in questo modo
I miss your smell and your style and your pure abiding way
Aku merindukan aroma dan gayamu serta cara setiamu
Miss your approach to life and your body in my bed
Merindukan pendekatanmu terhadap hidup dan tubuhmu di ranjangku
Miss your take on anything and the music you would play
Merindukan pandanganmu tentang segala hal dan musik yang kau mainkan
Miss cracking up and wrestling and our debriefs at end of day
Merindukan tawa riang dan bergulat serta debriefing kita di akhir hari
These are things that I miss
Ini adalah hal-hal yang aku rindukan
These are not times for the weak of heart
Ini bukanlah waktu bagi mereka yang lemah hati
These are the days of raw despondence
Ini adalah hari-hari keputusasaan mentah
I never dreamed I would have to lay down my torch for you like this
Aku tak pernah bermimpi harus meletakkan obor untukmu seperti ini
I miss your neck and your gait and your sharing what you write
Aku merindukan leher dan langkahmu serta bagaimana kau berbagi tulisanmu
Miss you walking through the front door documentaries in your hand
Merindukanmu berjalan melalui pintu depan dengan dokumenter di tanganmu
Miss traveling our traveling and your fun and charming friends
Merindukan perjalanan kita dan teman-temanmu yang menyenangkan dan menawan
Miss our Big Sur getaways
Merindukan liburan kita di Big Sur
And to watch you love my dogs
Dan melihatmu mencintai anjing-anjingku
These are the things that I miss
Ini adalah hal-hal yang aku rindukan
These are not times for the weak of heart
Ini bukanlah waktu bagi mereka yang lemah hati
These are the days of raw despondence
Ini adalah hari-hari keputusasaan mentah
I never dreamed I would have to lay down my torch for you like this
Aku tak pernah bermimpi harus meletakkan obor untukmu seperti ini
One step, one prayer, I soldier on, simulating moving on
Satu langkah, satu doa, aku bertahan, seolah-olah melanjutkan hidup
I miss your warmth and the thought of us bringing up our kids
Aku merindukan kehangatanmu dan pikiran kita membesarkan anak-anak kita
And the part of you that walks with your stick-tied handkerchief
Dan bagian darimu yang berjalan dengan saputangan yang terikat tongkat
These are things that I miss
Ini adalah hal-hal yang aku rindukan
These are not times for the weak of heart
Ini bukanlah waktu bagi mereka yang lemah hati
These are the days of raw despondence
Ini adalah hari-hari keputusasaan mentah
I never dreamed I would have to lay down my torch for you like this
Aku tak pernah bermimpi harus meletakkan obor untukmu seperti ini
I miss your smell and your style and your pure abiding way
ฉันคิดถึงกลิ่นของคุณ และสไตล์ของคุณ และวิธีที่คุณอยู่อย่างบริสุทธิ์
Miss your approach to life and your body in my bed
Miss your take on anything and the music you would play
Miss cracking up and wrestling and our debriefs at end of day
These are things that I miss
These are not times for the weak of heart
These are the days of raw despondence
I never dreamed I would have to lay down my torch for you like this
I miss your neck and your gait and your sharing what you write
ฉันคิดถึงคอของคุณ และการเดินของคุณ และการแบ่งปันสิ่งที่คุณเขียน
Miss you walking through the front door documentaries in your hand
Miss traveling our traveling and your fun and charming friends
Miss our Big Sur getaways
คิดถึงการพักผ่อนที่ Big Sur ของเรา
And to watch you love my dogs
These are the things that I miss
These are not times for the weak of heart
These are the days of raw despondence
I never dreamed I would have to lay down my torch for you like this
One step, one prayer, I soldier on, simulating moving on
ขั้นตอนหนึ่ง, การสวดมนต์หนึ่ง, ฉันก้าวไปข้างหน้า, จำลองการย้ายต่อไป
I miss your warmth and the thought of us bringing up our kids
And the part of you that walks with your stick-tied handkerchief
These are things that I miss
These are not times for the weak of heart
These are the days of raw despondence
I never dreamed I would have to lay down my torch for you like this
I miss your smell and your style and your pure abiding way
Miss your approach to life and your body in my bed
Miss your take on anything and the music you would play
Miss cracking up and wrestling and our debriefs at end of day
These are things that I miss
These are not times for the weak of heart
These are the days of raw despondence
I never dreamed I would have to lay down my torch for you like this
I miss your neck and your gait and your sharing what you write
Miss you walking through the front door documentaries in your hand
Miss traveling our traveling and your fun and charming friends
Miss our Big Sur getaways
想念我们在Big Sur的度假
And to watch you love my dogs
These are the things that I miss
These are not times for the weak of heart
These are the days of raw despondence
I never dreamed I would have to lay down my torch for you like this
One step, one prayer, I soldier on, simulating moving on
I miss your warmth and the thought of us bringing up our kids
And the part of you that walks with your stick-tied handkerchief
These are things that I miss
These are not times for the weak of heart
These are the days of raw despondence
I never dreamed I would have to lay down my torch for you like this

Trivia about the song Torch by Alanis Morissette

When was the song “Torch” released by Alanis Morissette?
The song Torch was released in 2008, on the album “Flavors Of Entanglement”.
Who composed the song “Torch” by Alanis Morissette?
The song “Torch” by Alanis Morissette was composed by Alanis Morissette, Guy Sigsworth.

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