You Know What I Mean


Lyrics Translation

I, I can't take things slowly
Come then go away, that's what they all do
Help me 'cause I'm feeling shaky
Tell me what's wrong with my brain
'Cause I seem to have lost it

'Cause I am afraid of the light
Yeah, you know what I mean
And I can't sleep alone at night
Yeah, you know what I mean

Lonely, that's not quite my problem
I have all that I need, haven't quite lost it
I try so hard to be happy
'Cause something goes on once again

Please, please come and save me
Tell me what's wrong with my brain
'Cause I seem to have lost it

'Cause I am afraid of the light
Yeah, you know what I mean
And I can't sleep alone at night
Yeah, you know what I mean

'Cause I am afraid of the light
Yeah, you know what I mean
'Cause I can't sleep alone at night
Yeah, you know what I mean

I, I can't take things slowly
Eu, eu não consigo fazer as coisas devagar
Come then go away, that's what they all do
Vem e depois vai embora, é o que todos fazem
Help me 'cause I'm feeling shaky
Ajude-me porque estou me sentindo instável
Tell me what's wrong with my brain
Diga-me o que há de errado com meu cérebro
'Cause I seem to have lost it
Porque parece que eu o perdi
'Cause I am afraid of the light
Porque eu tenho medo da luz
Yeah, you know what I mean
Sim, você sabe o que eu quero dizer
And I can't sleep alone at night
E eu não consigo dormir sozinho à noite
Yeah, you know what I mean
Sim, você sabe o que eu quero dizer
Lonely, that's not quite my problem
Solitário, esse não é bem o meu problema
I have all that I need, haven't quite lost it
Eu tenho tudo o que preciso, não perdi completamente
I try so hard to be happy
Eu tento tanto ser feliz
'Cause something goes on once again
Porque algo acontece novamente
Please, please come and save me
Por favor, por favor, venha e me salve
Tell me what's wrong with my brain
Diga-me o que há de errado com meu cérebro
'Cause I seem to have lost it
Porque parece que eu o perdi
'Cause I am afraid of the light
Porque eu tenho medo da luz
Yeah, you know what I mean
Sim, você sabe o que eu quero dizer
And I can't sleep alone at night
E eu não consigo dormir sozinho à noite
Yeah, you know what I mean
Sim, você sabe o que eu quero dizer
'Cause I am afraid of the light
Porque eu tenho medo da luz
Yeah, you know what I mean
Sim, você sabe o que eu quero dizer
'Cause I can't sleep alone at night
Porque eu não consigo dormir sozinho à noite
Yeah, you know what I mean
Sim, você sabe o que eu quero dizer
I, I can't take things slowly
Yo, yo no puedo tomar las cosas con calma
Come then go away, that's what they all do
Ven y luego vete, eso es lo que todos hacen
Help me 'cause I'm feeling shaky
Ayúdame porque me siento tembloroso
Tell me what's wrong with my brain
Dime qué está mal con mi cerebro
'Cause I seem to have lost it
Porque parece que lo he perdido
'Cause I am afraid of the light
Porque tengo miedo de la luz
Yeah, you know what I mean
Sí, sabes a qué me refiero
And I can't sleep alone at night
Y no puedo dormir solo por la noche
Yeah, you know what I mean
Sí, sabes a qué me refiero
Lonely, that's not quite my problem
Solitario, ese no es exactamente mi problema
I have all that I need, haven't quite lost it
Tengo todo lo que necesito, no lo he perdido del todo
I try so hard to be happy
Intento tan duro ser feliz
'Cause something goes on once again
Porque algo sucede una vez más
Please, please come and save me
Por favor, por favor ven y sálvame
Tell me what's wrong with my brain
Dime qué está mal con mi cerebro
'Cause I seem to have lost it
Porque parece que lo he perdido
'Cause I am afraid of the light
Porque tengo miedo de la luz
Yeah, you know what I mean
Sí, sabes a qué me refiero
And I can't sleep alone at night
Y no puedo dormir solo por la noche
Yeah, you know what I mean
Sí, sabes a qué me refiero
'Cause I am afraid of the light
Porque tengo miedo de la luz
Yeah, you know what I mean
Sí, sabes a qué me refiero
'Cause I can't sleep alone at night
Porque no puedo dormir solo por la noche
Yeah, you know what I mean
Sí, sabes a qué me refiero
I, I can't take things slowly
Moi, je ne peux pas prendre les choses lentement
Come then go away, that's what they all do
Viens puis pars, c'est ce qu'ils font tous
Help me 'cause I'm feeling shaky
Aide-moi car je me sens tremblant
Tell me what's wrong with my brain
Dis-moi ce qui ne va pas avec mon cerveau
'Cause I seem to have lost it
Parce que j'ai l'impression de l'avoir perdu
'Cause I am afraid of the light
Parce que j'ai peur de la lumière
Yeah, you know what I mean
Oui, tu sais ce que je veux dire
And I can't sleep alone at night
Et je ne peux pas dormir seul la nuit
Yeah, you know what I mean
Oui, tu sais ce que je veux dire
Lonely, that's not quite my problem
Solitaire, ce n'est pas vraiment mon problème
I have all that I need, haven't quite lost it
J'ai tout ce dont j'ai besoin, je ne l'ai pas tout à fait perdu
I try so hard to be happy
J'essaie tellement d'être heureux
'Cause something goes on once again
Parce que quelque chose se passe encore une fois
Please, please come and save me
S'il te plaît, s'il te plaît viens me sauver
Tell me what's wrong with my brain
Dis-moi ce qui ne va pas avec mon cerveau
'Cause I seem to have lost it
Parce que j'ai l'impression de l'avoir perdu
'Cause I am afraid of the light
Parce que j'ai peur de la lumière
Yeah, you know what I mean
Oui, tu sais ce que je veux dire
And I can't sleep alone at night
Et je ne peux pas dormir seul la nuit
Yeah, you know what I mean
Oui, tu sais ce que je veux dire
'Cause I am afraid of the light
Parce que j'ai peur de la lumière
Yeah, you know what I mean
Oui, tu sais ce que je veux dire
'Cause I can't sleep alone at night
Parce que je ne peux pas dormir seul la nuit
Yeah, you know what I mean
Oui, tu sais ce que je veux dire
I, I can't take things slowly
Ich, ich kann die Dinge nicht langsam angehen
Come then go away, that's what they all do
Komm und geh dann weg, das machen sie alle
Help me 'cause I'm feeling shaky
Hilf mir, denn ich fühle mich wackelig
Tell me what's wrong with my brain
Sag mir, was mit meinem Gehirn nicht stimmt
'Cause I seem to have lost it
Denn ich scheine es verloren zu haben
'Cause I am afraid of the light
Denn ich habe Angst vor dem Licht
Yeah, you know what I mean
Ja, du weißt, was ich meine
And I can't sleep alone at night
Und ich kann nachts nicht alleine schlafen
Yeah, you know what I mean
Ja, du weißt, was ich meine
Lonely, that's not quite my problem
Einsam, das ist nicht ganz mein Problem
I have all that I need, haven't quite lost it
Ich habe alles, was ich brauche, habe es nicht ganz verloren
I try so hard to be happy
Ich versuche so sehr, glücklich zu sein
'Cause something goes on once again
Denn etwas geht wieder vor sich
Please, please come and save me
Bitte, bitte komm und rette mich
Tell me what's wrong with my brain
Sag mir, was mit meinem Gehirn nicht stimmt
'Cause I seem to have lost it
Denn ich scheine es verloren zu haben
'Cause I am afraid of the light
Denn ich habe Angst vor dem Licht
Yeah, you know what I mean
Ja, du weißt, was ich meine
And I can't sleep alone at night
Und ich kann nachts nicht alleine schlafen
Yeah, you know what I mean
Ja, du weißt, was ich meine
'Cause I am afraid of the light
Denn ich habe Angst vor dem Licht
Yeah, you know what I mean
Ja, du weißt, was ich meine
'Cause I can't sleep alone at night
Denn ich kann nachts nicht alleine schlafen
Yeah, you know what I mean
Ja, du weißt, was ich meine
I, I can't take things slowly
Io, non riesco a prendere le cose con calma
Come then go away, that's what they all do
Vieni poi vai via, è quello che fanno tutti
Help me 'cause I'm feeling shaky
Aiutami perché mi sento tremare
Tell me what's wrong with my brain
Dimmi cosa c'è che non va nel mio cervello
'Cause I seem to have lost it
Perché sembra che l'abbia perso
'Cause I am afraid of the light
Perché ho paura della luce
Yeah, you know what I mean
Sì, sai cosa intendo
And I can't sleep alone at night
E non riesco a dormire da solo di notte
Yeah, you know what I mean
Sì, sai cosa intendo
Lonely, that's not quite my problem
Solitario, non è proprio il mio problema
I have all that I need, haven't quite lost it
Ho tutto ciò di cui ho bisogno, non l'ho ancora perso del tutto
I try so hard to be happy
Provo così tanto ad essere felice
'Cause something goes on once again
Perché qualcosa succede di nuovo
Please, please come and save me
Per favore, per favore vieni a salvarmi
Tell me what's wrong with my brain
Dimmi cosa c'è che non va nel mio cervello
'Cause I seem to have lost it
Perché sembra che l'abbia perso
'Cause I am afraid of the light
Perché ho paura della luce
Yeah, you know what I mean
Sì, sai cosa intendo
And I can't sleep alone at night
E non riesco a dormire da solo di notte
Yeah, you know what I mean
Sì, sai cosa intendo
'Cause I am afraid of the light
Perché ho paura della luce
Yeah, you know what I mean
Sì, sai cosa intendo
'Cause I can't sleep alone at night
Perché non riesco a dormire da solo di notte
Yeah, you know what I mean
Sì, sai cosa intendo
I, I can't take things slowly
Aku, aku tidak bisa melambat
Come then go away, that's what they all do
Datang lalu pergi, itulah yang mereka semua lakukan
Help me 'cause I'm feeling shaky
Tolong aku karena aku merasa tidak stabil
Tell me what's wrong with my brain
Katakan apa yang salah dengan otakku
'Cause I seem to have lost it
Karena sepertinya aku telah kehilangannya
'Cause I am afraid of the light
Karena aku takut akan cahaya
Yeah, you know what I mean
Ya, kamu tahu maksudku
And I can't sleep alone at night
Dan aku tidak bisa tidur sendirian di malam hari
Yeah, you know what I mean
Ya, kamu tahu maksudku
Lonely, that's not quite my problem
Kesepian, itu bukan masalah utamaku
I have all that I need, haven't quite lost it
Aku memiliki semua yang aku butuhkan, belum sepenuhnya kehilangannya
I try so hard to be happy
Aku berusaha keras untuk bahagia
'Cause something goes on once again
Karena sesuatu terjadi lagi
Please, please come and save me
Tolong, tolong datang dan selamatkan aku
Tell me what's wrong with my brain
Katakan apa yang salah dengan otakku
'Cause I seem to have lost it
Karena sepertinya aku telah kehilangannya
'Cause I am afraid of the light
Karena aku takut akan cahaya
Yeah, you know what I mean
Ya, kamu tahu maksudku
And I can't sleep alone at night
Dan aku tidak bisa tidur sendirian di malam hari
Yeah, you know what I mean
Ya, kamu tahu maksudku
'Cause I am afraid of the light
Karena aku takut akan cahaya
Yeah, you know what I mean
Ya, kamu tahu maksudku
'Cause I can't sleep alone at night
Karena aku tidak bisa tidur sendirian di malam hari
Yeah, you know what I mean
Ya, kamu tahu maksudku
I, I can't take things slowly
ฉัน ฉันทำไม่ได้ที่จะใช้ชีวิตช้าๆ
Come then go away, that's what they all do
มาแล้วก็ไป นั่นแหละที่พวกเขาทำกัน
Help me 'cause I'm feeling shaky
ช่วยฉันที เพราะฉันรู้สึกไม่มั่นคง
Tell me what's wrong with my brain
'Cause I seem to have lost it
'Cause I am afraid of the light
Yeah, you know what I mean
ใช่ คุณรู้ว่าฉันหมายถึงอะไร
And I can't sleep alone at night
Yeah, you know what I mean
ใช่ คุณรู้ว่าฉันหมายถึงอะไร
Lonely, that's not quite my problem
เหงา นั่นไม่ใช่ปัญหาของฉันจริงๆ
I have all that I need, haven't quite lost it
ฉันมีทุกอย่างที่ต้องการ ยังไม่ได้สูญเสียมันไป
I try so hard to be happy
'Cause something goes on once again
Please, please come and save me
โปรด โปรดมาช่วยฉัน
Tell me what's wrong with my brain
'Cause I seem to have lost it
'Cause I am afraid of the light
Yeah, you know what I mean
ใช่ คุณรู้ว่าฉันหมายถึงอะไร
And I can't sleep alone at night
Yeah, you know what I mean
ใช่ คุณรู้ว่าฉันหมายถึงอะไร
'Cause I am afraid of the light
Yeah, you know what I mean
ใช่ คุณรู้ว่าฉันหมายถึงอะไร
'Cause I can't sleep alone at night
Yeah, you know what I mean
ใช่ คุณรู้ว่าฉันหมายถึงอะไร
I, I can't take things slowly
Come then go away, that's what they all do
Help me 'cause I'm feeling shaky
Tell me what's wrong with my brain
'Cause I seem to have lost it
'Cause I am afraid of the light
Yeah, you know what I mean
And I can't sleep alone at night
Yeah, you know what I mean
Lonely, that's not quite my problem
I have all that I need, haven't quite lost it
I try so hard to be happy
'Cause something goes on once again
Please, please come and save me
Tell me what's wrong with my brain
'Cause I seem to have lost it
'Cause I am afraid of the light
Yeah, you know what I mean
And I can't sleep alone at night
Yeah, you know what I mean
'Cause I am afraid of the light
Yeah, you know what I mean
'Cause I can't sleep alone at night
Yeah, you know what I mean

Trivia about the song You Know What I Mean by Cults

On which albums was the song “You Know What I Mean” released by Cults?
Cults released the song on the albums “You Know What I Mean” in 2011 and “Cults” in 2011.
Who composed the song “You Know What I Mean” by Cults?
The song “You Know What I Mean” by Cults was composed by MADELINE FOLINE MCKENNA, RYAN MICHAEL MATTOS.

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