Look Back & Laugh

David Garry Kushner, Hayden Hubers, Jeremy Fedryk, Kevin Haggstrom

Lyrics Translation

I wanted to get the hell out of Portland
You wanted to say it was more important
To be where you were raised, understand, my love
I wanted the roll and see the world
You wanted a home, one boy, one girl
But clearly, God had different plans for us

Though we made it down the interstate
I feel my heart begin to break
Is this choice or is it fate by fate?

Maybe we were right
It was good to say goodbye
"Happy ever after" doesn't last
We both knew it was time
To leave those times behind
Let's hope that down the road
We'll cross our paths
So, we could look back and laugh

I'm sure you'll find someone you can settle down with
When I find the one, I'll tell you all about it
Wish we could've been there for one another

Though we made it down the interstate
I feel my heart begin to break
Is this choice or is it fate by fate?

Maybe we were right
It was good to say goodbye
"Happy ever after" doesn't last
We both knew it was time
To leave those times behind
Let's hope that down the road
We'll cross our paths
So, we could look back and laugh

So, we could look back and laugh
So, we could look back and laugh

I wanted to get the hell out of Portland
Eu queria sair de Portland
You wanted to say it was more important
Você queria dizer que era mais importante
To be where you were raised, understand, my love
Estar onde você foi criado, entenda, meu amor
I wanted the roll and see the world
Eu queria rodar e ver o mundo
You wanted a home, one boy, one girl
Você queria uma casa, um menino, uma menina
But clearly, God had different plans for us
Mas claramente, Deus tinha planos diferentes para nós
Though we made it down the interstate
Embora tenhamos conseguido pela rodovia
I feel my heart begin to break
Sinto meu coração começar a quebrar
Is this choice or is it fate by fate?
É essa uma escolha ou é destino por destino?
Maybe we were right
Talvez estivéssemos certos
It was good to say goodbye
Foi bom dizer adeus
"Happy ever after" doesn't last
"Felizes para sempre" não dura
We both knew it was time
Nós dois sabíamos que era hora
To leave those times behind
De deixar aqueles tempos para trás
Let's hope that down the road
Vamos esperar que, mais adiante
We'll cross our paths
Nossos caminhos se cruzem
So, we could look back and laugh
Então, poderíamos olhar para trás e rir
I'm sure you'll find someone you can settle down with
Tenho certeza que você encontrará alguém com quem possa se estabelecer
When I find the one, I'll tell you all about it
Quando eu encontrar a pessoa certa, vou te contar tudo sobre isso
Wish we could've been there for one another
Gostaríamos de ter estado lá um para o outro
Though we made it down the interstate
Embora tenhamos conseguido pela rodovia
I feel my heart begin to break
Sinto meu coração começar a quebrar
Is this choice or is it fate by fate?
É essa uma escolha ou é destino por destino?
Maybe we were right
Talvez estivéssemos certos
It was good to say goodbye
Foi bom dizer adeus
"Happy ever after" doesn't last
"Felizes para sempre" não dura
We both knew it was time
Nós dois sabíamos que era hora
To leave those times behind
De deixar aqueles tempos para trás
Let's hope that down the road
Vamos esperar que, mais adiante
We'll cross our paths
Nossos caminhos se cruzem
So, we could look back and laugh
Então, poderíamos olhar para trás e rir
So, we could look back and laugh
Então, poderíamos olhar para trás e rir
So, we could look back and laugh
Então, poderíamos olhar para trás e rir
I wanted to get the hell out of Portland
Quería salir de Portland a toda costa
You wanted to say it was more important
Tú querías decir que era más importante
To be where you were raised, understand, my love
Estar donde te criaste, entiende, mi amor
I wanted the roll and see the world
Yo quería rodar y ver el mundo
You wanted a home, one boy, one girl
Tú querías un hogar, un niño, una niña
But clearly, God had different plans for us
Pero claramente, Dios tenía otros planes para nosotros
Though we made it down the interstate
Aunque logramos bajar por la autopista
I feel my heart begin to break
Siento que mi corazón empieza a romperse
Is this choice or is it fate by fate?
¿Es esta elección o es el destino por destino?
Maybe we were right
Quizás teníamos razón
It was good to say goodbye
Fue bueno decir adiós
"Happy ever after" doesn't last
"Felices para siempre" no dura
We both knew it was time
Ambos sabíamos que era hora
To leave those times behind
De dejar esos tiempos atrás
Let's hope that down the road
Esperemos que más adelante en el camino
We'll cross our paths
Crucemos nuestros caminos
So, we could look back and laugh
Así, podríamos mirar atrás y reír
I'm sure you'll find someone you can settle down with
Estoy seguro de que encontrarás a alguien con quien puedas establecerte
When I find the one, I'll tell you all about it
Cuando encuentre a la indicada, te contaré todo sobre ella
Wish we could've been there for one another
Ojalá pudiéramos haber estado allí el uno para el otro
Though we made it down the interstate
Aunque logramos bajar por la autopista
I feel my heart begin to break
Siento que mi corazón empieza a romperse
Is this choice or is it fate by fate?
¿Es esta elección o es el destino por destino?
Maybe we were right
Quizás teníamos razón
It was good to say goodbye
Fue bueno decir adiós
"Happy ever after" doesn't last
"Felices para siempre" no dura
We both knew it was time
Ambos sabíamos que era hora
To leave those times behind
De dejar esos tiempos atrás
Let's hope that down the road
Esperemos que más adelante en el camino
We'll cross our paths
Crucemos nuestros caminos
So, we could look back and laugh
Así, podríamos mirar atrás y reír
So, we could look back and laugh
Así, podríamos mirar atrás y reír
So, we could look back and laugh
Así, podríamos mirar atrás y reír
I wanted to get the hell out of Portland
Je voulais sortir de Portland
You wanted to say it was more important
Tu voulais dire que c'était plus important
To be where you were raised, understand, my love
D'être là où tu as grandi, comprends, mon amour
I wanted the roll and see the world
Je voulais rouler et voir le monde
You wanted a home, one boy, one girl
Tu voulais une maison, un garçon, une fille
But clearly, God had different plans for us
Mais clairement, Dieu avait d'autres plans pour nous
Though we made it down the interstate
Bien que nous ayons réussi à descendre l'autoroute
I feel my heart begin to break
Je sens mon cœur commencer à se briser
Is this choice or is it fate by fate?
Est-ce un choix ou est-ce le destin par le destin?
Maybe we were right
Peut-être avions-nous raison
It was good to say goodbye
C'était bien de dire au revoir
"Happy ever after" doesn't last
"Joyeux pour toujours" ne dure pas
We both knew it was time
Nous savions tous les deux qu'il était temps
To leave those times behind
De laisser ces moments derrière
Let's hope that down the road
Espérons que sur la route
We'll cross our paths
Nous croiserons nos chemins
So, we could look back and laugh
Alors, nous pourrions regarder en arrière et rire
I'm sure you'll find someone you can settle down with
Je suis sûr que tu trouveras quelqu'un avec qui tu pourras t'installer
When I find the one, I'll tell you all about it
Quand je trouverai la bonne, je te raconterai tout
Wish we could've been there for one another
J'aurais aimé que nous puissions être là l'un pour l'autre
Though we made it down the interstate
Bien que nous ayons réussi à descendre l'autoroute
I feel my heart begin to break
Je sens mon cœur commencer à se briser
Is this choice or is it fate by fate?
Est-ce un choix ou est-ce le destin par le destin?
Maybe we were right
Peut-être avions-nous raison
It was good to say goodbye
C'était bien de dire au revoir
"Happy ever after" doesn't last
"Joyeux pour toujours" ne dure pas
We both knew it was time
Nous savions tous les deux qu'il était temps
To leave those times behind
De laisser ces moments derrière
Let's hope that down the road
Espérons que sur la route
We'll cross our paths
Nous croiserons nos chemins
So, we could look back and laugh
Alors, nous pourrions regarder en arrière et rire
So, we could look back and laugh
Alors, nous pourrions regarder en arrière et rire
So, we could look back and laugh
Alors, nous pourrions regarder en arrière et rire
I wanted to get the hell out of Portland
Ich wollte unbedingt aus Portland raus
You wanted to say it was more important
Du wolltest sagen, es sei wichtiger
To be where you were raised, understand, my love
Dort zu sein, wo du aufgewachsen bist, versteh, meine Liebe
I wanted the roll and see the world
Ich wollte losziehen und die Welt sehen
You wanted a home, one boy, one girl
Du wolltest ein Zuhause, einen Jungen, ein Mädchen
But clearly, God had different plans for us
Aber offensichtlich hatte Gott andere Pläne für uns
Though we made it down the interstate
Obwohl wir es auf die Autobahn geschafft haben
I feel my heart begin to break
Fühle ich, wie mein Herz anfängt zu brechen
Is this choice or is it fate by fate?
Ist das eine Wahl oder ist es Schicksal für Schicksal?
Maybe we were right
Vielleicht hatten wir recht
It was good to say goodbye
Es war gut, sich zu verabschieden
"Happy ever after" doesn't last
"Glücklich bis ans Lebensende" hält nicht an
We both knew it was time
Wir wussten beide, es war Zeit
To leave those times behind
Diese Zeiten hinter uns zu lassen
Let's hope that down the road
Hoffen wir, dass wir uns weiter unten auf der Straße
We'll cross our paths
Unsere Wege kreuzen
So, we could look back and laugh
So könnten wir zurückblicken und lachen
I'm sure you'll find someone you can settle down with
Ich bin sicher, du wirst jemanden finden, mit dem du dich niederlassen kannst
When I find the one, I'll tell you all about it
Wenn ich den Richtigen finde, werde ich dir alles darüber erzählen
Wish we could've been there for one another
Wünschte, wir hätten füreinander da sein können
Though we made it down the interstate
Obwohl wir es auf die Autobahn geschafft haben
I feel my heart begin to break
Fühle ich, wie mein Herz anfängt zu brechen
Is this choice or is it fate by fate?
Ist das eine Wahl oder ist es Schicksal für Schicksal?
Maybe we were right
Vielleicht hatten wir recht
It was good to say goodbye
Es war gut, sich zu verabschieden
"Happy ever after" doesn't last
"Glücklich bis ans Lebensende" hält nicht an
We both knew it was time
Wir wussten beide, es war Zeit
To leave those times behind
Diese Zeiten hinter uns zu lassen
Let's hope that down the road
Hoffen wir, dass wir uns weiter unten auf der Straße
We'll cross our paths
Unsere Wege kreuzen
So, we could look back and laugh
So könnten wir zurückblicken und lachen
So, we could look back and laugh
So könnten wir zurückblicken und lachen
So, we could look back and laugh
So könnten wir zurückblicken und lachen
I wanted to get the hell out of Portland
Volevo andarmene di gran carriera da Portland
You wanted to say it was more important
Tu volevi dire che era più importante
To be where you were raised, understand, my love
Essere dove sei cresciuto, capisci, amore mio
I wanted the roll and see the world
Volevo girare e vedere il mondo
You wanted a home, one boy, one girl
Tu volevi una casa, un ragazzo, una ragazza
But clearly, God had different plans for us
Ma chiaramente, Dio aveva piani diversi per noi
Though we made it down the interstate
Anche se siamo riusciti a percorrere l'autostrada
I feel my heart begin to break
Sento il mio cuore iniziare a spezzarsi
Is this choice or is it fate by fate?
È questa una scelta o è destino su destino?
Maybe we were right
Forse avevamo ragione
It was good to say goodbye
È stato bene dire addio
"Happy ever after" doesn't last
"Il lieto fine" non dura
We both knew it was time
Entrambi sapevamo che era il momento
To leave those times behind
Di lasciare quei tempi alle spalle
Let's hope that down the road
Speriamo che più avanti
We'll cross our paths
Incontreremo i nostri percorsi
So, we could look back and laugh
Così, potremmo guardare indietro e ridere
I'm sure you'll find someone you can settle down with
Sono sicuro che troverai qualcuno con cui stabilirti
When I find the one, I'll tell you all about it
Quando troverò quella giusta, ti racconterò tutto
Wish we could've been there for one another
Avremmo voluto essere lì l'uno per l'altro
Though we made it down the interstate
Anche se siamo riusciti a percorrere l'autostrada
I feel my heart begin to break
Sento il mio cuore iniziare a spezzarsi
Is this choice or is it fate by fate?
È questa una scelta o è destino su destino?
Maybe we were right
Forse avevamo ragione
It was good to say goodbye
È stato bene dire addio
"Happy ever after" doesn't last
"Il lieto fine" non dura
We both knew it was time
Entrambi sapevamo che era il momento
To leave those times behind
Di lasciare quei tempi alle spalle
Let's hope that down the road
Speriamo che più avanti
We'll cross our paths
Incontreremo i nostri percorsi
So, we could look back and laugh
Così, potremmo guardare indietro e ridere
So, we could look back and laugh
Così, potremmo guardare indietro e ridere
So, we could look back and laugh
Così, potremmo guardare indietro e ridere

Trivia about the song Look Back & Laugh by David Kushner

Who composed the song “Look Back & Laugh” by David Kushner?
The song “Look Back & Laugh” by David Kushner was composed by David Garry Kushner, Hayden Hubers, Jeremy Fedryk, Kevin Haggstrom.

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