
Joseph Andrew Duplantier, Mario Francois Duplantier

Lyrics Translation

Quit moaning about fate and change
Stand up on your feet and rise
With every fall you get the pain, you learn the lesson
Start now, open your eyes

Dead bodies falling from the sky
We are the ape with the vision of the killing
A rain of shame that fills the mines
No other blood in me but mine

Time to open your eyes to this genocide
When you clear your mind you see it all
You're receiving the gold of a better life
When you change yourself, you change the world

Your heart is pounding in the brain
As they drag you naked in the mud
A devil's dancing in the rain
How could you fall so low?

No, we will never let go
Let us watch them die

Time to open your eyes to this genocide
When you clear your mind you see it all
You're receiving the gold of a better life
When you change yourself, you change the world

Quit moaning about fate and change
Pare de se lamentar sobre o destino e mude
Stand up on your feet and rise
Levante-se e erga-se
With every fall you get the pain, you learn the lesson
Com cada queda você sente a dor, você aprende a lição
Start now, open your eyes
Comece agora, abra seus olhos
Dead bodies falling from the sky
Corpos mortos caindo do céu
We are the ape with the vision of the killing
Nós somos o macaco com a visão do assassinato
A rain of shame that fills the mines
Uma chuva de vergonha que enche as minas
No other blood in me but mine
Não há outro sangue em mim além do meu
Time to open your eyes to this genocide
Hora de abrir seus olhos para este genocídio
When you clear your mind you see it all
Quando você limpa sua mente, você vê tudo
You're receiving the gold of a better life
Você está recebendo o ouro de uma vida melhor
When you change yourself, you change the world
Quando você muda a si mesmo, você muda o mundo
Your heart is pounding in the brain
Seu coração está batendo no cérebro
As they drag you naked in the mud
Enquanto eles te arrastam nu na lama
A devil's dancing in the rain
Um demônio está dançando na chuva
How could you fall so low?
Como você pode cair tão baixo?
No, we will never let go
Não, nós nunca vamos desistir
Let us watch them die
Vamos assistir eles morrerem
Time to open your eyes to this genocide
Hora de abrir seus olhos para este genocídio
When you clear your mind you see it all
Quando você limpa sua mente, você vê tudo
You're receiving the gold of a better life
Você está recebendo o ouro de uma vida melhor
When you change yourself, you change the world
Quando você muda a si mesmo, você muda o mundo
Quit moaning about fate and change
Deja de quejarte sobre el destino y cambia
Stand up on your feet and rise
Levántate y alza
With every fall you get the pain, you learn the lesson
Con cada caída obtienes el dolor, aprendes la lección
Start now, open your eyes
Comienza ahora, abre tus ojos
Dead bodies falling from the sky
Cuerpos muertos cayendo del cielo
We are the ape with the vision of the killing
Somos el simio con la visión de la matanza
A rain of shame that fills the mines
Una lluvia de vergüenza que llena las minas
No other blood in me but mine
No hay otra sangre en mí sino la mía
Time to open your eyes to this genocide
Es hora de abrir tus ojos a este genocidio
When you clear your mind you see it all
Cuando despejas tu mente lo ves todo
You're receiving the gold of a better life
Estás recibiendo el oro de una vida mejor
When you change yourself, you change the world
Cuando te cambias a ti mismo, cambias el mundo
Your heart is pounding in the brain
Tu corazón está latiendo en el cerebro
As they drag you naked in the mud
Mientras te arrastran desnudo en el barro
A devil's dancing in the rain
Un diablo está bailando en la lluvia
How could you fall so low?
¿Cómo pudiste caer tan bajo?
No, we will never let go
No, nunca lo dejaremos ir
Let us watch them die
Déjanos verlos morir
Time to open your eyes to this genocide
Es hora de abrir tus ojos a este genocidio
When you clear your mind you see it all
Cuando despejas tu mente lo ves todo
You're receiving the gold of a better life
Estás recibiendo el oro de una vida mejor
When you change yourself, you change the world
Cuando te cambias a ti mismo, cambias el mundo
Quit moaning about fate and change
Arrête de te plaindre du destin et change
Stand up on your feet and rise
Lève-toi sur tes pieds et élève-toi
With every fall you get the pain, you learn the lesson
Avec chaque chute, tu ressens la douleur, tu apprends la leçon
Start now, open your eyes
Commence maintenant, ouvre les yeux
Dead bodies falling from the sky
Des corps morts tombent du ciel
We are the ape with the vision of the killing
Nous sommes le singe avec la vision du meurtre
A rain of shame that fills the mines
Une pluie de honte qui remplit les mines
No other blood in me but mine
Pas d'autre sang en moi que le mien
Time to open your eyes to this genocide
Il est temps d'ouvrir les yeux sur ce génocide
When you clear your mind you see it all
Quand tu libères ton esprit, tu vois tout
You're receiving the gold of a better life
Tu reçois l'or d'une vie meilleure
When you change yourself, you change the world
Quand tu te changes toi-même, tu changes le monde
Your heart is pounding in the brain
Ton cœur bat dans le cerveau
As they drag you naked in the mud
Alors qu'ils te traînent nu dans la boue
A devil's dancing in the rain
Un diable danse sous la pluie
How could you fall so low?
Comment as-tu pu tomber si bas?
No, we will never let go
Non, nous ne lâcherons jamais
Let us watch them die
Laissez-nous les regarder mourir
Time to open your eyes to this genocide
Il est temps d'ouvrir les yeux sur ce génocide
When you clear your mind you see it all
Quand tu libères ton esprit, tu vois tout
You're receiving the gold of a better life
Tu reçois l'or d'une vie meilleure
When you change yourself, you change the world
Quand tu te changes toi-même, tu changes le monde
Quit moaning about fate and change
Hör auf, über das Schicksal zu jammern und dich zu verändern
Stand up on your feet and rise
Steh auf und erhebe dich
With every fall you get the pain, you learn the lesson
Mit jedem Fall bekommst du den Schmerz, du lernst die Lektion
Start now, open your eyes
Fang jetzt an, öffne deine Augen
Dead bodies falling from the sky
Tote Körper fallen vom Himmel
We are the ape with the vision of the killing
Wir sind der Affe mit der Vision des Tötens
A rain of shame that fills the mines
Ein Regen der Schande, der die Minen füllt
No other blood in me but mine
Kein anderes Blut in mir als meines
Time to open your eyes to this genocide
Es ist Zeit, deine Augen für diesen Völkermord zu öffnen
When you clear your mind you see it all
Wenn du deinen Geist klärst, siehst du alles
You're receiving the gold of a better life
Du empfängst das Gold eines besseren Lebens
When you change yourself, you change the world
Wenn du dich selbst veränderst, veränderst du die Welt
Your heart is pounding in the brain
Dein Herz pocht im Gehirn
As they drag you naked in the mud
Während sie dich nackt in den Schlamm ziehen
A devil's dancing in the rain
Ein Teufel tanzt im Regen
How could you fall so low?
Wie konntest du so tief fallen?
No, we will never let go
Nein, wir werden niemals loslassen
Let us watch them die
Lassen Sie uns zusehen, wie sie sterben
Time to open your eyes to this genocide
Es ist Zeit, deine Augen für diesen Völkermord zu öffnen
When you clear your mind you see it all
Wenn du deinen Geist klärst, siehst du alles
You're receiving the gold of a better life
Du empfängst das Gold eines besseren Lebens
When you change yourself, you change the world
Wenn du dich selbst veränderst, veränderst du die Welt
Quit moaning about fate and change
Smetti di lamentarti del destino e cambia
Stand up on your feet and rise
Alzati in piedi e risorgi
With every fall you get the pain, you learn the lesson
Con ogni caduta ottieni il dolore, impari la lezione
Start now, open your eyes
Inizia ora, apri i tuoi occhi
Dead bodies falling from the sky
Corpi morti cadono dal cielo
We are the ape with the vision of the killing
Siamo la scimmia con la visione dell'uccisione
A rain of shame that fills the mines
Una pioggia di vergogna che riempie le miniere
No other blood in me but mine
Nessun altro sangue in me se non il mio
Time to open your eyes to this genocide
È il momento di aprire i tuoi occhi a questo genocidio
When you clear your mind you see it all
Quando liberi la tua mente lo vedi tutto
You're receiving the gold of a better life
Stai ricevendo l'oro di una vita migliore
When you change yourself, you change the world
Quando cambi te stesso, cambi il mondo
Your heart is pounding in the brain
Il tuo cuore batte nel cervello
As they drag you naked in the mud
Mentre ti trascinano nudo nel fango
A devil's dancing in the rain
Un diavolo sta ballando sotto la pioggia
How could you fall so low?
Come hai potuto cadere così in basso?
No, we will never let go
No, non lasceremo mai andare
Let us watch them die
Lasciaci guardarli morire
Time to open your eyes to this genocide
È il momento di aprire i tuoi occhi a questo genocidio
When you clear your mind you see it all
Quando liberi la tua mente lo vedi tutto
You're receiving the gold of a better life
Stai ricevendo l'oro di una vita migliore
When you change yourself, you change the world
Quando cambi te stesso, cambi il mondo
Quit moaning about fate and change
Berhenti mengeluh tentang takdir dan berubah
Stand up on your feet and rise
Berdiri tegak dan bangkit
With every fall you get the pain, you learn the lesson
Dengan setiap kejatuhan kamu merasakan sakit, kamu belajar pelajaran
Start now, open your eyes
Mulai sekarang, buka matamu
Dead bodies falling from the sky
Mayat-mayat jatuh dari langit
We are the ape with the vision of the killing
Kita adalah kera dengan visi pembunuhan
A rain of shame that fills the mines
Hujan malu yang mengisi tambang
No other blood in me but mine
Tidak ada darah lain dalam diriku selain darahku
Time to open your eyes to this genocide
Saatnya membuka matamu pada genosida ini
When you clear your mind you see it all
Ketika kamu membersihkan pikiranmu, kamu melihat semuanya
You're receiving the gold of a better life
Kamu menerima emas kehidupan yang lebih baik
When you change yourself, you change the world
Ketika kamu mengubah dirimu, kamu mengubah dunia
Your heart is pounding in the brain
Hatimu berdegup kencang di otak
As they drag you naked in the mud
Saat mereka menyeretmu telanjang di lumpur
A devil's dancing in the rain
Setan menari dalam hujan
How could you fall so low?
Bagaimana kamu bisa jatuh begitu rendah?
No, we will never let go
Tidak, kami tidak akan pernah melepaskan
Let us watch them die
Biarkan kami menyaksikan mereka mati
Time to open your eyes to this genocide
Saatnya membuka matamu pada genosida ini
When you clear your mind you see it all
Ketika kamu membersihkan pikiranmu, kamu melihat semuanya
You're receiving the gold of a better life
Kamu menerima emas kehidupan yang lebih baik
When you change yourself, you change the world
Ketika kamu mengubah dirimu, kamu mengubah dunia
Quit moaning about fate and change
Stand up on your feet and rise
With every fall you get the pain, you learn the lesson
ทุกครั้งที่คุณล้มคุณจะได้รับความเจ็บปวด คุณจะได้เรียนรู้บทเรียน
Start now, open your eyes
เริ่มตอนนี้เถอะ ลืมตาของคุณ
Dead bodies falling from the sky
We are the ape with the vision of the killing
A rain of shame that fills the mines
No other blood in me but mine
Time to open your eyes to this genocide
When you clear your mind you see it all
You're receiving the gold of a better life
When you change yourself, you change the world
เมื่อคุณเปลี่ยนตัวเอง คุณเปลี่ยนโลก
Your heart is pounding in the brain
As they drag you naked in the mud
A devil's dancing in the rain
How could you fall so low?
No, we will never let go
ไม่ เราจะไม่ยอมปล่อยไป
Let us watch them die
Time to open your eyes to this genocide
When you clear your mind you see it all
You're receiving the gold of a better life
When you change yourself, you change the world
เมื่อคุณเปลี่ยนตัวเอง คุณเปลี่ยนโลก
Quit moaning about fate and change
Stand up on your feet and rise
With every fall you get the pain, you learn the lesson
Start now, open your eyes
Dead bodies falling from the sky
We are the ape with the vision of the killing
A rain of shame that fills the mines
No other blood in me but mine
Time to open your eyes to this genocide
When you clear your mind you see it all
You're receiving the gold of a better life
When you change yourself, you change the world
Your heart is pounding in the brain
As they drag you naked in the mud
A devil's dancing in the rain
How could you fall so low?
No, we will never let go
Let us watch them die
Time to open your eyes to this genocide
When you clear your mind you see it all
You're receiving the gold of a better life
When you change yourself, you change the world

Trivia about the song Silvera by Gojira

When was the song “Silvera” released by Gojira?
The song Silvera was released in 2016, on the album “Magma”.
Who composed the song “Silvera” by Gojira?
The song “Silvera” by Gojira was composed by Joseph Andrew Duplantier, Mario Francois Duplantier.

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