Missing Pieces

Jack White

Lyrics Translation

I was in the shower so I could not tell my nose was bleeding
Dripped down my body to the floor right below my feet and
I looked in the mirror at my face, I thought I had a disease

And there's a woman with her fingers in my ice box
She peeked around the corner and asked me if I'm okay
She put the ice up on my tongue and then it melted away

Alright, oak floor, soft pine bedroom door, yeah
Speak easy, make her mine if she's bored, yeah
And there's dry pine ceiling that is out of my reach

I woke up and my hands were gone, yeah
I looked down and my legs were long gone
I fell for her with my shoulder, but there's nobody there

I thought she left a note, just the tag on the pillow there
And then I noticed there's a rag next to my ear
The clock was ringing, but it wasn't nothing that I could hear

Alright, yeah
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh

Sometimes someone controls everything about you
And when they tell you that they just can't live without you
They ain't lyin', they'll take pieces of you
And they'll stand above you and walk away, yeah
That's right and take a part of you with them

I was in the shower so I could not tell my nose was bleeding
Eu estava no chuveiro, então não pude perceber que meu nariz estava sangrando
Dripped down my body to the floor right below my feet and
Pingou pelo meu corpo até o chão bem abaixo dos meus pés e
I looked in the mirror at my face, I thought I had a disease
Eu olhei no espelho para o meu rosto, pensei que tinha uma doença
And there's a woman with her fingers in my ice box
E tem uma mulher com os dedos na minha geladeira
She peeked around the corner and asked me if I'm okay
Ela espiou por trás da esquina e me perguntou se eu estava bem
She put the ice up on my tongue and then it melted away
Ela colocou o gelo na minha língua e então derreteu
Alright, oak floor, soft pine bedroom door, yeah
Tudo bem, chão de carvalho, porta do quarto de pinho macio, sim
Speak easy, make her mine if she's bored, yeah
Fale fácil, faça dela minha se ela estiver entediada, sim
And there's dry pine ceiling that is out of my reach
E tem um teto de pinho seco que está fora do meu alcance
I woke up and my hands were gone, yeah
Eu acordei e minhas mãos tinham sumido, sim
I looked down and my legs were long gone
Eu olhei para baixo e minhas pernas tinham ido embora
I fell for her with my shoulder, but there's nobody there
Eu me apaixonei por ela com meu ombro, mas não havia ninguém lá
I thought she left a note, just the tag on the pillow there
Eu pensei que ela tinha deixado um bilhete, apenas a etiqueta no travesseiro lá
And then I noticed there's a rag next to my ear
E então eu percebi que tem um pano ao lado do meu ouvido
The clock was ringing, but it wasn't nothing that I could hear
O relógio estava tocando, mas não era nada que eu pudesse ouvir
Alright, yeah
Tudo bem, sim
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh
Sometimes someone controls everything about you
Às vezes alguém controla tudo sobre você
And when they tell you that they just can't live without you
E quando eles dizem que simplesmente não podem viver sem você
They ain't lyin', they'll take pieces of you
Eles não estão mentindo, eles vão levar pedaços de você
And they'll stand above you and walk away, yeah
E eles vão ficar acima de você e ir embora, sim
That's right and take a part of you with them
Isso mesmo e levar uma parte de você com eles
I was in the shower so I could not tell my nose was bleeding
Estaba en la ducha, así que no pude darme cuenta de que me sangraba la nariz
Dripped down my body to the floor right below my feet and
Goteó por mi cuerpo hasta el suelo justo debajo de mis pies y
I looked in the mirror at my face, I thought I had a disease
Miré en el espejo mi rostro, pensé que tenía una enfermedad
And there's a woman with her fingers in my ice box
Y hay una mujer con los dedos en mi nevera
She peeked around the corner and asked me if I'm okay
Espió desde la esquina y me preguntó si estoy bien
She put the ice up on my tongue and then it melted away
Puso el hielo en mi lengua y luego se derritió
Alright, oak floor, soft pine bedroom door, yeah
Bien, suelo de roble, puerta de dormitorio de pino suave, sí
Speak easy, make her mine if she's bored, yeah
Habla fácil, hacerla mía si está aburrida, sí
And there's dry pine ceiling that is out of my reach
Y hay un techo de pino seco que está fuera de mi alcance
I woke up and my hands were gone, yeah
Me desperté y mis manos se habían ido, sí
I looked down and my legs were long gone
Miré hacia abajo y mis piernas se habían ido
I fell for her with my shoulder, but there's nobody there
Me enamoré de ella con mi hombro, pero no hay nadie allí
I thought she left a note, just the tag on the pillow there
Pensé que dejó una nota, solo la etiqueta en la almohada allí
And then I noticed there's a rag next to my ear
Y luego me di cuenta de que hay un trapo junto a mi oído
The clock was ringing, but it wasn't nothing that I could hear
El reloj estaba sonando, pero no era nada que pudiera escuchar
Alright, yeah
Bien, sí
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh
Sometimes someone controls everything about you
A veces alguien controla todo sobre ti
And when they tell you that they just can't live without you
Y cuando te dicen que no pueden vivir sin ti
They ain't lyin', they'll take pieces of you
No están mintiendo, tomarán partes de ti
And they'll stand above you and walk away, yeah
Y se pondrán por encima de ti y se irán, sí
That's right and take a part of you with them
Así es, y se llevarán una parte de ti con ellos
I was in the shower so I could not tell my nose was bleeding
J'étais sous la douche donc je ne pouvais pas dire que mon nez saignait
Dripped down my body to the floor right below my feet and
Il a coulé le long de mon corps jusqu'au sol juste en dessous de mes pieds et
I looked in the mirror at my face, I thought I had a disease
Je me suis regardé dans le miroir, je pensais avoir une maladie
And there's a woman with her fingers in my ice box
Et il y a une femme avec ses doigts dans mon frigo
She peeked around the corner and asked me if I'm okay
Elle a jeté un coup d'œil autour du coin et m'a demandé si j'allais bien
She put the ice up on my tongue and then it melted away
Elle a mis la glace sur ma langue et puis elle a fondu
Alright, oak floor, soft pine bedroom door, yeah
D'accord, sol en chêne, porte de chambre en pin doux, ouais
Speak easy, make her mine if she's bored, yeah
Parler facilement, la faire mienne si elle s'ennuie, ouais
And there's dry pine ceiling that is out of my reach
Et il y a un plafond en pin sec qui est hors de ma portée
I woke up and my hands were gone, yeah
Je me suis réveillé et mes mains avaient disparu, ouais
I looked down and my legs were long gone
J'ai regardé en bas et mes jambes étaient parties depuis longtemps
I fell for her with my shoulder, but there's nobody there
Je suis tombé pour elle avec mon épaule, mais il n'y avait personne là
I thought she left a note, just the tag on the pillow there
Je pensais qu'elle avait laissé une note, juste l'étiquette sur l'oreiller là
And then I noticed there's a rag next to my ear
Et puis j'ai remarqué qu'il y avait un chiffon à côté de mon oreille
The clock was ringing, but it wasn't nothing that I could hear
L'horloge sonnait, mais ce n'était rien que je pouvais entendre
Alright, yeah
D'accord, ouais
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh
Sometimes someone controls everything about you
Parfois, quelqu'un contrôle tout ce qui concerne vous
And when they tell you that they just can't live without you
Et quand ils vous disent qu'ils ne peuvent tout simplement pas vivre sans vous
They ain't lyin', they'll take pieces of you
Ils ne mentent pas, ils prendront des morceaux de vous
And they'll stand above you and walk away, yeah
Et ils se tiendront au-dessus de vous et s'en iront, ouais
That's right and take a part of you with them
C'est vrai et emportent une partie de vous avec eux
I was in the shower so I could not tell my nose was bleeding
Ich war unter der Dusche, also konnte ich nicht bemerken, dass meine Nase blutete
Dripped down my body to the floor right below my feet and
Es tropfte meinen Körper hinunter auf den Boden direkt unter meinen Füßen und
I looked in the mirror at my face, I thought I had a disease
Ich sah in den Spiegel auf mein Gesicht, ich dachte, ich hätte eine Krankheit
And there's a woman with her fingers in my ice box
Und da ist eine Frau, die ihre Finger in meiner Gefriertruhe hat
She peeked around the corner and asked me if I'm okay
Sie schaute um die Ecke und fragte mich, ob es mir gut geht
She put the ice up on my tongue and then it melted away
Sie legte das Eis auf meine Zunge und dann schmolz es weg
Alright, oak floor, soft pine bedroom door, yeah
In Ordnung, Eichenboden, weiche Kieferntür im Schlafzimmer, ja
Speak easy, make her mine if she's bored, yeah
Sprechen Sie einfach, machen Sie sie zu meiner, wenn sie sich langweilt, ja
And there's dry pine ceiling that is out of my reach
Und da ist eine trockene Kieferndecke, die außerhalb meiner Reichweite ist
I woke up and my hands were gone, yeah
Ich wachte auf und meine Hände waren weg, ja
I looked down and my legs were long gone
Ich sah nach unten und meine Beine waren längst weg
I fell for her with my shoulder, but there's nobody there
Ich verliebte mich mit meiner Schulter in sie, aber da war niemand
I thought she left a note, just the tag on the pillow there
Ich dachte, sie hätte eine Notiz hinterlassen, nur das Etikett auf dem Kissen dort
And then I noticed there's a rag next to my ear
Und dann bemerkte ich, dass neben meinem Ohr ein Lappen lag
The clock was ringing, but it wasn't nothing that I could hear
Die Uhr klingelte, aber es war nichts, was ich hören konnte
Alright, yeah
In Ordnung, ja
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh
Sometimes someone controls everything about you
Manchmal kontrolliert jemand alles an dir
And when they tell you that they just can't live without you
Und wenn sie dir sagen, dass sie ohne dich einfach nicht leben können
They ain't lyin', they'll take pieces of you
Sie lügen nicht, sie nehmen Teile von dir
And they'll stand above you and walk away, yeah
Und sie werden über dir stehen und weggehen, ja
That's right and take a part of you with them
Das stimmt und nehmen einen Teil von dir mit ihnen
I was in the shower so I could not tell my nose was bleeding
Ero sotto la doccia quindi non potevo dire che il mio naso stava sanguinando
Dripped down my body to the floor right below my feet and
Gocciolava sul mio corpo fino al pavimento proprio sotto i miei piedi e
I looked in the mirror at my face, I thought I had a disease
Mi sono guardato allo specchio in faccia, pensavo di avere una malattia
And there's a woman with her fingers in my ice box
E c'è una donna con le dita nel mio frigorifero
She peeked around the corner and asked me if I'm okay
Ha sbirciato dietro l'angolo e mi ha chiesto se sto bene
She put the ice up on my tongue and then it melted away
Ha messo il ghiaccio sulla mia lingua e poi si è sciolto
Alright, oak floor, soft pine bedroom door, yeah
Va bene, pavimento di rovere, porta della camera da letto in pino morbido, sì
Speak easy, make her mine if she's bored, yeah
Parla facile, la rendo mia se si annoia, sì
And there's dry pine ceiling that is out of my reach
E c'è un soffitto di pino secco che è fuori dalla mia portata
I woke up and my hands were gone, yeah
Mi sono svegliato e le mie mani erano sparite, sì
I looked down and my legs were long gone
Ho guardato in basso e le mie gambe erano sparite
I fell for her with my shoulder, but there's nobody there
Mi sono innamorato di lei con la mia spalla, ma non c'era nessuno lì
I thought she left a note, just the tag on the pillow there
Pensavo avesse lasciato un biglietto, solo l'etichetta sul cuscino lì
And then I noticed there's a rag next to my ear
E poi ho notato che c'è uno straccio accanto al mio orecchio
The clock was ringing, but it wasn't nothing that I could hear
L'orologio stava suonando, ma non era niente che potessi sentire
Alright, yeah
Va bene, sì
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh
Sometimes someone controls everything about you
A volte qualcuno controlla tutto di te
And when they tell you that they just can't live without you
E quando ti dicono che semplicemente non possono vivere senza di te
They ain't lyin', they'll take pieces of you
Non stanno mentendo, prenderanno pezzi di te
And they'll stand above you and walk away, yeah
E si metteranno sopra di te e se ne andranno, sì
That's right and take a part of you with them
È vero e porteranno una parte di te con loro
I was in the shower so I could not tell my nose was bleeding
Saya sedang mandi sehingga saya tidak menyadari hidung saya berdarah
Dripped down my body to the floor right below my feet and
Darah menetes ke tubuh saya sampai ke lantai tepat di bawah kaki saya dan
I looked in the mirror at my face, I thought I had a disease
Saya melihat ke cermin pada wajah saya, saya pikir saya memiliki penyakit
And there's a woman with her fingers in my ice box
Dan ada seorang wanita dengan jarinya di lemari es saya
She peeked around the corner and asked me if I'm okay
Dia mengintip dari sudut dan bertanya apakah saya baik-baik saja
She put the ice up on my tongue and then it melted away
Dia meletakkan es di lidah saya dan kemudian es itu meleleh
Alright, oak floor, soft pine bedroom door, yeah
Baiklah, lantai kayu ek, pintu kamar tidur pinus yang lembut, ya
Speak easy, make her mine if she's bored, yeah
Bicara dengan lembut, buat dia jadi milikku jika dia bosan, ya
And there's dry pine ceiling that is out of my reach
Dan ada langit-langit pinus kering yang di luar jangkauan saya
I woke up and my hands were gone, yeah
Saya terbangun dan tangan saya hilang, ya
I looked down and my legs were long gone
Saya melihat ke bawah dan kaki saya sudah lama hilang
I fell for her with my shoulder, but there's nobody there
Saya jatuh cinta padanya dengan bahu saya, tetapi tidak ada orang di sana
I thought she left a note, just the tag on the pillow there
Saya pikir dia meninggalkan sebuah catatan, hanya label di bantal di sana
And then I noticed there's a rag next to my ear
Dan kemudian saya menyadari ada kain di sebelah telinga saya
The clock was ringing, but it wasn't nothing that I could hear
Jam berdering, tetapi tidak ada yang bisa saya dengar
Alright, yeah
Baiklah, ya
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh
Sometimes someone controls everything about you
Kadang-kadang seseorang mengendalikan segala sesuatu tentang Anda
And when they tell you that they just can't live without you
Dan ketika mereka mengatakan bahwa mereka tidak bisa hidup tanpa Anda
They ain't lyin', they'll take pieces of you
Mereka tidak berbohong, mereka akan mengambil bagian dari Anda
And they'll stand above you and walk away, yeah
Dan mereka akan berdiri di atas Anda dan berjalan pergi, ya
That's right and take a part of you with them
Itu benar dan membawa sebagian dari Anda bersama mereka
I was in the shower so I could not tell my nose was bleeding
ฉันอยู่ในห้องอาบน้ำ ฉันจึงไม่รู้ว่าจมูกฉันกำลังไหลเลือด
Dripped down my body to the floor right below my feet and
I looked in the mirror at my face, I thought I had a disease
ฉันมองในกระจกที่หน้าของฉัน ฉันคิดว่าฉันเป็นโรค
And there's a woman with her fingers in my ice box
She peeked around the corner and asked me if I'm okay
She put the ice up on my tongue and then it melted away
Alright, oak floor, soft pine bedroom door, yeah
โอเค, พื้นไม้โอ๊ค, ประตูห้องนอนไม้สนนุ่ม, ใช่
Speak easy, make her mine if she's bored, yeah
พูดง่ายๆ, ทำให้เธอเป็นของฉันถ้าเธอเบื่อ, ใช่
And there's dry pine ceiling that is out of my reach
I woke up and my hands were gone, yeah
ฉันตื่นขึ้นมาและมือของฉันหายไป, ใช่
I looked down and my legs were long gone
I fell for her with my shoulder, but there's nobody there
ฉันตกหลุมรักเธอด้วยไหล่ของฉัน แต่ไม่มีใครอยู่ที่นั่น
I thought she left a note, just the tag on the pillow there
ฉันคิดว่าเธอทิ้งจดหมายไว้ แต่มันเป็นแค่ป้ายที่หมอนนั่น
And then I noticed there's a rag next to my ear
The clock was ringing, but it wasn't nothing that I could hear
นาฬิกากำลังดัง แต่มันไม่ใช่อะไรที่ฉันได้ยิน
Alright, yeah
โอเค, ใช่
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh
โอ้ โอ้, โอ้ โอ้, โอ้ โอ้
Sometimes someone controls everything about you
And when they tell you that they just can't live without you
They ain't lyin', they'll take pieces of you
พวกเขาไม่ได้โกหก, พวกเขาจะเอาชิ้นส่วนของคุณไป
And they'll stand above you and walk away, yeah
และพวกเขาจะยืนอยู่เหนือคุณและเดินจากไป, ใช่
That's right and take a part of you with them
I was in the shower so I could not tell my nose was bleeding
Dripped down my body to the floor right below my feet and
I looked in the mirror at my face, I thought I had a disease
And there's a woman with her fingers in my ice box
She peeked around the corner and asked me if I'm okay
She put the ice up on my tongue and then it melted away
Alright, oak floor, soft pine bedroom door, yeah
Speak easy, make her mine if she's bored, yeah
And there's dry pine ceiling that is out of my reach
I woke up and my hands were gone, yeah
I looked down and my legs were long gone
I fell for her with my shoulder, but there's nobody there
I thought she left a note, just the tag on the pillow there
And then I noticed there's a rag next to my ear
The clock was ringing, but it wasn't nothing that I could hear
Alright, yeah
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh
Sometimes someone controls everything about you
And when they tell you that they just can't live without you
They ain't lyin', they'll take pieces of you
And they'll stand above you and walk away, yeah
That's right and take a part of you with them

Trivia about the song Missing Pieces by Jack White

On which albums was the song “Missing Pieces” released by Jack White?
Jack White released the song on the albums “Blunderbuss” in 2012, “Live at Third Man Records” in 2012, and “Live from Bonnaroo 2014” in 2014.

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